I Honor

Chapter 937

Midnight Fierce “Bell”

In the Annan Prison Management Office, a female staff member was seriously explaining the procedures for visiting prisoners to the guy on the other end of the phone, and finally said: “It must be accompanied by immediate family members or immediate family members, otherwise it needs to be proved that the person being visited has no immediate family members, you Do you understand? Hey, hey, hey”

The other end of the phone was empty and there was no answer, as if there had been no one there. At the same time, a slightly gloomy wind blew by, and the phone emitted a slight arc, which made the female staff shudder uncontrollably. From the ghost movie I watched last night, the similar situation is a classic among the classics. Whenever a ghost appears, it is always accompanied by abnormal electrical appliances, inexplicable wind blowing, or obviously weird phone calls.

“That person must be too impatient.” The female staff immediately thought of the reason.

But as soon as this reason came up, she froze her gaze, because the other party didn’t hang up the phone at all, it seemed to disappear suddenly, and the call camera seemed to be malfunctioning all the time, and there was no image of the other party

All kinds of weirdness superimposed, and her heart beat like a drum.

Annan Prison detains serious criminals, who die every year from self-mutilation or the prison boss. There are many ghost stories circulating among colleagues, and many places are horribly gloomy. Numerical night shifters are always a little scared in their hearts, and now they encounter “classic scenes”, so why don’t they let her imagination run wild

The wind was whistling, and there was still no movement on the other end of the phone. Finally, the female staff member couldn’t bear it anymore, she stood up abruptly, and walked to the technical department next door, which was the monitoring and control center, monitoring all corners of the prison, including Office, so I can see if there is anything weird just now, or is it my own illusion

He knocked on the door and verified his identity. The duty officer in the monitoring and control center smiled and opened the triple protection: “Hi, Zhu Lin, why did you come here suddenly? Please everyone have supper”

Zhu Lin couldn’t be in the mood to joke with him, and said bluntly: “I just answered a consultation call, but later I thought it was wrong. It was in the middle of the night. Who would call for consultation and there was some strange movement in the office?”

“Please adjust the office monitoring, I’m afraid of any accident.”

She never mentioned that she was afraid of ghosts, she just said that she found something abnormal.

The staff on duty felt a bit embarrassed: “Without the signature of the leader in charge, the monitoring cannot be adjusted.”

“Why don’t you often replay the monitoring to confirm the problem, just like you usually do, when I don’t exist.” Zhu Lin insisted abnormally.

The staff on duty glanced at Zhu Lin, quite surprised. She has always had soft ears. Why do you have such an idea today? Do you really feel abnormal?

Thinking of this, he ignored the rules, hurried back to the monitoring room, and played back the monitoring of the management office for the last five minutes.

No matter how perfect and strict the rules and regulations are, as long as they are implemented by people, there will be loopholes, because people’s hearts have loopholes

Julie stood behind the officer on duty, looking nervously at the flashback of the previous scene. Normal phone rings, normal calls. But in the room with the windows closed, there was indeed a sudden wind blowing, and the videophone did flash an electric arc, which was extremely scary in the middle of the night.

“Damn it,” the officer on duty blurted out, somewhat understanding why Julie came to adjust the monitoring.

But after that, everything was normal, and there was nothing weird about it.

“It’s nothing.” The officer on duty frowned.At this moment, he saw a pale and gloomy fuzzy face on the screen. It was not the image of the office in the surveillance, but the reflection

Julie also saw this scene, her pupils constricted violently, there was no abnormality in the monitoring, but there was a problem with the screen, and a stranger was actually reflected

stranger standing behind


They turned their heads subconsciously, only to see a cyan figure floating in the air with a pale face surrounded by a dark wind.

Ghost, they wanted to scream, but they couldn’t make a sound. Their eyes went dark, their legs went limp, and they collapsed to the ground, about to faint.

Before they fell into a coma, they vaguely saw the “ghost” floating in front of the surveillance light curtain, watching the surveillance images of the prison intently.

“In these days, even an evil spirit knows how to watch the surveillance”

“What’s the use of ghost watching surveillance?”

The thought appeared, and the two of them fell into a coma completely, and their hearts were full of incomprehension, astonishment, and deep absurdity.

The monitoring light curtain spreads all over the room, divided into grids, corresponding to all the security points and corners of all the cells, offices, and all corners. Meng Qi’s eyes flickered, and he quickly swept over them, looking for the group of guys lurking here. The guys with the mysterious shards

They must reorganize the special devices, and they must have different behaviors and performances from other prisoners. Through monitoring, it will be clear at a glance.

