
I don't understand at all why this man would do such a meaningless thing at this moment.

"The war will not end until there is only one group left." Kotomine Kirei opened his arms as if embracing the world. He opened his lips slightly, and his smile revealed mockery: "Let me guide you, Emiya Shirou~."

How inexplicable, but everyone can feel that this man seems to be fulfilling his duty as a priest to guide others forward.


Fujimaru Ritsuka looked coldly ahead, the reflection of Kotomine Kirei in her pupils made her uncontrollably angry, but even at this time she still maintained her calmness as a Master.

Chaldea retains information about Cu Chulainn and others. Although the angry companions were attacked, the more important thing to do at this time is to find out what Kotomine Kirei is doing.

For the first time, she stopped Gilgamesh's actions.

"We are not participants in this Holy Grail War!" Fujimaru Ritsuka said: "Kotomine Kirei, what on earth are you going to do!?"

Even if that man was evil in nature, he would never commit such a "self-destruction" like a stubborn struggle before failure without a deeper purpose.

"Of course it is to allow the Holy Grail War to proceed normally. Even though I look like this, I am also the supervisor of Fuyuki's Holy Grail War."

"In this way, five servants have been eliminated. With the enhanced effects of more than twenty command spells, I originally planned to kill several other servants together, but due to the restrictions here, I can only target It’s on those third-rate people.”

"The extra Cu Chulainn is really an unexpected surprise, huh."

Kotomine Kirei stared at the people of Chaldea, his smile faded as he looked over there with the help of Rasputin's spiritual power, and his expression began to become solemn.

Shirou Emiya was startled. At this point, what's the point of holding the so-called Holy Grail War normally?

He was startled and then looked at Illya in the crowd, only to see the girl standing there blankly, her eyes instantly empty.

"Shirou, the Holy Grail is almost full."

Illya von Einzbern is the Lesser Holy Grail of this Holy Grail War. It is a device that preserves the souls of dead Servants. It is a necessary device to achieve the third magic by stabilizing the magic channel between the "Great Holy Grail" and the real world. .

The souls of the followers are stored in the Holy Grail and cannot return to the Seat of Heroes. When enough is accumulated and they return to the Seat of Heroes under the ritual of the Holy Grail, the door to the source will open.

"It's not that the servants summoned by the Fuyuki Holy Grail System were also absorbed?"

His heart beat rapidly, and the image of Gilgamesh carelessly going to his death flashed through his mind, and a sense of dissonance filled his heart.



What Kotomine Kirei wants to do is——

"The Fifth Holy Grail War has come to an end!"

After the solemn declaration, Kotomine Kirei made a sign of the cross on his chest and made a fist with his right hand.

"Lord, I thank you from the bottom of my heart!"

He punched out, and the target was not others, but his own head.

In everyone's surprised and wary eyes, Kotomine Kirei died.

"Why?" Fujimaru Ritsuka's eyes trembled, looking at the gradually cold body on the ground, puzzled.

Almost subconsciously, everyone turned their attention to Kotomine Kirei on the Chaldean side.

"Sorry, I just forgot something."

"At the end of the Holy Grail War, five servants are not enough. According to the rules, there are seven, but at least six are needed to reach the critical point."


There is no difference between the two people. It would be better to say that when the Kotomine Kirei of this world passed away, he came back to life, and the update of "Kotomine Kirei" on the tape was completed.

Kotomine Kirei of Chaldea has memories of many world lines...


The moment Fujimaru Ritsuka spoke, a dark dragon of disaster emerged around Kotomine Kirei. At the critical moment, Mananan (Bazett) summoned the unicorn to escape from the dragon's mouth.

"Repent of your faults and return to the dust!"

Intertwined and gathered, extremely evil intentions, the curse of evil in this world has come again.

"Evil people, those who have expired will be recruited by me!"

"Burn your sins and mark them."

Even if Chaldea cuts off the connection and the supply of magic power, it cannot stop it. It seems that the entire world is replaced by the ancient purgatory in an instant.

"May the Lord have mercy on you."

Noble Phantasm [The scattered and overflowing dark heart]

He is obviously a cleric who devoutly believes in the gods, but underneath his solemn appearance, he possesses the most extreme 'evil' nature treasure.

