I Honor

Chapter 905

: The Realm of Phantom Demon

“Then what should we do?” In the darkness with only a faint light, Hasullah asked straightforwardly without worrying about other things. ,

Fighting back nearby was the suggestion of the suzerain of the Impermanence Sect, “Emperor Youming”. He naturally had to figure out the specific plan and support.

The blood-yellow mist billowed, and the sound of misty water seemed to come from another world. Under the influence of invisible forces, they twisted and squirmed, and gradually formed a map, marking the origin of virgin forests, frozen lakes, and mountains and rivers with a radius of thousands of miles. map.

To the north of the map, there is a red dot specially made, which is the junction of the forest and a frozen lake for thousands of years.

“There is a secret place hidden there, which is the place where the demon monarch cultivated lately in the last years of ancient times.” The Emperor Youming’s voice was indifferent and cold.

“Devil Lord” Hasullah has heard of this name before. It is a famous legend in the last years of ancient times. After the fall of the Demon Lord, the owner of the Demon King’s Claw grew step by step from a humble slave of the human race to a powerful demon.

When he was at its peak, Jiuyou had already hidden himself and had no backup. Relying on himself, in the gap between the demon saint and the human emperor, he forcibly gathered a large number of remaining demons and ghosts, and transformed their bloodline skills with great wisdom. A magical skill that adults can also cultivate.

Since then, the demon gate of the human race has begun, and some people will divide good and evil, and it is difficult to eradicate

Today’s heretical evil ways, except Luojiao and Daoism, all regard the devil as the originator of the devil’s way. Mietianmen, Blood Clothes Sect, Buren Building, Shura Temple, and the Impermanence of Life and Death Sect, etc. trace back to the “primitive sect” founded by the devil. There are innumerable ties to the “Demon Way”, some of which have been differentiated or inherited by accident, and some have been connected with the corresponding Nine Nether Powers when practicing the Demon Lord’s transformation of the Demon Lord’s kung fu, so they became independent.

But such a master of the demonic way is still unable to escape the changes of the world. It is said that his life span was before the middle ages. Since then, the master of the demon emperor’s claws has never reached such a height. perish together.

Unexpectedly, such a big man has a hidden place to cultivate in the ice field. All the warriors of the Golden Horde were shocked and eager.

The coffin was deep. Emperor Youming said: “Although our sect has experienced several disasters of severance of inheritance, the places where the secrets and exercises are hidden are relatively secret and relatively well preserved, so we can know the place where the demon king secretly cultivates.”

“There is nothing left there, at most there are traces of the devil’s scrutiny and practice of exercises for comprehension, but if the secret realm is opened and guided by the secret method, the devil’s energy will gushes out, instantly affecting the rules of the world hundreds of miles away , evolved into the realm of phantoms. Isolate the spirit and create all kinds of illusions.”

“At that time, first lead one or two grandmasters here so that they have a chance to ask for help. When the rest of the grandmasters arrive, we will open the secret realm and separate them with the realm of phantoms. Then we will use the crowd to defeat them one by one, and finally deal with the thrush Villa Ye Yuqi. She has Lu Da’s token in her body, so she must go all out and make full use of the illusion to hope to capture her alive.”

Hasullah listened quietly. He felt that the possibility of success was not small. The other party was not a fledgling generation, and he would definitely prevent himself and others from counterattacking. The original plan was to gather strength. catch up with the rest of the grandmastersBefore coming to help, kill or capture one or two grandmasters alive to hurt each other. Let them not dare to divide up their troops to search, dare not to force them too much, so as to completely get rid of the pursuers. Now that they have the Demon Lord’s Secret Realm, the opponent’s unexpected winner, it seems that they can vent their anger severely, severely damage the forces in the Central Plains, and The comparison between the master-level powerhouses restored a little balance, and he was angry with Mr. Lu Da, and it would be best to drive him mad.

“No wonder Dijun proposed to fight back nearby.” Hasullah sighed, “But the opponent is powerful, and the number of masters far exceeds us. If you want to swallow it in one bite, you must be fully prepared. Please Dijun show us the secret place first. ”

Emperor Youming didn’t say much, the coffin flew away, and the wind blew up, heading north.

Hasuula looked at the other masters, and said secretly: “No matter what the Emperor Youming wants, we can’t be separated. The living masters don’t distinguish between good and evil, grasslands or central plains, beware of his evil hands.”

Dealing with a few “lost dogs” is much more cost-effective than provoking the righteous forces that can attract Fagao people at any time. Hasullah believes that if there are five masters in his party and they hold the magic weapon “shooting the sun bow”, the almost lonely The Emperor Youming cannot easily succeed, he will never choose to cooperate, but directly “take materials”, so acting separately is a dead end

None of the grandmaster-level Golden Tent warriors lacked experience, and they nodded secretly when they heard this, tensing their heartstrings.

