"Eh? This setting is not bad." Tun Yun nodded at the side and said, "That's great. Senior Zhou also seems to have a deep understanding of the setting of literary works. Although the filming has been completed, we can also Added in later."

"No, Master Tunyun, you don't understand the risks involved." Song Shuhang shook his head in horror: "Maybe this will become a documentary!"

Not far away, Su Lin annihilated Klein's clone and dived into the fog of history.

Klein was pulled out of the fog of history. He looked at the people in front of him who were all paying attention to him, with different expressions. His mouth hadn't stopped yet:

"Isn't that true? You should believe in science instead of this feudal superstition."

"Actually, I think we can also add a setting where we jointly establish a sect before the mystery of the womb is solved, and train the disciples in the sect to become pioneers who can devour all worlds... Hmmmm"

Su Lin directly stuffed a lump of black and thick black bread into Klein's mouth to prevent this thing with a mouth from continuing to tell horror stories that substituted fantasy into reality.

Brother, let’s just make a movie and scare other people, but we don’t want to talk about this stuff!

"I think you really need to shut up." Lu Mingfei looked strange, recalling everything before, and said, "I used to be superstitious about science."

"Dear Mr. Fool, until Su Lin's infringement target came to the door, I always believed that there are not so many coincidences in the world." Xiao Yan said with some toothache: "You have such a mouth, I advise you to think twice before you speak."

"No, no matter how you think about this kind of thing, it's terrifying!" Irena suddenly covered her arms and shivered, shouting: "When I think about the fact that I am the witch who is obsessed with Su Lin in the setting, it is simply a nightmare. ah!!"

Everyone turned their attention to Irena. Is this person not related to what everyone is worried about?

"You, a three-dimensional character separated from the paper man, are saying some very rude things. If I were the otaku I used to be, I would be disillusioned." Su Lin roared at the end: "Compared to this kind of thing, isn't it? Is it more terrifying to swallow all the heavens and worlds?!"

Not to mention other people, even Su Lin couldn't help but get goosebumps when he thought about that possibility. Although such words were normally treated as a joke, the power of that broken mouth almost caused Su Lin to develop PTSD.

"Uh-huh." Zhongli put his right hand above his lips and took a deep breath: "This setting probably won't come true."

Everyone present fell silent upon hearing this.

Probably. The script is outrageous enough. I heard that during the writing of this script, Su Lin also used extraordinary means of audience access to provide regular psychological therapy to the screenwriting team.


Klein grinded his teeth, took out a jar of honey from the air, and spread it on the brown bread.

'No matter how you think about it, it's impossible. You don't know what these people are afraid of. He is not really Azathoth, and Su Lin is not God. Although there is indeed a Heavenly Emperor and Yuanshi Tianzun in the group.'

He was chewing brown bread and thinking.

‘The Fool. The God of Blindness and Stupidity. Well, I might as well use this name in other worlds from now on, but I feel like the reputation is not very good. ’


"That's it." Li Huowang suddenly broke the silence, clapped his hands, and said as if he woke up from his confusion, "Is it possible that this is the true nature of the chat group?"


In an instant, five rays of light shot towards Li Huowang from the front, back, left, right and even above, covering Li Huowang's mouth.

Li Huowang was shocked. When he reacted, Su Lin, Xiao Yan, and Lu Mingfei surrounded him, especially Zijin Shenlong, who tied up Li Huowang with his own body.

‘Could it be fake again? ! These people are trying to hurt me! ! ! ’ Li Huowang’s eyes widened and he wanted to use the Daqianlu buried in the flesh of his back immediately.

"Don't be serious. Who are these people in this group? It's hard to guard against them!" Su Lin collapsed.

"The fire is strong! Brother Yan has never begged anyone else, but you must not take it seriously!!!" Xiao Yan was about to cry but had no tears: "I don't want to be a villain! The Soul Emperor cannot harm anyone like the Devourer of All Realms. "

"Ouch! You're a bit evil, don't take it seriously!" Zijin Shenlong was yawning just now, but was woken up instantly by Klein and Li Huowang.

Li Huowang's mental ability is too evil. Even if this kind of idealistic ability is not too strong now, if this kid becomes stronger in the future, won't Uncle Long want to replace the position of Evil Heavenly Dao? !

And that guy over there, Klein, Su Lin, has so many trump cards that people who can't even see clearly are being forced to die by his one bet. He's also a very evil guy.

"It's fake, you know?" Su Lin raised his eyebrows and said to Li Huowang.

Li Huowang: "."

If it's fake, just fake it. Why are you so excited? It's scary.

