The answer of Jingliu made everyone except Columbia fall into silence.

Using ants to compare people is a bit extreme... but it seems to be correct.

To the gods, people... are indeed ants.

"Okay, I know, thank you for your answer." Then Dainsleb looked at Ying:

"Your understanding of the world... I also understand it more or less. According to the agreement, you can commission me."

"But... I only accept the commission about [Abyss Cult]."

"Like you, you are on the journey, and the purpose of your journey is to find your relatives. And my purpose is to fight against the abyss." Dainsleb said solemnly.

"[Abyss Cult]." Ying silently recited this word in her heart.

The Abyss Mage that I met before, and the Abyss Apostle that appeared when purifying Tevarin, should all be members of the [Abyss Cult]... What is their purpose?

"I came to Mond this time to follow the trail of the Abyss Apostle."

"[Abyss Apostle]? Are they the two that appeared when purifying Tevarin before and left nothing behind?" Paimon asked in confusion, thinking of the scene at the Star-Picking Cliff before.

"Yes, a wind dragon that has been corroded by poisonous blood should not send out two [Abyss Apostles] to interfere..." Having said this, Dainsreb paused and looked at Jingliu:

"So the purpose of [Abyss Apostles] is very clear."

"You mean, their purpose at that time was to test Jingliu's strength?"

Dainsreb nodded.

"No one can let an unstable factor appear. They don't know whether her appearance will affect their plans, so they sent two [Abyss Apostles] to test it, but it is obvious that the cult seriously underestimated the strength of this lady."

Jingliu stopped what he was doing, looked at the few people and said:

"I have no interest in the plans of the [Abyss Cult], and what they want to do has nothing to do with me. But if they anger me, I don't mind turning the [Abyss Cult] into [Cult Abyss]."

"Hahaha, it really fits Jingliu's temperament." Paimeng couldn't help but laugh dryly.

"Wait, why haven't we met any members of the [Abyss Cult] since the dragon disaster?" Ying also discovered the problem at this time. If the [Abyss Cult] is an inhuman organization, will it engage in anti-human behavior?

Liyue made a big fuss that time, why didn't the [Abyss Cult] appear?

"You have guessed why we haven't seen the [Abyss Cult] since the dragon disaster. They may be doing something we don't know. Maybe... they were ordered by someone to deliberately avoid your route. As for this lady, I think the [Abyss Cult] feels that it seems useless to stand in front of you, so they will deliberately avoid you." Dainsleb said slowly, as if he knew something.

"Hmm... I feel like they are preparing to ambush us somewhere? Jingliu is powerful and is not afraid of their ambush. But if we are ambushed by them..."

"Don't worry, little Paimon, I will defeat all the dangers ahead." Ying said comfortingly.

"Hmm... that's right. After all, the two of us are very powerful." Paimon said, propping up the non-existent muscles on his arms.

Dainsreb looked at Ying and seemed to be stunned for a while, then came back to his senses:

"Then let's go out and take a look. According to the clues I have, the [Abyss Cult] once re-entered the [Temple of the Eagle of the West Wind]."

"Your doubts about the abyss may be answered there."

"As for the two of you..." Dainsreb looked at Jingliu and Columbia and said with some doubt.

"We won't go. I wish you three a smooth adventure." Jingliu shook the wine glass in his hand and said to them.

"Well... well, I still like the irreplaceable sense of security when Jingliu is by my side."

"Haha, I will only wait until you can't beat me before I take action." Jingliu said in a light tone.

Looking at the backs of the people leaving, Columbia finally spoke:

"That person... is so annoying, a black soul, and he keeps staring at Jing Liu."

Columbia doesn't care about the black soul, but the guy who dares to keep staring at Jing Liu...Columbia is

Dainsleb's favorable impression of him was decreasing in a straight line.

"This is what it means to contact the abyss, [to obtain the power to deny the world from outside the world]. Obviously, they don't have the strength to control this power." Jingliu looked at Dainsleb's back and said lightly.

"Wait a minute, I'll take you to find some fun." Jingliu smiled and said to Columbia.

"What fun?" Columbia looked at Jingliu with some doubt.

"Of course it's fun fun."

"Come on, finish this bottle of wine." Jingliu pushed a bottle of dandelion wine in front of Columbia and said.

"No." Columbia refused without hesitation.

"Drink it, just one sip is fine."


"Drink it, it tastes good."



In a forest somewhere in Mondstadt, an apostle of the abyss knelt on one knee in front of a young man with golden hair.

"[Prince] As you expected, the man has arrived in Mondstadt."

"Dainsleb..." The boy silently recited the name.

"It seems that you are the leader of the [Abyss Cult]."

Just as the boy was thinking, a voice appeared beside his ear.

"!" The boy reacted quickly, flashing in his hand, a sword appeared, and slashed towards the place where the voice appeared.

"Don't be so irritable, after all... you are not my opponent when you are irritable."

The boy quickly retreated and looked at the place where the voice appeared, and saw the person coming clearly.

"It's you." The boy looked at the person with a serious expression.

The people who came were Jingliu and Columbia who came to have fun.

"[Prince]!" The Abyss Apostle reacted and quickly blocked in front of the boy.

"Back off, we are not their opponents." The boy shook his head and signaled the Abyss Apostle to back off.

"This..." The Abyss Apostle was obviously hesitant.

"Huh?" The boy glared at the Abyss Apostle.

"Yes." The Abyss Apostle said, opened a portal and retreated.

"What's wrong with you?"

"What? Don't worry, I'm the one." Jing Liu teleported to the boy and said.

"Really?" The boy's face did not change. He was not frightened by Jing Liu's teleportation, nor did he rush to attack.

Because the boy knew that the entire [Abyss Cult] might not be able to beat the woman in front of him...

"Very wise, it can save me a lot of effort." Jing Liu looked at the boy's appearance and smiled with satisfaction.

"Brother, you don't want your sister to get into trouble during the trip, right?"


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