Seeing that they were all a little nervous and uneasy, Hasuula laughed and said in the sound transmission: “Don’t worry too much. The Impermanence of Life and Death Sect has suffered heavy losses in the past few years. There is only one master left, and I have to guard the main altar to prevent the living dead from rebelling.” , now he is a grand master and a few undead, he can’t do anything to us”

“He has magic weapons, so do we”

The Warriors of the Golden Horde let out a sigh of relief. Indeed, the Impermanence of Life and Death Sect has reached the point where it is necessary to use fresh masters to forcibly promote the top six heavens instead of being promoted normally, and there is no need to be as afraid as before.

They used their own means to follow the coffin wrapped in the blood-yellow mist to the north, keeping the distance between each other not too far or too close, so that they would not be completely covered by the sudden attack of the divine soldiers, and they could quickly help their companions.

Several fur-wrapped icefield tribe hunters were lurking forward cautiously, surrounding the prey from four positions.

There are men and women, all of them are muscular and have hidden extraordinary explosive power. Some are carrying spears that are shining with cold light, and some are empty-handed. Among them are two teenagers, a man and a woman, relatively thin, with a handsome face, full of He is curious, and seems to be the leader of the younger generation of the tribe who follow the elders to hunt to exercise themselves.

The prey in the siege is a large silver-scale python, the bucket is thick and thin, more than ten feet, each scale is the size of a palm, exuding a trace of cold air, complementing the snow-covered trees and other trees.

It spits out a bright red core, and its two dark red eyes reveal a sense of indifference and cruelty. It is leisurely devouring a snow sheep, contrary to the habit of hibernating snakes, and has no sense of the approaching danger.

Suddenly, a spear flew over, like a shooting star, and pierced the dark red circle seven inches from the back of the silver-scaled boa constrictor.

When the silver-scaled boa constrictor moved its body unhurriedly, the spear hit the body like hitting gold and iron, without leaving even a faint white mark.

It straightened up half of its body suddenly, its head gleamed with crystal light, a tiny bump slowly grew out, and when it sprayed out, there was no venom, but a cold current.

Pa, a hunter was directly ejected by the cold current, his skin turned light blue, and quickly condensed into an ice sculpture, without a trace of life.

“Oops, this silver python just molted.” The most experienced hunter turned around without hesitation, holding a spear in one hand and his daughter in the other, intending to escape from this place with the help of huge trees.

At this moment, the silver python let out a cry like a dragon, opened its mouth, and the air around it was tumbling, and it plunged into it. The roots of the trees were broken, and even the hunters couldn’t help but retreat. It was a scene of panic and catastrophe.

There is already a world-like gap between the two sides

The fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy was terrified, he felt the fishy smell and the snake’s mouth was ferocious, and couldn’t help but tremble all over.

This is the transformed desolate beast, it is like a snake god. Desperation welled up in his heart.

At this time, he saw a man in black clothes coming from the opposite side, with an exaggerated long knife on his back.

He pulled out the long knife and slashed forward slowly, the surroundings became dark, if there was any distortion, the silver python immediately flew up, threw it over, and took the initiative to meet the long knife.

Silently, the silver python split into two, and lightning flashed in the flesh and blood.

“Have you ever seen these people or found any abnormal traces?” The little boy was dumbfounded, listening to the man in black’s question, he hadn’t recovered yet.

The other party has a handsome appearance, which is obviously different from the people of his own tribe. Could it be that the elders said that the strong man of the ancient southern empire can fly into the sky and escape from the ground?

Killed that terrifying silver python with a single blow

Panting heavily, the leader of the hunter was quite afraid. He thanked Meng Qi for saving his life before recalling: “In the early morning, we found that all the prey near the road leading to a frozen lake in the north had run away.”

“By the way, there are children who found that the Ice Valley in the northwest once had a figure flashing by, and they thought it was haunted.”

“There are two traces, so it’s not just Hasullah and his gang?” Meng Qi frowned slightly, thinking about where to go first.

After thinking about it, he was used to choosing the left, and he was going to go to the Northwest Ice Valley first as he came from the south.Seeing the tall and straight black figure disappear into the forest, both the boy and the girl gritted their teeth, in a daze, wondering if they could become such a strong man, and get rid of the terrible wild beasts with all their might.

Do you stay in the tribe all your life, never dare to go deep into the ice field, dare not go to other places to see the unfinished to be continued

s: The first update is today, the second update is still early in the morning, and the update will start tomorrow, please recommend tickets

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