I Honor

Chapter 921

: Meng Qi’s “Save Point”


Looking at Nangong Chong without any emotion, Meng Qi nodded slightly and did not speak. ,

“It’s good to have a chivalrous heart.” Yan Chixia praised, making Du Qingqing’s pretty face seem to be covered with a layer of brilliance, with pride.

Ning Caichen was quite shy, and hurriedly waved his hands: “No, no need.”

The swordsman Yan Chixia in the two men together is only separated by a wall, so there should be no evil spirits.

Nangong laughed loudly and said, “Young Master Ning, don’t worry, I will choose another place.”

Du Qingqing spit secretly when he heard it, do you still need to urinate on the exterior scene? Brother Chong is really not ashamed

Ning Caichen felt relieved and turned over the big hole. Seeing that Nangong Chong had indeed chosen another direction, he was grateful. He hurriedly found a stone pillar in the corridor, untied his belt, and looked relieved.

At this moment, a gust of wind blew by, and Yan Chixia in the hall suddenly stood up, feeling that she had lost her sense of Ning Caichen and Nangong Chong.

what a terrible ghost

He pulled out the broad sword behind his back and escaped from the big hole. At the same time, he looked back subconsciously, and saw the mysterious man in the green shirt still had his eyes closed, and the old god was there, as if he hadn’t noticed the change. Or treat such changes as trivial.

Du Qingqing also noticed the abnormality after being a little slower, with a panicked face, he turned to Meng Qi and said, “Senior, brother Chong is missing, it must be the evil ghost of Lanruo Temple, please help.”

At this time, Sun Junlin, the envoy of the left, echoed, “Sect Master, why don’t you just take down the evil spirits here?”

The timing of saying this sentence has been significantly delayed from the first time. It seems that even if you always have similar thoughts, you will choose when to say the same thing depending on the situation. The experience of subtly changing the same thing due to different choices makes Meng Qi feel Novelty, it seems that I have a deeper understanding of the human heart and the uncertain future, which can be used to improve the practice of Yuanxin Yin and other exercises in the futurerealm.

With his eyes still closed, he said to Zuo Shi and Du Qingqing plainly:

“Don’t worry, neither of them will be in danger.”

There was something strangely reassuring about his determined voice. Du Qingqing’s nervous and anxious mood suddenly eased a lot. She had the feeling of facing her father and mother when she was a child. They would support them even if the sky fell, and nothing major would happen.

“Senior is waiting for the opportunity.” She asked obediently, without urging Meng Qi to make a move.

Watching the play, Meng Qi replied silently.

The main hall was gone, and there were winding corridors all around. Nangong Chong sneered, took out something from the storage bag, and hung it behind his head. It was a simple and small bronze mirror.

The bronze mirror is covered with deep patterns. It emits a radiance as bright as the sun, piercing through the surrounding fog, shaking the void like a flower in a mirror and a moon in water.

In just two or three moments, all the illusions were gone, Nangong Chong saw the main hall again, saw the normal corridor covered with bird droppings and weeds, and saw Yan Chixia rushing out.

He took out a small streamer to hide his breath and figure, and then used the illusion to hide in the darkness. When Yan Chixia rushed to the direction where Ning Caichen disappeared, she turned her head and took a deep look at the main hall, cautiously took out an escape talisman, and slipped out of Lanruo Temple.

You must meet the foolish monk “in advance”. Only in this way can we hide from that mysterious and terrifying man in green shirt

As soon as Ning Caichen put on his belt, a mournful cry came from his ears, so frightened that the three souls lost two souls, and the seven souls lost the five souls. Hastily turned around and fled, only to find that the main hall was gone.

Suddenly, a faint fragrance hit. His head was dizzy, and when he woke up, he found himself in a wing room, with a simple layout, a table, a bed and four chairs, which were cleaned cleanly.

“Could it be that I have read too much and have a headache?” Ning Caichen only felt that this was the inn he was staying in, and he didn’t feel abnormal at all, as if he forgot to leave this place early this morning and stayed overnight at Lanruo Temple.

Knock, knock, knock on the door.

Ning Caichen was about to inquire, when he saw the door creak open, and a beautiful woman in a white gauze dress walked in. She had flawless eyes like a deer, a glamorous and innocent temperament, slightly dark but overall The beautiful looks that complement each other, and the wonderful body looming under the hazy white gauze.

Even if a woman sees her, her heart will beat.

“Girl, you went to the wrong room.” Ning Caichen kept his gaze fixed at first, then closed it tightly, and kept saying to himself, “Do not look at evil”

The girl in white gauze made a soft and charming voice: “The moon is shining brightly, and it’s hard to sleep after tossing and turning. Mr. Mu is beautiful, and I wish to have a good time with you.”

