The two of them were waiting for the inspection.

"Please wait, please cooperate with the inspection immediately."

In front of the gate of Inazuma Castle, Kagami and Columbia were stopped by a shogun.

"Routine inspection, please cooperate with the official duties and show your ID."

Perhaps because of the issuance of the Eye Hunting Order and the implementation of the Inazuma Seclusion Order, the shogun guarding the gate sounded a little listless.

"Uh..." When Kagami heard about the ID, he remembered that the ID he asked Yae Shinko to get didn't seem to be given to him yet.

"Please show your ID, please. This is my duty, please don't embarrass me." The shogun guard looked at the two of them, thinking that they didn't hear it, and repeated it lazily again.


The guard of the shogunate army looked at the two and noticed something, his eyes became a little unfriendly.

However, the guard of the shogunate army seemed to have thought of something, and returned to his previous lazy look:

"Did you accidentally lose your documents? Or did you not apply for them?"

The guard of the shogunate army also winked at Jingliu to hint. He never thought that the two of them, one wearing a black veil and the other with their eyes closed, would not be able to see his hint under normal circumstances.

"I didn't bring it." Hearing the words of the shogunate army guard, Jingliu also said hurriedly.

"I see, pay attention next time." The guard of the shogunate army nodded, and then pointed his finger at a building not far away:

"Remember to go to Tenryo Bugyo to reissue your documents, otherwise many things in the city will be blocked."

"Okay, we know, thank you." Jingliu nodded and thanked him.

"It's not peaceful in Inazuma Castle recently, so you two better be careful."

"Also, if you have the Eye of God, it's better not to use it."

Perhaps because Kagami and Columbia were too good-looking, the shogunate guards kindly reminded them a few words.

"Thank you." Kagami thanked them, but didn't take the shogunate guards' words to heart.

After that, the two walked towards Inazuma Castle.


Perhaps it was the season of cherry blossoms, and Inazuma Castle was full of cherry trees. The cherry blossoms fluttered in the wind and fell on the streets of Inazuma Castle, forming a poetic scene.

However, in this season of cherry blossoms, the people in the city looked listless. Perhaps the implementation of the Eye Hunting Order and the Closure Order had a huge impact on people's lives.

"Hide quickly, the shogunate army is here to confiscate the Eye of God again!"

Someone shouted, and the listless crowd suddenly became agitated.

"I heard that Mondstadt is a free city-state? Now it seems that Inazuma is it?" Columbia looked at the Inazuma City with a breath of freedom, and couldn't help complaining to Jingliu beside him.

"Hahaha..." Jingliu didn't know what to say about this, so he just laughed dryly.

"Hey, hey, come here!"

Just as the two stood there, looking at the somewhat agitated crowd, a series of tiny voices came into their ears.

Looking up, I saw a girl waving at the two of them, motioning them to come over.

Jingliu and Columbia looked at each other? Nodded, and walked towards the girl.


"Huh, I was scared to death, why are you standing there without moving? Remember to hide quickly when you hear the sound." The girl quickly led the two to sing, patted her chest, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Why do we have to hide?" Jingliu asked the girl in confusion. Columbia and I are not from Inazuma, so what does the shogunate army's seizure of the Eye of God have to do with us?

"It's still those shogunate troops." The girl was a little angry when she thought of this.

"When General Raiden issued the Eye Hunting Order, he did not clearly state whether the scope of implementation was only for Inazuma people, so some shogunate troops targeted foreigners."


The girl got more and more angry when she said this: "Yes, some. Because most of the shogunate troops only confiscate the Eye of God from Inazuma people."

"A small number of them set their sights on foreigners in order to gain the general's appreciation."

"Even I know that the Eye Hunting Order is only for Inazuma's own people. If this continues, it may be a major event between several countries."

"But don't worry, people from the embassy have already reported to the shogunate army. I believe that those people will be dismissed soon."

"I see, thank you for your reminder." Jingliu nodded and continued:

"But you have a

Did I say the wrong place?"

"Ah? What place?" The girl was obviously confused when she heard Jingliu's words.

"Why do you think we have the Eye of God?"

"Ah?" The girl was more or less confused when she heard this, and then she quickly reacted and apologized:

"Sorry, sorry, it turns out that I misunderstood. I thought that people as beautiful as you two must have the Eye of God."

The girl scratched the back of her head with her hand, and her face was inevitably stained with a little red. Then she secretly glanced at the two of them. They were really beautiful. How could such beautiful people not have the Eye of God?

"By the way, I haven't introduced myself yet." The girl realized this, and the blush on her face faded.

"My name is Naganohara Xiaogong, just call me Xiaogong."

"My name is Jingliu, and this is Columbia." Jingliu introduced Xiaogong, not caring about Xiaogong's previous behavior.

"Hello. "Columbia gave Xiao Gong a gentle smile.

"Hello, hello. Are you traveling to Inazuma?" Xiao Gong asked the two curiously.


"After seeing the ice and snow in winter all year round, I can't help but be curious about the scenery of other countries."

"Is that so? I envy you." Xiao Gong couldn't help but show an envious look to the two, and then thought of something, and asked the two with some doubts:

"Isn't Inazuma implementing a lockdown order now? How did you get here?"

"I walked here."


"Okay, I won't lie to you. We were picked up by Inazuma's friends." Jingliu looked at Xiao Gong's confused eyes and made up a reason to fool her.

"Oh oh." Xiao Gong nodded, and was successfully fooled by Jingliu.

"It seems that there is no movement outside. Wait for me, I'll go and take a look. "After Xiao Gong finished speaking, he walked out carefully.

Not long after, Xiao Gong's head came back. He waved his hand and said:

"The shogunate army has left, you can come out."


When the two came out, Xiao Gong returned to a lively look and stood in front of them, opening his arms and absorbing the essence of the sun.

"Ah, I have lived another day. When will this day end?"

"By the way." Xiao Gong looked at Jing Liu and Columbia and said:

"To express my apology, I will treat you to a meal."


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