I Honor

Chapter 889

The Way to Open the Seal

Ye Yuqi has a lot of strength, state, magical weapons and status, and Xianji is a relatively loose mutual aid organization. As long as the current style can be maintained, Meng Qi believes that other members will not object. Of course, this kind of thing must not be done arbitrarily , we must convene official members as soon as possible to confirm, after all, Lingbao Tianzun did not directly appoint a candidate for some reason. ,

After “Doumu Yuanjun” took over Biyou Palace for the time being, Meng Qi and her hurriedly left the fairy trail and returned to Huamei Villa in a hidden way. Regarding the matter of Bao Tianzun, no one in Xianji has the strength to complete a specific task at present, so it can only be put aside for the time being, and with the previous incident, Meng Qi is full of doubts about the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation. Will not still be controlled by k, unable to escape

Therefore, before learning more about similar things, Meng Qi felt that it would be better not to go through the resurrection of the Six Paths. Who knows if there is a limit to the number of times a person can be resurrected, so they can’t be wasted on the Six Paths.

As for the exclusive task of refining the divine weapon, given the nature of Liu Dao’s profiteer, it is said that it is a one-year deadline, and it will definitely not be confirmed in advance.

In Thrushcross Villa, the thatched hut in the back mountain, Mr. Lu Da was not seriously injured and had already left the customs.

“Senior Su has obtained the Dharmakaya, which possesses the characteristics of legends. He besieged other Dharma Bodies, killed the Great Asura and the Kui Niu Demon King, and defeated Kong Kong.The sparrow demon king Taili, the Dharma King and the Blood Sea Rakshasa have ended the battle.” Meng Qi was a little stunned, and repeated Mr. Lu Da’s words.

With the fact that Su Wuming had been to the Valley of Eternal Life, and knowing that the fragments of the Haotian Mirror can help people communicate with “others and me” in advance, Meng Qi had already guessed that Zhiwei’s master might have tried this, so after nine years of the Nine Heavens It has been delayed for many years and has not broken through to the Dharmakaya, and once promoted, it will probably have a slightly legendary feature, but he never thought that Su Wuming would be so fierce after possessing the legendary feature. It is so terrifying, to “siege” several bodies with one person’s strength, kill one person and one demon, and repel the rest, it is simply unimaginable, like listening to a story

As expected of the “protagonist” of the previous generation, Meng Qi was slightly ashamed.

Mr. Lu Da put his long sword across his knees, and said calmly: “He is following the orthodox path, so the characteristics of the legend are obvious. Communicating with him and me to prove ourselves, the Dharma Body has improved in essence. It is like the Nine Heavens and the ordinary world, The difference in the universe can cover all directions and be omnipresent.”

“In the universe of the heavens and the earth, no matter how far the distance is, for him, it is close at hand, within reach, and the non-legendary large formations or high-level secret realms of the heavens cannot be separated, and the part of communication between him and me will not die. Then the Self cannot be truly killed.”

Meng Qi and Ye Yuqi looked at each other in dismay when they heard this. Is this the dharmakaya that they know? It is even more exaggerated than the Bodhisattva of Lanke Temple who practiced sambakaya. Compared with other dharmakayas, it seems to be at a completely different level of life

“It’s a pity that he left the customs early and was not consummated. He can only maintain this state for a short time, and he has to recover for a long time before he can be everywhere again.” Mr. Lu Da’s eyes are sharp, and he can see Su Wuming’s problem at a glance.

At this time, Meng Qi finally digested the matter of Su Wuming. After thinking for a while, he said, “Senior Su and Senior seem to have completely different legendary characteristics.”

“The way of the old man is different from that of the predecessors. I don’t know whether it is correct or not. I can only move forward. It is completely opposite to the orthodox way, and the characteristics of the legends obtained are also the same. Except for me, I am unique. I have minimal control over myself and martial arts. The level of the structure cannot be everywhere, and it cannot be immortal.” Mr. Lu Da described objectively, “And these are all part of the real legend. I and him have a corner together.”

“So that’s how it is,” Meng Qi mused to himself thoughtfully, pointing out the difference between “other self” and cutting off “other self”.

Mr. Lu Da didn’t say much about this matter, instead he talked about the results of other battlefields. He seemed to have guessed about the death of hedging and Taoist, but he didn’t mention it.

Knowing that the patriarch of the Cao family blew himself up as an immortal relic, destroying nearly half of the grassland’s master-level combat power, Meng Qi frowned slightly and said, “My son presents his head.”

Dark Art of War

“Well, they are actually very loyal to Gao Lan.” Mr. Lu Da affirmed.

Meng Qi patted his right hand lightly: “But Cao Xianzhi’s resentment and resentment are as real as they are.”

Speaking of this, he had a flash of inspiration and looked at Ye Yuqi, only to see that her bright eyes were filled with haze, which seemed to coincide with his guess.

Cao Xianzhi’s resentment and resentment may not be aimed at the person who killed him, he may be the master of the six paths of reincarnation

K’s task for himself was to help the righteous way not to be defeated for a year, and other aspects were naturally to help the grassland and the evil way. Cao Xianzhi may not have the task of abandoning the righteous way, so when the Cao family decided who to sacrifice, he took the initiative to stand up.

Huh, maybe the situation was critical at that time, and the Cao family had no way out, so they had to let go of Meng Qi’s many speculations, but the man had passed away, and it was impossible for the Cao family to figure out his psychological activities, and it was impossible to prove it.

“I don’t know what benefits Gao Lan has given to the Cao family. It’s worth sacrificing two grandmasters and a slough.” Ye Yuqi knows the essence of this kind of aristocratic family, family first, and other things second.