“Young lady, don’t talk nonsense. I have read the books of sages and sages. You know propriety, righteousness and shame. How can you do such a thing that ruins your reputation and provokes criticism?” Ning Caichen still closed his eyes tightly.

“In the dead of night, no one knows.” The girl’s voice was so soft that water could drip out.

“Gentlemen are cautious of independence” Ning Caichen waved his hands vigorously, and reprimanded in a low voice, “Go quickly”

After the reprimand, he couldn’t help saying with concern: “The girl is not old, or she was confused by the story of the mother-in-law, so she didn’t know the severity and good or bad, so she did this indecent thing. If your father finds out about it, or outsiders know about it, I’m afraid It is difficult to gain a foothold in this place, and the accumulated damage can destroy the bones, not to mention that you are not righteous, do you want to be forced to drown yourself in the river? ”

These words were sincere and sincere, but she was worried about the girl’s reputation. The girl in white gauze was startled, tears seemed to well in her eyes. She took a breath, stopped crying, and forced out a charming smile: “Young Master, what do you think we should do to do good deeds?”

“Of course the matchmaker is getting married, and the bridal chamber is full of flowers and candles,” Ning Caichen resolutely said.

As soon as the voice fell, the surrounding environment changed again. Ning Caichen opened his eyes, slightly dizzy, and saw the beautiful woman opposite was already a phoenix coronet, and her face could be vaguely seen, like a blooming orchid. A bit shy:


The sound came into his ears, and Ning Caichen looked around blankly, there was red everywhere, dragon and phoenix candles were quietly burning on the table, and he was wearing a groom’s suit.

“Sir, come and take off the phoenix crown for my concubine.” The beautiful woman said delicately and weakly.

Ning Caichen took two steps, and suddenly felt that something was wrong: “Without the three books and six ceremonies, and without worshiping the high hall, how can we have a bridal chamber with flowers and candles? This is unmarried adultery.”

The beautiful woman’s expression was slightly dull, and she suddenly began to cry: “Young master, run away, grandma will let my concubine come to harm you”

The surrounding water is rippling, and there is no more Fengguanxiapei. Dragon and phoenix flower candles, no square tables and wooden beds, deep corridors, most of the stone pillars are broken, weeds grow, it is eerie.

The beautiful woman has changed back into a white gauze dress, her delicate body is looming, she is crying a little bit frightened, a little bit self-loathing, a little bit mournful.

Ning Caichen remembered everything and understood that the woman in front of him was a ghost, but after hearing those words. Not only was she not afraid, on the contrary, she felt more pity and sympathy, and she had a sense of righteousness: “The girl was persecuted by that grandma.”

“Well, my concubine, Nie Xiaoqian, died at the age of eighteen, and was buried beside Lanruo Temple. Her soul was taken out by her grandmother, and she did this thing that seduces and hurts others. Whenever she meets men, she will seduce their desires, confuse their minds, and take the opportunity Letting grandma suck their blood is already a sea of ​​suffering. It is hard to turn back, seeing son Fangzheng today, and caring about my concubine’s name, I really can’t bear it.” Xiaoqian began to cry again. Suddenly reminded, “Young masterBe careful, it’s cloudy tonight. Grandma and the others are able to attack with all their might, they are no longer just manipulating illusions, but you seem to be very special to them, no, it’s almost cloudy time, hurry up and hide.”

Ning Caichen was startled when he heard the words, walked over, and said seriously: “Miss Xiaoqian, there is a hero Yan Chixia in the palace, who can eliminate demons, I will take you to rescue them.”

“Yan Chixia…” Xiaoqian was stunned for a moment, both happy and worried, suddenly her wrist tightened, and she was already being held by Ning Caichen.

“Go to the hall quickly.” Ning Caichen only felt that his wrists were slippery, cold and lifeless, if there was nothing, but he didn’t care about these things, he pulled Nie Xiaoqian and ran towards the hall.

Nie Xiaoqian followed after running for a certain distance before asking inexplicably: “Mr. Ning, isn’t it true that a man and a woman should pay attention to their reputation?”

“Follow the power in a hurry,” Ning Caichen said proudly.

The corners of Nie Xiaoqian’s mouth curled up slightly, and her gaze became gentle.

The two rushed into the main hall, but Yan Chixia was nowhere to be seen. Just as they were in a state of panic, they suddenly saw a man in a blue shirt standing up with his eyes slightly vicissitudes. Poplar, right?”

“Ah” Nie Xiaoqian was stunned for a moment, startled and terrified, feeling that the man in front of her was mysterious and frightening.

