I Honor

Chapter 925


In the lobby of Sky Game Company, people in strange costumes came and went, their expressions were relatively serious and dull, and they had little interaction with each other, as if they were playing their roles dutifully.

“Professional-level sex r” Nan Gongchong’s mentality is already self-defeating, looking around, feeling sincerely.

Anyway, there is a real “boss” who I can’t resist, and I can only let him do it. It’s better to have fun and “enjoy life”.

The lady at the front desk was wearing a dark professional attire with a sweet smile. When she saw the two people coming, she politely asked about their background.

How dare you block Lao Tzu’s account inexplicably? If I don’t solve it today, I won’t leave. , go directly to the door, and always get a good solution, which makes me envious. Of course, with my current status, I should answer: I want to find the leader of the core team, I want to see the chairman, I want to improve my status in the game, I To replace the Montenegrin old demon as the bottom boss

I believe that all game companies in the world have never encountered such a situation

Nangong Chong hurriedly reported his uncle’s name and company employee number, and asked the lady at the front desk to wake him up.

The front desk lady smiled and said, “Two wait a moment, I’ll wake Mr. Wu up right away.”

She called Uncle Nangong Chong’s lounge, but there was no answer.

“Maybe Mr. Wu was too sleepy, I’ll go in and call him.” The front desk lady said to Meng Qi and Nangong Chong.

As soon as she turned around, Meng Qi followed behind with his hands behind his back. Nangong Chong didn’t know why, so he hurriedly followed. What surprised him was that the front desk lady didn’t care about the two of them following him, you know, except for the employees of Sky Company. Others refused to enter for a moment, claiming to protect commercial secrets

The lady at the front desk hurriedly walked to the elevator, swiped her employee card, and opened the elevator.

Nangong Chong consciously stopped and watched her enter.

At this moment, he felt himself being pulled, and he couldn’t help but follow the elevator.

“I can’t enter,” Nangong Chong said in panic.

He had read reports that some fanatical game fans secretly sneaked into the Sky Game Company, and were scanned and locked by various devices in the elevator. A lot of weapons have been inspired, and there are no dead bodies.

Before he finished speaking, he felt numb on the surface of his body, as if covered by an invisible layer of electric light, forming a strange magnetic field, distorting external prying eyes.

The elevator doors closed and began to climb upwards. There were no alarm bells, no lasers and energy guns.

That’s okay, he turned around in astonishment. sawThose slightly vicissitude eyes and the always calm and unrestrained figure saw the strange state where the lady at the front desk completely ignored the two of them, his heart suddenly moved, and he said in a low voice: “Senior, it’s your fault that no one answered the phone.”

After playing the Black Mountain Old Demon game for a long time, Nangong Chong occasionally speaks in an old-fashioned way, and this habit becomes more obvious when he gets along with the “hidden boss” Meng Qi in the game.

“En.” Meng Qi nodded slightly. Not much to say, Yuanxinyin can perform at 70% to 80% level without needing it, and my body is an energy body formed by the condensation of electricity and light. The magnetic field is self-generated, and it is not easy to deal with telephone elevators and various monitoring and scanning devices

Nangong Chong’s body trembled slightly, and there was a kind of excitement about doing taboo things, but more of it was fear, fear of trespassing inside the Sky Game Company, and fear of the man in green shirt in front of him.

Although he came out of the game, he seems to be a real horror wherever he goes

Casually entered a place with stricter security than the police station, as comfortable as returning home

The elevator stopped on the twenty-ninth floor. This is the resting place for the members of the core team. Each person has an apartment, and the unmarried people even take it as their home.

Leaving the elevator, there is a wall in front of it. The wall is made of dark black heavy metal, with a cold color on the surface, which makes people feel very hard.

An inward passage was opened in the middle of this wall, and the same walls were on both sides of the passage, but it was covered with densely packed black holes the size of eyes.

“High-energy lasers will be shot from both sides,” Nangong blurted out, recalling something his uncle had mentioned.

The lady at the front desk swiped her employee card again, stepped into the laser tunnel, and then Nangong Chong saw “Boss” and walked in without any hesitation.

No laser is fired.

Nangong swallowed his saliva, and stepped forward with trembling legs, images of his tragic death emerged in his mind.

The right foot touches the ground, there is no change, except for a slight numbness on the body surface, there is no abnormality.

“Totally ineffective, what a terrible guy!” Nangong rushed to glance at Meng Qi’s back, his eyes were startled and fearful, and he admired him from the bottom of his heart. This is the real martial arts expert

His heart suddenly became hot. If he could really get the secret book of magical skills from the other party, he would become an urban legend.

But the problem is that the Cangtian Sect is both good and evil, and their suzerain may not keep their promises.

“He’s a grand master, so he’s just being cheeky,” Nangong Chong encouraged himself.

After passing the laser passage, there is a glass door in front, and on both sides are internal security personnel carrying energy guns. They are more than two meters tall and have an unimaginably well-proportioned figure. They seem to have both strength and agility. The bone installation, at first glance, is a humanoid murder weapon.

“Body modification and exoskeleton, a fighting machine that cost a lot of money to build!” Nangong Chong subconsciously became afraid again.

But the two security guards only nodded to the front desk lady, asking her to hand over her employee card and fill in the reason for entering, but turned a blind eye to Meng Qi and Nangong behind them, as if there was only a cloud of air there.

A gap opened in the glass door, and the front desk lady walked through quickly. At this moment, Nangong Chong felt that he had turned into the wind, and flashed in with a whoosh.

