The boat was built on the riverbed, but the boat was built on the riverbed.

Fortunately, Jingliu was not the protagonist, and no accidents happened during the boat ride. They soon arrived at the port of Zhidong.

"If I were the protagonist, those bastard authors would probably write a story about a sea monster, a shipwreck, a ghost ship, etc. for more than ten chapters." Jingliu complained silently in his heart.

"I really don't know how they can be so watery. If I were the author, I could only write about a hundred words."

I felt the coldness of Zhidong as soon as I got off the boat, and I felt inexplicably relieved.

The cold wind at the port brushed across my cheeks, bringing a hint of chill.

The appearance of Jingliu soon attracted the attention of the people of Zhidong in the port.

Jingliu's popularity in Zhidong was not low, and soon someone recognized Jingliu's identity.

"That's the executive officer, right?"

"As expected of the executive officer, his aura is different."

"It seems that the executive officer has completed his mission abroad and returned triumphantly!"

"The executive officer is so beautiful, hehe."

"I really want the executive officer to step on my face with her feet."

Jingliu didn't pay much attention to the words of the people of Zhidong around him. But when he heard the last sentence, his expression was a little tense.

"Welcome to Zhidong, Master "Sword Head". Is there anything I can do for you?"

The person in charge of the port hurried over when he heard Jingliu was here.

"It's okay, you do your thing, don't worry about me."

"Okay, okay, you can tell me anything." After saying that, he slowly walked away.

Jingliu took out the feather Columbia gave him and dialed it.

After a while, the feather lit up.

"Columbia, I'm here at Zhidong Port. Where are you? Should I come back by myself or will you pick me up? "Jingliu asked several questions in a row.

"You come back by yourself? Do you think you can walk back by yourself?" Columbia asked back with a smile.

"Uh, maybe not." Jingliu said awkwardly.

"Wait a moment, I'll be there soon." Columbia said, and then hung up the phone, and the feathers dimmed.

"Is it so urgent?" Jingliu was a little confused, but he didn't think much about it, and waited quietly for Columbia to come.

"But..." Jingliu looked at the crowd around him. There was no one within a few meters of him, and they were all looking at him with respect not far away.

"It feels like looking at a monkey..."


Not long after, Columbia arrived at the port and saw Jingliu at a glance. He ignored the flattering look of the port manager and walked straight towards Jingliu.

Columbia naturally took Jingliu's hand and said, "Welcome back. "

"Long time no see, Columbia,"

"Let's go, it's not good to stay here." Jingliu said, looking at the enthusiastic appearance of the people of Zhidong Country around him.

"Well, let's go." Columbia pulled Jingliu out of the port.

The distance between their shoulders was very close, and if you didn't look carefully, you would think they were sticking together. The backs of the two caused the people in the port to whisper...

"It seems that the rumors that the relationship between "Girl" and "Sword Head" is very good are not false."

"It must be false, this relationship is more than very good."

"Yes, just like good sisters, so envious! I also want to be good sisters with "Girl" and "Sword Head"!"

"It's not dark yet?"

"Why do I feel that their relationship is not like good sisters, but more like a pair..."

"Hey! Are you going to die? This is unspeakable."


"Where are we going now? Going home or not?" Columbia, who had just left the port, asked Jingliu.

"Well..." Jingliu thought for a while and said, "Let's go to the Winter Palace first. I'll give Mond's Heart of God to the Ice Queen first."

"What does the Heart of God look like?" Columbia asked curiously.

"It looks like this, just an ordinary chess piece."

Jingliu took out the Heart of God and threw it to Columbia.

"..."Looking at Jingliu's casual look, Columbia's mouth twitched.

Those who didn't know would think that Jingliu threw away some garbage.

Columbia shook her head and looked at the Heart of God in her hand. It was a very gorgeous chess piece, with bursts of wind elements around it.

Columbia observed carefully and found that there was nothing special about it except that she could feel a faint divine power.

Columbia couldn't see why, so she returned the Heart of God.

Gave it to Jingliu, who took the Heart of God and put it in his pocket.


Well, Columbia didn't want to say anything more. Maybe the Heart of God was just like a piece of trash in Jingliu's eyes.

"What kind of god is the Wind God of Mondstadt?"

"The Wind God... is just a drunkard. He hangs out in the tavern every day. When he has no money, he goes out to sing." Jingliu said truthfully.


At this time, Wendy, who was far away in the Mondstadt tavern, sneezed.

"Who is thinking about me?" Wendy rubbed her nose and thought.

"Put down the wine! Even if you are the Wind God, you must pay for the treasured wine!"

"Hey, don't do it, Master Diluk, just one sip, just one sip."


"It sounds like a very unreliable god."

"Unreliable? He is just unreliable at ordinary times. If Mondstadt encounters any danger, he will be more reliable than everyone else." Jingliu shook his head.

"Perhaps, this is the freedom he wants, the freedom that is not bound by his identity."

"It is indeed in line with the title of the God of Freedom." Columbia smiled.

"Speaking of which, Columbia, do you remember that I gained the ice elemental power by touching the statue?"

"Yeah, it was quite impressive."

Columbia will never forget that day, the first day she spent with Jingliu as friends.

"I also met someone like me in Mond, who gained the wind elemental power by touching the wind statue."

"Hey, I didn't expect that Jingliu is not the only one who has such a special ability." Columbia was a little shocked.

No wish is needed, no god's gaze is needed, just touching the statue can gain elemental power, and it can be driven without the Eye of God. This is impossible on the continent of Teyvat, but I didn't expect that two appeared at once.

"There's nothing to be shocked about. She was very strong before, but now she's sealed. The elemental force is just a way to restore her strength."

"Is that so? But how did you know, Jingliu? This kind of secret is usually kept in the heart."

"Uh." Columbia's focus seems to be wrong. Shouldn't she focus on why?

"The seal in her body can't be hidden from me. I can tell by just sensing it." Jingliu said proudly.

"Okay, okay." Columbia also clapped a few times in agreement.


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