I join the chat group as the protagonist of the system stream

Chapter 368: The moon group version, dragging nineteen

Servant universe

Restaurant Group, one of the actual controllers is the Einzbern Consortium.

As a family of initiates who have become servants of all mankind, even though countless years have passed, they still control quite astonishing forces in the universe.

Even though it has declined somewhat and cannot match the current power of Gilgamesh, the Golden Emperor of the Universe, it is not comparable to any cat or dog.

"You did a good job." The snow-haired girl looked at the red archers below with a bird's eye view:

"Although he is an adopted guy, I didn't expect that he could be put to use besides his cooking skills."

"The Federal Space Force couldn't detect the signal at first, so I thought the plan failed. But now the world barrier has begun to become weaker for unknown reasons, and the signal over there has also passed through."

The red archer wanted to say something, but was scolded by the snow-haired girl:

"Shut up! Who allowed you to speak? If it weren't for the fact that you happen to know the target person of surveillance, I would never want to see your face in this life."

"Listen, what I hate the most is you, a guy who obviously got lucky and was adopted, but you don't know what's wrong with you!"

"You have to go to this joint expedition, what? You have no face to face the friends you know?"

"It's so funny that a bastard like you has friends."

"Listen up, disguising that concentrated element as a new type of Altoli element is a gift. Otherwise, you want to buy enough reserves with a ten-year loan contract? Why? With your face as a consultant?"

"Hercules, tie up this bastard for me. I really want to see him crying in agony on the pasture of the original parallel universe."

"The thirty-ninth world line, this time is to break the world barrier through Biyou Palace." Matthew recorded the information in a group: "We are late again, senior."

Fujimaru Ritsuka sighed, somewhat collapsed and said:

"Yuxu Palace, Biyou Palace, and Tusita Palace appear in different world lines at the same time. What can we do?! I am the only master."

Looking at 'Ilyasviel' and 'Emiya Shirou' in front of me, I learned from their mouths.

In this world, Shirou Emiya, after hearing Kotomine Kirei talk about the difficulties of the Holy Grail War, was attacked by Illya on his way home alone after giving up the Command Seal.

During this period, "Shirou Emiya, the Devourer of All Realms Kenshu" and "Illyasviel, the Holy Grail of Diversity" stopped the attack and killed Kotomine Kirei, transferring the command spell to the world. After Emiya Shirou, all the battles were handled.

In the end, under the guidance of the other party, the Holy Grail War ended in one day.

Then, after the other party dealt with the issue of Illya's life, he took the Great Holy Grail away directly.

Gilgamesh of Fuyuki?

He had clairvoyance and withdrew from the Holy Grail War as soon as the intruders appeared. According to the records of the "Left Behind".

[I am very satisfied with the masterpiece of the parallel world! However, after receiving the gift from this king, he still shamelessly wants to gain more deviant swords, and even has the idea of ​​​​the king's treasure. This is disrespectful! 】

"It shouldn't be." Archer Gilgamesh wondered: "Is it possible that just black mud really has an influence on me?"

If you don’t mention it, you have forgotten that the emergence of the Devourer of All Realms is due to you.

Fujimaru Ritsuka kept a smile and resisted the urge to send the Hero King back to Chaldea, and said goodbye to Emiya Shirou and others in this world line.

"Can I ask?" Shirou Emiya in this world line weakly raised his hand: "What is going on? You have another me, after all."

Fujimaru Ritsuka stopped moving, which almost became a routine.

"You and Illyasviel in a certain world line fell in love in the future, and then you in another world line went back to the past to save Illyasviel. The two of them reincarnated together. After awakening, you and her It’s about to swallow up this universe.”

"We are a human survival agency, and we are trying to find ways to stop you in the parallel world. To sum up, that's it."

He said it almost in one breath. Thanks to the special training on weekdays, Fujimaru Ritsuka has the lung capacity he has now.

But now, the usual explosion of information cannot be digested in time, so Fujimaru Ritsuka is preparing to transfer the spirit back while the opponent is in a daze.

"Senior, have you discovered something?" Mashu asked.

"What?" Fujimaru Ritsuka was stunned for a moment.

"According to the report..." Matthew called up the information on the watch, looked at the record on it and said:

"More than 90% of the world line where the Devourer of Worlds appears, especially the world line where Mr. Emiya and Miss Illya appear, is during the Fifth Holy Grail War, and both of them encountered life and death crises. Condition."

"It's as if he already knew the outcome of the parallel world and came here specifically to change the future."

"That's it." Fujimaru Ritsuka covered his mouth, his eyes trembled, and said in surprise: "Is it possible that he wants to bundle all the world lines into the Illya line?"