Nangong Chong shuddered before he regained consciousness. The air behind the door was much colder, and even with the lights turned on, it was still a little dim.

As he walked forward, he noticed that the blue-shirted boss in front of him was looking around with great interest, as if he was very interested in the place that “made him”.

Not long after, the front desk lady stopped outside a door and took out the door opening card given by Uncle Nangong Chong in advance.

The door opened back, and the front desk lady saw Mr. Wu Youming lying on the sofa, his face was pale and he was breathless.

“Uncle” Nangong Chong’s eyes widened, but he couldn’t shout out because he couldn’t open his mouth no matter what. Can only be pronounced in the throat.

“Let’s see.” Meng Qi stopped by the door, did not rush in, and even hid a little in the shadows.

Nangong Chong was sad and confused. At this time, he found that the receptionist was not surprised or flustered, and made a call in an orderly manner.

“It’s time for Dr. Wu again.” The front desk lady reported back.

It was time again, Nangong Chong was completely at a loss.

“Got it, please step back.” There was a voice without human emotion on the phone.

As the front desk lady backed away, more than a dozen silver-gray threads spread over like life, tied Wu Youming’s whole body, and lifted him into the air.

There was a flash of lightning. The body was instantly torn apart and turned into many small pieces of flesh and blood.

Immediately afterwards, the small pieces of flesh and blood squirmed and condensed, recombined, and gradually formed Wu Youming’s original body, but with a new vitality

Then, a helmet fell down, exuding Wu Youming’s aura, as if his thoughts remained. Then cover his head.

The helmet was raised, the silver-gray thread left, Wu Youming landed on the sofa again, and slowly opened his eyes. Scratching the back of his head, he smiled wryly at the front desk lady, “Sorry, I slept too deeply, and I’ll trouble you again.”

Nangong Chong opened his mouth a little bit. It turned into an O shape, and my whole body was cold, like falling into an ice cave. Unprecedented fear and confusion.

The boss of the game can come to reality from the game, and the uncle can be resurrected with the help of a “game device”. Is this still a normal world?

Thisstill uncle

“When you play games, you can directly reorganize matter according to connections and ideas to form a body. There are all kinds of matter here, and you can naturally do similar things. What’s so strange?” At this time, he heard the “hidden wave” ss” in a calm voice, “It’s just that this level of reorganization will conflict with the primordial spirit, and it won’t last long, and there is no primordial spirit in his body, only thoughts remain”

Nangong Chong’s eyes straightened when he heard that, did he know so much? It’s just a boss in the game, and the game world he said is the same as the real one

When everything calms down, Meng Qi walks out of the shadows and steps into the room. If he can see this incident, it will be considered a worthwhile trip. After he learns more from Wu Youming, he will decide whether to attack this place by force.

Wu Youming was not “surprised” by the arrival of Nangong Chong and Meng Qi: “What happened to Chong’er?”

“Uncle, I was too addicted to playing games last night, I had hallucinations, I called the false police, and my parents went on a business trip again, so I can only ask you to go to the police station together, and then accompany me to the psychiatric department of the city hospital.” Nangong Chong said the reason he had thought of long ago.

Wu Youming had no doubts, stood up, put on his coat, said a few words of concern, followed Meng Qi and Nangong Chong and walked out.

After exiting the glass door, Nangong Chong heaved a sigh of relief. This trip was easy for the boss, but he was extremely worried and afraid.

At this time, the elevator opposite the laser passage opened silently, and a woman in a strange dress came out.

She is wearing a black imperial robe with a phoenix embroidered on it. Except for her big and bright eyes, her facial features are ordinary, but she has a noble and domineering temperament, which makes the whole look vivid and charming, and she controls everything with every gesture. Feel.

The “Empress” Nangong blurted out, the real image of OS, the appearance is easy to find, but the temperament is hard to find

Suddenly, he saw the empress pause, and saw the mysterious man in front of him pause, and electric sparks burst out from the void between the two.

The “Empress” Meng Qi collided with the opponent’s aura, and they both sensed each other’s powerful primordial spirit and relatively weak body

The real empress should not stay here for long

As soon as he had a thought, the empress bowed forward and took a step to bully him.

But at this moment, the Empress only felt that the other party’s entanglement with her suddenly disappeared.

With a shot of his left hand, Meng Qi grabbed Wu Youming and Nangong Chong, stretched the top of his right foot, and kicked them vigorously. With a bang, the dark metal wall was dented until it was broken.

Then, before the empress and security guards rushed up, he reached inside with his right hand and grabbed the wire


The lights in the entire building went out, and even the backup seemed to be short-circuited.

In the darkness, the Empress felt that the other party had disappeared and failed to lock on in time, and the laser channel completely lost its function.

Darkness enveloped the entire Sky Game Company, but Meng Qi, who had gotten rid of the Empress, had slipped out of this layer without anyone noticing.

“What to do, what to do, I was discovered!” Nangong Chong was extremely panicked.

“It depends on how much Dr. Wu knows.” Meng Qi looked sideways at Wu Youming.

Wu Youming’s face turned pale, he hesitated and didn’t speak.

Nangong Chong hurriedly said, “Why are you not in a hurry?”

“What’s the rush, old man? Anyway, you can return to the game world at any time, but you will be in a worse situation.” When Meng Qi was speaking, he was looking at Wu Youming, with a smile on his lips, calm and unhurried.

Not only can I return to the world of the old demon in Montenegro at any time, but I can also interrupt the mission and return at any time. If I have the ability, I can get Liu Dao to hit me in the “main world”

Nangong Chong’s face turned pale again, while Wu Youming’s expression changed again and again. to be continued


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