I Honor

Chapter 912

: Creating Opportunities

As a powerhouse at the pinnacle of location, Hasullah will not be too strenuous to control the divine weapon, will not take a long time to adjust, and will not pull the bowstring slowly. The Long Arrow is taking shape very quickly.

Many top aristocratic families and sects are suppressed by the peak of the exterior scene with magic weapons, which shows the power of the combination of the two

“Cry, beg for mercy, and then die.” Hasullah completely pulled the bowstring away, ready to let go, and his heart was filled with the joy of washing away the shame and revenge.

At this moment, he only felt that the figure and aura of “Crazy Saber” Su Meng were slightly ethereal, and his “connection” with him disappeared strangely, and the original lock was immediately invalid.

How could it be so startled? Hasullah had no time to change his moves at this time, and had already let go of his right hand. The crimson and almost black destroying long arrow absorbed all the vitality and seas in a radius of thousands of miles, forming an energy-deficient area.

The sea of ​​vitality from the surrounding void rolled into this area, forming a doomsday-like terrifying storm.

And the crimson shot out, penetrating the void, and a flicker shortened the distance by half.

Holding the knife in his right hand, Meng Qi’s body swelled, he broke free from the restraints, performed somersault steps, and dodged to the side.

A deep sound piercing the void came, and the deep red long arrow hit the afterimage and hit a distant peak.


A huge fireball rose and engulfed the vicinity of the mountain for hundreds of miles. The incandescent light shone far away in front of Hasullah and the others, scorching their faces.

Taking advantage of the opportunity covered by the light and air waves, Meng Qi hid his breath and hid in the sky.

God soldiers are terrible

If it weren’t for the submerged cultivation in Sanxian Island some time ago, I had a little experience in “One Seal of Dao”, although I still can’t use it, but I can use the special causes of various effects to interrupt or deepen the connection between others and my qi, so that If you get rid of the lock for a short time, I’m afraid you won’t be able to dodge the arrow, but if you block it hard, you will be added a magic weapon at the peak of the location. If you use all the means to press the bottom of the box, you will also be seriously injured, and it is absolutely difficult to block the second arrow.

And this is due to the seemingly small interruption and deepening of the relationship, and the distance between the two parties, otherwise, even if he can get rid of the lock for a short time, he will not be able to dodge the arrow that shoots the sun in time.

This magical weapon is actually in the hands of Hasullah

The situation that he glimpsed before surfaced in Meng Qixin Lake, and he already understood the current situation.

The terrifying monster with the aura of the underworld should be the Nether Emperor. Under the promotion of the entire legendary corpse and the sword of harmony, in the current environment close to Jiuyou, even if the “Ice Fairy” fully displays her complete magic appearance. Using the harvest obtained from the Six Paths of Reincarnation, he would definitely be unable to deal with him for a while.

And “Lishan Old Mother” Mingfa has been captured, only Zeng Ruoyu of the Jade Moon Sword Sect is left, facing four master-level golden tent warriors and the exterior peak holding a divine weapon, seriously injured and arrested for at most two or three breaths The thing is, when the time comes, Hasullah will take the “Sun Shooting Bow” and join the battle between the Nether Emperor and the Ice Fairy, which will make the outcome no longer suspenseful, and this place is a secret place. If something goes wrong, Ye Yuqi will not be able to escape

the situation is quite dangerous

Between life and death, Meng Qi inevitably hesitated, especially if the other party wasn’t Senior Brother Qi, Jiang Zhiwei and other companions who had a lifelong friendship.

I have Huangquan hand bones. It should be able to restrain the Huangquan corpse refined by Emperor Youming, and cooperate with Ye Yuqi, maybe it can keep him here forever, but once he makes a move. Hasullah is by no means an idiot, he must first use the sun-shooting bow to solve himself and cut off hidden dangers.

And join Zeng Ruou and their battle situation. With two vs. five, the strongest among them is still holding a magic weapon. No matter how perverted he is among the masters, he can’t handle it.

Once locked at a short distance, even if he can sever contact, he will not be able to dodge in time. At that time, it is very likely to take this life

But if you don’t want to save him, first go find He Xiu and other masters and gather your strength, Ye Yuqi is likely to fall, so how can you be at ease?

Mr. Lu Da’s life-saving grace and guidance, I always keep in my heart, watching his only remaining relatives being killed, I really can’t do it.

If so, where is the opportunity

The situation of the enemy and the enemy instantly appeared in Meng Qi’s mind:

After stepping over the second ladder, there is one less mystery in my own body. The normal attack of the master and the treasured soldiers can’t break the light gold at all. , without any harm;

If Zeng Ruomu is desperate, he can entangle the two masters in a short time;

Hasullah’s speed is fast, and his sword skills are fast, which is quite terrifying, but the magical weapon he uses now is the “Sun Shooting Bow”. Last time, 50% of his strength could not be displayed;

Huangquan’s hand bones restrain the Nether Emperor.

