I Honor

Chapter 863

two hundred and seventy fourth

Looking forward, suddenly behind, this sentence can’t be more appropriate to describe the attack of “Nine-curved Flying Eagle” Taogus, he flashes and moves like a ghost, his figure is still in front, and the knife light has already struck out from behind Toya , making people uncertain and in a hurry.

Fortunately, Toya knew Taogusi’s temperament and strength well, and was good at spells and supernatural powers. She reacted in time, and a vertical eye was opened between her eyebrows. It was golden and sacred, emitting billions of rays of light, entangled around her body, as if a god descended from heaven.

When the saber was struck, the golden light separated silently. The fracture looked smooth, but in reality it was distorted, hazy and pitch-black, like a separation caused by displacement in the void. It did not arouse vitality fluctuations, and gave people the feeling that nothing was indestructible. This is Tao Ge The “Void Sword” of Si Zhanzhi rampant in the grassland

A nearly transparent human form appeared behind him, with eight arms and six legs like tentacles, penetrating into the void, connecting everywhere, the realm of the master has been opened, and within the mind, an area with a radius of tens of miles has turned into countless small dots, each of which can be touched at any time It can be superimposed with itself, it can go everywhere, and nothing can stop it.

The leader of the golden tent warrior who can despise the pinnacle of the location is arrogant and domineering, how can Tao Gesi have no real skills

He is often annoyed, if his reputation had not been suppressed by the leader and was limited to the grasslands, he would never have made the list without a name, how could he have entered the top 60?

Moved in the void, Toya’s golden light didn’t have the slightest effect, and the saber had already touched her back.

At the critical moment, she was calm and calm, and a female god suddenly appeared behind her, with a face like a full moon, a complexion like jade, golden eyes, a necklace on her neck, a canopy on her head, and a handle of mysterious yellow energy and many wishes. The jade ruyi formed by twining light spots, the end is just right in front of the “Void God Knife”.

With a flash of the Void God Knife, it actually moved out of thin air and appeared in front of Toya. Only a foot away from the front door, her hair was broken one by one, but the broken hair did not fall, floating in the air strangely, as if in another world.

Toya has always had a terrifying reputation of hearing the “Nine Twisting Flying Eagle”. But I never imagined that he would be so terrifying, suddenly screaming, exhaling into arrows.

This arrow didn’t hit the Void God Knife, let alone Taogus, but within such a short distance, the saber slipped a large arc. Slashed from the side of Toya’s head, but failed to hit, wishful, not following one’s will

The Ruyi Heavenly Mother “Shenxiang” behind Toya held up the jade Ruyi handle, and there were blue, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple and other light spots falling around. Common “Holy Mountain Flowers” bloomed on the ground, white as snow, tumbling into waves, filled with a sense of wishful and unsatisfactory, although Tao Gesi’s movement is not hindered, although his Void Sword is still unstoppable Tested, and Toya was in a panic, but it was always a hair’s breadth away. Unable to wish, even almost hit the waist by Toya’s wish.

Hmph Taugers was even more angry in his heart, and the saber in his hand suddenly fluttered out. But before the arm was stretched, the hand holding the knife and the saber disappeared, and his face turned pale.

In the golden light emitted by the vertical eyes, in the flow of wishful and unsatisfactory, the tip of a knife protruded from Toya’s neck, and the hand holding the knife trembled. Can be very firm.

All defenses, all magic. left behind

This time, the distance was less than half an inch. The light of the knife bursts out, and there is no more “unsatisfactory” feelings.Silently, the parts above Toya’s neck and body moved, as if being moved to the side.

Patuoya’s head suddenly shattered itself, turning into a spot of wish power, and a snow-white flower bloomed from the broken neck, slowly blooming, bursting with clear light, and an identical head grew out, dignified and full of fear .

If it wasn’t for the blessing of the Heavenly Mother, he would be willing to replace the sword at the critical moment, and he would have died. No wonder “Jiuqu Flying Eagle” always thought that he could take the position of the leader of the Golden Horde Warrior.

