I Honor

Chapter 898

Drive the “sheep” to explore the way

Behind Gao Qianyuan stands a giant worm figure, holding a strange token that looks like a dagger but not a dagger in his hand, his feet are an inch off the ground, his breath is like the sea, endless, a terrifying storm is brewing in the softness, water droplets can pierce stones, Wang Yang can destroy the world.

Sensing his aura, “Earth-Covering Dragon” Lan Jingtian also showed his Dharma appearance. It was a huge dark and nearly dull ball with an extremely smooth surface, as if the earth was formed by bending and collapsing according to some natural force or legal law. The void around him suddenly shrunk towards him, and it seemed that it was about to form a sphere, the light was deflected, drifted and changed, like a magic domain.

Meng Qi, who was between them, was holding the scabbard in his left hand, with his back straight. Although he didn’t show his appearance, his essence, blood, energy, flesh and spirit were penetrated by the will of martial arts, and his energy was as real as he rushed out of the Niwan Palace, approaching Yunxiao, stirring the wind and clouds, overflowing with masculinity and vitality, the evil and evil spirits are difficult to get close to, and if they come into contact, they will be torn apart immediately.

The auras of the three great masters, each with extraordinary auras, gathered tens of miles around and dark clouds gathered, giving the crowd the feeling of dancing wildly.

In this situation where each other’s auras are pulling each other, and whoever moves first will encounter the other two’s joint attack, Gao Qianyuan and Lan Jingtian suddenly saw “Mad Saber” Su Meng turning around leisurely, and the aura that was entangled with them unexpectedly broke off. Open the connection, as if it is the source of everything, free and easy, free and free from dust.

The energy was concealed, and both Gao Qianyuan and Lan Jingtian’s minds were emptied, and they felt so uncomfortable that they wanted to vomit blood, and the attack that was ready to go out lost its target for a short time.

Looking at the majestic mad knife with his back facing the two of them,Gao Qianyuan and Lan Jingtian felt each other’s unpredictability, even though he was hiding his aura now, he seemed completely unguarded. If you show a big flaw, you have to be careful, and you can’t attack rashly, exposing your hidden problems.

Although the man in blue and the others were enlightened, the entanglement and traction of the qi had already created a depressing atmosphere. The changing celestial phenomena, how can they not know the danger of the situation, but Su Meng, the “crazy knife” in their eyes, turned around casually, as if he didn’t pay attention to the opponent at all, without the slightest traction of energy, the enemy consciously could not attack unless he wanted to .

However. The expected crazy blow did not appear, everything was calm and quiet, and the tension before was like an illusion.

Meng Qi smiled and said, “This place is dangerous, I will send you away first.”

After speaking, he carried a long knife. Walking slowly, without even looking at Gao Qianyuan and Lan Jingtian, the thoughts of attack and caution alternated in their hearts, and they still couldn’t compete for superiority, and they still didn’t dare to make a move.

The blue-clothed fellow brothers and sisters’ hearts were beating like drums, restraining their doubts, they quickly followed behind Meng Qi and walked outside the golden tent.

A group of people walked not slowly. But it wasn’t fast, Kelan Jingtian and Gao Qianyuan couldn’t make a move, even though Meng Qi didn’t turn around. Keep your back to them.

“It’s only been a while, and he’s made people feel unfathomable.” Gao Qianyuan whispered something in his heart until the figures of several people disappeared from sight, and turned his eyes to Lan Jingtian.

The two tacitly restrained their breath at the same time, and then one body collapsed and turned into a phaseless sword Gu. Melting into the void, one escapes into the earth. Hidden without a trace.

Lan Jingtian knew that the other party’s skills were strange, and he could also kill people invisible. It seems to be a blue-blooded person in the rumors, but he has no fear at all. He is good at earth exercises, and the field of masters is also related to this, and earth can overcome water

Hiding underground, Lan Jingtian fully sensed the slight changes in the power of the nearby earth elements and kept moving his position.

Suddenly, a hint of coldness came from afar, hiding the unspeakable filth, as if the heavy earth had turned into an imaginary cloud.

This feeling disappeared in a flash, but Lan Jingtian had a faint surprise in his heart, and quickly escaped, went deep into the golden tent, and came to the area where the shamans of the Longevity Sect were stationed in the past.

He jumped out of the ground, and it was no surprise that he saw the nine-fingered Gao Qianyuan, who seemed to be looking for something nearby.

Inside the guard, Lan Jingtian observed the surrounding area, and combined the information he received with the induction just now to determine the specific location.

After a while, he glanced at Gao Qianyuan, who was staring at him covetously. Countless thoughts flashed through his mind. In the end, he didn’t choose to leave temporarily. Instead, he knelt down on one knee, raised his fist with his right hand, and hit the ground hard with dark brown mud.

