I Honor

Chapter 868

: Confronting Gu Xiaosang

In a radius of ten miles, it was nothingness, and it reached the depth of the fire. The remaining lake water of Dora Suhai poured back and filled it up, bubbling and bubbling, and turned into a lake of hot springs.

Gu Xiaosang’s legs were bent to one side, and Pingping Tingting was sitting on the waves, her posture was graceful, her cheek was resting on one hand, showing a bit of elf and eccentricity. Lianzi played with it.

The flesh and blood at Meng Qi’s cut squirmed and grew slowly. Under the influence of the strange sword, the Dongji Changsheng Pill could not make him recover quickly. With the growth of arms, the remaining killing intent must be eliminated little by little.

What a terrible weapon

“Great to warn or give pressure, to test what means I have to suppress the bottom of the box.” Meng Qi was stunned, and suddenly recalled the sudden malice in the six reincarnations in his mind.

Since then, my actions have been extremely unsatisfactory. The eighty-nine profound arts at the grandmaster level have sneaked in, and I have the memory and flesh and blood of the “extremely evil demon”. As long as I am prepared and ask to see Han Guang, I can hide it from him for a short time , and a character like Han Guang has always been full of confidence. If there is no problem after a preliminary inspection, he will not pay too much attention, forming a dark under the light, so that he can act smoothly and safely. Who knows, Han Guang is very interested in the unity of Buddha and demon After hearing that the Demon King of Poisonous Hands came to vote, he actually came to meet directly instead of passing through, which caught him off guard.

Gu Xiaosang even more, her own testing of Luo T and Venerable Wanchong was only a temporary idea, she was not too late, she went to warn at that time, the most important thing is that she was fully prepared for fear of encountering other Dharma Bodies , her little master can actually see through her identity, which is more terrifying than the dharma body. After several times, the hidden action that was originally dangerous but not small has become a joke.

Gu Xiaosang didn’t mention the fact that she saw it through, it was because she had a method that she didn’t expect and guessed, and she had never exposed it in the past, and other things were all coincidences, it was normal once. Two or three times really makes people feel that the time is not good. Now it seems that there may be some powerful hands and feet.

And Han Guang could cause similar coincidences without him noticing. Just thinking about it makes K’s terrifying, creepy and chilling.

All this started when he left Yuxu Palace. Could it be related to this that Yuxu Palace can shield the induction of the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, so K wanted to find out what he got in it, and whether it might harm K in the future or help him escape. The maliciousness of the things under k’s control, the magic weapon refining task, is either cheating or venting anger. It was purely to prevent himself from increasing his strength, so as to facilitate oppression, so as to force his mind to turn.

After the causal change just now, I’m afraid I can’t hide the fact that I got the “one seal of Dao”, and I’m still wandering in the world of gods to hide the body of the earth, and I have to be careful not to be discovered by the six ways

Although Meng Qi didn’t know what function this body could play, since it was not under the control of the Lord of the Six Paths of Samsara, he had to cherish it. Unless it is absolutely necessary, never expose it.

Even when he returned to his own world, with the help of that mysterious connection and the Taiyi Distraction Pill, Meng Qi could still control that body.

“If it is really the temptation of the Lord of the Six Realms of Reincarnation, then it is reasonable to affect the two reincarnations, Han Guang and Gu Xiaosang.” Meng Qi nodded secretly.

Gu Xiaosang rested his chin on one hand, tilted his head slightly to look at Meng Qi, and said with a smile like a flower: “The cause and effect have changed, and the punishment of heaven for the half-step dharma body has come. The husband will do his best to eliminate it. At this time, if the concubine makes a move. Cooperate Sa Rengaowa, if my husband doesn’t want to die, I’m afraid he can only use the method of pressing the bottom of the box, but this time it doesn’t work, and there will be another one in the future.”

That is to say, the variable lies in Gu Xiaosang. Meng Qi looks back on the battle just now, and needs to be more careful in the future.

Without entanglement in this matter, Meng Qi’s squirming flesh finally grew an arm, and he waved it twice to adapt.

He was originally sitting cross-legged, but now his back is straight, surrounded by waves, his eyes are deep, looking directly at Gu Xiaosang’s pair of star pupils, he suddenly said:

“You once said that we are the same people. You said it as a joke, but it was actually your heart.”

While speaking, Meng Qi was on high alert and could make moves at any time. His own strength and state had returned to their peak. At this moment, there was no one else around. face her,Then there is no need to consummate the soul in this life.