Matthew: "Senior."

"I was just kidding, relax." Fujimaru Ritsuka waved his hands quickly, but at the same time, he also thought about it: "Maybe it's to rewrite those bad endings."

No matter how he changed, even if he gave up his former justice, Fujimaru Ritsuka still felt that Emiya Shirou was actually a good person.

However, I didn't expect that Illya in the parallel world would be so cruel to Emiya Shirou.

Even though it's a Holy Grail War, it's normal for them to fight each other.

"Either they are made into dolls, or they are killed and their souls are made into dolls. Could it be that they have the attributes of a yandere?"

After everyone in Chaldea left, the atmosphere in the Emiya residence in this world line gradually became a little strange, especially 'Illya' and 'Emiya Shirou'.

In the strange eyes of everyone, an inexplicable embarrassment and silence spread.

"Enlightenment tea, made by the master, give it to Venerable Bai for me."

"Haagen-Dazs chocolate flavor, bring it to Will for me. If you dare to eat it secretly and use the projection to fool him, I will kill you."

"With a little kindness, help me donate it to Fuyuki Church to polish the cross on it. Although this Jephibia is also a small one."

"Meng Qi. Forget it, it's nothing. If you want to use the Azure Jade Void Sword, just use it."

"Witch Witch, you're blocking me. I'm still busy going to Liudong Temple to worship the Buddha. I won't learn magic today."

"You can start preparing directly, activating the Great Holy Grail and secretly infiltrating Chen Cang."

Irena put down the finger pointing at herself awkwardly, looking at Su Lin's retreating back, her mouth twitched slightly.

‘Isn’t it a gift for everyone? ’

Klein opened a bucket of ice cream, and at the same time, he had several more small wooden sticks and paper bowls in his hand and distributed them to everyone.

Li Huowang hesitated for a moment: "Didn't Brother Su Lin say he would bring it to others?"

"Donate to the church." Shirou Emiya felt a little horrified when he saw the stack of banknotes in his hand and the envelope with a little blood stain on it.

"Aren't you afraid that he will kill you?" Xiao Yan took an ice cream ball without hesitation and started tasting it.

"The shallow believer is just a formality to fulfill his wish. That guy just said 'Hey! I've shipped' written all over his face." Klein bit his wooden spoon and said expressionlessly:

"I used to have a college roommate who looked like him."

Then just buy another box and bring it to Will. Stealing and fooling by projection are joint propositions. Stealing is not fooling, so the fact that he was killed will not be established.

"He really got something that can mechanically conjure gods." Lu Mingfei glanced at the door, looking like he had seen a ghost: "Isn't the prerequisite that the two supremes fight to the end of the universe? Let's do it again? "Feng Ling Yueying?"

"He built the foundation to fight the gods, and the golden elixir tore the outer gods. Guess what state he is in now." There was no fluctuation in Xiao Yan's eyes, but his smile was a little stiff:

"I'll go back and break through Douzong first."

Ye Fan shook his head and glanced at Song Shuhang who was still talking about how awesome he was. He also cursed in his heart and went to ask the white-clothed god king Jiang Taixu to give him guidance in practice.

"Looks like I can make fun of it as I please." Klein changed the ice cream in his hand to strawberry flavor, then lowered his voice and laughed with his mysterious and reverberating pronunciation skills:

"Jiejiejiejiejie~~The Devouring Alliance of All Realms will incorporate the Moon World into the new world and prepare to carve up the origin of this first multi-level."

"The next one is my former residence, the Chaos Royal Court and the Chaos Universe."


A hand was placed on Klein's shoulder. He looked back and saw Emiya Shirou with a gloomy face, forcing a smile and pointing his thumb back.

Tohsaka Rin: "."

With a snap, the wooden spoon and Haagen-Dazs fell to the ground.

Klein: "."

Klein: "I was joking."

Tohsaka Rin nodded blankly: "Yes."

Klein: "Really."

"Well, I have something else to do."


Klein looked at Tohsaka Rin's back as he trotted away, and for a moment he broke out in a cold sweat that shouldn't be seen in a mythical creature.

"I'm very sorry. I'll pay attention next time." Klein pushed his top hat down and his figure slowly disappeared into the air: "Then please help me explain this."

"Explain yourself and don't run away for me!" Emiya Shirou said helplessly, "Tohsaka doesn't know how to get into trouble..."

At this time, the blockade of Hengyu Furnace also began to be lifted, and the misty coercion that shrouded everyone's hearts gradually dissipated.

Emiya Shirou frowned slightly, but he glanced at Illya beside him. She still kept smiling, as if she didn't take anything to heart.

