I Honor

Chapter 954

: The Immortal Touches My Top

The dazzling waves from the Seven Kills Monument enveloped Meng Qi, and the pictures appeared in front of his eyes like flowing water. The body and soul seemed to be in a big river that never stopped flowing, and the future tributaries were countless and blurred.

All kinds of pictures in the past, one’s own and others’, are so vast and filled with emptiness, how to choose is really overwhelming.Meng Qi has a big head, and wherever there is a stele of seven kills, because its body is equal to the remnant or breath of the legendary power, there is serious interference, and it is impossible to reach it accurately

The Seven Kills Monument lasts for a limited time, and if you can’t choose it quickly, the effect will disappear soon, but Meng Qi didn’t rush, turned his thoughts, and enlarged his consciousness:

“Ningxin City in the 37th Year of Tianle”

The record of the six doors is based on the determination of the time of death and different confessions to restore the time of the murder, so it cannot be precise, but it can basically be specific to which time, which courtyard, and which room.

Immediately, countless dizzying images passed away one by one, and similar scenes were linked by consciousness. On the sixth day of September in the thirty-seventh year of Tianle, what happened in the courtyard of the head of Tiandimen was strung together into a movie film at intervals of one breath. like picture.

Just by scanning his eyes and discerning mentally, Meng Qi discovered many scenes of the assassination of Lin Kang, the head of Tiandimen, and touched them with his hand.

As soon as he touched one of the waves, Meng Qi felt his body became lighter, and the pressure around him disappeared without a trace, as if he jumped from the depths of the sea into the air.

Immediately afterwards, his primordial spirit was dizzy, his physical body shook, and he felt that the time and space were abnormally chaotic. Without the power of the Seven Kills Monument, he would be torn into pieces immediately, lost in the rift of time forever, desolate and dead.

In Ningxin City, the moon is dark and the wind is high, and the autumn is full of people. Lin Kang, the head of the Heaven and Earth Gate, finished his affairs and returned to his room.

He has black hair, long breathing, and does not look past forty at all. He is full of blood and unapproachable to ghosts and gods. He is a rare master of seven orifices in the local area, but his methods are cruel and ambitious. For the sake of his own status and strength, he does not know what to do. How many people, how many enemies have been provoked.

After lighting the candles, Lin Kang randomly picked out lanterns, trying to make the room brighter.

And on the beam, a figure of Youdao crawled quietly, barely breathing, watching Lin Kang enter the door, watching him light the candle, watching him light the lamp.

Crackling, the wick of the lamp made a crisp sound, the candlelight burst slightly, and the light swelled up, illuminating Lin Kang’s face with a bit of brilliance.

Just when he was subconsciously attracted by the lights, the killer above the beam made a move

It was as fast as thunder, and the long sword was silent. As soon as Lin Kang realized it, he felt a tingling pain in the back of his head, his eyes went dark, and he fell forward and fell on the table.

If you don’t do it, you’re done, and you can kill it with one move, this is the style of the Burenlou assassin

Even if there is a gap in strength, as long as the right time, place and people are right, the weak can kill the strong

In just one breath, Lin Kang, the head of the Heaven and Earth Sect, was assassinated and died without any resistance.

The killer was neither tall nor short, neither strong nor thin. He stood out from the crowd and didn’t check whether Lin Kang was really dead. He ran to the window without even looking at him. He seemed very confident in his assassination.

The wind blew, and the window opened silently. The killer’s pupils shrank suddenly, and his footsteps subconsciously slowed down, because there was a man in blue shirt standing by the window.

He has handsome facial features, calm demeanor, deep eyes, and stands with his hands behind his back. He just looks at himself through the open window, as if he has enjoyed the entire assassination process without realizing it

great master, real great master

The killer’s talent is superb, his mind is calm, and if he makes a wrong step, he will slam into the other side.

At this moment, he saw the man in the blue shirt raised his right hand, his five fingers were slender and powerful, and the surroundings became dark, so he threw it involuntarily, without any resistance at all.

His right hand was white and rested on his forehead, and he heard a low, devilish voice in his ears:

“The fairy caressed my head, tied my hair and gave me longevity.”

Immediately, the scene in front of the killer changed, and he went through the cycle of life after life.

His wife went through all kinds of hardships and saved food and money so that he could go to Beijing to take the exam. He lived up to her expectations. He was named on the gold list and was the number one scholar. dead body, the deep voice of “fated”

A famous lady in a boudoir, fell in love with a down-and-out scholar, and ran away from home, but met a heartless person, and was sold into a brothel, with a pair of jade arms as a pillow for thousands of people, and finally met her biological brother who passed by the city and came to find pleasure, at this time How dare we meet each other, weep a few times, cover our faces and throw ourselves into the lake

Turning into a donkey, working hard day and night, but when you get old, you can’t escape the knife and become a meal on the plate

All kinds of experiences, countless sufferings, endless cycles of reincarnation, even death cannot escape, no matter how strong and quiet the killer’s mind is, he can’t last too long, and finally collapses, tears and tears flow, feces and urine pour out.

Meng Qi caressed his right hand, and it burst into purple light. The pounding heartbeat entered the killer’s mind, and transformed the collapse into a terrifying “inner demon”. Then, with his right hand, the “inner demon” formed a cocoon and sank into the killer’s heart. In the depths of the sea, it will never appear voluntarily without being awakened by Yuan Xinyin, it will not affect the killer’s spiritual state, it will not affect his martial arts improvement, and he will not be able to discover it.