Gu Xiaosang’s expression remained unchanged, and he smiled sweetly: “My husband said yes, so it should be.”

Meng Qi stared into her eyes, but he didn’t see flickering or retreat, only the eyes that seemed to be filled with boundless stars were so beautiful that he couldn’t tell whether it was true or not.

“I don’t know which powerful person is behind me. Anyway, you are fishing for me. You are the reincarnation of an old mother who has no birth, and you will become her sooner or later, so you say that we are the same person, and we are also burdened with karma that we don’t want to bear. People who don’t want to lose themselves , even if it is another self.” Meng Qi’s tone was firm, not wavering by Gu Xiaosang’s attitude.

Gu Xiaosang still smiled slightly, holding her cheek with one hand, like a fairy on the lake, she didn’t speak, and quietly listened to Meng Qi’s approach.

Meng Qi’s speech slowed down, his direct gaze remained the same, and Yuan Xin Yin secretly moved, sensing emotional ups and downs: “It stands to reason that reincarnated people should not have similar fears, fears of losing themselves, unless something goes wrong and changes occur. .”

“I don’t know exactly what happened to you, but your mind should be split into two people, one is Yulong Zi, the other is Gu Xiaosang, Gu Xiaosang has her own feelings and thoughts, and doesn’t want to lose herself, while Yulong Zi It is the idea left behind by Wu Sheng’s old mother, and your contradictions and your unpredictability are all caused by this.”

Gu Xiaosang played with his black hair hanging down, showing a charming and naive attitude, and finally made a sound, the voice was like a spring:

“Why not the other way around? Yulong Zi is the poor and innocent young lady of the Yu family, and Gu Xiaosang is the villain who tries to occupy her body and swallow Yulong Zi.”

“Because I met Gu Xiaosang all the time, everything she did and what she said hinted at this.” Meng Qi took a breath slowly, not to mention sympathy, but he did have some empathy.

The world is like a copper furnace, people in it, prepare for life torment, involuntarily, when can they jump out

Before Gu Xiaosang could speak, Meng Qi continued: “The first time I met Xiao Zi was indeed Yulong Zi. You don’t know what went wrong, and she gained the upper hand.”

“The reason why you said that Xiao Zi will destroy everything she likes and want to kill me is because you are worried and even afraid of Wu Sheng’s backhands. You didn’t change your mind until you found out that I had received the true inheritance of Ananda’s saber-breaking technique. .”

“At that time, just relying on the true intention to induce. Disturbing the mind, I am afraid that it will only affect a little, and it will not stop you from killing people. The real reason is that you realized that I am also a powerful fish. You deliberately released the water, hoping to use the cause and effect of my entanglement. Luck and the great power behind it will help you wipe out Yulong Purple completely.”

It’s like he deliberately inherited the cause and effect of Yuanshi Tianzun, just to mess up the chess game and find vitality

“During the Demon’s Grave, the Xiao Zi I met was not Xiao Zi. You pretended to be just to lure me to open the door, right?” Meng Qi smiled slightly.

Gu Xiaosang blinked his eyes, and his pupils melted away, like a pool of autumn water, shimmering with waves, and said with a smile: “Mr.

Still watertight, but his attitude has changed slightly.

So many shameful words. Only you can say Meng Qi’s slander without any psychological barriers, with a serious look on his face, “Since then, you have been shouting and killing on the surface. In fact, use my abnormal luck and entanglement’s powerful karma to achieve yourself Yedu dealt with Shan Xiumei, Jiangdong arranged the True Emperor’s Seal, and Su Nu’s heaven realized the overlord’s ultimate sword. Jiuchongtian collected three fruits, all of which are like this.”

Gu Xiaosangbei bit her lower lip lightly, looking aggrieved. But there was a bit of a shrewd smile in his eyes: “He is also wholeheartedly doing good for Mr. Xianggong, who ever didn’t get any benefit?”

Having said that, she lowered her head and said shyly, “I even gave my innocent body to my husband.”

The witch is really a queen-level performance anytime, anywhere Meng Qi said in a deep voice: “Sharing the three fruits and double cultivation is to build a special bond between us. Gu Xiaosang and I are not Yulong Zi, because you are becoming more and more irrepressible.” She has a premonition that there will be bad changes in the future, and with this special connection, you can wake you up through me, wake up Gu Xiaosang.”

“In order to swallow you completely, Yulong Zi must kill me who is deeply involved with you. That’s what you meant when you reminded me at the beginning. The conflict between you reflected on this matter, which caused the layout to be disorderly. I see opportunities, I see problems.”