"Illya, aren't you nervous?"

Thinking about it carefully, Shirou Emiya has never seen the girl's panic look since he returned to this world, no matter what happened.

"Not at all. Illya is very happy now."

happy? In this troublesome situation? !

As if she could guess what Emiya Shirou was thinking, Illya smiled and said:

"Involving the whole world in it, this kind of main plot is something that other heroines don't have, and I'm very happy to see Shirou in the limelight."

"This is not a game." Emiya Shirou rubbed the opponent's head: "There is no Illya line in the game."

Xing picked up the bucket of ice cream left by Klein and walked outside: "I'm full, hiccup."

"Thank you for the hospitality." Horaishan Kaguya took a photo with her mobile phone.

"The sour smell unique to heterosexuality" Irena joked and also chose to leave.

"." Shirou Emiya looked at Song Shuhang who was giving him a thumbs up and said:

"I'm not a lolicon."

"Just deceive others about some things, don't deceive yourself." Klein said: "It is useless for Africans to pray for anything if they don't save themselves."

In front of him, Su Lin turned a deaf ear and religiously burned three sticks of incense, clapped his hands and stood there with his eyes closed.

"Are you serious?" Meng Qi couldn't understand what Su Lin was doing: "I wasn't as pious as you when I was in Shaolin."

"My old Su family rules, no money is needed anyway, you just have to believe it." Su Lin opened his eyes: "I'll tell you if it works, I don't dare to play elimination now."

"Is it possible that you are an European dog yourself?" Klein shook his head and said:

"You might as well just do it yourself. Anyway, you have many believers in your own world."

The landlord had posted a poster of Su Lin on the door. Later, Klein thought it was too strange and pulled the poster down. The landlord added 100 yuan to the rent on the grounds that he was ungrateful.

"I have heard about you before." Meng Qi joked:

"Are those things said in the group true? About the fact that you have a wholesale cheat system that robs the souls of strong people."

Plug-in wholesale system that plunders the souls of the strong

Do you know what you are talking about?

Whoever comes to mind after seeing Ri Qing is probably Lu Mingfei.

"Ahem, let's not mention this for now." Meng Qi noticed Su Lin's strange eyes and realized that he had gone too far, so he quickly changed the topic:

"I'm just curious about how you can deal with the followers of the universe, and at the same time go into the source and have a heart-to-heart talk with this world."

"I've only read about this kind of over-level challenge of deus ex machina in novels, so I'm very interested in it."

When Meng Qi saw Su Lin for the first time, he understood that Su Lin was a substitute practitioner of the same type as himself, but Meng Qi thought that the strength of the other person's active manifestation was one level weaker than his own.

But only in desperate situations, the transcendent posture of the deus ex machina can get a 100% "S" in the manifestation score.

"You should have heard of this sentence." Su Lin sensed the changes in the world, looked at the bright blue holes in the back mountain of Liudong Temple, and said:

"When the other side suspects you have weapons of mass destruction, you better actually have them."

Klein raised his eyebrows and asked, "So?"

"I can really be God." Su Lin turned back to look at the two of them, and at the moment he turned around, the formless body of the Heavenly Buddha appeared behind him, solemn and simple, with a solemn treasure appearance, and illusory golden lotuses in full bloom.

Meng Qi pointed behind him and said, "That's Buddha."

"Sorry, I boarded the wrong number." Su Lin took out a crystal that emitted a dazzling light, but what was unexpected was that the crystal turned into something like smoke and liquid, surrounding Su Lin. , until holy light burst out from his eyes, and a dim tooth-shaped light wheel formed behind Su Lin.

In the void, streaks of continuously disintegrating shimmering light scattered fragments and shuttled out from the dim space. In the layered dimensional space, there was a trace of the light of the beginning across the chaos, and the heaven and earth appeared.

As a result, the light wheel behind Su Lin began to rotate, and bright brilliance spurted out from his chest. The overflowing power made all living creatures on the earth equally exposed to the violent storm waves, as if they were about to usher in the end.

At this moment, a hand, like a dark cloud blocking the light, tightly grasped the coming light of the beginning and returned to its previous state.

Su Lin returned to his normal state, looked at the two people who were stunned, and said:

"Xingyue group book, one drags nineteen."

Meng Qi touched his temples, and suddenly fell silent as he looked at the clear blue sky that had become thousands of miles clear due to his great power.

There are no warnings, there is no need to pay a price, and it is not like the annihilation of all partners. It is realized in a desperate situation. Implementation of will, hope and blood are all gone, as if eating and drinking water.

‘Is it like this? ’

‘So that’s how it works. ’

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