I! In The Beginning, Ye Wen Had Opened The Nine Yang Divine Technique

Chapter 97 : Han Paopao: Don’t pretend, I’m from the sixth-level world (first more)

"If I can, after Strengthening Fourteen is successful, I will stop, but unfortunately not. Strengthening the strength of the Fourteenth generation will not allow me to deal with the dangers of my world. I can only give it a try." Hearing Han running away from them. Han Nuo smiled and shook his head.

"Strengthening Fourteen has reached the fourth-level late stage strength, is this not enough for Brother Han to deal with the dangers of your world?" Han Paopao heard Han Nuo's words, and immediately looked at Han Nuo curiously and asked.

"The fourth-level late stage is not enough. It is necessary to strengthen the fourth-level peak strength of the fifteenth." Han Nuo said.

"It seems that Brother Han, you are in a dangerous situation in your world. In the beginning, your Cultivation Base was only the third-level peak, and it was far from the fourth-level peak, which was a big Realm." Han Paopao exclaimed.

"It's very dangerous. If you are careless, you will be crushed to pieces, but now it's fine. My Cultivation Base is already stronger than my enemy after it has been strengthened for 15 years." Han Nuo smiled and said, "Sixty-nine Three".

After speaking, Han Nuo waved his hand and recalled the Cultivation Base in the Qi Luck Enhancer.

After the recall, Han Nuo exuded an extremely terrifying breath.

This kind of breath made everyone present except Zhao Yang palpitations.

They can clearly feel that they are like ants under the breath of Han Nuo. As long as Han Nuo wants to, they can easily be wiped out with a finger.

"This kind of power is stronger than I thought. The power that Sombra showed at the beginning is far worse than what I am now. Even if he still has something to hide, it is absolutely limited. My current strength can definitely kill him easily.

After feeling the power in his body at this moment, Han Nuo was full of excitement.

"Brother Han, your Cultivation Base at this moment should be invincible in your world, it feels too strong."

After Han Nuo calmed down, Han ran and asked Han Nuo curiously.

"I don't know, if my world is a fourth-level world, my Cultivation Base at the moment should be the strongest." Han Nuo shook his head.

"Sir President, we are all more curious about the level of the world we are in. I don't know if there is a way to know?"

After hearing Han Nuo's words, Han Paopao and others suddenly looked at Zhao Yang respectfully.

"I have activated this permission in your Amethyst Card, you can check it yourself." Zhao Yang said lightly when he heard Han Paopao.

Originally, Zhao Yang wanted to collect a fee, and then he was telling Han to run their respective world levels, but this time he earned hundreds of millions of luck, which is a lot of money, so he doesn't cut leeks here. If it’s done, it’s just a benefit.

"Thank you, Lord President."

Hearing Zhao Yang's words, Han Paopao and others immediately thanked Zhao Yang, and then began to communicate with Amethyst Kachaxin that he was in the world level.

"The world I live in is a fourth-level world. If nothing else, I am now the strongest player in my world." Han Nuo spoke first after reading his own world level.

"Brother Han, you can get rid of the accident, be more confident, you are the strongest." Han Paola laughed.

"The world I live in is a second-level world, and my current strength is invincible in my world." Zhu Wushi followed.

"My is also in the second-level world. I was worried about whether there will be any stronger people in my world. Now I don't have to worry about it, because I am the strongest." Wang Yuyan also smiled and said.

"Then I don’t need to worry anymore. I have the ability to swallow the Heavenly Demon tank and the Heavenly Demon. It’s okay to leave.” Li Mochou smiled after seeing the own world class.

"Invincibility is good, but the world level also represents the amount of resources. I am afraid that the world we live in is limited in resources." Wang Yuyan said when he heard Li Mochou's words.

"There are miracles in the low-level world. You and I don’t know, but there is a Boss snake in my world. Its snake gall can increase the skill. Each snake is worth hundreds of luck, and it is not difficult to raise this kind of snake. I keep properly, I can have a steady stream of luck in the future, even if the value of a single piece is limited, but if the number is large, it must be

Not a small number. "Li Mochou said with a smile.

"Ms. Li's words reminded me that there is a kind of Tianxiang cardamom in my world that can bring people back to life after taking three tablets. My love is resurrected, and Tianxiang cardamom is no longer needed.,

"Not long ago, I sold the remaining Tianxiang cardamom. One was actually worth five thousand luck. The Tianxiang country that produced Tianxiang cardamom said that the Tianxiang cardamom tree has been damaged, but the Tianxiang cardamom has been passed down for hundreds of years. How could it be possible? The number of three pills has been maintained, and someone else must have taken it.

"Tianxiang Nation must be because of the crimes and false news that came out. After I return, I will send troops to destroy the Tianxiang Nation and rob the Tianxiang cardamom. If the Tianxiang cardamom tree can be planted, I will not be too short in the future. The luck is worth .0" Zhu Shishi said excitedly when he heard Li Mochou's words.

"A low-level world does not mean that resources are scarce. There are countless dangerous species in my world. Each dangerous species is of great value. Dangerous species can still be bred. In the future, they can be caught and killed. They can be bred. There is definitely not too much missing." Asides followed.

"Minecraft also has a special item like Devil fruit." Hancock said.

"It seems that each world has its own uniqueness, but there is one thing to say. The resources of the high-level world are definitely higher than those of the low-level world. The world you just said, the highest seems to be Brother Han and Tony's world, which is a fourth-level world. , Is there a higher world?" Zhu Ignored and asked curiously after looking around for a week.

"If there is, it must be the world where Brother Shen lives. He just came in as a mortal, but he can come up with a cornucopia worth 2.5 billion luck. The world he lives in is definitely not simple." Han Nuo Pointing to Shen Wansandao.

"The world I live in is currently only first-level." Shen Wansan said.

"The first-level world? How could it be, how could the first-level world have a single item worth 2.5 billion?" Zhu ignored what they heard Shen Wansan, and looked at Shen Wansan with disbelief.

"Everyone, what I'm talking about is that at the moment, 3.4 My world is relatively special, it is a degradation of the advanced world, my world, at its peak, is the fourth-level world, my cornucopia should be the treasure handed down at that time, so The price is extraordinary." Shen Wansan said.

"It turns out that Brother Shen's world is also regarded as the fourth-level. It seems that the most advanced world among us is the fourth-level." Zhu ignored.

"Everyone, don't you ask me what level I am?" Han Paopao heard Zhu Mizui's words and suddenly smiled.

"Brother Han, didn't you just say it? Didn't you come from the second-level world?" Zhu ignored Han Paola's words, curiously asked.

"Who said that the world I came from is the second-level world? You may not believe it. In fact, the world level I come from is the sixth-level." Han Paopao straightened his chest when he heard Zhu Mishi's words. Pretending to say.

PS: The first one. .

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