"Two, Thoma has already cooked the meal, and now he can go and eat.

Kagami-ryu and Columbia didn't stay in the room for long, and Kamisato Ayaka knocked on the door of Kagami-ryu's room.

"Mr. Thoma is doing it so quickly, he deserves to be the housekeeper of the Kamisato family. Jingliu pushed open the door and couldn't help but sigh.

"That's natural, Thoma, as the housekeeper of the Kamisato family, naturally has his superiority.

"And the food made by Thoma is very delicious, so you can look forward to it." Speaking of Thoma, Kamisato Ayaka couldn't help but feel a little proud, and then walked in front of the two of them and led the way.

"Come with me, both of you. "


"Eh, brother, why are you here?

Kamisato Ayaka took Kagami-ryu and Columbia to the restaurant in Kamisato Yashiki, and looked at Kamisato Ayato who was sitting on the restaurant waiting for the three of them, and couldn't help but have some doubts.

Normally, at this time, my brother is dealing with official business, why is he here today?

Although Kamisato Ayaka was a little confused, she didn't think much about it, after all, her brother was not entangled in official business, which was also a good thing for herself.

Then he looked at Jingliu and Columbia, and introduced to his brother

, "Brother, these two are friends I just met. This is Mirror Stream, this is Columbia.

"I saw that the two of them were lost in the forest of the town guard, so I took them to Kamisato Yashiki for a night.

"I see. Kamisato Ayato nodded, and showed a comfortable smile like a spring breeze blowing at Kamiryu and Columbia:

"Hello two, my name is Kamisato Ayato.

"On behalf of the Kamisato family, I would like to welcome you both. "

Eh, is it necessary to be so grand?" Kamisato Ayaka looked at Kamisato Ayato's solemn appearance, and was very puzzled in her heart.

"Haha, after all, this is the first time Ayaka has brought your friends to Kamisato's house. As an elder brother, I naturally want to be a little grander. Kamisato Ayato chuckled a few times, then stretched out his hand and motioned for a few people to

sit down: "Let's sit down and eat first, otherwise the food won't taste good when it's cold."

"That's right. Kamisato Ayaka nodded, and then said to the two

, "Try it, Thoma is a good cook."

Jingliu nodded, sat down, and looked at the food on the table. Maybe it's because Kamisato Ayaka said it's simpler, and the food on the table is basically food that can be cooked in about ten minutes.

Jingliu picked up the chopsticks and casually picked up a piece of food and put it in his mouth.

"Hmm...... It's really delicious. Jingliu praised that although it was a dish that came out in about ten minutes, it was not easy to have the flavor that it should have.

"Hehe, it's good if you two like it. "

I wonder how long you are going to play with your little sister in Kamisato Yashiki?" asked Kamisato Ayato as he turned to Kagami and Columbia.

"Of course, I didn't mean to drive the two away. I mean, I hope you two can spend more time with your little sister.

"Didn't Ayaka just say? Stay for one night, then naturally she will leave tomorrow."

"Of course, if you want us to stay on, we won't mind. Kagairu smiled and looked at Kamisato Ayato.

"Where are you talking about this? I myself hope that the two of you can continue to live, after all, there are too few friends of Ayaka, and someone is willing to be Ayaka's friend, and I, as an elder brother, naturally support it. Kamisato Ayato's expression remained unchanged, still smiling.

Kamisato Ayaka looked at the tense appearance of the two and was a little puzzled. Isn't it a meal? How can you have the illusion of a fight?

Mr. Ayato said with a smile, the environment of Kamisato Yashiki is very good, if it weren't for some trivial things in life, Kagage-ryu really wanted to live here all the time. "

Haha, it turns out that Miss Kagage-ryu has such a high opinion of Kamisato Yashiki. Kamisato Ayato smiled, and then continued,

"Kamisato Yashiki always welcomes the arrival of Miss Kagami.

"Hehe, thank you. Jingliu chuckled lightly, picked up a piece of food and ate it.

"It's delicious. "

Haha, that's natural, Thoma's cooking skills are recognized by all of Inazuma Castle. "

By the way, looking at the two of you, it doesn't seem like you're from Inazuma, right?" Kamisato Ayato asked as he took a bite of Toma's cooking.

"We're just a traveler and just passing through here.

"I see, Traveler?" Kamisato Ayato nodded, not knowing what he was thinking.

"I don't know...... What do you think of Inazuma's current situation?"

"You're trying to ask me about the eye hunting order and the lockdown order, right? Kagyuru smiled faintly and directly debunked the thoughts in Kamisato Aya's heart.

"Naturally. Kamisato Ayato didn't deny it, and directly admitted it.

And Kamisato Ayaka on the side looked at her brother's treatment of Jingliu, and she realized that she seemed to have brought a big trouble to the Kamisato family.

And Columbia, on the other side, was still eating the food on the table with chopsticks at this time, and she didn't think about participating in the conversation between Kagami-ryu and Kamisato Ayato.

"I loved the story of a wandering samurai I met earlier. "

Oh, what are you talking about?" Kamisato Ayato listened to Kagami's words, and his heart couldn't help but be a little interested.

"It is often said that the Vision of God is when a person's desire reaches the extreme, the god will lower his gaze, and the Vision will appear.

"It can be said that the Vision of God is a symbol of one's wishes. Jingliu paused slightly when he said this.

Of course, this statement is false.

Kamisato Ayato and Kamisato Ayaka listened to Kamirayu's words, their pupils shrunk, obviously shocked.

"Hmm...... It doesn't seem entirely wrong. Jingliu thought for a moment and corrected.

"Anyway, that's what the samurai told me.

"No one is qualified to deprive others of their desires, not even God. These

were the exact words of the samurai.

"So, that's what I think about the Eye Hunting Order. "

I see, what does Miss Kagairu think of the Locking Order?" Kamisato Ayato took Kagami's words to heart, and then continued to ask Kagami.

"How do I know this?" said he didn't know.

"The lockdown order is a matter between countries, and unlike the Eye Hunting Order, which is for the people of Inazuma, I can't comment on it. "

Hmm...... I see, I shouldn't have asked Miss Kagyu-ryu about this. Kamisato Ayato nodded, understanding what Kami-ryu had said.

"Let's eat, the food won't taste good when it's cold. "


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