The eternal evil curse is overflowing, venting down like a bursting dam, visually giving people a cold feeling, but the heavy pressure is accompanied by a scorching texture, destined to burn everything in the world.

In the purgatory of villains and the end of good people, only prisoners with moderate contradictions have a chance to survive.

Kotomine Kirei stood there with his arms spread out and his hands calmly looking at the servants who were about to activate their Noble Phantasm to eliminate him here.

"What a pity, Bazett, this is a far greater cause than saving humanity."

The river of black mud is not the black mud in Fuyuki's Holy Grail, but the sea of ​​evil opened by "Azdahaka Angola Mainyu" called by Kotomine Kirei.

He stood in the middle of the ocean, his eyes focused on Shirou Emiya.

[Da Vinci: Kotomine Kirei’s spiritual reaction is disappearing! 】

"Emiya Shirou, I didn't expect this situation to be like this." Kotomine Kirei spoke as if he were treating an old friend who has known each other for many years: "We are on the same side."

"Stop talking nonsense." Emiya Shirou had already come to Illya's side, holding the girl with empty eyes in his arms: "Kotomine, stop!"

"Why stop?" Kotomine Kirei asked back: "You who have transcended yourself, if you want to be truly born in this world and make up for your personality flaws, this is the best time."

Emiya Shirou gritted his teeth and opened the door to other worlds, wanting to send Illya away first.

"I advise you not to do this. Her soul is already connected to the Great Holy Grail and the entire ritual." Kotomine Kirei allowed his Noble Phantasm to burn his body:

"From the King of Heroes to me, a total of 6 servants have become sacrifices. The countdown has begun. Take her away at this time. You should know the consequences."

"What you and Illyasviel should open together should be the door to the root."

"Hmph hahahahahahaha!!!" Unable to suppress the joy in his heart any longer, the pain of burning his body and burning his soul was nothing compared to the "sin" that was about to be released.

[Xiong: According to the observation results, the magic power in your location is constantly rising, and the magic concentration in the entire Fuyuki atmosphere has reached an abnormal value! We are about to reach the seventh singularity point! 】

[Da Vinci: This is so bad! The anomaly checking system is already alarming every five seconds! The magic situation is still excusable, but the singularity is on the border between formed and unformed! 】

[Da Vinci: Fuyuki has detected a large-scale psychic reaction! 3 rides...20 rides.107 rides. The number is still increasing! Is this a servant summoned by restraint? ! 】

[Caster Gilgamesh: I told you to chop off that man's head a long time ago. The guy with this face will definitely betray you at the right time and destroy everything you have worked so hard for. 】

[Da Vinci: Let’s put that kind of thing aside for now! Fujimaru, the number has increased to thousands of riders and the spirit bases have begun to take shape! 】

From the beginning, after Fuyuki's Gilgamesh understood Shirou Emiya's nature and situation, he set his sights on Fuyuki's Holy Grail system.

Alaya's inhibitory power prevents people from going to the source because it is a power that humans cannot obtain. Wanting to contact the source will activate the inhibitory power. This is because if an almighty human being appears, the probability of the end of the world will increase.

Gaia's inhibitory power will limit access to the Source simply because human actions may cause the destruction of celestial bodies.

Then, with the extremely unstable factor Emiya Shirou involved in this ritual leading to the source, even if he is not the one who completes the third method, as long as he is involved, the operating mechanism of the inhibitory force will watch. To the anomaly of 'Emiya Shirou'.

What's more, when the Great Holy Grail is activated, the hole leading to the source will be opened.

The restraint will never allow Shirou Emiya to touch that 'hole', which would be a hidden danger for all world lines under control.


The moment Fujimaru Ritsuka just spoke.


As fast as lightning.

The priest continued to laugh wildly, but one of the servants had already decided to take action towards the Great Holy Grail, and it was Chaldea's red A.

The moment the [pseudo-spiral sword] that penetrated the space was released, the formation arranged in advance had already withstood the first wave of explosions. The atmosphere and magic were distorted, and the rainbow-like sword light struck the air barrier.

The sound of flesh and blood tearing was heard, thunder flashed, the cold light returned to its sheath, and Chaldea's red A left hand had been chopped off.