"Seniors, do we still need to add this setting?" Tun Yun asked confused.

"Get it in." Su Lin paused and said to Tunyun: "That's it anyway. Please tell me later."

"Okay." Tun Yun nodded.

Finally, after this farce ended, Zhongli decided to return to his own world.

Regardless of whether the party is held together, he should return to Liyue to deal with matters related to the Hai Lantern Festival of the Rebirth Hall. Now he is still a guest of the Rebirth Hall, and he still has to contribute during the busiest time.

Everyone agreed to contact the group later about the celebration banquet and then dispersed.

"Fake, fake, fake, fake, it's all fake."

Only Li Huowang, who understood the cause and effect, was still trying to cancel what he just said by reciting it a hundred times.

High-end luck is often used in an unpretentious way.

Whether it was the blood of the Snake of Destiny or the dice of probability, it would be better not to use these variables for the time being. Let's see if he could get some of this good luck that can transcend all the worlds.

Su Lin rubbed his hands excitedly in Wangshu Pavilion at Shuijing Peak, forgetting what happened before.

His movement of lightly clicking on the system was like betting on a stock the night before, and after oversleeping the next day, he used a gambling mentality to see whether he would eat meat or noodles tonight.


Su Lin thought that all he had drawn were props. After all, he did not feel that he had learned any skills after closing the lottery interface. However, when he opened the lottery interface, he found that the three gray lights above were still flying in the system space.


Do I have to watch the cutscenes to the end? Damn, good luck has expired?

Two gray lights rippled in the void, passed through the space, and penetrated into Su Lin's mind. Then, a ray of light penetrated into the system backpack.

Are there two skill categories? ! That’s not bad! Skills are much harder to draw than items. Until now, Su Lin has only been able to draw few skills.

Su Lin closed his eyes and felt the information and power coming from his mind.

[Heavenly Buddha has no form]:

Effect: Condensing the Buddhist dharma body (Those who practice this method must first cultivate their true self. All appearances are false. If you see all appearances that are not appearances, you will see the Tathagata. - The Buddha of Heaven)

[Extreme sublimation]: All the depression, unwillingness, forbearance, hard work, plainness... just for the ultimate sublimation of this moment. …

There are too many words to introduce the remaining skills, so I don’t need to read them. I guess it’s the thing I know, the overlord clause rogue skill known as the king of recycling points.

"I woke up violently this morning. The adverse reaction just came now. Let's go back and get some sleep." Su Lin closed the system interface and plunged into the fog of history. He randomly found a historical spot and covered it with a quilt.

"Have you fallen in love?" Klein asked from the side.


Su Lin opened his eyes and asked, "Why are you here?"

"Why did you come in?" Klein asked. He was holding a piece of chocolate ice cream in his hand and asked, "0 calories, do you want to eat?"

"Excuse me." Su Lin packed up, packed up and walked out of this historical spot.

Su Lin walked aimlessly through the history that only he had experienced. He suddenly saw himself a few days ago. When the gold coins were exploded in the treasure chest, he tried his best but was unable to grab anything from Tony Su. Own.

The other party relied on shameless, obscene, and shameless hooligan skills to pack away the treasure trove, leaving a large piece of fairy gold with the tolerant gesture of a winner, and then walked away triumphantly without recognizing any relatives.

This scene will never be forgotten. At that time, I was thinking that if he also had this skill, he would definitely win everything and revive...

Revitalize your ass!

Su Lin shook his head violently, as if he suddenly remembered something, threw away his bedding and ran towards the previous history.

He saw the scene where he failed to form a loving family. When he flew out, he was cursing and wanted to get a Buddhist power to suppress the two rebellious sons for five hundred years.


In an instant, Su Lin seemed to understand something.

A book that looked like a lottery instruction manual was on the other side, and the first page was opened to him with a flourish.

In the chat group

Su Lin: "Shuhang, is Venerable White cold, hot or hungry? I have a box of enlightenment tea here. Are you interested in trying some delicacies from other worlds?"

Song Shuhang: "Senior Su Lin... what are you..."

Klein: "I understand, are you awakening?"

Klein: "You were depressed and confused earlier just to make this decision?!"

Lu Mingfei: "Hey! What's going on?"

Zhang Chulan: "I'm so excited that I'm seeing hallucinations."

Song Shuhang: "You have to cheer up, Senior Su Lin! Although I know that Venerable White is very charming, there are also many charming girls in this world!"

Song Shuhang: "Even if it doesn't exist in this world, it exists in all the worlds! Let's take a longer view and look at those photos of fairies!"

Song Shuhang: "It really doesn't work. Although the few in our group are a bit difficult to maintain, they are also very beautiful!"


