I Honor

Chapter 866

Unusual Path

Behind Toya is the appearance of Ruyi Tianmu, with a canopy on her head, a necklace on her neck, her face is like a full moon, her eyes are like gold, and pure white flowers are blooming on the ground, swaying and graceful, not affected by the wild sand, full of wishful and unsatisfactory flow .

She opened the vertical eyes on her forehead, struck out Yu Ruyi with one hand, and pinched the seal with the other. It became blurred in an instant, wrapped in sorcery and magical powers, and shone with strange golden or white light.

Jiesha’s temperament was cold, his expression was indifferent, on one side of his body, the strange sword in his hand was slashed out without any fancy, and the void suddenly became dark and collapsed, as if he was dead.

The Lightless Sword slashed straight at Yu Ruyi’s Yu Ruyi, the moist light dissipated immediately, and the mottled and rotten feeling spread on the surface of Yu Ruyi.

The golden or white magical powers of witchcraft are like tofu in water, and the strange sword that was killed by Jisha split apart without a sound, causing Toya’s body to sway rapidly, turning smoothly, and escaped to her home in a strange way The other side of the Grandmaster Domain.

In front of the uncollapsed mountain wall on the other side, Toya’s figure emerged, her expression remaining fearful, her left shoulder robe was broken, and a shallow wound was drawn.

Fortunately, it was just a small wound, and Toya secretly rejoiced. At this moment, she only felt that the vitality of her home seemed to break a bank, surging out from that small wound, and the blood flowed out unstoppably, and the soul seemed to be torn apart.

how so

Toya’s eyes were already blurred, seeing that Jie Sha didn’t pursue at all, and dragged the radiant sword, crossed herself, and surrounded the “extremely evil demon”, as if she was sure that she would die

How could this be the case? Toya fell with her head up, her vision was dim, and finally a few thoughts emerged:

No wonder after annexing so many tribes, the Khan’s Golden Horde Warriors are still not as good as the Longevity Cult

It’s no wonder that every time the warriors of the Golden Horde hunt down Saren Gaowa, they will always damage the grandmaster, unless Ulihan leads

No wonder the warriors of the Golden Horde secretly feared Saren Gaowa and called her a killing demon

It’s a pity that my parent’s life education and Jin’s book and heart are at odds, and I can’t get the most accurate information. Otherwise, I wouldn’t die with a single sword strike

Plop, Toya fell to the ground, her eyes wide open, lifeless, and the Ruyi Heavenly Mother figure behind her let out a shriek and collapsed rapidly, as if K, who was far away on the tribal altar, was also seriously injured.

There are no dark clouds in the sky, it is pitch black, the sun does not enter, and there is no grass in the valley and grassland. The yellow sand was flying, Meng Qi lifted the sword and held the sword, floating on the collapsed mountain wall, looking at Gu Xiaosang, whose white skirt was swaying in the wind.

Xuan Gong’s ability to change is unparalleled in the world. I only prepared for the dharma body, and never doubted that my peers would be able to see through it. Although I couldn’t stop Han Guang from appearing like a ghost, he always appeared when he was not prepared, but Gu Xiaosang did it that time. In order to prevent encountering other Dharma Bodies, I went to Luo T’s place after making full preparations. Even Dharma Bodies may not be able to see it. How could she

Then there is the reincarnation of the lifeless old mother. No matter how incomprehensible the supernatural powers are, it is almost impossible if there is a gap in the realm, and at that time she did not show any signs of using the secret method.

This was Meng Qi’s biggest question right now. If you don’t figure it out, you will have trouble sleeping and eating. It is really entangled with cause and effect as she said. It’s all related to the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. Those who can see the cause and effect will know it at the first sight, or she left a secret mark on her body without knowing it.

The most important thing is that since he has recognized himself, the best chance to make a move is in the golden tent, so why go around in circles and lead him to Bayan?

