” Marshal !” The navy who was patrolling saw Sengoku and saluted immediately .

” Yeah !” Warring States nodded , ” You help me contact the crane and the three generals , just say I have something important to tell them . ”

” Yes !” Upon hearing the order , the soldier immediately went to do it .

Not long after, the Office of the Admiral, which had been quiet, became popular again .

” Warring States , what’s the big deal for calling us here so late ?” He asked after seeing that the yellow monkey had finally arrived .

” Yeah , Marshal , it’s late at night , I’m already asleep , so I was called up by you . ” Huang Yuan rubbed his shoulders , looking a little helpless .

Aokiji and Akainu did not speak , but waited for Sengoku to tell them the answer .

Sengoku nodded and told several people in the room about Mihawk .

” You have also heard the matter . What do you think about this Medusa ?” After finishing the story , Sengoku said .

” Is it a mistake , Marshal of the Warring States period , Mihawk is the world’s largest swordsman , how could he be defeated in that place in the East China Sea !” Qingzhi frowned , ” With his strength , even if he fails , he will still be defeated. Not to be killed in seconds . ”

” Oh , oh , it ‘s really scary . The red-haired Shanks also lost an arm in the East China Sea . There must be some monsters hiding in that place . ” Kizaru touched his chin and said. .

As for the idea that Mihawk is not strong enough to be defeated , they will not have it .

” He , can you guess the ability of this Medusa ?” Sengoku asked the crane .

The crane lowered his head and thought for a while, then said :

” There is so little information that I have right now that I cannot accurately judge Medusa’s abilities . ”

” However , it is said that Medusa often wears a pair of blindfolds . Perhaps , his ability is related to his eyes . ”

” But no matter what her abilities are , we will be more careful when facing this woman in the future . ”

” Best , try to touch that Medusa as little as possible . ”

” Lieutenant General Crane is right , I don’t want to face such a person . ” Kizaru nodded .

” Powerful abilities always require conditions to activate . ” At this time , Akainu, who had been silent, spoke up .

” Just like Empress Hancock needs the temptation of others to petrify others , so must the Medusa . ”

” This is a big deal and I think we need to force Mihawk to say what he saw before he was petrified . ”

Although Li Fan and Medusa are not pirates , people with powerful power will always be feared , and Akainu is not exempt from this .

” It’s natural , but even that guy Mihawk might not really be able to figure out why he lost . ” Sengoku sighed .

” The guy has always been on his own terms , taking into account the possibility of whether he’s willing to tell the full truth . ”

” Li Fan and the others are now heading to Rogue Town . After that, I’ll let Smalls go to see the specific situation . ”

” Now , regarding this Li Fan and Medusa by his side , we are discussing how to treat them . ”

ps: Thanks to [ Xiaolong ] for the big reminder ticket and 100vip reward points , and thanks to [ QQQ99… ] for the monthly pass , thank you very much ! !


Chapter 57 Smog the boat picker ( for flowers )

other side , after two days of sailing , Li Fan and the others finally arrived at Rogge Town .

When Li Fan brought his team back to Rogge Town again , Smog had been waiting on the shore for a long time .

” Yo , Smog , you haven’t seen each other for a few days . Your face seems a lot ugly . ”

Li Fan jumped off the deck and patted Smog on the shoulder with an old acquaintance .

” Is it because I can’t film , I feel lonely or something . ”

” Tsk , I won’t feel uncomfortable because I can’t film your scenes . ” Smog glanced at Li Fan , ” I heard that your companion Medusa petrified the Hawkeye guy . ”

” After knowing you were coming to Rogue Town , the people above asked me to come to your side to see what’s going on . ”

” The person above ?” Li Fan turned his head and glanced over Gion to look at Dusky , ” Did Dusky report to you ?”

” Well , after all, Mihawk is a king under the Seven Wuhai Sea , and being defeated is a big event , and it is normal for Dasqi to report to me . ” Smog nodded .

Although it was true that Dusky had told Smog about this in private , the one who ordered him to meet Mihawk was Sengoku who had learned the news before .

Of course , Smoker wouldn’t say this .

” Well , since that’s the case , I’ll leave that guy Mihawk to you . ” Li Fan shrugged and looked at the statue of Mihawk that was carried down by his actor .

Seeing the statue , Smoker frowned immediately .

” Li Fan , is that guy really still alive ?”

” And , can’t you wake him up earlier ?”

” Since Medusa said he was still alive , he must be alive , ” Li Fan said .

of waking him up in advance , that’s fine .

” That guy slashed at me twice indiscriminately , as a punishment for him . ”

” In other words , he is just a king under the Seven Martial Seas , not a regular navy . If I do this , I wo n’t break the law . ”

” Uh !” Li Fan’s words left Smog speechless , ” It’s not against the law . ”

” However , being able to say something like punishing Mihawk at will , probably , you are the first . ”

” Then I’m really honored . ” Li Fan turned around with a smile , beckoned to the actor who was carrying the statue , and motioned him to hand over Mihawk’s statue to Smog .

” Mihawk , I leave it to you . ”

” You can’t come to me if something happens to him . ”

said , Li Fan turned to look at the people behind him .

” After sailing for so long , everyone has worked hard . ”

” Let’s go to the hotel where we stayed before and rest for a while . ”

” After lunch , I have to trouble everyone to go to town to promote the costumes of [ Ghost Slayer ( 1 ) ] on board . ”

Everyone nodded and walked towards the hotel .

” Well , Li Fan , can I stop promoting it ? ” Dasqi walked over with a hesitant expression , ” I want to go to the naval base first . ”

” You can go to the naval base , but you have to go to the propaganda . ” Li Fan put his hands on Dasqi’s shoulders with a serious expression on his face .

” You’re the star this time , there ‘s no reason why the star won’t promote it . ”

” You can go directly to the naval base first , wait for a similar time , and then come back . ”

” This … okay . ” Dasqi nodded , and after saying hello to Smog , she walked towards the naval base .

” By the way , Smog , I still have some pirates on board , so please arrange for the navy to take them there . ”

” Also , Click’s bounty is 17 million , so please prepare it first . ”

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