In addition , in the middle of the journey , Li Fan and others also saw five robberies .

This completely dispelled Ilya’s first thought that she had come to a good city .

” That’s right , this is indeed a place full of desires . ” Li Fan nodded , ” However , it is also a world with very powerful forces . ”

” In the future, everyone should be careful in their actions . ”

” By the way , I plan to fight a Holy Grail War here in 823 , which is my first step in the world’s film industry . ”

” Are you interested in participating ?”

Hearing Li Fan’s words , Kotomine Kirei and Illya immediately showed interested eyes .

Kotomine Kirei : “The Holy Grail War , it’s really interesting , I missed it last time , if I have the chance this time, it’s really like experiencing it myself . ”

Illya : ” Me too , me too , Li Fan ! Let me participate too . ”

Li Fan nodded , looked at Medusa and Cursewrist Hassan , and asked , ” How about you two ?”

” That , Master , we are Servants ourselves , can we also participate in the Holy Grail War ?” Cursing Arm Hassan seemed a little hesitant .

” Of course , as long as you can obtain the Master’s Command Spell , you will be eligible to participate . ” Li Fan nodded slightly , ” However , in terms of choosing the Master , the Holy Grail is random . ”

” I can’t control this , I hope you can understand . ”

Hearing this , Illya said disappointedly : ” Hey ! Can’t you participate directly , Li Fan ? ”

” Sorry , Illya , although the Holy Grail is provided by me , it has the right to choose independently . ” Li Fan touched Illya’s little head with a little apology on his face .

Without Illya’s explanation , Li Fan also knew that Illya wanted the Holy Grail to resurrect her parents .

But unless Illya is lucky and qualified for the competition , Li Fan can’t let her participate .

After all , even Li Fan himself wanted to participate in the Holy Grail War , but he had no such authority .

” Li Fan , you don’t need to feel sorry , I just complained casually . ” Illya laughed and took Li Fan’s hand , ” Of course it would be better if I could be selected , but if I wasn’t selected , I wouldn’t blame Li Fan. whatever is yours . ”

” What a good boy . ” Hearing this , Li Fan couldn’t help reaching out and hugged Ilia .

” Really , Li Fan , I’m no longer a child . I’m 18 years old and an adult . ” Illya pouted .

” Of course , Illya is already a big child . ” Seeing Illya’s cute appearance , Li Fan couldn’t help pinching Illya’s little face .

” Humph !” Seeing that Li Fan still regarded herself as a child , Illya turned her face to the side angrily .

” Since Li Fan said that luck is needed , then rely on luck to decide . ” Medusa said , ” If I am selected , then I will participate in the Holy Grail War . If the Holy Grail does not choose me , I will already stay by your side . ”

Cursed Wrist Hassan nodded in agreement .

” Well , now that it’s decided , I’ll take out the venue first . ”

the words fell , Li Fan turned around and raised his hand towards the sea .

‘ System , build a Holy Grail War battle site on the sea . ‘

– Follow the host’s wishes .

As the voice of the system sounded in Li Fan’s mind , a brand new , Torso City gradually appeared on the Atlantic Ocean near the city .

were planning to go fishing were stunned when they saw the city that suddenly appeared in front of them .

Similarly , citizens walking along the coast picked up their mobile phones and took pictures of the new city .

” Is that a mirage , why did a city suddenly appear ?”

” Yeah , it looks like it ‘s exactly the same as Twisted City . ”

” How can it be a mirage , how can a mirage occur at such a close distance . ”

” What is that , it can’t be some kind of high-tech . ”

” You ask me , who do I ask , but maybe it’s something official made . ”

There were hot discussions nearby , and soon , the news here spread throughout the city and even the entire country through the Internet .

Of course , the city that suddenly appeared also alarmed S.H.I.E.L.D. and the military .

Soon , a reconnaissance plane flew towards the city that suddenly appeared .

A few minutes later , inside S.H.I.E.L.D.

” Have you figured out what that is ?” Nick Fury, director of SHIELD, frowned at the scene on the screen , and asked Agent Hill next to him .

” I haven’t figured it out yet . ” Hill shook his head . ” There was a message over there that the reconnaissance plane encountered a mysterious force after approaching the city and could not continue to land . ”

” However , looking down from above , the city that suddenly appeared is indeed exactly the same as the city of Tortoise . ”

” It’s just that there aren’t any people or other animals in it . ”


Chapter 415 Chosen Colson ( thanks to [ 136?138 ] monthly pass )

Hearing Hill’s report , Nick Fury frowned even more and asked without hesitation : From Xinxiaoqun 712205071


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” Is there any omen when this city , which is tentatively called a fantasy city , appears ?”

Hill shook his head : ” There was no warning at all , it just appeared suddenly like that . ”

” If I hadn’t known that there was no such city in that sea area , I would have even thought that there was a city there . ”

this , Nick Fury pondered a little , and after a while , he said :

” Send S.H.I.E.L.D. agents to investigate on the coast . I need to get the report related to this city as soon as possible . ”

” Yes , chief . ” Hill nodded . ” Besides , Coulson and Natasha are already on their way . ”

” After that, I will send more people to investigate . ”

” Yeah !” Nick Fury replied , ” This matter , an order has been sent from above , let us ~ investigate it as soon as possible . ”

” There is no doubt that there must be a mysterious force in it . We need to get the information faster than the military – . ”

” Go on , Hill , just leave it to me here . ”

Hill nodded , turned around , and went about his business .

After Hill leaves the office , Nick Fury turns on another screen .

Up there , the future Iron Man , Tony Stark, just returned to his place of residence .

As soon as he came back , Stark walked into his research room and devoted himself to his own research .

Because Tony Stark’s father is one of the founders of S.H.I.E.L.D. , in addition to Stark’s own talent , Nick Fury had to leave a back door in Stark’s home to monitor Stark’s behavior. .

This is a kind of control , and it is also a kind of protection . After Tony Stark escaped from the place where he was kidnapped , Nick Fury was even more determined to monitor Stark’s behavior .

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