Taugs retracted his saber, moved it immediately, and flashed to another place to avoid the counterattack. For him, such a knife needs to be charged, and he cannot make a second knife for the time being. However, his years of fighting experience told him that similar As a means of surrogate death, Toya can use it twice at most, and it is only a matter of time before she kills her by herself.

She wants to escape in terms of teleportation in the void, and in terms of escaping skills, she can compare with her

On the other side of the high sky, the sky and the earth have become clear. There is a sense of chaos, but also a sense of purity. White lotus flowers descend from the sky, and each one blooms with Gu Xiaosang’s beautiful and sacred figure. They clicked at the same time. Extend a finger, the finger is like jade, and the brilliance flows.

“The world of mortals is like a prison, all living beings are suffering, samsara is endless, sorrow is endless, pity me the world, there is a god descending from heaven, there is no old mother, and the homeland is empty”

As soon as the Mantian “one finger” was pointed out, a trace of surprise flashed across the plump face of the True Buddha of Six Desires, as if he had heard the thoughts in Gu Xiaosang’s mind, he reacted in advance, and when he stepped forward with his right foot, red and white appeared on the sole The lotus flower flashed to the direction of the finger at once, with supernatural powers, all three realms can be reached.

He has a deep understanding of the body, always anticipating the enemy’s opportunity first, and avoiding it in advance, unless the other party pays attention first.

Then he saw the extremely evil Heavenly Demon slowed down by half a beat, and the surrounding space became sticky, as if trapped in mud, and it was difficult to fly away, like a bug in amber, like a wanderer who returned to his hometown, he could only helplessly. Look at each finger pointing.

As expected, the Saintess of Daluo has become a master, and her promotion speed is no slower than that of Su Meng, who is famous all over the world! The celestial girl with a beautiful face and a moon-like appearance, wearing a light tulle, her delicate body looming, arousing the desires of all beings, is rising and falling, constantly, like a real concubine and not an illegal face, the surrounding land is suddenly covered with pink light, ambiguous, a couple The figures of men and women are prominent in it, performing various postures, explaining the beauty of Yin and Yang intercourse, and the understanding of Dharma, wisdom, nature and emptiness.

Those who are trapped in it are difficult to calm down, their hearts are not pure, and the more they fight, the more their emotions will rise and fall, and their strength will decline accordingly.

The True Buddha of Six Desires raised his right hand and slapped it out with one palm, as did the image of the golden body Buddha. The two palms overlapped and turned into a giant golden palm, and the five fingers squirmed like fish swimming, penetrating through every hole. , captured somewhere in the void.

With a flick of the palm, Gu Xiaosang’s figure appeared, and she took a step back. With this step, she became lofty and ethereal, as if she was in another world. No matter how pervasive the palm of the Six Desires True Buddha is, it can’t penetrate the boundless starry sky. average distance. Close to Gu Xiaosang’s body.

At the same time, Gu Xiaosang’s layered silk sleeves fluttered, and countless inexplicable wriggling appeared in the void. Change, turn your palm over. Catch it forward, and it emerges from the darkness.

The air flow was sucked, the vitality was sucked, and almost transparent streamers were sucked out of the void, like thousands of threads, like ten thousand Luo.

The streamer suddenly closed. It turned into a twisted long sword and pointed at the palm of the extremely evil demon.


The long sword disintegrated into streamers again, and the extremely evil demon flew out backwards, crashing into the range where Taogus and Toya were fighting.

The Heavenly Mother Ruyi behind Toya suddenly threw the power of wish in her hand, and hit the extremely evil Heavenly Demon who had not yet recovered. In this kind of battle situation, for them, helping the Saintess of Daluo is equivalent to helping themselves,

Tao Gesi didn’t know why his heart softened, maybe because he wanted to save more vitality to complete the task, he flashed out of thin air in front of the extremely evil demon, and slashed away with a single knife.

