green pheasant and the ghost spider hurriedly dodged , dodging the attack of the black goat cub .

‘ Aren’t you afraid of my ice ? ‘ Aokiji’s eyes widened .

he didn’t know was that although the black goat cub didn’t have any special abilities , his stamina was outstanding . It was simply impossible to defeat the black goat cub with a simple attack .


Chapter 94 Bone King’s Special Skills

After repelling the green pheasant and the ghost spider , the black goat cub did not continue to pursue , but came to him under the manipulation of Li Fan .

Looking at Li Fan and the others in front , the faces of the navy and cp0 agents became extremely solemn .

Originally , according to their assumptions , even if the vitality of the Demon Killing Order could not cause too much damage to Li Fan and the others , it could still play a considerable role in restraining Li Fan and his party .

However , what they didn’t expect was that the tens of thousands of naval soldiers in the Demon Slayer Order were slaughtered by Li Fan in just an instant .

And now it seems that the dead soldier has also helped Li Fan to increase his combat power .

” General Qingzhi, the ability that Li Fan showed is not in line with the ability in the script we heard before . We have to be careful . ” Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan walked to Qingzhi with a very serious tone .

” Yeah !” Qingzhi nodded , “The worst situation has arisen , this Li Fan can really use the ability in the script . ”

” As described in the script , Ainz Urgong has mastered many kinds of magic . ”

” What he is using now is probably the magic ability that An 600 Ziurgong has mastered that has not been described in the [ overlord ( 1 ) ] . ”

” Since the turret of the warship is no longer available , then I will use my ability to contain him remotely . ”

” You must be careful of his strange abilities . ”

Hearing this , the lieutenants nodded .

other hand , while Aokiji and the others were discussing , Li Fan had the dolls of Medusa and Shalltear come to him .

” Medusa , Shalltear , go and get rid of that green pheasant . ”

” By the way , just catch the live one , use your petrification to incapacitate him , Medusa . ”

The two nodded and moved quickly .

” High-level teleportation !” Shalltear suddenly appeared in front of Qingzhi before Qingzhi had time to use her fruit ability to attack Li Fan .

Fortunately, the excellent sight and domineering domineering made Qingzhi predict Shalltear’s arrival in time, and constructed an ice shield in front of him in time , so that he was not hit by Shalltear’s dropper spear .

However , Shalltear’s powerful strength still caused Aokiji’s body to fly towards the rear .

‘ Since Li Fan’s power is real , then this Xia Ti Ya’s power should also really exist . ‘

‘ That spear , my elementalization may not be immune . ‘

‘ The moment I get hit by that long spear , my physical strength will probably be weakened . ‘

Aokiji, who was in the air, flashed thoughts in his mind .

At this moment , an extremely fast figure broke into Aokiji’s domineering perception again .

Aokiji looked up , and was shocked to find that Medusa was riding a Pegasus and slammed into him fiercely .

” Bang- ”

a loud bang , Aokiji’s body, who had attacked with Medusa, flew to the rear again , and there was the location of the sea .

Aokiji frowned , and when he wanted to use the moon step to stabilize his body , Shalltear, who used high-level teleportation to get rid of the lieutenant generals, came to the top of Aokiji , and hit him with another blow. Pheasant .

Although Aokiji was a general , his strength could not be considered low , but under the attack of Medusa and Shalltear , he fell into a passive state for a while .

Seeing that Aokiji was trapped , the lieutenants immediately wanted to help .

However , cp0 ‘s agents stopped them .

” What do you mean , cp0?” Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan frowned , looking annoyed at the leading cp0 agent .

” Now that even the woman is being held back by the green pheasant , we should focus our efforts on dealing with Li Fan at this time , ” said the cp0 agent .

” This is an opportunity , I order you in the name of the world government to strike with me now . ”

Hearing cp0 ‘s words , the vice admirals could naturally understand his purpose .

Although he wanted to support Qingzhi , at this time , it was more straightforward to capture Li Fan .

However , when they attacked , the six level 80 Heavenly Army summoned by Li Fan suddenly attacked the five vice admirals and a cp0 agent who was relatively backward .

a while , only two cp0 agents came to Li Fan .

The leading cp0 agent just glanced behind him , and then accelerated his speed and launched an assault on Li Fan .

” [ The most powerful magic . Rib binding ] !”

Li Fan raised his hand , and two cp0 agents appeared out of thin air with huge bone spurs stabbing their bodies .

Because the bone spurs appeared too suddenly , the two did not choose to avoid them , but used their armed arrogance to strengthen their defenses , blocking Li Fan’s move abruptly .

” Hey , that ‘s amazing . As expected of CP0 , it can actually shatter my magic . ” Li Fan raised his head and moved his body back slightly , letting the black goat cub stand in front of him .

Agent cp0 wanted to bypass the black goat cub and attack Li Fan directly , but he did not expect the black goat cub to move very quickly .

With the cooperation of Li Fan’s magic , the two were unable to successfully break through the black goat cub .

‘ The leading agent is obviously much stronger than the one after that . ‘

‘ It can also cause obvious damage to the level 90 black goat cub . If you give him a little more time, he should be able to defeat the black goat cub . ‘

‘ It’s amazing , the world government is really a crouching tiger , but I do n’t know how many such existences exist in the world government . ‘

Li Fan nodded secretly , and glanced at the green pheasants and the vice admirals who were fighting in the distance .

‘ Used to threaten the existence of the navy , leaving only Aokiji and the Vice Admirals is enough . ‘

‘ The two of you should die here . ‘

mind moved , Li Fan opened his hands , and a chilly breath spread out from his body .

” Special skill , [ Death is the end of all life ] !”

Li Fan’s words , a golden clock phantom appeared behind Li Fan .

Expand the range of magic effect , ? Cry of Banshee ? !

” Yah !!!”

A harsh sound came from Li Fan , and the resulting sound wave directly enveloped the two CP0 agents who were relatively close to Li Fan .

” That’s it ?!” The two cp0 agents who were struggling to break through the black goat cub stared wide-eyed .

Looking at the constantly moving hands of the clock behind Li Fan , an extremely unpleasant feeling enveloped their hearts .

Li Fan cracked the corners of his mouth and looked at the two cp0 agents mockingly .

The pointer behind him was about to return to rank zero , and Li Fan scattered the black goat cubs , allowing the two cp0 agents to approach him .

“That’s it , you two , farewell !”

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