Mr. Lu Da said: “The Cao family still has a slough of the earth immortal, and the magic weapon is also there. Less than half of the grandmaster has been lost, and the foundation is still there. Gao Lan should have obtained the Emperor’s Golden Book and shared it with the Cao family. share.”

“The Cao family started with the immortality of the earth and the exercises. The secret books collected over the years have not surpassed this level. Seeing the changes in the world, or the catastrophe coming, it is natural to point to the legendary peerless exercises, otherwise it will easily sink in the future.”

“The Human Emperor’s Golden Book” Meng Qi blurted out first, and then thought that Brother Doubi was very confident that he could get the Human Emperor’s Sword, and thought that he dismissed most Dharma Bodies, the possibility of having already obtained the Human Emperor’s Golden Book is not low.

It’s no wonder that he and the magician who received the inheritance of the Heavenly Emperor have been saying that even if he has been imprisoned for many years, he can quietly prove the Dharma body.

It is estimated that it is a combination of his own “Silence of Heart and Foreign Objects” Dai Tianshen Fist and the Human Emperor’s Golden Book. Maybe these two exercises were derived from two or three pages of the Human Emperor’s Golden Book.

The Human Emperor’s Golden Book is a treasured book of humanity, which refers directly to the so-called “landing” half-step path fruit realm. It contains extensive and profound content, and there is no shortage of parts that can be cultivated without the power of sentient beings. It is similar to the Tathagata God’s Palm and the Nine Seals of Yuanshi, with a total of seven pages of gold book , a general outline on one page, and human emperor martial arts on six pages, covering everything, restraining the aliens other than the human race.

Even if Gao Lan just made the Cao family realize a single page of the golden book, it might be many times better than their original skills.

“Well.” Mr. Lu Da has already known the situation of Gao Lan’s attack from the seven places, and he is quite sure, “The Cao family also built a small temple of heaven in the old house. Once there is a policeman, call it here, and Gao Lan will be able to perceive it. , to help. He holds the Human Emperor Sword and the Great Zhou Emperor Yuxi, and can teleport around Zhoudi.”

“The Cao family has no lawbody, this can be regarded as the suppression of the law body. “Ye Yuqi and Cao Xianzhi are somewhat friendly, with a cold voice and a slight sigh.

Meng Qi asked about the battle situation in other places, knowing about Kongwen’s passing away, his master’s nirvana and Shaolin’s change, he was somewhat sad and somewhat happy.

“The monk guarding the Secret Road in the Back Mountain of Shaolin was killed by Han Guang. Zen Master Kong Hui and others suspected that he had entered the Pure Land of Ananda.” Mr. Lu Da said.

He and Meng Qi had been to the derivative body of Ananda’s pure land in the fragments of Zhouguang, and knew a lot about it.

Meng Qi frowned: “He can break the seal.”

After hearing about the trapping of Abbot Kong, Shaolin is no longer a stranger to the Ananda Pure Land in the back mountain, and knows that the derivatives of the Ananda Pure Land are the only legendary characteristics of the worlds, and there is no core thing. Only the back mountain has it. .

But another difference between the main body and the derivative body is that when the dharmakaya-level traces that appear later are mapped to the derivative body, they will be damaged or even lose their power. That is to say, the seal left by Bodhidharma is different in strength, and the derivative body The power of the seal is slightly equal to nothing, only Shimen’s own peculiarity.

Therefore, Meng Qi was able to open the stone gate with Ananda’s saber-breaking method at the derivative body, and the seal on the back mountain of Shaolin could not be broken even if he held the divine soldier Ananda’s saber-breaking saber unless he fully awakened.

It is precisely because it cannot be opened, and the matter of exploring the Pure Land of Ananda has never been put on the agenda by Shaolin.

Now Han Guang can break the seal and enter the Pure Land of Ananda

“Han Guang has been lurking in Shaolin for many years for Ananda’s Pure Land. Maybe he has found a way to break the seal.” Mr. Lu Da can only guess like this.

The way to open the seal. Meng Qi recalled what Han Guang knew about what he had done in his mind, trying to find clues.

My family has not been in Shaolin for many years, and I don’t know what Han Guang did in the past. Suddenly, Meng Qi thought of the leak of Yi Jin Jing. old monk giving

Because of the existence of Ananda’s breaking the precepts knife, it was difficult for Han Guang to see the Yi Jin Jing and other town temple exercises, so he tried to lure the enlightened disciples to degenerate, and cooperated with the spies of the King Kong Temple to silently write the Yi Jin Jing, but he and his junior brother smashed through it. Accidentally bumped this batch of exercises into the back mountain

The reverse practice of the Yi Jin Sutra is like a magic skill

Meng Qi’s eyes suddenly revealed, could it be that in the process of creating the Yi Jin Jing, Bodhidharma had not yet separated from the evil Bodhidharma, and was quietly influenced by him. It is the Buddha, and the evil is the devil, and the devil is the way to break the seal

As soon as the idea came together, the more Meng Qi thought about it, the more likely it was, and he quickly told Mr. Lu Da his guess.

“Find Duan Rui as soon as possible.” Mr. Lu Da did not ignore Meng Qi’s guess.

Shendu, Six Gates Headquarters, Zhuyilou.

A gold medal catcher stepped into the small building, and saw the chief catcher Sima Shi rarely showed a relaxed and happy expression.

“Several dharma bodies have fallen, and the celestial list has to be rearranged.” Sima Shi ordered, with a lightness that could not be concealed in his tone. to be continued


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