Matou Sakura returned to Matou Residence from school. As usual, she had to prepare dinner and then perform her daily 'magic'.

Today's senior didn't come to class. Although he wanted to see each other, it turned out...

It would be better not to have contact with the seniors until the Holy Grail War is over.

If the senior knows that he is also a Master

"Didn't you go to Emiya's house today?" Matou Shinji leaned on the escalator from the second floor to the first floor, looking down at Matou Sakura:

"That guy Emiya actually participated in the Holy Grail War. If you have nothing to do, go and get some information from me!"


"It's my brother," Matou Sakura said somewhat against her will.

"Damn Tohsaka! After rejecting me, did you go to form an alliance with Emiya? Oh!"

Matou Shinji's expression gradually became distorted, but then he was relieved and looked at Matou Sakura with the attitude of a superior:

"That guy Emiya must have been confused by Tohsaka, but it doesn't matter, I will let them know who is the winner of this Holy Grail War."

"Sakura, go cook, I'm hungry."

After finishing speaking, Matou Shinji walked back to his room. Listening to the sound of footsteps disappearing, Matou Sakura breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sakura, come to the basement. Today's homework is ahead of schedule."

The sound of Matou's inkstone came from the corner of the house. She turned around and saw that the old man, who was as shriveled as a mummy, was holding a wooden cane and standing in the dark corner at the end of the corridor, watching her.

Her body trembled slightly, and she respectfully said to Matong Zangyan, "Yes, Grandpa."

Rider's figure appeared at the side, seemingly waiting for Matou Sakura to give an order.

"Please give way, Rider." Matou Sakura lowered her head, folded her hands in front of her, and used honorifics.

"." Rider stepped aside silently, turned back to look at Matou Sakura who walked into the end of the corridor, and then transformed into a spirit body again.

Take off your clothes and be naked.

Matou Sakura walked in from the hidden stone door and walked down the steps step by step.

The faint light seeping from the magic power illuminated the dark and humid space from the floor of the huge stone chamber below, like many arthropods crawling around. After a while, those gray-white insects with fangs and mouthparts were flowing like water. The empty stone chamber is filled.

Various noisy and sharp sounds piled up into a desperate howl, urging the arrival of the sacrifice.

Under the watchful eye of the old man, Matou Sakura walked along the circular stone staircase into the sea of ​​insects, letting herself be enveloped by these squirming creatures full of mucus.

Matou Sakura didn't respond. It would be better to say that she was already numb. Day after day, year after year, her body was occupied by bugs that fed on human body fluids and transformed her magic circuits.

Her eyes were empty and she allowed these indescribable insects to burrow into her body.

Matou Zouken was watching this scene with satisfaction on the stone steps, admiring the formation of his work bit by bit.

For eleven years, she endured thousands of punishments every day, and placed thousands of poisonous insects in her body, just to make her grow in the direction in her heart.

He doesn't care about the Holy Grail War this time. The odds of winning are too low for him, so for the time being, he doesn't plan to fully participate in it.

If the useless grandson wants control of the servant, let him do it, as long as the container named "Matou Sakura" is still alive.

If Matou Shinji can survive, he and Sakura can just continue their bloodlines casually in the future, and for the rest, they have no expectations for him.


Matou Zangyan felt a slight change in the magic power around him. The insects scattered around the Matou residence conveyed a scene of a red-haired boy breaking into Matou's house with a sword and a gun.

After the opponent took out a handicraft-like sword and inserted it, the scene was cut off, as if he was prepared.

"Emiya Kiritsugu's adopted son?" Matou Zouken smiled: "I see, did you find traces of Shinji's participation in the Holy Grail War?"

Squeak! ! !

The bugs were restless, obviously irritable, and even fearful? !

Feeling something bad, Matou Zouken planned to take Matou Sakura away along the passage, but he found that all the insects he separated were out of control and unable to move forward.

"The sewers are blocked?"