In order for Jie Sha to take revenge with his own hands, it would be more appropriate to ask the King of Dharma to beat him half to death, completely subdue him, and then throw him over.

So giving up the easy and taking the difficult is not like Gu Xiaosang, who is used to being terribly meticulous in his actions

It’s so contradictory, she’s acting so contradictory

Although severe split personality has always been contradictory, Meng Qi was not in a hurry to find a way to get out of the predicament, but just looked at Gu Xiaosang like this, running the “Yuan Xin Yin”, sensing her emotions and thoughts changes.

Gu Xiaosang’s eyebrows are picturesque, her temperament is ethereal, her face is delicate and unspeakable, and the corners of her mouth are slightly hooked, as ifA smile is not a smile, the killing intent in the eyes is not reduced by half, it is really killing people while talking and laughing.

After the Crying Old Man eliminated the True Buddha of Six Desires, there was a black Buddha concubine in the venomous ghosts around him. He felt like a master, and he was superior to other evil spirits. Once he fought against the Crying Old Man, these countless strengths would be tyrannical. The resentful spirits will fly to attack, if there is no way to restrain the resentful spirits, it is almost equivalent to encountering several masters joining forces, and a disastrous defeat is expected.

Because of this, the weeping old man, who is not considered top-notch, can be ranked seventh in the black list and thirty-third in the ground list.

He took a step forward and stood high above Meng Qi, with resentful spirits spreading all around, blowing violent sand and scorching his body, preventing Meng Qi from desperately trying to break out of the escape gap, and said with a sneer:

“This time it was a prelude, but who knew that you slammed into the door yourself, there is a way in the heavens, you don’t go, and there is no way for you to break in.”

“You are indeed very powerful, and made me feel the fear that I have never had before. I am worried that you will grow up again, and that you will come to Halle for revenge. Now I am finally relieved. How is it that the four catastrophes are added to the body? How can I break through to the Grandmaster, after all, I am just the soul of the old man’s men?”

“With the Six Desires, and another Grandmaster’s Wrathful Soul, this old man will be half-step Dharma body. At that time, you will end up in the same way as your dead ghost master.”

He seemed to be mocking, but in fact he didn’t relax at all, he didn’t act blindly, but he was ready to hold back with all his strength, waiting for the kill to remove Toya, forming a three-person encirclement and then attacking at the same time, leaving no chance of survival.

At this time, Jiesha beheaded the “Tianmu Shaman” Toya with a sword, and flew from Meng Qi’s left hand. He didn’t strike immediately, but said indifferently:

“I don’t regret saving your life. It was fate that Tie Sheng died at your hands, and it was fate that I broke the precepts and killed people. The same is true for you to die by my sword. Under the destiny, everything has a decree. If you can’t lose it, you should give up struggling and avoid more pain.”

There was a touch of pity and despair in the killing intent, as if he had succumbed to the destiny that could never be changed.

The three grandmasters form an encirclement, one holding a strange sword, one-on-one, killing the same level is like killing chickens and dogs, one person entangles countless vengeful spirits, it is like several grandmasters joining forces, one is mysterious and powerful reincarnation, the atmosphere suddenly changes Freezing, the yellow sand whimpered violently, as if mourning Meng Qi in advance.

“Hahahaha” At this moment, Meng Qi, who was in a desperate situation, let out a long laugh, and returned to his original appearance, with a long knife hanging down, a heroic outfit, and a bit of a domineering demeanor, “It’s up to you”

The crying old man narrowed his eyes slightly, which was bluffing, shaking his own spiritual momentum, spiritual warfare

Meng Qi didn’t even look at Crying Old Man and Quit Killing, and looked directly at Gu Xiaosang:

“Even without Han Guang’s reminder, the most vigilant person in the team is still you, but I didn’t expect you to have hooked up with them a long time ago.”

He let out a hey, his pride soared to the sky, and he said with a bit of sarcasm:

“Is this your plan? The best of the three masters will be besieged and killed unless there is no backup. It’s not like you. I’m very disappointed.”