Thinking about it this way, the other party also has some problems. If you grasp it,Not necessarily no chance.

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle

And the guiding principle of everything is: you can’t be entangled by others, you must solve it quickly

In the blink of an eye, Meng Qi made a decision with a strong will to fight. The belief accumulated in many previous battles permeated his spirit and spirit, almost forming an aura of victory that made the enemy tremble.

Unlike Chen Zhao, Meng Qi also imitated a little domineering feeling.

Bai Mang retreated a little, Hasuula found that the “Frenzied Saber” had disappeared, and immediately became angry from embarrassment, and pointed the sun-shooting bow at Zeng Ruou of the Biyue Sword School who was struggling.

Suddenly, a figure descended from the sky, with a left sword and a right sword, the light of the sword was divided into two, two into four, and four into eight, as if the sun was shining, the sword was heavy, and there was a black pinhole like a whirlpool at the tip, exuding a terrifying heaviness and suction.

“Crazy Blade” Su Meng

Knowing Meng Qi’s method, Hasuula was overjoyed, knowing that the opponent wanted to attack in a range and create chaos, thus saving Zeng Ruou.

At this time, he didn’t have time to change the lock, so he activated his body skills, quickly retreated, avoided the spread, and waited for the opportunity. Once “Crazy Saber” Su Meng rescued someone from the chaos, he immediately locked and shot. Within this distance, he would never be able to hide open

This is the spicy option.


The swords clashed in mid-air, bursting out a vast expanse of white light. The fireball grew from small to large, rolling and engulfing the battlefield where Zeng Ruou and the four Golden Horde warriors fought, but Meng Qi did not have what Hasura expected, his breath was concealed, and he did not know tracked.


Amidst the loud noise, the berserk shock wave separated Zeng Ruou from the four masters, and the tumbling flames turned the void into a sea of ​​flames. The terrifying power forced the Golden Horde warriors to try to defend themselves first, and there was always a safe place between them. distance, so as not to be covered by the opponent’s secret treasure or strange means at once, but the distance between two or three people can quickly help each other.

One of the golden tent warriors was born in grassland Buddhism, and he practiced the magic power of “Great Vajra Divine Power”. The flames and violent wind and waves bend and deflect.

At this moment, the rays of light parted, and a huge figure stepped out from the flames. It was more than ten feet tall, and its muscles were knotted.

The body surface of this giant was covered with traces of flames, and there were many torn and disappeared parts. He raised the long knife in his hand and slashed it down like the sky and the earth collapsed. .

“Crazy Blade” Su Meng

He actually rushed in front of him with such a terrible “explosion”

The grand master had no time to dodge, so he could only grit his teeth and poke Meng Qi’s eyebrows with a flick of his eyebrow stick.

His great vajra supernatural power is barely considered a physical hard work, so he naturally understands where the door is, and he wants to force “Crazy Saber” Su Meng to change his own moves.

Pfft, the eyebrow-leveling stick pierced Meng Qi’s eyebrows and shattered his head, and the falling knife with a black swirl of pinholes slashed fiercely at the master’s body, slashing his neck sideways.

Without a sound, the grandmaster’s golden neck was torn apart by the black vortex. The wound spread rapidly, devouring the flesh and crushing the flesh.

His pupils constricted, he couldn’t believe that Su Meng, the mad knife, chose to die together

However, he saw a green lotus blooming on Meng Qi’s neck, shrinking and contracting, and it had grown out of his head.

Kacha was unwilling to be swallowed by the black vortex along with his torn body.

In just a few seconds, a master fell

Meng Qi didn’t stop, and while the aftermath was still there, according to the position he just memorized, he rushed towards another grandmaster.

Due to the decrease in Zan Xinghe’s power, the Grandmaster found out in advance, and was about to get out of the way, but saw the other party raise his sleeve robe.

His eyes went dark, and he felt that everything was muddled, and the world was chaotic.

After the aftermath dissipated, Hasula saw “Crazy Saber” Su Meng, who was not far away from “Crazy Saber” Su Meng, was overjoyed, and shot out the long arrow that had been ready to go.

At the same time, he found that there were only two men left, one was to intercept Zeng Ruoyu, and the other was trying to attack Crazy Saber Su Meng’s vest.

In just a short moment, “Crazy Saber” Su Meng actually killed two grandmasters. If he doesn’t kill him today, he will never have a peaceful day

At this moment, he saw Meng Qi showing a smile that was not a smile, and as soon as he raised his sleeves, a warrior with a golden tent was heading towards the arrow of the sun-shooting bow.

bad to be continued

s: It’s close to 3,000 words, not in the early 2,000s, it’s a bit late.

The second update will be delivered, and there will be a third update in the early morning


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