There was a wave of fluctuation, and a strange force touched the barrier he had arranged.

In a daze, he looked at something, and something was coming! ?

"Is it possible that the goal is..."

The moment Shirou Emiya arrived at the gate of Matou Residence, he inserted a royal weapon into the ground, and the divine power overflowed from the purple jade sword and spread towards the earth.

As if he had practiced it countless times, he took out a formation plate, put his index finger and middle finger together as a pen, and drew a law.

Immediately afterwards, the second seal was launched, and the prepared Inverted Five Elements Formation, Mystery Formation, and Sword Jue Formation were all arranged outside Matou Residence. The interior was surrounded by formations and the real scene could not be seen.


Shirou Emiya did not dodge, and then there were sword shadows flying, spears shining like rain, and the insect swarm that was originally as dark as dark clouds was disintegrated in just one encounter.

Along with the sticky and disgusting insect liquid and the almost transparent invisible thin wings falling down, a sword light swept away these things as fast as thunder, leaving only smoke and dust that drifted and dispersed.

Emiya Shirou held a long crystal-white sword in his left hand, with a faint cold light on it, and held the spear of penetrating the rainbow in his right hand. He stood tall and straight, with the tip of the spear pointing down, and walked out of the smoke and dust that filled the surroundings.

He looked up at the three-story majestic bungalow. In the second window on the third floor on the left, there was a figure full of fear and cowering. The other person's eyes were full of disbelief.


Emiya Shirou and this man named Matou Shinji did have a friendship. When they were in junior high school, although Matou Shinji had an awkward personality at that time, he could be said to be harmless to humans and animals in the true sense.

The coldness in Emiya Shirou's eyes was overwhelming, and the sword aura in his hand covered the sword body.

The hesitation only lasted for a moment. The former Shinji was dead. The girl named Matou Sakura might forgive this man, but Emiya Shirou only felt angry in his heart now.

This long-suppressed anger towards the existence of the Matou family,

Reasons like jealousy or lack of magic ability are not excuses for you to be violent towards Sakura.


The sound of chains being dragged was heard.

Ding dong!

A clear voice came from the front of Emiya Shirou's face, the jade shield flashed, and a short sword flew out.


Shirou Emiya looked back at Shinji Matou and looked directly at Rider, who had transformed from spirit to entity in front of him. He was a tall woman with long purple hair and a leather jacket, with an eyepatch with scale patterns on her face.

Her real name is Medusa, a mythical figure spread in Greek mythology.

The reason why he wears the eyepatch is to seal his own magic eye, which is a 'rainbow-level magic eye' that can corrode with magic power and turn everything it sees into stone.

"I'm here to take Sakura out of this insect cave."

Without further ado, Rider launched another attack after failing to succeed, dragging the chain dagger with a speed faster than the human eye could detect to surround and block the surrounding space.

Emiya Shirou ignored it and just walked towards the front door. The next moment, Rider's figure appeared on the left side of Emiya Shirou, holding a dagger and attacking him.

Emiya Shirou flicked the long sword in his hand, and then struck out with the hilt of the sword.


In the blink of an eye, Rider flew backwards and smashed a tree in the Matou family courtyard.

"Thank you." Emiya Shirou said softly, throwing out several long swords and nailing them near Rider's position. The ground there suddenly sunk, and some plants broke out of the ground and restrained Rider in place.

Divine consciousness shot out from underneath this bungalow.

An old man with limbs as thin as a mummy and a hunchback suddenly raised his head and met Shirou Emiya's eyes.

The soul is palpitating and the soul is moving, and the sword light shines out in surprise.


The shadow-trailing sword soared into the air, leaving an afterimage of Shirou Emiya on the spot. For an instant, only the way of heaven and earth remained in his heart, and his humanity retreated.

The moment he almost merged with the world, the next moment he appeared, thunder and fire burst open the dark and damp stone door of the insect chamber. At the same time as the roar of dragons and tigers sounded, the long sword slashed at the demonic insects.