Gu Xiaosang’s brush-like eyelashes trembled a few times, and she smiled like a flower blooming: “Sanggong said yes, so it must be.”

Meng Qi frowned slightly because she didn’t respond positively. It was because the little demon girl was too good at covering up, or she had some other secrets.

He turned to say: “You suppressed Wusheng’s mother’s mind Yulong Zi, and gained her experience and insight, so that you can know many secrets and many relics like the back of your hand, but every action that is almost predictable is still incomprehensible.”

“Could it be related to the accident when Wu Sheng’s old mother was reincarnated into Yulong Zi?”

Meng Qi asked suddenly to observe Gu Xiaosang’s thoughts and mood changes.

Gu Xiaosang pursed her lips and smiled, her eyes rolled like a cunning little fox: “Guess.”

Emotions remain the same, thoughts are chaotic, this guy has a way to guard against the current level of Yuanxin Yin Meng Qi secretly speculates.

Gu Xiaosang stretched lazily and beautifully, and said with a smile: “Sanggong should have been to Yuxu Palace and got a lot of benefits, such as the Yuanxin Seal now, and the Dao Yiyin Seal just now, and it is not affected by Liu Dao or behind the scenes.” Great ability to know, that’s why I encountered abnormal luckLosses, unfavorable things at the beginning of the year, if there are still harvests that have not been squeezed out, there will be similar things in the future, and the power will not allow the fish in the family to have things beyond their control. ”

Speaking of this, although she was still smiling, her eyes became blurred, and she felt a little sad. The lake water blew past, and her dress fluttered, revealing her slightly thin and beautiful body:

“As a fish, if you are restless, everything will go wrong. All kinds of coincidences make you want to die, and family members, friends, teachers, and lovers will die one by one, unless you give in, unless you stop struggling and force Like the overlord, in the end, he also ended up with a self-destructive beauty, all his subordinates and brothers, and his family’s death. Does Xianggong still want to go this way?”

As strong as an overlord, in the end, the beauty will destroy herself, all the brothers under her command will fall, and her family will die. Cousin, Zhiwei, Yushu, Senior Brother Qi, and Lao Zhao will all perish one by one

As a “fish”, you can never get rid of

But can I be willing? Can I be willing?

As his thoughts turned, Meng Qi suddenly remembered a sentence Gu Xiaosang said: “Husband, if one day, my concubine is trapped by someone, and you know the danger, are you still willing to come to rescue like an overlord?”

She’s hinted at the end of her struggle from the beginning

The words of the little demon girl are true and false, it is hard to distinguish, but the words that seem to be teasing are hidden with real hints.

Gu Xiaosang got up slowly, smiled sweetly again, with beautiful eyes looking forward:

“This road is full of dangers, and it will end at any time. Some people are indifferent and guarded, and some people indulge their feelings. They just hope to leave a clear mark, so that they will not be in vain. What kind of person are you?”

Before Meng Qi could answer, she said again:

“We are the same person, but we are not the same person. The concubine is the most selfish and wants to prove the state of the fruit. On this road, no matter who falls because of the concubine, the concubine will not be shaken. Even if you are a gentleman, if you are able to manipulate the enemy or block the way of the concubine in the future, the concubine will not hesitate to kill you.”

She suddenly cupped her face with both hands, a blush appeared, and she said in a thoughtful way:

“At that time, my concubine will bury my husband on a hidden hill, plant it full of white flowers, worship every year, and be a widow for you. I will resurrect you only after my concubine’s avenue is completed, and have fun every night.”

Gu Yaonv herself is a bit sick, Meng Qi gasped.

“What about you, my husband?” Gu Xiaosang asked with a smile, tilting his head slightly.

Meng Qi just felt the sadness and anger that he could manipulate, and when he encountered this kind of problem again, he shook his head perfunctorily:

“If you die at my hands, I will light up the ancient Buddha for you, until you achieve the Dao, and resurrect you.”

Gu Xiaosang gave a chuckle, and then said with flushed cheeks, “A handsome monk in gray clothes, an ancient Buddha with a blue lamp, just for his dead wife, the more you think about it, the better it is.”

Girl, you’re sick again. Meng Qi can’t keep up with Gu Xiaosang’s thoughts.

Gu Xiaosang handed the lotus seeds in his hand to Meng Qi: “If there is such a day, I will plant it, and the flowers will bloom to meet me, and if my husband dies, I will also plant a lotus next to the tomb. See you in bloom.” To be continued

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