Fujimaru Ritsuka: "Emiya!?"

"Indeed, if you destroy the Great Holy Grail at this time, and you stay away from this world, you can indeed avoid the intervention of this world's special points or inhibitory forces." Kotomine Kirei's body continued to disintegrate into spirit children, but the Noble Phantasm is still there Where spread is blocked at the dividing line:

"The price is just that a group of heroic spirits that should have died long ago cannot obtain a body that can survive in this world. Otherwise, you and the Holy Grail will all be regarded as dangerous factors."

"And if the Great Holy Grail is destroyed at this time, Illya von Einzbern's soul will return to his body, and the damage suffered will be minimized."

"What should we do? Shirou Emiya, do you want to put things to rest? Or should you stage your future course to this era in advance?"

“It’s really exciting.”

Kotomine Kirei returned to the Holy Grail with a happy smile and contentment.

Emiya Shirou tightened his grip on the sword. He had no choice in the face of this guy who wanted to plot his own life, because the opponent was already dead. If he wanted to pull the opponent out and kill him again, he could only wait for a chance in the future.

"The best choice at this time is to destroy the Great Holy Grail!" Red A covered the wound section of the severed hand, endured the spasm and pain, his eyes were bloodshot, and shouted:

"If you choose to hold Illya's hand, don't bring her into this situation!"

"You are right." Shirou Emiya did not deny it: "The third method that I originally wanted to help Illya complete was under a more controllable situation, but my lack of personal ability led to the current situation."

"This planet has several safety devices. It is difficult to bypass all these forces that appear to destroy the planet." The wine-red eyes were no longer bright, but Illya still had self-awareness, but the emotions contained in her words Peel off gradually.

"You also don't have the same means to counter Gaia as the group of gods in Olympus. The number of servants that can be dispatched by the suppression force is uncountable, and they can also summon the crown to come."

"Shirou, get out of here first and leave me alone."

The resonance between the girl in her arms and the Great Holy Grail gradually strengthened, but even so, she was still thinking of a solution for Emiya Shirou.

Leave first and come back when you have a solution to the problem? It works.

"Stop talking nonsense." Shirou Emiya said angrily: "I usually call myself a heroine, but have you ever seen a male protagonist who would abandon the heroine and run away."

Escape first?

Yes, but not necessary.

Shirou Emiya's expression turned ugly when he felt that a Noble Phantasm had hit the outer barrier, even though a Noble Phantasm of this level could not break through the defensive formation of the King's Divine Weapon.

The life and death crisis has not yet come. If he does that, not to mention other people, Emiya Shirou himself will look down on him.

"No matter how good-tempered I am, I would be angry if I was targeted like this!"

Due to the atmosphere and environment of other worlds, his underlying personality was a bit irritable, and Shirou Emiya became increasingly dissatisfied with his restrained behavior.

He carried Illya and walked towards the Great Holy Grail where the followers of the Fifth Holy Grail War were. Fujimaru Ritsuka on the side saw this and bit his thumb without saying anything.

"Under normal circumstances, I have analyzed the Great Holy Grail and can reproduce it as long as I have enough time, but I don't have time now."

Caster's face was expressionless and he said with a complaint in his tone: "There is not enough time to obtain a body. Do you want to destroy the Great Holy Grail? If Soichiro is involved, I would rather return to my seat."

Tohsaka Rin put her hands on her hips and sighed, and asked somewhat seriously:

"I didn't expect that your inhibitions would be involved. So, no matter what choice you are going to make, I can't accept it if Sakura is involved in this crisis."

Archer said nothing, and his attitude was the same as Chaldea's own. If the impact of this time could be solved by simply letting these copied servants return to their seats, the price would not be too cheap.

"Although it is only a verbal agreement, the contract has been made since then. I will fulfill the contract and help you stay in this world." Shirou Emiya looked at Caster solemnly and said: "Is there a way to suppress the connection between the Greater Holy Grail and the Lesser Holy Grail? "

"Theoretically, it is possible, but now the Great Holy Grail is the dominant one." Caster said, "Logically speaking, this shouldn't be the case. There should be something missing."

Shirou Emiya looked at Saber, who understood and said: "I will go to Einzbern's castle to bring Rigelit and the dress of heaven."