The sword's will is mighty, and the thunderbolts are missing.


The black eyes, whose whites were so dark that there was no trace of light, suddenly reflected the angry look of a young man.

White light bloomed behind him, like a sun that had not been seen for hundreds of years in the room and in the dark night.

The light was so strong that he couldn't even feel what was piercing his body. Matou Zangyan's body seemed to be exposed to the wind, quickly oxidizing and turning black.


Matou Zangyan looked at the young man in front of him and was stunned: "I see, are you here to take Sakura away?"

But he still couldn't understand where this power in the other person came from. For so many years, he had been using Matou Sakura to monitor this kid.

Emiya Shirou didn't answer. The moment the sword blade was drawn out, Matou Zouken's body disappeared with the wind as if it had been eroded by the wind.

Emiya Shirou jumped straight into the sea of ​​​​insects, his whole body filled with sword intent, condensed into countless sword threads and pierced the air to crush the insects attached to and around the girl.

"Senior..." Matou Sakura felt like she was in a dream. She was used to the poison and suddenly saw a scene that she didn't even dare to imagine.

"do not look at me."


The first thing that appeared in her numb and empty eyes was not the hope of the redeemed person, but the shame after the fig leaf was lifted. The illusion that she had long gone and weaved with lies and daily life was completely exposed at this moment to the person she cared about most. in front of people.

"don't want."

Matou Sakura, who was used to all kinds of pressure being imposed on her body and was used to being submissive, burst into tears at this moment. She was afraid and wanted to cover her face and her body.

Is senior so strong? Even his grandfather was killed by him. Did he come to kill himself, the real Master?

At this moment, she was hoping for this situation. Matou Sakura, a girl, would have been broken long ago, if she could die in the hands of her seniors.

That's not bad either.

Emiya Shirou took out a blanket and covered the girl. The insects gathered in the sewers extending in all directions were still hissing, and the sharp sound made a fire rise in his heart.

He could see Matou Sakura's expression with all his eyes, and it wasn't until he saw it with his own eyes that he realized that he was far more angry than he thought.

‘You must come home on time every night, otherwise grandpa will be angry. ’

This girl, who was like a sister to him, had been suffering from this violation since she was a child, suffering from poisonous insects.

After spending every night like this, she would come to her home the next day to help with cooking, shopping, waking herself up to go to school, and the cycle started over and over again.

"It'll be okay, Sakura."

"Everything will be fine in the future."

He held the girl and comforted her gently.

"You won't have to suffer this again."

"Tohsaka is still waiting for you outside. She wants to see you."

Matou Sakura felt like she heard a very dreamy voice, words that should not have appeared even after she watched the fairy tale drama. Once upon a time, she had indeed fantasized about this.

Eleven years ago, when she was sent to this Matou family.

When she was thrown into the insect nest, she imagined that her parents and sister would come back to take her home the next day.

A man named Matou Kariya once said this to himself, and then he...

“Is it really possible?”

"Well, of course."

There was a hint of brilliance in her empty purple eyes, and her sobbing voice echoed in the insect nest, and her restraint at the beginning gradually turned into a catharsis of emotions.


Matou Sakura hugged Shirou Emiya tightly in front of her. It didn't matter even if she died in his hands the next moment. At least now she felt that something that had been stripped away had returned to this dirty body.

"I'm sorry, Sakura, for disturbing you at this time. Otherwise, if I wait too long, someone in trouble might come over."

The girl wasn't left with much time to vent. After a moment, Emiya Shirou lifted a corner of the blanket around him.


Emiya Shirou placed his hand three inches in front of Matou Sakura's chest without letting it fall.

"Do you believe me?"

Matou Sakura's face was red, and the tears on her cheeks were still flowing down drop by drop.


Matou Sakura didn't know what Emiya Shirou was going to do, but as long as it was him, he would do anything.

A light shone on Emiya Shirou's hand, which was the one-time power lent to him by Su Lin.

