"Alas...... You must have some doubts in your mind, just ask, and I'll tell you everything I know.

Ishalo sighed silently in his heart and said to the mirror.

For a powerhouse of the level of Mirror Stream, the secret of Sky Island is not a secret, and it is better to tell her all if she wants to ask.

"Are you Paimon?" Kagami doesn't ask why he did this, but if Paimon is it.

Istaru was slightly stunned, obviously not expecting Jingliu to be the first to ask this. But after reacting, he laughed:

"What, you actually asked this."

"But unfortunately, I'm not Paimon, and Paimon isn't me.

"I, Istaru, am an individual. Istaru put her hands on her chest and continued,

"And Paimon...... It is also an individual. We don't interfere with each other, but when it's in danger, I'll show up, like this one.

Istaru touched the dream in front of him that was about to fall on Raiden Shogun's hand.

"But Paimon doesn't have any memories of me, and he doesn't even know that I exist. She didn't even know why she was born or where the knowledge about Teyvat came from.

"After she was fished out of Eagle Beach, the bond between them was sealed.

"Mondstadt is where they started, and where they bonded. They started in Mondstadt and traveled to every corner of Teyvat...... At the end of the story, they will return to Mondstadt once again.

"Mondstadt is the beginning and the end of their journey. In that endless sea of flowers, I will play a final ode to them. "

Mirror Stream: ......

Although Istaru said it very well and touchingly, the whole story was said. But...... I didn't ask him about it.

Isn't this a typical example of me letting her hand over all her ultimates

?" "That's it?" Jingliu said in a light tone, without any expression on his face.

"Well, that's all. Ishalo nodded her head like a chick pecking rice, looking a little cute.

"Alright, then go and finish what you're going to do. Jingliu nodded and didn't ask any further.

"Eh, don't you ask?" Ishalo looked at the mirror with some confusion, you can ask this one if you can ask so much?"

"No matter what the question is, as long as I know, I can answer it for you." Istaru thought that the mirror had not heard clearly, and repeated the emphasis.

"There's nothing more I want to ask. "

Huh?" Istaru was stunned for a moment, then said to Kagami

, "Don't you want to know what Skye's plan is? Don't you want to know what's going on between the First and Second Thrones? Don't you want to know why Paimon traveled with Ying? Don't you want to know where the Abyss came from?"

Kagami: ......

Jingliu felt that the image of Istaru in his heart had more or less collapsed, and he thought that Istaru was the image of a divine and loving goddess, but he didn't expect it to be like this.

Well, this is also a goddess, after all, female nerves are also a kind of goddess.

"Why do I want to know, I only know, you said that these characters and plans can be crushed by me with one sword. In the face of absolute power, even if I don't know, I have the power to determine your success or not. "

Istaru: ......

Well, know that you're strong. I know that you have the strength to brush Sky Island alone.

Ishalo looked at Kagami's appearance, remembering the few shots he had seen from Paimon's perspective, and didn't say much. Then he looked at the spear that was attacking Raiden Shogun not far away, and attached a trace of imperceptible time power to it.

"That's it. Istaru clapped her hands and looked at the scene in front of her with satisfaction, already thinking of the appearance of a spear attacking Raiden Shogun, interrupting his attack, and then saving Ying and Paimon.

Mirror Flow: What's the matter with this silly goddess's sense of déjà vu? No, it's not déjà vu at all, and Ishtaru is a silly goddess.

"Then I...... Gone?" Istaru asked Kagami blankly after he finished his work.

"Why do you ask me?" Kagamliu looked at Istaru more or less speechlessly, the last time he was so speechless was the last time.

"That's right, here's for you. Istaru patted his head and handed a ball of energy with the power of time in front of the mirror.

Looking at the energy ball in front of him, Jingliu could see what it was at a glance, and asked Istaru suspiciously

, "This is part of your authority as the ruler of time, what do you do for me?"

"Hmm...... Well, this one. Ishtar put his finger to his lips, thought for a moment, and then said,

"Hmm...... In human parlance, it's a bribe, and although the power of time will be of little help to you, the mystery of time may help you somewhat.

Jingliu looked at the power of time in front of him, listened to Ishtaru's words, and took it into his pocket without hesitation, and then showed a smile:

"Say, what do you need me to do, by the way, whether I agree or not, the goods will not be refunded." "

Hmm...... I know, it's not a hard thing to do, I just want you to take care of Ying and Paimon a little bit. Istaru said, shaking her head.

"To what extent does this little care mean?"

"Hmm...... How much can't you die?" Ishalo thought for a moment and said with a serious face.

Mirror Stream: ......

"Well, I agreed. Jingliu nodded, and agreed without much thought.

"Thanks, then I'm leaving. With that, Istaru slowly changed into Paimon's form, and then returned to Paimon's original position and made the same gesture as before.

"Gone, looking forward to our next meeting. As Istaru's words fell, time began to pass slowly in the world, and everything that stood still began to flow.

Raiden Shogun looked at the spear flying towards him, his expression changed slightly, and he changed the direction of Dream Ichshin's attack, hitting the spear, and the impact force generated sent the glow under him flying.

Thoma looked at Ying, who was flying towards him, and hurriedly went up to pick him up, and quickly escaped with Ying, who was looking at the statue with a thousand hands. Paimon looked at what was suddenly happening in front of him, and before he had time to think, he hurriedly followed Thoma out of the field.

"Just now...... What's going on?" Raiden Shogun remembered what had just happened, puzzled. The spear that the man threw couldn't have hit him so quickly. And Raiden Shogun had a hunch that if he was hit by that spear, he might be seriously injured ......

"But how can a mere mortal

......" "Shogun, they ......" Just as Raiden Shogun was thinking, the shogunate army beside him hurriedly ran to his side and said respectfully.

"Include them in the eye hunting order, and the next time we meet, I'll be slashing. With a wave of his hand, Raiden Shogun turned and left the place, and as he left, he glanced at the mirror stream not far away.


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