As early as the first time he met Ichimaru Gin, Aizen had already activated Kyōka Suigetsu.

How could Aizen not be prepared for such a sudden ally.

I just didn't expect that Ichimaru Gin noticed that he might appear in the inventory screen, so he had already slipped away.

Assuming that there is no Ichimaru Gin scene in Kurosaki Ichigo's inventory, I'm afraid he will come back in a circle.

"Sir, please allow us to hunt Kurosaki Ichigo, he is a threat!-"

"No need, we have to focus on all worlds, and it is not appropriate to open up a new battlefield for the time being." Aizen's eyes looked at a farther place.

Aizen's purpose has so far not been clear to many people.

Maybe it is to enter the mysterious Spirit King Palace, or to find someone with similar strength to fight.

Or to discover the truth of the world.

I am afraid that before he explains it himself, no one knows what the man is thinking in his heart.

Journey to the West World.

The two Bodhisattvas walked in the direction of Huaguo Mountain very nervously.

Instinct wanted to let them escape.

But the Buddha's orders could not be disobeyed, so the two decided to inquire about some news and left.

It is enough to be able to cross in front of the Buddha.

When they came to Huaguo Mountain, the scene in front of them surprised them.

It was quiet here, as if nothing was there.

Not even a monkey was seen.

"What's going on? What's wrong here?" Wenzhu Bodhisattva was very surprised.

"Could it be some kind of trap?" Puhui Bodhisattva was very cautious.

"It's uncomfortable, it's better to be careful." Wenzhu Bodhisattva nodded.

Two people have been able to cultivate to the present, relying on this carefulness.

Avoiding disaster is the way to survive.

After changing their bodies, the two of them also turned into monkeys.

Carefully entered Huaguo Mountain, only to find that people have gone to the mountain sky here.

"It's weird, it's weird, it's all gone?" Wenzhu Bodhisattva looked puzzled.

At this moment, there was a sudden movement behind him.

The two looked back and saw that it was an old lame monkey.

It looks old.

"Why don't you go. 33 The old monkey asked.

The two were relieved, it seemed that they had not been found.

"Cough, we just came back from outside." Wenzhu Bodhisattva said with a dry cough.

・・・ Flowers・・・

"Oh, hurry up and go to heaven, today is the time for us to avenge our five hundred years of revenge! If it wasn't for me being too old, then I would kill myself and avenge my broken leg!" "The old monkey was murderous.

Both Wenzhu Bodhisattva and Puhui Bodhisattva were stunned.

These monkeys are going to kill heaven!

They all know that five hundred years ago, when the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals attacked Huaguo Mountain, they killed many monkey soldiers and monkey generals under the banner of slaying demons and eliminating demons.

Who would have thought that these monkeys are going to counterattack the heaven now.

Puhui Bodhisattva's first reaction was to laugh.

Are these monkeys looking for death?

But soon he found himself unable to laugh, which is not a funny thing.

Think of the accidental death of Tang Seng in the plan of obtaining scriptures, and the death of Guanyin Bodhisattva.

An invisible force must have intervened to cause so much damage.

The two bodhisattvas shuddered.

Immediately returned to Daleiyin Temple, ready to tell the Buddha what he saw.

As for going to the Heavenly Court to check the situation, that would definitely not be done.

But when they came back here, they found that they no longer needed to report.

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