Li Fan won a total of 2013 box office points .

As for money , plus the previous screening of ” Fatestaynight ” , Li Fan won a total of 4,013,300 Berries .

In addition to the remuneration of various actors , Li Fan still has 42 million Berry left .

Of course , among them , thanks to Aaron’s 20 million bounty .

After some preparations , Li Fan brought a group of people to the shore , ready to go to Rogge Town .

” Speaking of which, Nuo Qigao , where is that guy Nami ?” Looking around on the boat , but not finding Nami’s figure , Li Fan walked to Nuo Qigao’s side and asked .

” Ala , is Director Li Fan worried that Nami won’t get on your boat ?” Nuo Qigao smiled .

” Haha , this possibility is impossible . ” Li Fan waved his hand , ” That greedy cat won’t give up my chance to make money here . ”

” You know Nami very well . She is saying goodbye to our mother . If you look at the time , it should be almost here . ” Noki said with a high smile , then turned to look in the direction of the village , ” Look , Nami . there . ”

Li Fan followed Nuoqigao’s gaze , and sure enough, he saw Nami .

” Li Fan , start the boat !” Nami shouted in the distance .

” Hehe , are you coming here ?” Li Fan shook his head and looked at the crew behind him , ” Let’s sail , everyone . ”

” But Nami she …”

” Don’t worry , she’ll be on the boat . ”

Hearing what Li Fan said , the crew had no choice but to believe it and hoisted the sails .

On the other side , Nami took a step forward and ran to the shore at a brisk pace , her figure constantly shuttled among the villagers of Cocosia Village .

Finally , when it came to shore , a leap jumped towards the boat .

Li Fan stretched out his hand and caught Nami’s body , and at the same time , he also took the wallet she stole from the villagers .

” Crazy Cat , is this how you say goodbye to the villagers ?” Li Fan asked with a smile , raising the wallet in his hand .

” Haha , don’t you think this way of saying goodbye suits me well ?” Nami smiled , took her wallet and looked at the villagers on the shore .

” Everyone , thank you for your money , I will use it well . ”

” Damn , when , my money !”

” Nami , you thief !”

” I didn’t notice it at all . ”

” But be happy , Nami !”

” Safe journey !”

” If you feel tired of life outside , you can always go back to Cocosia Village . ”

village names shouted , not at all angry that Nami stole their wallets .

” Everyone cares about you , Nami . ” Li Fan put his hand on Nami’s shoulder .

” Well ! Everyone in the village is the best . ” Nami nodded heavily , then waved her hand to say goodbye to the villagers .

ps: Ask for flowers , ask for collections , ask for monthly tickets , ask for evaluation tickets , ask for various data support , thank you ! ! ! .

Chapter 51 Encounter with the Click Pirates ( for flowers )

On the endless sea , a huge sailboat with three decks is sailing slowly .

Although the sailboat was large , it was badly damaged , as if it had encountered increased wind and waves .

sail , the flag of the skull represents the identity of its pirate ship .

deck , many pirates lay weakly on the ground .

” Damn , that wicked swordsman actually destroyed almost all my ships !” A tall man in golden armor walked out of the cabin .

His eyes were angry , but he was full of fear for the swordsman in his mouth .

Klick , the overlord of the East China Sea, a pirate with a bounty of 17 million berries .

Not long ago, he went to the great route , but after encountering the great swordsman of the first world , Klick fled back to the East China Sea .

” Akin , haven’t reached the land yet ? My stomach is about to starve to death !” Klick looked at the battle captain Akin beside him , his tone full of complaints .

” Hold on , captain !” Arkin supported Crick . “The white hunter Smoker is stationed in Rogge , and we can’t land there . ”

” Now , we can only sail forward , and I believe that it will not be long before we find an island . ”

” When the time comes , we’ll have enough food …”

” That’s what you said before !” Klick shook off Akin’s arm , ” I need food now . ”

” Akin , I’ll give you a small boat . You go out to explore the way , and after you find food , come back and tell me . ”

” This … okay . ” Facing Crick’s order , Arkin chose to obey .

” Captain , there is a ship over there !” Suddenly , the voice of a crew member entered Klick’s mind .

” Ships ?” Click looked at him immediately . ” If there are ships , it means there is food . ”

” Little ones , let me lean over them all !”

” Yes , Captain !” The pirates shouted excitedly .

Because they were hunted down by Hawkeye Mihawk , the pirates of the Click Pirates had not eaten a full meal for a long time in order to escape .

The food stored on the boat has long been eaten up . These days , it is all eaten by the fish .

Even so , there are always times when it’s not enough .

The ship that the Crick Pirates were concerned about was Li Fan’s ship heading towards Rogge Town .

Li Fan naturally saw the huge pirate ship of the Click Pirates .

” Skull flag , it’s a pirate ship . ”

” Look at their appearance , they are coming towards me . ”

Li Fan touched his chin .

” Is this a takeaway for me ?”

said , Li Fan looked at Da Siqi, who had been stopped from training by him .

” Dasqi , can you tell which pirate group the ship over there belongs to ?”

” There is an hourglass on each side of the skull on the flag , Li Fan , this is the ship of the Crick Pirates . ”

” The captain of the Pirates is Klick, the overlord of the East China Sea with a bounty of 17 million Berries . ”

” However , I heard that they went to the Great Route before , but I didn’t expect to see their ships in the East China Sea . ”

Dusky replied quickly .

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