Using Dao Yiyin, causal connection and causality can roughly lock the scope, and high-tech equipment can distinguish details. Sometimes, the combination of the two can be used infinitely, and Meng Qi is good at this, so he passed Yuanxin Seal. Influence Zhu Lin to trick her into opening the defense device outside the monitoring center

Time passed quickly, and Meng Qi had already brought all the surveillance images into his eyes, reflected them in the heart lake, kept rotating and comparing them, but he didn’t find anything unusual.

“Nothing unusual is the most unusual thing.” Meng Qi said hey, through the causal connection, he can be sure that the people from the mysterious Fragment Sky Game Company are here, how could there be no one?

That means someone is helping to cover them up

And they were able to hide in the Annan Prison smoothly, which also proved this point

Meng Qi thought for a while, and looked at the surveillance light curtain again, this time using the Annan Prison layout plan to distinguish, looking for places that were not monitored, or where the surveillance was flawed.

A few minutes passed, the corners of Meng Qi’s mouth curled up, and he said to himself, “I finally caught you.”

In a certain monitoring screen, the scene is not fully presented, only a small half, it seems that someone has deliberately adjusted the angle, and the rest is quite normal.

After finding the clue, Meng Qi left with his hands behind his back, and closed the door politely.

After a while, he appeared outside the eighth cell, which was where the monitoring was abnormal.

Outside the cell, many body-modified guards are guarding closely, and outside of them is full of distorted and powerful electromagnetic fields, as well as reaction devices that look like sunbursts.

This is all prepared for the primordial spirits and ghosts who have not yet turned yin into yang.

Meng Qi’s primordial spirit is powerful, and he practiced Nine Extinguishers, Overlord Six Slashes, and bears thunder marks, so he can not be afraid of “electric current” and “sunshine” within a certain level or under his control. It is easy to directly injure the primordial spirit and expose the traces. Moreover, without the protection of the body, the primordial spirit cannot last too long after being separated from the body, and needs to be constantly possessed.

After thinking for a while, Meng Qi poked his hand into the wire next to him, and the illusion pierced through the surface, directly touching the current.

The electric current under Zizizi’s control swarmed, and the silver and white condensed and turned into a body. The entire Annan Prison was suddenly cut off, and the entire Xianan area was completely blacked out.

With electric energy as his body, Meng Qi will not be able to come and go freely through the telephone line, etc., which is equivalent to having a short-term physical body. But at this moment, if it is dark, it will be bright.

A large-scale power outage can’t be hidden from the government, but they have a reaction time, and their own time lag

When darkness fell, the guards suddenly felt terrified, and then saw a ten-foot-tall giant step forward, entwined with silver and white lightning, full of violent feelings.

The giant punched out, and Zizz’s current surged wildly, colliding with the surrounding magnetic field and reactor.

The fire flared up, and the incandescence rushed out.


A loud noise erupted, and a mushroom cloud mixed with flames rolled up, as if a small nuclear bomb had exploded.

The storm tore through the eighth cell, and the guard gasified before he even had time to snort.

The prison cell completely collapsed, and the reorganized half of the special device was wiped out again. Several senior executives and core team members of the Sky Game Company were turned into torn apart charred corpses.

Among the ruins, a flickering fragment floated quietly, and it was difficult to see clearly because of the lingering mist inside.

Meng Qi approached quickly, and suddenly felt his vision change, and the fragments became bigger and bigger.

In an instant, the scene changed, the prison was gone, the world was gone, what appeared before Meng Qi’s eyes was no longer fragments, but an extremely huge corpse, which almost filled his sight

This corpse closed its eyes, lying in the midst of chaos, entwined with dense air, and its body was translucent. Inside, there were boundless oceans, rolling mountains, sun, moon, and stars, which seemed to hide another universe.

Meng Qi had a flash of thought that the Black Mountain old demon world was derived from this body.At this moment, the corpse’s eyes opened suddenly.

s: ask for a monthly pass


Three hundred and thirtieth eight chapters seven kill monument

When the corpse opened its eyes, it was red, like a sea of ​​blood, and the surroundings were suddenly distorted and chaotic.

Meng Qi’s vision blurred, Yuanshen felt slightly dizzy, and then saw a series of connecting lines extending from the outside world, penetrating the chaos, and sticking tightly between the eyebrows of the huge corpse.

Thoughts or primordial spirit descended along the connection line, drilled into the entrance, and the corpse gushed out a drop of blood, merged with them, formed a physical body, and fell on the mountains and rivers.

Just when Meng Qi wanted to see more clearly, the scene changed one after another. Sometimes the tyrannical soul flew out from between the eyebrows and followed the connecting line, sometimes the corpse was aroused and the whole body was transparent, and sometimes those huge eyes that were extremely bright red but lifeless appeared.

