Finally, after the two of them went through 9981 difficulties (crossed out), they finally arrived in Liyue Harbor.

"I'll lead the way in the future. Columbia said with a tired face. It was only an hour's journey, but it was ten hours away by the mirror.

"Aha......" In response, Jingliu touched his nose in embarrassment, and then looked at Liyue Harbor.

Needless to say, the scenery of Liyue Harbor is indeed very beautiful, and the port city surrounded by mountains and rivers has a beautiful environment like spring all year round. As the largest trading port on the continent of Teyvat, countless ships come here every day. The streets of Liyue Harbor are also filled with a constant stream of people ......

Liyue Harbor may not be as shocking as the Xianzhou Luofu, but it is one of the most smoky cities.

Walking into Liyue Harbor, the surrounding vendors, shops, crowds of people, and shouts all show the excitement of this place.

"Welcome to Liyue Harbor, Lord Ningguang invites them to the Jade Pavilion to talk. A woman appeared in front of them.

"Sure enough. Jingliu thought silently in his heart.


course, it's just an invitation, it's up to you to go or not." The woman lowered her head and said respectfully.

"Forget it, lead the way. Jingliu waved his hand, if he didn't go, who knew what trouble would come later.

"Okay, thank you for your understanding, please come with me. After saying that, the woman turned around and guided the two of them.


"Is this the Jade Pavilion? Jingliu muttered to himself as he looked at the group looking down on the entire Liyue Harbor.

"Yes, the Jade Pavilion was built by Lord Ningguang and is located high in the sky, representing Lord Ningguang overlooking the entire Liyue Harbor. The woman nodded faintly, but her words all showed respect for Ningguang.

After saying that, the woman led the two of them towards an old man.

"The clouds are dark and the light and shadow are shallow, but I see the moon lingering in the pavilion. The old man asked.

"Hello, do you sell the moon here?" The woman said something incomprehensible lightly.

The old man complimented, and looked at Jingliu and Columbia: "Welcome back Lord Baixiao, may I ask who these two are?"

"I see, then I won't bother much, please. The old man moved out of the way and pointed to the stone slab behind him.

Waiting for a few people to climb onto the stone slab, the old man turned on a switch. The stone slab slowly rose and rose towards the Jade Pavilion high in the sky.

Watching the prosperous Liyue Harbor gradually dim beneath his feet, Jingliu was able to understand Ningguang's behavior a little. After all, who doesn't love the feeling of looking down on the whole city.

"Yet, hasn't Ying arrived in Liyue Harbor yet?" Mirror Stream surveyed the entire Liyue Harbor, but didn't notice the familiar yellow-haired figure.

"She's not going to run to open the statue and open the anchor to find the treasure chest, is she's not in a hurry. "That's the only reason why I've arrived in Liyue Harbor and Ying hasn't arrived yet.

But come to think of it, the entire continent of Teyvat revolves around her, and as long as she doesn't do it, Morax's corpse will have to lie there for a few years.

After a while, they reached the top of the Jade Pavilion.

Jingliu looked at the resplendent Jade Pavilion in front of him, which was similar to the Winter Palace.

"Please follow me. Bai Xiao led the two into the Jade Pavilion, came to a room, and knocked on the door.

"Please come in. An intellectual, sensual, voice came through the door.

When the door opened, I was greeted by a girl with long white and blond hair.

"Lord Ningguang, the people have already been brought. Bai Xiao walked up to the girl and said respectfully.

"Okay, it's hard work, let's go down first, I'm going to have a good chat with the two distinguished guests. Ningguang looked at the mirror and said.

"Yes. Bai Xiao answered, left the room, and closed the door by the way.

"Hehe, please be seated. Ningguang pointed to the two stools in front of him and motioned for the two to sit down.

Seeing the two of them sit down, Ningguang also slowly spoke, "It's really an honor for Liyue to travel from the winter solstice to Liyue. I wonder why you came to Liyue?"

"I'm just a businessman, but if it's just a little thing, Ningguang can still do it. Ningguang made a cup of tea and poured it for the two of them.

"Don't worry, we didn't come to Liyue for any purpose, just for tourism. Jingliu took a sip of tea and said lightly.

"Hmm...... This tea is quite delicious.

"Hehe, since you like it, I'll give you a little later. Ningguang chuckled and filled the teacup in front of Jingliu again.

"Since it's a tour, is there anything you'd like to visit?"

"Hmm......" Kagyu pondered for a moment and said, "Speaking of Liyue, it's naturally the scenery of the clouds." "

Oh, is it?" Ningguang's face remained unchanged.

"That...... I wonder if you're interested in Liyue's annual Immortal Ceremony?" Ningguang also got to the point at this moment.

"Please Immortal Ceremony, you don't believe it if you say you're not interested, right?" Jingliu waved his hand. To be honest, I really have no interest in inviting the Immortal Ceremony, if I was still a little interested in previous years, what is there to look at a corpse now.

"Yes, in that case, then on behalf of the Seven Stars, I invite you to participate in tomorrow's Immortal Ceremony. Ningguang stood up and extended an invitation to the two of them.

"Since it's an invitation from Lord Ningguang, the head of the Seven Stars, how can Jingliu refuse?"


After that, the three of them exchanged a few words, and the two of them left.

Looking at the backs of the two leaving, Ningguang said to the air behind him, "How do you feel?"

Ningguang's voice fell, and a tall woman appeared behind him.

"They all found me.

"Yes, I'm not surprised, after all, it's the two top executives, and it's completely different from the two "lady" and "childe". "

Do you need me to supervise them?"

"No, you used to only startle the snakes, but now the focus is on inviting immortals. The

woman nodded, not saying a word.

"But I didn't expect the Fatui to think so highly of Liyue that they sent four Executives, and even two of the top three.

"In that case, then I can't live up to their esteem. Ningguang sneered.


"That person is so annoying. Back on the ground, Columbia couldn't help but complain to herself: "Although the soul is very pure on the surface, it is mixed with some corruption of money.

"Businessmen are like that, they are all based on their own interests. Seeing this, Jingliu only chuckled.

"Huh, that's ......" Jingliu saw a very familiar figure.


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