The waiter was shocked when he saw the two people's appetite.

"That's it, barely enough."

Jingliu took out a tissue and wiped his mouth elegantly, looking at the dozen empty plates in front of him and said.


"Well... well, hello, sir, your total consumption for this meal is... one hundred thousand Mora." The waiter was shocked when he saw the two people's appetite. These two people ate more than twenty people could eat.

"These two must be immortals." Thinking of the boss's appearance just now, the waiter was more certain of his thoughts.

"How about... this meal, I'll treat you?" The waiter said distressedly, but it was worth it to please these two immortals.

"No, just send the bill to Northland Bank.

"Northland Bank? "The waiter was a little confused, but he didn't think much about it. After all, there was no need for two immortals to lie to him.

"Let's go."



"How do we get up here? Fly up?" Columbia looked at the tall Wangshu Inn in front of her and asked with some confusion.

"Flying up will attract too much attention. There's no need. Follow me." Jingliu took Columbia's hand and walked inside.

When I first came to Wangshu Inn while playing games, I was like a fool. I climbed up along the stones, step by step, carefully. I didn't know there was a passenger elevator on the side.

As I took the passenger elevator up, I looked at the increasingly small scenery below, and I couldn't help but think of my previous stupid behavior.

"These two people... are so dangerous." Not far away, a green boy stared at the two of them solemnly. The breath of the girl with her eyes closed seemed to take her back to the period of the Demon God War... and the blindfolded woman was completely invisible...

"No! I have to report to the emperor quickly. "After saying that, the boy turned into green mist and disappeared.

Little did they know that the boy's behavior had been noticed by the two.

"That should be the so-called immortal in Liyue, right? Just ignore it?" Columbia looked at the position where the boy was just now and asked.

"No, we don't need to hide our identities. I still say that we are not here to do bad things, so just be natural and save some trouble. If we do things secretly, they will continue to cause trouble for us."

"Well, I understand."


Just at this time, the passenger elevator also arrived at the platform on the top floor.

The platform is much larger than I imagined. From the platform, you can see the scenery of the entire Dihua Island. There are many people on the platform, and they seem to be people who come out to enjoy the evening breeze after dinner.


"Are they really not afraid of falling? "Jingliu looked at the few people who were still leaning on the railings. There were no other protective measures on the platform except for some railings. If they accidentally fell down, they would be smashed into a pulp at the height of Wangshu Inn.

"Don't worry, Wangshu Inn has never had a death accident caused by falling down since it was built." Phil Godette slowly walked towards the two of them.

Jingliu just smiled at this: "Really? In other words, there are incidents of falling down."

"Uh..." Phil Godette obviously didn't expect Jingliu to hold on to it, and could only say awkwardly: "This... this is true, but there has not been a single injury or death accident."

"It was saved by that immortal."

"!" Phil Godette's face changed slightly. He didn't expect Jingliu to know his existence.

"Okay, let's not talk about this. Get me a room. I want to rest."

Filgodet saw that Jingliu really didn't seem to want to conflict with him, and he was slightly relieved: "Okay, please follow me. "

After saying that, Philgodette led the two to the counter. Then he fiddled with something at the counter, and then handed a key to Jingliu.

"There is a room number on the key. The room is renewed every day. If you need to stay, you have to register here again."

Jingliu nodded, indicating that he understood. Then he took Columbia to find a room.

Filgodette looked at the backs of the two leaving, took out an object, and said something to the object.

"Yes... That's right... Yes... Very strong... It seems to have no malice?"


"It should be here, right?" Jingliu said to the number on the key, looking at the door in front of him, which was slightly more luxurious than other doors.

Then he successfully opened it with the key, and what came into view was

A very luxurious room.

"It seems that this boss has some selfish motives." Jingliu didn't believe that only two people needed such a big room. It seemed that he wanted me to give them more Mora.

However... the thing I lacked the least was Mora.

After Columbia walked into the room, he closed the door casually: "Columbia, I'm going to take a shower first?"

Although this body doesn't want to produce any dirty things, but in the previous life? Twenty years of habits can't be changed.

Columbia smiled and slowly approached Jingliu's ear and said: "Do you want to... take a shower together."

"Okay." After that, Jingliu picked up Columbia and walked towards the bathroom.

"Eh?" Columbia obviously didn't expect Jingliu to be so brave, and she was a little panicked at this time.

"Wait, wait, I'm kidding, kidding."

"Too late." After that, Jingliu sneered and prepared to strip Columbia's clothes.

Columbia was obviously a little flustered, and quickly used elemental power to get away. Her face was flushed, like a frightened little girl.

"Hmph, can't I cure you?" Jingliu glanced at Columbia, snorted coldly, and walked towards the bathroom.

He didn't have the courage to really strip Columbia's clothes, but he wanted to punish her a little after seeing her arrogant appearance these days.


"Go to bed."

The two lay on the bed, leaning on each other.

Thinking of the scene just now, Columbia's face was inevitably a little red. Looking at Jingliu's flawless face, she mustered up the courage to kiss Jingliu on the forehead: "This... This is, a good... goodnight kiss."

"Hmm?" Jingliu was obviously stunned, and thought that Columbia would wait until he fell asleep before kissing him like last time.

"I... I want it too."

"Hmm..." Columbia hummed and moved her face closer.

Looking at Columbia's face, Jingliu couldn't help holding his breath, and the pink lips made Jingliu swallow a mouthful of saliva. But in order not to scare Columbia, he had to give up.

Jingliu gently kissed Columbia's head

"Good night."

"Well, night...good night."

Looking at Columbia's closed eyes, Jingliu slowly closed his eyes.

"The curse of the fairy..."

Columbia thought she was well hidden and was not discovered by me. But whether it was the kiss at night or the various abnormalities on the road, I saw them all.

Jingliu did not have a way to deal with the curse. As long as he gave a little power of abundance to Columbia's body, the curse would naturally become invalid.

As for why he didn't do it, it was mainly because he didn't know what Columbia would become after accepting the power of abundance...

At least, before knowing clearly that there was nothing on the continent of Teyvat that could eliminate the curse, Jingliu didn't intend to take this risk.


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