The ground did not shake, did not rise and fall, and there was no sound of collision. It cracked silently, revealing a gap where the bottom could not be seen. It was filled with dirty and cold mist intertwined with black and dark green, which seemed to lead to a certain place. Scary and weird place.

“Sure enough it’s here!” Lan Jingtian exhaled.

I had captured one of Guldo’s grandsons before. His strength was not strong, but his status was quite high. He knew that the “Netherworld Demon Array” arranged by the Impermanence School of Life and Death remained, although the gap connecting Jiuyou had been closed under some irresistible force. , but a piece of magic soil has evolved between its own world and the Endless Nine Nethers, hidden underground, and it will take several years or even ten years to recover.

And in the Golden Tent, there are many treasures and “secrets” that cannot be stored in the storage bag and are difficult to isolate. Taking them to escape is like a firefly in the dark night. They are very conspicuous. Therefore, the whole team took them and hid them in the magic soil. Once they are found, the harvest will be very rich. It is impossible to say that the magic weapon or the array map is here

As the elder of the beggar gang, Lan Jingtian has always had a bad reputation, is greedy and selfish, and covers up his subordinates who do evil. After interrogating the information, he hurried to the Golden Tent. He didn’t consider the comparison of the strengths of the two sides until he confirmed the existence of the demon land. question.

There are at least two grandmasters in the team along the way. Although I have special skills and can master the power of the earth to a great extent, I have no small confidence in defeating the combination of the two grandmasters, but I want to kill them, capture them, and prevent them from taking the lead. It is very difficult to escape with treasures and secrets, so the blue-blooded men with nine fingers can be used as short-term allies. Then divide the harvest equally.

While thinking about it, Lan Jingtian didn’t say much, and directly escaped into the gap filled with pitch black and dark green mist. Gao Qianyuan looked indifferently, took a cold look, and followed without hesitation.

The dharma image became prominent, the void shrank into a ball, and the thick and dirty mist was drawn to another place. Lan Jingtian stepped on the slightly soft soil without any effort.

This is a slanting road going down. The soil is mixed with dark red and almost black blood, and it looks soft and muddy. edge.

Lan Jingtian was slightly pleasantly surprised, this is an environment that is extremely beneficial to him, his skills and physique are not too afraid of the deep cold, but blue-blooded people are not necessarily so,

Even though the power of icy cold is derived from “water movement”, before blue-blooded people reach a certain level, when encountering cold beyond their own limits, their structure is different from ordinary people, they are more likely to be frozen or frozen, and their strength will be greatly weakened , had to differentiate more forces to change the environment.

Gao Qianyuan looks like floating catkins, shuttling through the cold air, there was no emotion in the eyes, the corners of the mouth were slightly raised, as if mocking Lan Jingtian.

The root of his own is “Phaseless Sword Gu”, the fusion of gold and water, not ordinary blue-blooded people, the extreme cold will have an impact, but it is definitely not as big as he imagined.

The two had their own ghosts, and they were on guard against each other and hidden dangers, and they went down quickly.

After a while, both of them stopped at the same time and looked behind.

In their minds, just on the edge of their own induction, there is a strong and substantial energy and blood rolling into the sky, and the sharp knife intent cuts off the spreading spirit, without concealing their own existence.

“Crazy Saber Su Meng” The name came to their minds at the same time, and they seemed to be able to imagine the scene there.

“Crazy Knife” Su Meng was dressed in black, holding his back in one hand and holding a long knife in the other, walking slowly and proudly. He seemed to be following the two of them, but he didn’t hide his aura. One blow brings great oppression.

He grasped the distance very precisely, it happened to be the limit of the two of them’s patience, if it was less, it would be counterattacked, and if it was more, it would be close to concealment, and it could not produce such an obvious sense of oppression, just like a wolf driving a flock of sheep, Wait until the opponent is exhausted before attacking calmly.

Lan Jingxiazhi and Gao Qianyuan looked at each other, both wanting the other side to attack back and eliminate hidden dangers, but they are not even considered “allies”, so how could they take advantage of each other’s anger.

Anyway, he hadn’t found the Golden Tent Warrior yet, so Lan Jingtian calmed down, moved forward on guard, and decided to ignore “Crazy Saber” Su Meng for the time being.

Kick, kick, kick, the sound of footsteps seemed to step directly on Lan Jingtian’s heart, making the feeling of oppression more and more intense, and he couldn’t help gnashing his teeth. “Crazy Saber” Su Meng is really too conceited. Pai, in this way, he simply regards himself as nothing, just waiting for the opportunity to make a knife, or drive the two of himself to find the way for him

At this moment, he stopped, because there was no way ahead, and there stood a dark stone gate, a stone gate covered with ice crystals.

The magic land has ended here

Where’s the Golden Horde?

Did they enter this door after

This is the Demon Gate to Nine Serenities, to be continued


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