The two of them were very busy, and the two of them were very busy.

"You two, uh... are you here to supervise the completion of my mission? Don't worry, Liyue's layout has been completed. When Mr. Zhongli brings the two travelers to Morax's immortal body, the Heart of God will be in hand."

Daddaria watched Zhongli and the other two leave, and looked at Jingliu and Columbia who were eating slowly, and spoke confidently.

"This silly child, he didn't even know that he was kept in the dark." Jingliu couldn't help looking at Dadalia with some pity.

"I don't care about the progress of obtaining the Heart of God, and I won't interfere. Just follow your own plan." Jingliu continued to eat the food on the table and said without raising his head.

"Haha, then wait for my good news."

"By the way, when will we fight again? I have been getting stronger all the time in the past few years." Tartaglia looked at Jingliu with fighting spirit.

"What you call getting stronger is just the strength of an ant to two ants in my eyes. It can still be crushed to death with one foot." Jingliu waved his hand and said calmly.

"Uh..." Tartaglia thought about it and felt that what Jingliu said seemed to be right.

Then he said: "One day, I will make you take me seriously."

"Well, come on." Jingliu took a bite of the food and waved his hand perfunctorily.

If Tartaglia had been on Teyvat, he would not have been able to make himself take it seriously, even if he used the power of the abyss... He was just a bug-like existence on the Teyvat continent.

"Come on, yes, you must come on. Make a new exercise plan tonight." Tartaglia did not notice the perfunctory in Jingliu's words, and said with a passionate face.

Then, Tartaglia looked at the chopsticks in his hand with some embarrassment: "This... um, how to use it."

"Um... can you teach me?" Tartaglia looked at Jingliu with an embarrassed look on his face.

"Isn't this something that you can learn at a glance?" Jingliu stretched out his chopsticks and demonstrated it to Tartaglia once, stretching, picking, eating, the movements were very smooth.

Tartaglia also imitated Jingliu's movements and tried it once, but he couldn't pick up the dishes on the table.

"If it doesn't work, just do it like Columbia." Jingliu looked at Columbia who used mental power to send food directly to her mouth and said.

You don't need to move your hands, you can eat food by opening your mouth, which is much more convenient than using chopsticks.

"Um... I'd better use chopsticks." Tartaglia looked at Columbia's appearance and felt that chopsticks were more convenient.

"I'm done." Jingliu wiped his mouth elegantly.

"Then shall we go?"

"Let's go."

"You guys go, I've already paid Mora, I'm going to study these chopsticks." Tartaglia waved his hand and continued to study the chopsticks in his hand.

Jingliu nodded, took Columbia's hand, and left the Liuli Pavilion.

"Where are we going now?" Columbia asked Jingliu after leaving the Liuli Pavilion.

"I'll take you to a good place." Jingliu remembered a scene in the previous game and prepared to take Columbia to see it together.

"Where is it?"


"Jingliu, do you... know the way?"

"Uh... It's okay, just go to the highest place in Liyue."


Jueyunjian, located north of the Bishui River in Liyue, is a mysterious place surrounded by mountains. The terrain here is steep, and the peaks are soaring into the clouds, as if connected to the sky.

Fortunately, the mountains here are so high, otherwise Jingliu really can't get here.

"Well... Next, let's find out which is the highest mountain." Jingliu looked around, looking for the highest mountain.

Although most of the mountains here soar into the sky, in Jingliu's eyes, they are not worth mentioning.

After looking around, Jingliu found the highest mountain, and then Jingliu pulled Columbia over: "Found it, let's go, I'll give you a surprise later."

"Okay~" Columbia is looking forward to it, this is the first time Jingliu has given her a surprise.

"Let's go."


When the two climbed to the top of the mountain, the panoramic view of Jueyunjian came into their eyes, and Jingliu suddenly had a feeling of looking down on all the mountains.

Jingliu also liked this feeling at this moment, standing in the sky, overlooking the world.

"Jingliu, where is the surprise?" Columbia looked at Jingliu with expectation.

"This is just the highest peak, not the highest point." Jingliu pointed his finger upwards, revealing a mysterious smile.

"Hmm?" Columbia followed

Jingliu looked up and saw an island in the sky.

"Let's go, let's fly up." Jingliu took Columbia's hand and said.

This place originally needs to be decrypted to get up, but if you can fly, that's another story.

Although this decryption is simple, it is a bit troublesome. Jingliu is too lazy to do it, so let's leave it to Ying.

"Yeah." Columbia responded.

The next second, the two of them walked in the air and flew to the island in the sky.


"Is this... a pavilion?" Columbia looked at the pavilion on the island and was a little confused.

Who would build a pavilion here? Only the Liyue Immortal.

The two stood in the pavilion, and through the clouds, they could even see the Liyue Port in the distance.

Standing here, everything seemed very small, and the quiet wind brushed across their cheeks. Feeling the surrounding environment, it was as if you were in a fairyland.

"It's almost time, let's find a place to sit down." Jingliu looked at the sun not far away and said to Columbia.


The two sat on the edge of the island, quietly waiting for the time to come.


"It's time."

As Jingliu's voice fell, the sky was gradually stained with golden afterglow.

The sun set down the mountain, and the light of the sunset sprinkled on the mountains and the earth. The mountains looked more majestic under the reflection of the sunset.

Jingliu also took off the black veil in front of him and admired the unparalleled scenery in front of him. And Columbia was also admiring the most beautiful scenery in her heart.

The two girls sat on the edge of the island, shaking their legs in the air, and the light of the sunset fell beside the girls, and time seemed to be frozen here.

"Columbia." Jingliu suddenly said.

"Hmm? Oh...what's wrong?" Columbia avoided Jingliu's sight in a panic.


"What happened to Columbia?" Jingliu was a little confused, but he didn't care too much.

"Columbia, stretch out your hand." Jingliu said softly.

Hearing this, Columbia breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that she had been discovered peeping. Then she stretched out her hand.

The next second, she felt a cold feeling in her hand.


"This is a bracelet that I made carefully (now rubbed), which contains a trace of the power of abundance, which can effectively suppress the curse in your body." Jingliu said softly. This is the only way Jingliu can think of to suppress the curse without causing harm to Columbia.

Columbia was very happy at this time, not because the curse could be suppressed, but because Jingliu gave her a gift!

Although I don't know how Jingliu knew the curse, and I don't know what the power of abundance is, but I like the things Jingliu gave me very much.

"Thank you." Columbia held the bracelet tightly in her hand, opened her eyes, and revealed her deep red eyes like gemstones. She looked into Jingliu's eyes and smiled completely.

This was the first time Jingliu saw Columbia's full appearance. She was very beautiful, and her deep red eyes added a new color to this flawless face.

Jingliu was a little stunned and couldn't help but move closer.

Columbia also noticed Jingliu's inner thoughts, closed her eyes, and slowly moved her lips closer.

The faces of the two girls slowly approached, and the distance between their lips became closer and closer. The next second...


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