Only when the primordial spirit, dharma form and physical body are fused into a dharma body, can we get a glimpse of this inner demon seed and get rid of it

The way of time, affected by the confinement of the world, has small details of changes and the same historical trend. For example, if there is no host of the Buren Building, there must be another host of the Buren Building, unless the entire Buren Building is directly destroyed, but in that case , there will be other killer organizations appearing again, they will still accept the entrustment, their strength will not be lower than the peak of the location, and they will also be in charge of the magic weapon, which will not help Meng Qi to change the deadlock.

The Montenegrin old demon understands this,He chose to kill Liang Wuji for his own reasons. He broke through to an unprecedented realm and reached a new level of Huang Tiandangli. , Maybe the next generation of Cangtianzong, and the next generation, someone can achieve “Yellow Heaven Dangli”, but the current few generations will not, if they can do it, it will be Liang Wuji’s turn to complete it

Therefore, when he saw another Supreme Elder who had reached the state of “Huang Tian Dang Li”, his heart was broken.

Meng Qi, on the other hand, was worried about accidents, afraid of historical changes that would cause bad changes, so he chose the “inner demon seed” that had the least impact, until he met himself, limited by the power of the world’s confinement, the experience of the owner of the Buren Building will not change in any way

And if it is the Dharma King, because the involvement is too deep, if he dies, he may disappear directly in the present, because he died “early” in the Nine Heavens, and the current demon seeds are useless to the Dharma Body. The most correct way should be Use the “Seven Kills Monument” to go back to Thrushcross Villa one or two months ago, and tell Mr. Lu Da that he wants to go fishing and enforce the law, and intends to lure the Dharma King out at a certain time and place on a certain day, month, and ask him to ambush him in advance.

Now that the enemy can’t reach the dharma body, it’s not worth making Mr. Lu Da doubt his abnormality. It may expose the Seven Killing Monument and be wiped out by the Six Paths.

The use of the Seven Killing Monument is ever-changing and eclectic, and the wonderful use of it lies in one heart

The light rose, and Meng Qi disappeared into the Heaven and Earth Gate, removing the filth from the killer’s body.

As the autumn wind blew, the killer shuddered and regained consciousness. He only felt that there was no abnormality in his body, and he seemed a little dizzy just now.

“Although Lin Kang’s Heaven and Earth Great Compassion Hand could not be used, it still affected me a little under the desperate effort.” The killer didn’t dare to stay, and left quickly, and waited until he was in a safe place before carefully examining himself, and after confirming that there was no problem , completely relieved.

The wind in early spring was chilly and the river was flowing quietly. In the “Void Glazed Realm”, the envoy of Fengdian opened the distance, and saw the transparent short blade, the dharma body token, escape into the void again, flashed to Meng Qi’s side, and slashed at his head. , Seeing Huanxi Bodhisattva’s “Boundless Bliss Finger” as the light, and the “Bodhisattva Huanxi Weaving” born on the ninth-grade lotus platform secretly entangled, feeling Gu Xiaosang’s ethereal, chaotic breath, and the magic weapon exclusive to the inanimate mother.

At the same time, he also saw the owner of the Buren Building seize the moment when Meng Qi was the most “weak” and most powerless to resist, and stabbed him in the back of the head with a sword.

Suddenly, he saw the brilliance rising, flashing and disappearing, and he heard Gu Xiaosang’s whisper in his ears.

Immediately afterwards, he found that Meng Qi didn’t care about the sword of the owner of the Buren Building. He swung the orange fire knife obliquely in his hand, and it became bigger and bigger. The weight of 10,000 catties split the transparent short blade, and the void contracted caused the Bodhisattva’s weaving of joy to swing along with it, failing to catch it.

“He wants to break the situation with his wounds. Burenlou is holding the Assassin’s Excalibur. How can he resist it? No matter how powerful he is, he can’t stop it even if he doesn’t use all his strength.” The envoy of Fengdian snorted coldly, as if he had seen Meng Qi’s attack. died.

Not only him, Huanxi Bodhisattva also thinks so.

The master of Buren Building has no emotional fluctuations, no thoughts, only the sword in his hand, and only the goal in front of him.

At this moment, he heard a sigh in his ear again, low and demonic.

With a bang, something seemed to explode deep in his heart, and countless memories of suffering and experiences of extreme collapse flooded his mind, as if he was still trapped in reincarnation and could never escape.

Then, he saw a pair of indifferent eyes like gods and demons, and saw a palm fluttering towards him, not on this shore, not on the other shore, not in the midstream, his heart is there, everywhere.

The palm was white, slender and powerful, passed through the magic soldier who lost control for a moment, and landed on the forehead of the landlord of the Buren Building.

The Huanxi Bodhisattva and the envoy of Fengdian saw that with that sigh, under the great opportunity, the owner of the Buren Tower actually shook his hands and slowed down, while “Mad Saber” Su Meng wore a green shirt, like a god, demon, fairy, Buddha, , with a face full of pity, he slapped a palm casually, like a caress, and pressed it on the head of the owner of the Buren Building.

Immediately afterwards, they saw the owner of Buren Building showing a relieved smile, and Yuanshen left a message:

“The fairy caresses my head, and the hair is tied for longevity.”

The owner of Paburen Tower’s secret treasure shattered due to stress, his forehead split open, his primordial spirit collapsed, and he fell down.

“The fairy caresses my head, and the hair is tied for longevity.”

The residual sound reverberated, like relief or sinking, making people creepy, Huanxi Bodhisattva and Fengdian God Envoy shuddered involuntarily.

Meng Qi withdrew his gaze, dragged his long knife obliquely, and strode forward in a big stride, calmly and dignifiedly said:

“It’s your turn”

At this moment, his aura has completely overwhelmed the two strong men on the opposite side.


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