Meng Qi frowned slightly, thinking to himself: “Because the corpse opened its eyes, the surrounding time is in chaos, and the events that happened in the past, if they are deeply imprinted, will be reflected.”

Therefore, the essence of the fragment is a corpse, which completely evolved the inner world into a tyrannical corpse of a universe

Therefore, the physical bodies that Nangong Chong descended upon them were not real “void creations”, but came from the blood of huge corpses

Therefore, the reorganization of Wu Youming’s physical bodies also indirectly borrowed this power

Enlightened, Meng Qi soared into the sky, flew towards this terrifying corpse, and flew towards the center of his eyebrows.

The distance between the two was very close. Just as Meng Qi made a movement, he had already come to the top, and he could see those red eyes clearly.

There are no pupils inside, and there are boundless blood-colored waves, full of murderous intentions. In the center of the red sea, there stands a hazy stone tablet that does not belong to the world. On the top of the stone tablet, there are four figures familiar to Meng Qi. Empress, Foolish Monk, Celestial Master and Montenegro Old Demon

They were in the eyes of the corpse

Opening the eyes of the corpse is not the resurrection of the dead, it is just stimulated to change

Things were so strange that even the Grand Master was not spared. After inquiring about Qin Shuanglian and others in detail, the Celestial Master arrived hand in hand with the foolish monk without delay.

It is not too far from Tianshi Mansion. But the mountains close to the wild beasts have always been the most remote and unnoticed places.

In the village, the houses are old and many are dilapidated. Every household is hung with white cloth, and the trees are full of strings of paper money. Apart from this, there is no human habitation, and the silence is terrifying. The wind passes through the village from time to time, swirls, blows up paper money, and “stores” it in, making people creepy.

However, such people as Heavenly Master and Foolish Monk have seen more ghosts than ordinary people have encountered dogs. The source of the strange emission was quickly deduced and judged.

There is an ancient tomb near the mountain, which was discovered due to an earthquake, and was excavated by the villagers, who took away the treasures inside. Since then, they have died one by one, even the Taoist monks who came to catch ghosts were not spared. “title.

The ancient tomb was explored by Qin Shuanglian and others, but no coffin was found at the place where the owner was buried, only a crack that seemed to go deep into the ground was seen. The master of the Tianshi Mansion once went in to investigate, and then died, and Fang Zhidong probably also went inside.

“Amitabha.” The foolish monk whispered the Buddha’s name, and he had the Ksitigarbha Soul Crossing Sutra in his hand.

Read the scriptures. The foolish monk recited quickly, and the characters flew out one by one, blooming with golden glaze luster, reflecting the surroundings like a Buddhist kingdom, and the yin and death were all gone.

The ground cracked and the seeds germinated. A lotus flower blooms.

The foolish monk stepped on the lotus, surrounded the glazed scriptures, and stepped into the gap.

The celestial master is holding a long sword, with an ancient Taoist crown, and the dragon and the tiger are contending behind him, like Yan Taiji and Yin Yang, following behind the foolish monk.

He is not afraid of evil spirits, but only believes in the power of the Ksitigarbha Soul Sutra. You know, his first battle after becoming a grand master was to go deep into the “Ghost City”, subdue ten ghost kings, wipe out millions of ghosts, and completely Closed a gap leading to the Nine Nether Underworld, and restored peace to the world.

The two great masters have experienced hundreds of battles, and their hearts are self-generated. They have never underestimated this place, and they have followed suit and are cautious.

The gap is long, the depth is dark, and the spirit penetrates like a mud cow into the sea, and the more you go, the colder it is.

Suddenly, the eyes of the celestial master and the foolish monk brightened. They were already in an unusually wide underground cave, a cave that could build a royal palace.

There are a few dark springs flowing in the corners, and the rising chill fills the cave with a thin mist, which is what devours the spirit.

The celestial master and the foolish monk carefully monitored the cave, but found nothing unusual.

The stupid monk’s concealed eyes opened suddenly, pale golden and moist, crystal clear, including all directions in Tianyantong, but still did not find it.

At this time, the Heavenly Master snorted coldly, and clapped his left hand on the back of his right hand, the Taoist robe suddenly swelled, clear light flowed, and a big “kill” character gradually seeped out of the void on his back, the color was extremely light and had not yet formed.

“It’s really weird.” He swayed his upper body slightly, roaring like dragons and tigers behind his back, coiled into a ball, and wrapped and dissolved the word “kill”.

