The sword was five feet long and weighed a thousand pounds...

When he lost consciousness, Jingliu only thought: "I did it... I did... something that the original owner had never done..."

Changed this dream? Memories?"

When consciousness returned again, he was no longer in the dark space, but on a wooden bed.

Feeling the hardness under his body, Jingliu slowly straightened up and rubbed his head: "Not back to the darkness?"

Jingliu looked around and observed the environment around him.

A very simple room, a bed, a table, a few chairs, and a dressing table. Although there were few things, it could still be seen that this was a woman's room.

"Looking at this body shape, it should have been a long time ago, right? ”

Jingliu observed the clothes and outlines on his body, and could roughly tell that a long time had passed.

Jingliu got up from the bed and walked towards the dressing table. When he got closer, he saw a girl reflected in the mirror.

The girl's light blue and white waist-length hair and light red eyes revealed bursts of sharpness and confidence, just like a peerless swordsman.

"If every experience is based on Jingliu's character story, now should be the period when he became Luofu's "Sword Head"? "

"I just don't know if it's Jingliu who has become the "Sword Head" or Jingliu who has not yet become the "Sword Head". Don't let me fight him when the time comes."

"My sword skills can't compare with Luofu's swordsman... But I hope it's the plot after becoming the "Sword Head"..."

Jingliu prayed silently in his heart.

"Dongdongdong, just as Jingliu was thinking, a knock on the door sounded. "

Before Jingliu could go to open the door, the door was pushed open the next second.

A white-haired girl with two fox ears on her head came in, obviously a fox.

"How do you have the key to my door?" Jingliu asked uncontrollably.

"Hehe, for me, how can a mere key stump me?" The girl smiled and quickly hid the stolen key behind her.

Jingliu saw the girl's little action, but didn't pay too much attention to it. Looking at the girl's appearance, Jingliu knew who she was at this time.

One of the [Five Heroes on the Cloud], Yaoqing Fox Flyer Bai Heng.

Of course, there may not be the title of [Five Heroes on the Cloud] now.

"Eh? Why do I feel that Jingliu seems..." Bai Heng stared at Jingliu with mercury-like eyes, thinking with some doubts.

Cold sweat appeared on Jingliu's back instantly.

"Will you be discovered..." Jingliu was a little nervous.

"It seems... to be a little lively? "Bai Heng clapped his hands after thinking for a moment.

"Hey, isn't this good?" Bai Heng carefully observed Jing Liu's speech.

"It's so ugly for someone as beautiful as Jing Liu to have a stern face every day. Otherwise, Jing Liu, you..."

"Stop talking nonsense, tell me, why did you sneak into my house to find me?" Jing Liu was afraid that Bai Heng would be exposed if he continued to talk, so he interrupted him.

"Correction! I didn't sneak in. I opened the door of the room with the key in front of you!"


"Huh." Jing Liu took a deep breath: "If you came to me to prove to me that you have the key to my room, you can leave now. I need to rest."

After Jing Liu finished speaking, he turned and walked towards the bed.

"Hey, hey, hey, I'm here to give you encouragement!" Bai Heng said quickly.

"? "

Looking at the puzzled expression in Jingliu's eyes, Bai Heng's mouth twitched slightly: "Have you forgotten? Tomorrow is your last battle to become the sword master of Luofu."

"But I think so too. The gap between your opponent and you is quite large. It is normal for you to ignore him, Jingliu." Bai Heng put his finger on the corner of his mouth and muttered to himself.

"Really!" Jingliu couldn't help but feel like crying. Compared with the swordsman of Luofu, his half-baked swordsmanship was probably going to be beaten.

Although he felt helpless, Jingliu didn't show any expression on his face. Bai Heng didn't find anything unusual.

"Jingliu, it's a foregone conclusion that you will become the sword master, so I came to you to ask for your help with encouragement. "Bai Heng walked forward and hugged Jing Liu's arm and said coquettishly.

Jing Liu smelled the faint fragrance on Bai Heng's body and felt the softness on his arm, and his body couldn't help but stiffen.

"Think about it, when I return to Yaoqing in the future, I will tell others that my friend is Luo Fuxian

Zhou is the contemporary sword master! Others will be envious, hehe. "Bai Heng said, and rubbed Jing Liu's head.

Bai Heng's hair blended with Jing Liu's hair, which was inevitably ambiguous.

The next moment. Jing Liu pulled his arm out of Bai Heng's hand and went to the bed: "I'm going to sleep, you can go."

Bai Heng looked at Jing Liu's appearance at this time, and seemed a little shy?

Bai Heng smiled and said to Jing Liu: "Do you want... Let's sleep together tonight."

Jing Liu didn't say anything after hearing this, but stared at Bai Heng with his light red eyes.

"Ahaha, just kidding, just kidding." Bai Heng smiled awkwardly and ran to the door.

"I'm leaving, I'm leaving, I must work hard tomorrow."

After speaking, Bai Heng closed the door and left the room.

"Huh. "Watching Bai Heng leave, Jing Liu also breathed a sigh of relief. He lay down on the bed.

"What should I do tomorrow... I am not the original owner. It's okay if I lose, but if I ruin the original owner's reputation..."

"Even if it's just a dream, I will feel bad..."

Feeling the hard wooden bed under him, Jing Liu slowly closed his eyes.


"Jing Liu! Jing Liu! Jing Liu!"

On the martial arts stage, stood a girl with long light blue and white hair down to her waist, and a strong middle-aged man.

At this moment, it was the final battle for the Luofu Xianzhou sword head.

Of course, this battle, from beginning to end, was a battle without suspense. No one was optimistic about the middle-aged man. From the beginning of this battle, the victory belonged to the girl.

"Huh..." The girl stood on the martial arts stage, took a deep breath, and stared at the middle-aged man in front of her with her light red eyes.

"You have to try to know what level you are at! ”

With this determination, the girl drew out the long sword at her waist and pointed it forward.

“Mirror Flow! Mirror Flow! Mirror Flow!”

“Sword Head! Sword Head! Sword Head!”

As the girl drew out her sword, the people under the martial arts stage were once again pushed to a climax.

The middle-aged man looked solemn, waiting for the referee's order.

With the referee's order. The middle-aged man turned into a residual image and attacked the girl.

At a speed that the girl did not notice, he quickly arrived in front of the girl, raised his sword, and slashed down.

“! "When the girl reacted, the sword was only a few feet away from her and immediately fell on her.

At this critical moment, her body moved by itself and avoided the attack of the middle-aged man.

Seeing this, Jingliu quickly raised his hand and raised his sword to hit the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man was obviously not a pushover. Seeing Jingliu's attack, he quickly raised his sword to resist. He and Jingliu started fighting.


The battle did not last too long...

After a while, Jingliu put the sword in his hand against the middle-aged man's eyebrows.

Seeing this, the middle-aged man had to put down the sword and declared Jingliu's victory.

"Jingliu! Sword head! Sword head!"

With the surrender of the middle-aged man, the atmosphere of the martial arts arena was once again pushed to a climax.

The battle for the sword head of Luofu Xianzhou also came to an end.

"I declare that Jingliu is the well-deserved sword head of Xianzhou! "

Teng Xiao, the contemporary general of the Cloud Cavalry, stood on the high platform and announced.

At the crowning ceremony of the sword master, a craftsman dressed in black attended with a sword.

Put the sword in front of Jing Liu: "My sword, only the Luofu sword master can be competent."

"I hope [the sword master]... take the sword!"

The craftsman looked up and smiled at Jing Liu with his teeth showing.

The sword is five feet long and weighs a thousand pounds. The black blade is bloody...

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