Suddenly, Taoggs felt a pain in his back. The pale but indifferent face of the extremely evil demon was reflected in his mind, his eyes were vicissitudes, and there was no emotion at all. But the small black flag held in his right hand has been inserted into his back, and countless evil thoughts are wandering around, polluting the flesh and degrading the primordial spirit

He is with Toya and the others

damn traitor, spy

Tao Gesi was not flustered, and his figure darkened. Preparing to move to a distant place is not fatal.

at this time. He only felt that the surrounding space was solidified for a moment, and he no longer had the feeling of walking through it unhindered. The pupils shrank suddenly, and saw Gu Xiaosang who was smiling but not smiling. She had a holy white dress and a charming smile. The five fingers on her right hand squirmed, performing a strange seal.

The True Buddha of Six Desires? Why didn’t he block Gu Xiaosang?

Fearful thoughts erupted in his heart, and Taogus saw the True Buddha of Six Desires that he was thinking about, and he appeared in front of him, his right hand overlapped with the Buddha’s palm, and the golden color flowed, and he patted himself

They’re all gang taugers inspired the life saver but it didn’t work because it didn’t work again

At this time, the extremely evil demon had retreated, and Tao Gesi only had the palm of the True Buddha of Six Desires in front of him. His figure swayed and turned into countless phantoms, making it difficult for people to grasp and hit the real body.

However, he found that the extremely evil demon lightly shook the small black banner, and his ownCountless celestial demon phantoms appeared in the Yuanshen, and as soon as the figure was stagnant, the method of pressing the bottom of the box exposed its flaws, and was slapped squarely on the forehead by the all-pervasive palm of the Six Desires True Buddha.

Pfft, the head is intact, the primordial spirit is broken, Taogus vaguely heard “Amitabha” from the True Buddha of Six Desires, and said with a smile: “Benefactor Taogus, if there is no old monk, how can Gu benefactor be in the right place?” The evil benefactor is blinded from danger when awakening the living dead, how can Toya benefactor stop the evil desire from escaping in time?”

“However, our main target is you.”

“If you don’t die, none of us can rest assured to pursue that secret.”

Damn Tao Gesi’s remaining thoughts changed suddenly, and he suddenly violently slashed out with the long knife in his hand, first disappeared, and then suddenly appeared in front of the eyebrows of the True Buddha of Six Desires.

The True Buddha of Six Desires did not expect Tao Gesi to be so obsessed, and he only had time to tilt his head slightly.

Crack, one of his ears fell to the ground, and after the sound was made, blood gushed out.

The True Buddha of Six Desires was afraid of panic after appearing, and his heart was almost clinging to it. He almost fell here just now. With a wave of his sleeve, he beat the dying Taogus into a pulp, and there was no more sound.

Toya secretly cast a secret method, and said indifferently: “Within a day, Taogus’s soul lamp will not go out.”

“That’s great. Now that there are four of us left, it’s better not to kill each other. If there are only one or two left, should we arrest Saren Gaowa or send him to death?” The evil demon nodded slightly.

The True Buddha of Six Desires was about to agree, but after seeing Gu Xiaosang’s stunning radiance and Toya’s charming figure, the lingering horror and fear suddenly became hot in his heart, and thoughts emerged.

Even if you get the secret, it is of no use to the Huanxi Temple, even the half-step Dharma body is useless, just like restraining Gu Erduo, the earth fairy, it is just delusional. Not hopeful half step Dharma body

Although this violated the order of the uncle, but people do not kill themselves

He calmed down, sensed the thoughts in the mind of the extremely evil demon, and found that he had a clear understanding of his own strength, and he didn’t dare to be brave. He only hoped that the other three would kill each other, so that he could take advantage of him.

Hey, the target that can be used, the True Buddha of Six Desires looked over with a smile, and saw the extremely evil demon looking back, his hair was tied with a wooden hairpin, he was mature and vicissitudes of life, his face was sickly pale, and there was a vague smile on the corner of his mouth, like Plan for success before you are happy. to be continued


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