Fireworks are fleeting, but human affection lasts forever. After staying at Narujin Taisha for another night, it was time to leave Inazuma.

"You're leaving, don't play for a few more days?" Yae

Miko asked at the door of the Narukami Shrine towards the two.

"What? Didn't you wish we were going to go before? Are you a little reluctant now? The palace secretary of the dignified Narukami Shrine, is Yae Miko-sama's face changing so fast?"

Listening to what Kagaru said, Yae Miko didn't get angry, but covered his mouth and smiled:

"Inazuma is a country with a very strong 'tolerance', and the two of you are Inazuma who came as guests, so Yae Miko is naturally extremely welcome.

"And now, after going through so much in the past few days, Yae Miko is naturally a little reluctant to leave.

"Really?" Kagaryu chuckled, then looked at the top of Yae Miko's head and said,

"In that case, then you can turn into a fox form and let me rub it." You can't just say it and don't do it, right?"

"Haha......" Yae Miko smiled, and then hurriedly said, "That Yae Miko is here to wish you two a smooth journey." "

I often come to Inazuma when I have time. With

that, Yae Miko left in a hurry.

Kagairu looked at the back of Yae Miko leaving, shook his head, and turned his head to look at Columbia:

"Let's go, let's go back to Solstice." "

Haven't you gone to other countries?" asked Columbia, confused.

"Go, just don't go now.

Under Columbia's puzzled gaze, Jingliu said slowly

, "I plan to go to Sumeru in the next country, but there is still some distance before Sumeru's flower god birthday festival. It's a bit too early to go.

"The Flower God Festival is the busiest time in Sumeru, so let's just go a few days before the Flower God Festival. "

Oh. Columbia pretended to understand and nodded. I don't know it, but I just need to follow the mirror, right?

"Let's go, go back to sleep early. Kagyuru said with a yawn.

Columbia: Are

you a pig?


"Kagami-ryu, Columbia, are you leaving Inazuma?" As

soon as the two of them left the Narukami Shrine, they met Ying and Paimon, who were running around to fulfill their commission.

The two of them turned their heads and showed a smile: "Well, it's on the way to leave now." Do you want to stay here?"

Ying Wenyan looked at Paimon with a look of wanting to kill

, "It's not this Paimon yet, I always say that the area ahead is being explored in the future."

Looking at Ying's expression, Paimon was a little scared

, "I just want you to stay in Inazuma for a while, to add a little more experience to Inazuma."

"And I don't know why I keep saying this......

" Ying Wenyan's face became even more fierce, and threatened: "If you dare to say this next time, believe it or not, I will just throw you into the pot and stew!"

"Ahh Paimon quickly waved his hand in refusal, saying that he wouldn't say it again next time.

"Hmph, preferably. Ying snorted softly and spared Paimon once.

"Are you heading to Sumeru now?" Paimon asked, looking at the two of them.

Hear the words. Jingliu shook his head: "We are going to go back to Solstice first, and we will go to Sumeru a few days before the start of the Flower God Festival.

"What is the Flower God Birthday Festival?"

"I don't know, after all, I haven't been to see it." Jingliu shook his head, he had never been to Sumeru in his life, how could he know this.

"Uh...... That's right, too. Ying nodded, realizing that she had asked a very stupid question.

"It's okay, let's go first. "

Well, Sumeru.

"Bye-bye, bye-bye. Paimon waved goodbye to the two.

"Goodbye. "


The journey was uneventful, and soon the solstice arrived.

"Are we going to look for the Empress in the Winter Palace now?" Columbia, feeling the cold of the solstice, asked Kagami.

"What are you looking for her?" Jingliu looked at Columbia suspiciously, did he have anything to do with the Ice Empress when he returned to Solstice?

"Hmm. Columbia nodded, not saying anything more.

"Let's go, I'm tired, go back to the nest and sleep. "

Columbia: ......

When he arrived at Columbia's house, he fell asleep with his head upside down. Although I don't know why a strong man with such strength as Jingliu is still so obsessed with sleeping, who made her his wife.

Columbia took off her clothes, picked up the quilt and put it over Jingliu's body, and got into it herself.

(Don't get me wrong, it's just your coat, not all your clothes.)

"Good night......" Columbia kissed Kagami's forehead lightly.

Then when I wanted to lie down, I looked at the sunny weather outside the window and tilted my head.

Then he kissed Jingliu on the forehead:

"Good afternoon......

" ......

"[Harlequin] invited us to [Madam's] funeral?"

"Well, he said we could go or not, and it didn't matter if we didn't go.

"Go, why not, you have to go." Jingliu hurriedly agreed, he came back to the winter for this matter, how could he not go?

Columbia glanced at Jingliu suspiciously, how could he agree so easily. I'm afraid I want to do something bad......

"When does it start?" asked Kagami.

"Hmm...... Tomorrow night, the exact time is not known. Maybe [Harlequin] didn't expect us to participate, so he didn't mark the time at all.

"If we're going, just go early."

"Well, that's right. Jingliu nodded, but didn't say much.

"By the way, Columbia, remember to be ready for the evening. Kagami smiled mysteriously at Columbia.

"At the funeral in the evening, there may be a 'big surprise'. After

saying that, Jingliu sensed the butterfly that was in the power of abundance, and it had been repaired completely. I can't wait until the evening, it's time to think about how to make [the lady] make a "gorgeous" appearance.

"It'......s upside down again,"

Columbia sighed as she looked at the ever-changing expression of the mirror.


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