Gu Xiaosang’s expression remained the same, but his half-smile expression seemed a little stiff.

Meng Qi looked around, and then looked at Kill Kill: “You are very strong, and you are an opponent worthy of attention. Coupled with the crying old man, you can indeed threaten my life.”

Quit Killing was noncommittal, he raised the strange sword in his hand, and the crying old man was sure that Meng Qi was bluffing.

At this time, Meng Qi looked at Gu Xiaosang again, laughed loudly, then his face became serious, and he patted the air around him:

“Come here, you are my woman. If you want to kill them, you will kill them at the end and wait for someone to kill them, and then end the entanglement with you. At that time, if I have been seriously injured and died at your hands, it will not be considered an injustice.”

The old man narrowed his eyes, remembering all kinds of rumors, and subconsciously distanced himself.

No, he was trying to sow discord, to divide the cooperation of the three of him

The crying old man was about to choose to believe in Gu Xiaosang, and was about to strike with all his might, when he suddenly saw Gu Xiaosang’s expression changing again and again, sometimes holy and majestic, sometimes ethereal and refined, and finally his eyes turned, showing a bit of a sly smile, lowering his head, looking like a little daughter-in-law Flying to Meng Qi’s side, they only opened a little distance and did not stand together.

The weeping old man’s eyes were glazed over, and his indifference slowed down his own sword swing.

Meng Qi believed that if they knew the catchphrases, they would only have one sentence in their minds now, I’m a damn fucked dog

Dealing with severe mentally ill patients should not take the usual way

The contradictory actions show Gu Xiaosang’s inner conflict

Even if you guess wrong, the situation can’t be worse anyway

Meng Qi laughed loudly, took a step towards the sky, his smile faded away, and he looked at the crying old man calmly:

“In the past, Su Wuming, Senior Su’s sword could severely injure you.”

“And I can kill you with one knife”

Contempt, domineering, and the feeling of looking down are beyond words. When the crying old man was mentioned about his scars and was so underestimated, his heart immediately became angry.

At this moment, Meng Qi laughed again and said:

“Mr. Huang Que, if you don’t make a move, the rice will be eaten by someone.”

As soon as the words fell, a figure appeared behind Qui Sha, with gray hair and tattered clothes, and the yellow sand ground churned with black bubbles, which seemed to be turning into a highly poisonous swamp.

Meng Qi, Han Guang’s second-hand man, waited. Ever since he found out that there were only three grandmasters besieging him, Meng Qi had no doubt that his family could win.

Gu Yaonv also has great flawsEspecially when she’s schizophrenic

A palm came from behind, Jie Sha waved his sword to block, the crying old man’s pupils shrank, he raised his head to the sky and screamed, black air rose from his back, forming an ancient gate.

The gate of ghosts was closed, ghosts rushed out, and countless resentful spirits followed, surrounding Meng Qi. Two of them possessed the aura of masters, and they were so gloomy and frightening.

The sudden change, he already has the intention to retreat, but retreating directly is tantamount to committing suicide.

Meng Qi stood quietly on the spot, his eyes half-opened and half-closed, then suddenly opened, deep and dark, with countless star lines protruding, and the long knife slashed forward at will.

The yellow sand gathered, showing the appearance of a crying old man, his eyes were dull, his expression was shocked, and his breath collapsed.

“You, you” the residual obsession echoed.

Meng Qi glanced at him, smiled lightly and said:

“Someone said that it is enough to kill you with one knife.”

No one knows when Gu Yaonv’s condition will relapse, so she can’t do more entanglements to be continued

s: Because I slept with the air conditioner, I had a cold for half a month. I really couldn’t do it anymore. I went to see a Chinese medicine doctor in the afternoon for treatment. The second one was at 12 o’clock in the evening, and I asked for a monthly pass on the last day.


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