He actually knew about it.

“The old man is here to trouble grandma.” Meng Qi waved his sleeves, and a wind swept Ning Caichen and Nie Xiaoqian.

I’ve seen enough drama, it’s time to act, and I have a guarantee by my side, so I can try something drastic

With one step, all the people in the hall moved, and Nangong Chong, who had just left Lanruo Temple, turned around and found himself standing in front of a poplar tree with a black nest above it and a man in green shirt with his hands behind his back.

He, he knew my purpose, Nangong Chong felt fear in his heart, and let Du Qingqing greet me with care.

With Meng Qi’s right foot, many urns flew up from the soil, and one of them fell directly into Nie Xiaoqian’s arms.

“Be careful, grandma.” Before Nie Xiaoqian could finish her sentence, the whole forest seemed to come alive, with branches like hands and roots like feet, covering the sky and covering the earth, surrounded from all directions.

With one hand behind his back, Meng Qi pointed his right palm forward, and said calmly, “Let’s call the old Black Mountain demon.”

no contempt is better than contempt

Lightning suddenly flashed high in the sky, illuminating the sky and entering the dark woods. The thunderbolts looked like purple dragons and green snakes, full of the destructive smell of heaven’s punishment.

They spiraled down, like water jets falling from the sky, and landed on Meng Qi’s right palm with crackles, compressed and solidified, surrounding them, forming a Thunder Hand Knife.

Heaven’s Punishment made Sun Junlin gasp.

Meng Qi slashed out with his right palm leisurely, just in front of a drawn vine.


The thunder exploded, and the lightning spread along this vine, covering the entire forest, turning this place into a sea of ​​thunder

Crackling, the forest disappeared directly, leaving only a piece of scorched earth and the poplar tree with a black nest.

“Where’s the Black Mountain old demon?” Meng Qi asked with his right hand behind his back, while Nangong Chong and the others were dumbfounded.

“You will never guess where he is and you can only wait for him to kill you.” A hoarse and shrill voice sounded, full of weakness, and she laughed strangely, “But you don’t need him to do it, because tonight happens to be the most prosperous place in the Nine Nether Gap. when you die with me”

As soon as the words fell, the sky and the earth became dark, and black air came out of nowhere. Meng Qi even felt that the laws of the sky and the earth in this area had changed, and a tyrannical breath that looked like a Dharma Body quickly approached from nothing.

There is such a change, Meng Qiruo thought about it.

Nangong pinched the life-saving object, his heart was full of surprises:

“Hit the iron plate, go to hell”

Before the thoughts disappeared, he saw the figure in the green shirt take a step back, lift his left foot, like a whip, with a pinhole-shaped black vortex on the tip of his toe, and smashed the treasure of his body that he had sent out in stress with a snap, hitting own head.

He, he actually chose to kill me. Nangong Chong fell into the darkness.

In an instant, Meng Qi’s senses were restricted again. This time, he tried to detect the changes with a seal of his skin.

Use different means to get different things, so as to form a whole and peep out the secret

“Hello, my save point.” Meng Qi’s senses recovered, and he saw Nangong Chong, Du Qingqing and Zuo Shi, and Yan Chixia and Ning Caichen who were walking in small steps.

Nangong Chong was terrified, and looked at Meng Qi, only to see a hint of a meaningful smile on his face.

“Why did he kill me?” Nangong Chong was puzzled and planned to seek help.

Meng Qi squinted his eyes, and found something interesting when running the “Tao Yi Yin” to sense the connection just now:

There are no more traces of “back in time”, but at the moment of returning to “now”, Nangong Chong appeared through some kind of wonderful connection.

feel the connection more

In a fairly spacious room, there is a coffin-like silver-gray metal cabin, on which floats Qingqi⒐狻

With a snap, the shimmering light disappeared, and the metal cabin opened, revealing a man wearing a strange helmet inside, and his whole body was connected by silver-gray wires.

He took off his helmet, pulled out the silver-gray thread, turned over and sat up, revealing a relatively ordinary face, vaguely similar to Nangong Chong, about twenty years old.

The man frowned, hurriedly got out of the metal cabin, and walked not far away.On the computer that was turned on, on his right hand side, there was a large box with a black shadow engraved on the surface, covering the whole body, his eyes were as red as blood, and a line of text was written below:

“Epoch-making masterpiece: Montenegro”

The man sat in front of the computer, quickly found a forum, logged in, and quickly wrote a post:

“Did you encounter a hidden boss of Cangtianzong when you went through the dungeon of Lanruo Temple? It’s very urgent.” To be continued. . u


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