Horaishan Kaguya: "?"

Irena: "?"

Song Shuhang: "."

Song Shuhang: " @Meng Qi, senior, can you help me ask where the undo button is?"

Typing with thoughts is very fast, but sometimes when I get excited, I will immediately send out what I am thinking, without having time to modify it.


"Pfft!!!" Ye Fan sprayed a mouthful of tea towards Duan De opposite.

The scalding tea instantly turned into numerous water droplets and moved to the side of the Black Emperor's face when he was only a few centimeters away from Duan De.



Pang Bo saw Ye Fan standing up in a hurry and walking towards the portal of his world, and asked strangely: "Yi Zi, what's wrong? Didn't you say you were going to drink beer and have sex tonight?"

"I'm going to kidnap some saints with vengeance to see if Su Lin can be saved." Ye Fan also couldn't control his expression.

Su Lin: "Sorry, I was a little out of control. Don't get me wrong. I just experienced what happened in Chapter 672 of "Cultivation Chat Group". Senior Bai's good luck helped me."

"What's wrong, Ye Zi, why don't you leave?" Pang Bo moved his body to follow Ye Fan, and asked: "Binding to Yin Yang Holy Land or Zi Mansion Holy Land? Will the family consider it?"

"It seems we don't need it anymore." Ye Fan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Emperor, what's wrong?" Zhenjun Jiefeng Liuyun transformed into a human and followed beside him, asking.

"It's nothing, just some insignificant misunderstandings." Zhongli shook his head and said: "Based on my understanding of Su Lin, he is probably more interested in the two-dimensional portrait of Yuhengxing."

"???" Zhenjun Jiefeng Liuyun was confused and couldn't understand the current emperor's thoughts.

"Liyue is ahead. You don't need to accompany me. The acting is over, and Morax will naturally return to history." Zhongli said slowly: "Ruotuo, I advise you to return to the simulated universe and practice hard. You have suffered wear and tear far more than others.”

"We have nothing to do. Let's take a look around Liyue with you." Ruotuo transformed into a mature and steady young man, wearing a gray-brown Liyue robe:

"Can you give them some advice? It's okay for me to fight with the monks as a monster, but can I not recite those repeated lines every time I appear? Turn down the music a little, it's too noisy during the battle."

"I will respond to this issue." Zhongli nodded slightly.

"I heard before that the emperor was going to entertain friends from outside the world. Is there anything we can do to help?" Zhenjun Lishui Dieshan asked.

Zhongli thought for a while and asked, "Do you have any Mora there? You may need a little more."

At first, it was just a banquet for friends in the group. With his usual salary as a guest, it was naturally not a problem.

But if you want to book the entire Crescent Pavilion or Liuli Pavilion at the same time on the busiest night of the Hai Lantern Festival, the cost will inevitably exceed the budget.

There are friends coming from far away. As the host, he should let the guests experience Liyue's representative cuisine.



Several immortals looked at each other in confusion. To them, Mora was like something outside of their body. Some immortals did not like the troubles of worldly affairs and lived in seclusion in the mountains. Some of them liked to see all kinds of things in the world and lived in the city. But Mora?

"Isn't this Mr. Zhongli?" A slightly frivolous voice said, "Long time no see. I heard that you have been very busy recently, but you just came back from somewhere other than Liyue?"

Zhong Li turned around and looked at him, smiling and saying, "It's your Excellency, long time no see."

"Are these your friends? Hello everyone, I am Dadalia." Dadalia showed a sunny smile, but it didn't match his slightly empty eyes.

"Fools all," Xieyue Zhuyang snorted.

"Hey, it's true that I'm a fool, but I'm also a good friend of Mr. Zhongli." Dadalia didn't care. After all, his identity is not a secret in Liyue, but from these people Judging from the powerful auras revealed intentionally or unintentionally, I am afraid they are all immortals.

Morax, who has clearly retired from the position of the Rock God, may have done something big by gathering so many immortals. In this case, he might as well take the initiative to come up and take a look.

There may be some information, but I don't know for sure.

"Well, you came just in time." A smile appeared at the corner of Zhongli's mouth, and he thought of an interesting title he saw on the Internet. Although it was due to his habit of not bringing Mora around, he was very interested in Dadalia being called I feel a bit sorry for being called this, but now, it can just solve the current problem.

"Oh? I can help." Dadalia smiled.

"Do you want to gain more power?" Zhongli asked.

Dadalia was stunned for a moment, then enthusiasm flashed in his eyes, his blue eyes narrowed slightly, and he asked with interest: "What is the price?"

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