Whitebeard knew that they couldn't fight Marine.

There is a huge gap in strength.

It's just that these words must not be said, otherwise it will affect morale.

"Ace, I won't let you die, you are the one who is going to be the One Piece! Bai~beard muttered to himself.

The inventory screen continues.

Luffy in Impel down finds that Ace has been taken to the execution stand at Marine headquarters.

So with the help of many prisoners, Luffy successfully escaped from prison and came to the Marine headquarters battlefield.

But the miracle ends here.

Luffy opened the shackles on Ace at a critical moment, but was attacked by Akainu.

It was Ace who helped Luffy block Ace's attack, but his entire body was pierced by a fist.

With the life card burned out, Ace died in front of Luffy.

Luffy is in pain!

If it weren't for Jinbei's help and the appearance of the red hair, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to leave Marine headquarters.

The Whitebeard Pirates have failed miserably!

The time has come to two years later, this time in an arena.

Luffy is here again, and he's fighting for the Mera-mera Fruit.

At the same time, there is another youth who has recovered his memory, and the other side also wants to compete for Mera-mera Fruit.

It's Sabo!

It was very touching that the brothers met again, and Luffy gave Sabo the task of capturing the Mera-mera Fruit.

Sabo also lived up to Luffy's expectations and ate Mera-mera Fruit.

Fire Fist reappears in the world!

【The three most affectionate brothers, the most free three brothers】

【Nothing can stop them from their pursuit of freedom】

[Inventory of the top ten brothers TOP7 is well deserved]

Pirate world.

North Blue, branch of the Revolutionary Army.

"Sabo! You turned out to be a noble before, and you have two brothers!" Klar looked at Sabo in surprise.

No matter from which angle, Sabo does not have the shadow of aristocrat.

Not only did I not have the slightest air, but also helpful.

Being able to understand the pain of ordinary people is a rare quality.

"Brother, I still have two brothers! It's great that you are still alive, and so am I. Sabo has tears in his eyes.

The thought of Luffy and Ace all these years thought they were dead.

How painful it must be, and he himself has lost his memory but lived a very handsome life.

Especially Ace finally helped Luffy block Akainu's fist.

・・・・Seeking flowers・

Thoroughly implement that sentence and protect their younger brother.

If it were Sabo, he would also help Luffy to block the attack without hesitation.

This is how the older brother treats the younger brother.

Even though Luffy was already a great man, he was still a younger brother in their eyes.

"I heard that Straw Hat Luffy and Ace are both in New World, are you trying to get in touch with them?" Klar thought for a while and said.

.0 "No, I'll go straight." Sabo shook his head. "Apply to the commander for this," Clark said. They were the Revolutionary Army after all, a well-disciplined organization. Instead of some pirates who are casual guys. "Well, I'll go to the commander right now." Sabo nodded. But before Sabo left the room, the door was already opened. "Sabo, Klar, I have an urgent task for you." The dragon appeared at the door. "Commander, you can order it!" Sabo straightened immediately. Even if he was in a hurry to find Ace and Luffy, if it was the dragon's order, Sabo would execute it without hesitation. Dragon is not only Sabo's chief, but also his savior and master.

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