The foolish monk thought for a while, sat down cross-legged, took out a withered yellow wooden fish, and put it and the Ksitigarbha Soul Crossing Sutra in front of him, knocking on it, while moving his lips, he quickly and silently recited the Ksitigarbha Soul Crossing Sutra:

“Namo Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Mahasattva”

“Have passed, should have passed, it has not been long before passed, should have been accomplished, not accomplished”

“After today, in hundreds of billions of kalpas, there should be worlds, all hells, and the three evil ways, all sinful and suffering beings. I vow to save all beings from the hells, animals, hungry ghosts, and people who have retribution for their sins. Buddha actually, then I will become enlightened.”

The sound of the Buddha is louder and louder, grand and solemn, pure and liberated, and the golden light of glazed glass comes out from the void, illuminating the cave, driving away the mist, golden Borneo petals fall, and a stream of clear springs gushes out from the ground, accompanied by gold, agate, crystal, etc. .


The ground suddenly shook, and the cave shook violently, as if being pulled by scriptures.

The foolish monk suddenly raised his head, his eyes radiated Buddha’s light, and behind him appeared the compassionate, golden image of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, and the Ksitigarbha Soul Sutra flew up and turned to the last page.

He opened his mouth and spit out one word at a time. There was a Buddha preaching in a voice like thunder:

“If the hell is not empty, you will not become a Buddha; if all sentient beings are saved, you will realize Bodhi.”


Amidst the thunder, the earth cracked rapidly, as if a giant opened his eyes

Inside the “eyes” is a boundless blood-colored ocean, and in the middle of the ocean stands a hazy, seemingly untouchable stone tablet.

There is a line of text on the front of the stele:

“Kill kill kill kill kill kill”

The killing characters are more bloody, more ferocious, and full of death.

The “Seven Killing Monument” Celestial Master thought of the reminder from the Patriarch of the Cangtian Sect.

This stele is here

While thinking about it, the celestial master and the foolish monk flew into the sea of ​​blood at the same time, going all out.

Although I don’t know what the use of this stone tablet is. But the Black Mountain old demon tried his best to pursue it, which shows that it is very unusual and must not fall into the hands of the enemy

At this moment, a white and slender hand fell from the sky. The four fingers are close together, and the thumb is pressed in the index finger, like a bird’s beak. When it is connected with the figure in the black robe behind it, it is like a proud phoenix rushing forward, burning the sky with flames. A sea of ​​blood evaporated directly.

The “Female Emperor” Celestial Master has long been prepared for accidents, and the long sword is slanted upwards, and the dragon and tiger are connected end to end on the back, and they are spinning rapidly. Yin and yang are yin and yin, the surrounding void is sometimes frozen and frozen, and the yin qi penetrates into the bones, and sometimes it reaches yang and upright, eliminating pollution.

This is his proud work of combining the martial arts of Tianshifu: “Dragon and Tiger Seven Revolutions”. In an instant, seven waves of power, either yin or yang, are superimposed, like waves, and the order of yin and yang is different, and the seven turns of the dragon and tiger are completely different each time. If the enemy wants to resolve it, he must guess the yin and yang correctly in each wave. Only by making a correct response can the dragon and tiger seven revolutions be completely blocked. Otherwise, the power will be completely detonated, and there will be a chain reaction, which is equivalent to being attacked by several celestial masters at the same time

In an instant, unless the power of derivation is strong enough to approach the Dharma body. Or know the habits of the Celestial Master in advance, otherwise who can distinguish so quickly and make a perfect response so quickly

Therefore, in the face of this blow, the best choice is to avoid its edge, and the plan of the Celestial Master is the same. Force the empress back and get the “Seven Kills Monument” first.

The empress’s eyes were blank, and the five fingers of her right hand stretched out suddenly. She didn’t dodge, and chose to take it hard.

Yanghuo and Yinhuo changed one after another, eliminating layer by layer.

The seven turns of the dragon and tiger dissipated into nothingness, and the five fingers of the empress brushed against the sword of the celestial master. The surging power turned into flames and burned towards the celestial master along the long sword.


“She guessed it right!” The celestial master’s heart was shaken, and he flicked hard to cut off the flame.

His long sword trembled, his blood was tumbling, and he almost fell into the sea of ​​blood.

With one move, he was already injured.

When the empress gained power, she was relentless, and her body skills unfolded, firmly suppressing the celestial master.