There was a pop, and blood splattered everywhere.

Matou Sakura's body trembled, and there was a trace of regret and depression in her shaking pupils.

"Believe me." Emiya Shirou said again, he grabbed the beating heart.


A smile appeared on Matou Sakura's lips, and she could feel the life force in her body draining away.

"The filth returns to trouble, and the light redeems me."

The arm transformed into a temporary light element inserted into the heart, penetrated deeply into the nerves, and pulled out a worm.

When Shirou Emiya pulled out his arm, the threads of light elements quickly stitched together the flesh and blood, like the most efficient three-dimensional printer repairing wounds.

The insect screamed in panic



Emiya Shirou strangled the insect without giving it a chance to speak.

He covered the blanket, held the weak girl in his arms, and said softly:

"It's over Sakura, take a nap if you want."

Matou Sakura shook her head, leaning against Emiya Shirou's chest with a happy smile on her lips.

Shirou Emiya looked around, and a red knight's spear was projected in his hand. The treasure of the builder that was exchanged for ten weapons was perfect for this occasion.

If the pests that exist in this mansion are left alone and allowed to escape, they will cause great harm.

The amber flame at the tip of the gun stirred the cold wind, and the humid basement instantly became dry, and bursts of thunderous roars shook the sky.

This is what Xing told him. Before using this gun, he must take a posture and shout:

"Fire Spear."

Archer stared blankly at the Matou Residence surrounded by sword formations. Ever since Emiya Shirou walked into the Matou Residence, it seemed as if he had disappeared. From the naked eye, the Matou Residence had not changed at all.

'At this point in time, he can not only project, but also these magic tricks. No, this is not a common magic trick. It looks like a sophisticated ritual arrangement.'

‘I still have genuine concept gifts in my hand’

‘Guanhongzhiyan, what is that gun? ’

‘What happened to Shirou Emiya in this timeline? ’

When the opponent showed two different formations and weapons, Archer understood that this timeline was completely different from the one he had originally experienced.

Originally, I should be just a newbie in magic at this time.

"It's so slow, Shirou." Illya sat on Hercules' shoulder and muttered, "Does it take so long to kill insects?"

Tohsaka Rin said nothing, just glanced at Illya and bit her nails lightly. The truth that Emiya Shirou told her before about the Matou family's insect magic was still echoing in her mind.

If anyone was to say who was most anxious right now, it would be her.

Although I don’t know whether the things the other party said are true or false, judging from the magic tricks Matou Shinji arranged in the school and the changes in Sakura over the years, there is a high possibility that they are true.

"Archer, go in and take a look." Rin Tosaka clenched his fist and said, "What on earth is that idiot thinking? There is a Servant inside!"

"No need, Rin." Illya stopped him, "Shirou now is different from the Shirou you knew in the past. Just let him solve it alone."

"Hey, kid." Rin Tosaka asked unhappily: "Aren't you and Emiya-kun very close? Why didn't you go in with him? Looking at those posters, I really thought you were fighting. We should hold each other together at all times.”

"In that case, wouldn't Sakura be too pitiful?" Illya put away her smile, looked at Tohsaka Rin and said:

"It's so hard to get Prince Charming to save you, but it's too much to have another girl here."

"Shirou is mine and nothing will change, but only tonight."


A broken voice sounded.

At the same time as the barrier was shattered, the flames lit up the sky, burning the dark night red, and the tornado soared into the sky and hit the formation that Shirou Emiya had originally arranged.

that moment

The sky seemed to be torn apart.

At the same time as the Flame Pillar appeared, there was a red-haired boy standing at the top in the sky. He waved his arm and the lance in his hand disappeared together with the flames.

Illya looked at Matou Sakura in Shirou Emiya's arms and said, "Let's lend Shirou to her for the time being."

Archer looked at Shirou Emiya flying in the sky, his eagle-like eyes full of worry and shock.

"Have this power."

"Do you also want to be a partner of justice?"

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