It was the magical weapon passed down by Einzbern, which could control the heart of the Great Holy Grail, and contained magic that materialized the soul in just a few seconds.

Emiya Shirou nodded, sensing the thousands of servants that had arrived within Fuyuki's range.

It is unknown how many weird treasures they have.

Originally, formations were not what he was best at, but with this number of servants and the increasingly powerful spiritual bases gradually coming,

It's only a matter of time before we break through and enter here.

Before Saber comes back, this place must be protected by him, whether it is the Great Holy Grail or Illya.

Shirou Emiya thought of this and glanced at Illya in his arms. She was still wearing the Saint of Light costume from the filming. She originally wore it for fun today, and Illya was showing off in front of herself in other worlds. means.

Coupled with the costume he was wearing, Emiya Shirou suddenly felt a sense of déjà vu.


The plot of the Guardian Holy Grail that I encountered while filming the movie happened in reality.

He felt a little funny, looked at Illya and joked: "Lady Saint of Light, I will leave the supply of magic power to you."

The snow-white girl with an expressionless face and a delicate face like a doll nodded slightly: "Go, brother, just like before reincarnation, the Holy Grail will only love you."


Under the strange looks from others, Emiya Shirou smiled and shook his head.

next moment.

Countless swords were scattered all over the wilderness, and Ling Ren's sword energy gathered into a sea. Shirou Emiya was in the center of the world of swords, looking at the people of Chaldea.

Divine City, Zhetian Chamber of Commerce

Ye Fan pushed Su Lin and said, "Didn't you just want to beat Gilgamesh? You can go now and bring my employees back."

Su Lin replied with a smile on his face: "Didn't you also say that you want to let him know what it means that the Emperor of Heaven cannot be insulted? Lord Heavenly Emperor, please go first."

You Ye Fan may not be afraid of going to Xingyue, but he Su Lin must be afraid, especially after Emiya Shirou has become a prominent figure in the world's attention.

A special five-star card like his might be pulled away by those who are paying attention to Chaldea as soon as it lands.

"I think this should be something planned by Gilgamesh from Fuyuki City." Zhongli shook his head:

"There is no point thinking about these things now. The most urgent task is to consider the risks that will be faced before the third law is implemented."

"According to the current information, the two originally did not allow any human beings to contact the source. When such humans appear, Alaya's heroic guardians and Gaia's monsters will stop them."

"If Emiya Shirou continues to stay in the original world, the danger will only get higher and higher."

"I just asked him to leave first," Han Li said, "but he plans to try to use this opportunity to realize the third method."

"Soul materialization. Speaking of which, in the parallel world of their world, the so-called Servant Universe, the group of strong men who can destroy galaxies and the universe, are the products of all mankind's soul materialization." Meng Qi picked up a soul. Putting the fruit in his mouth and taking a bite, his eyes lit up:

"In a sense, the third method has great potential."

"Servant universe? I seem to have seen this setting before." Zhang Chulan said: "I remember what happened."

"In the Servant Universe, you don't even dare to say that you are famous without exploding stars. You are equivalent to a saint walking around everywhere. There are so many great saints." Song Shuhang was complaining casually, but he turned around and said, "Well, I think you look familiar to me." A bit like the Yuanshi Tianzun in our group."


"I am Meng Qi, you can also call me Su Meng." Meng Qi smiled and said: "I haven't officially joined Yuxu Palace yet, so I don't deserve the name of Yuanshi."

The words just fell.


"Brother Li, wait for me!"


"There is something going on at Xiaolong's family. My brother's eldest son is about to be born."


"Simulated universe, I want to test the simulated universe. Without the simulated universe, I feel itchy!"


The portals lit up one after another, and a group of people dispersed like birds and beasts.

Zhang Chulan's teeth trembled twice, and he stopped just as he was about to make a move. It wasn't that he didn't want to leave, but that the person next to him just said "fix".

"Old Zhang, I've always wanted to go to Longhu Mountain before, but the tickets to the scenic spot were too expensive." Meng Qi looked up to the sky and recalled, took a photo of Zhang Chulan, and said, "Take me over the fence to go in and take a look, and I'll get some incense." , take a photo and post it on WeChat Moments, is it a win?”

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