The celestial master became more frightened as he fought more and more. He seemed to be transparent in front of the empress. She could always deal with it in advance, or find the hidden loopholes in his moves. He was very passive in the battle. There are always weaknesses

On the other side, the foolish monk looked calm. When he encountered the old black mountain demon wrapped in a robe, he punched out an ordinary punch. The golden text of “Ksitigarbha Soul Sutra” protruding in mid-air was connected into one piece, blooming with glaze luster, sitting on Mount Sumeru with his Dharma image , Derived from the “unbearable enchantment”, first stand in an invincible position.

Faced with this punch, the Montenegro old demon suddenly opened his mouth and spewed out a stream of dark light.

As soon as it landed on the golden colored glaze, there was a strange giggling sound, full of depraved joy. Immediately, the golden Buddhist text was stained, the barrier broke, and it was surrounded by strange black shadows.

The foolish monk “Fallen Monk Sariko” finally moved.

The old Montenegro monster laughed: “It’s specially prepared for you.”

The “Black Mountain Old Demon” game has been running for ten years. Although no one has stepped into the realm of a great master, there are always challenges to foolish monks, celestial masters and others. The data is fed back again and again, and under the continuous calculation and simulation of the optical brain, it gradually becomes real.

Therefore, the Empress and the Black Mountain Old Demon have simulated battles with the Celestial Master and the Foolish Monk dozens of times, and they know their habits, their moves, and their secrets very clearly. What kind of yin and yang changes will the celestial master subconsciously choose, knowing that the “fallen eminent monk relic” restrains the “unbearableMove the barrier”.

Knowing yourself and the enemy, you will be victorious in all battles. As soon as you fight against each other, the Heavenly Master and the Foolish Monk will naturally fall into an absolute disadvantage.

This is the strength of the combination of high technology and martial arts

What Meng Qi saw from the eyes of the huge corpse was this scene. His heart froze, his body touched the electric current, and his soul directly plunged into it. The body in the Tianshi Mansion sensed the energy and flew to the sea of ​​blood.

The two met in the sky above the sea of ​​blood, and the spirit returned to them. The exuberant blood was nourished, and Meng Qi once again felt his powerful and familiar power, a real and true power.

However, there will be a process of returning. At this time, Meng Qi saw the old black mountain demon grabbing the “Seven Kills Monument.”

“You are one step too late.” The black mountain old demon was in a very happy mood, his robe fluttered, and his red eyes were full of sarcasm.

Meng Qi squinted his eyes, took a step, stepped across the void, said nothing, just attacked

The spirit of the black mountain old demon shook the void and laughed: “It’s useless, do you know how mysterious the Seven Kills Monument is? In addition to chaotic time, explore past and present lives, kill people invisible, and allow the holder to return to the past for a short time”

“I know that your Huang Tian Dangli realm is very strange and powerful. You can actually replace Cangtian, not affected by time reversal, not separated from the two worlds. It is easy to win you, but very difficult to kill you.”

“However, now that I have the Seven Kills Monument in my hand, I can go back to the past and kill you when you were weak.”

The “Monument of Seven Kills” in his hand suddenly shone brightly, completely enveloping him, and the time and space suddenly became chaotic. Meng Qi could only watch helplessly as the old Black Mountain demon disappeared.

The light dissipated, and the Black Mountain old demon appeared on the cliff, and saw a calm young man sensing the sky.

“Liang Wuji,” he snorted.

The boy opened his eyes, looked at the demon-like monster in front of him, and was startled: “You are”

Before the words fell, the black mountain old demon slapped him with a palm, and Liang Wuji immediately turned into blood mud, leaving only obsession echoing around:

“Who am I messing with?”

Satisfied with his hands, the Montenegro old demon once again inspired the Seven Kills Monument and returned to the “future”.

Liang Wuji died, the head of the Cangtian Sect was replaced, and Sun Junlin was vigorously cultivated, but after all, he didn’t have that genius, and he couldn’t cultivate to the highest level under “Huang Tian Dang Li”, so he didn’t dare to challenge the old black mountain demon, and he was still alive and kicking .

Meng Qi came down and became a senior retreat elder of Cangtian Sect. He explored Lanruo Temple with Sun Junlin. Afterwards, there was not much change, only Yan Chixia, Yu Seng and others changed their identities in their memories.

But in the world of Nangong Chong, the video of the Cangtian Sect Master is still the Cangtian Sect Master’s video.

“Really going back to the past, the changes to the timeline are only limited to this universe.” Meng Qi was clearly aware of these changes, and he didn’t even change his memory.

And he finally understood why he didn’t change his memory, because “Dao Yiyin”

The cause of all effects, the source of all things, the beginning of all change

Meng Qi savored the changes, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, looked at the empty area in front of him, and said to himself:

“It’s none of my business if you kill him” is to be continued.

s: ask for monthly pass h211


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