Chapter 9: Ingakuma’s confused Daigu, the leader of the spiritual mentor Shuka is online!


How does Suka integrate humans?

Superb biotechnology integrated into medical projects.

Aviation technology improves transportation.

Communication technology enhances communication.

By changing the way of life, human beings unknowingly become subordinate to Shuka.

Only the weapon technology repair card is mastered by itself.

Perfect Ophife Enoch gene technology can quickly create a group of powerful combatants to replace those weirdos who disobey.

Overhaul of the Card Throne.

Menyashi sat on the throne, and on either side stood Shadow Moon and the scientific research freak Lu Lion, two absolute henchmen.

The entire overhaul card, only they can be trusted at the moment.

Under the throne stood those ministers of Shuka, and the Menyaji did not believe any of them, especially the old weirdos who were still alive!

Dr. Death.

Colonel Zor.

Ambassador of Hell.

These three bastards with ghosts in their hearts are not as trustworthy as the foreign force Chrysis Empire!

Because of the knight war, the emperor of Chrysis has long fallen, and even if it is an imperial level, he can only rely on Menyashi, the leader of Shuka who sits on the throne.

At the moment, Monyaji is using a supercomputer to write a bill to repair cards and coexist with humans.

Put forward a vague approximation, and the rest is all left to the scientific research weirdo Lulion to solve….

Well? This boss is very waterskiing? If the chief is allowed to do everything, what is the use of these subordinates?

Dr. Death, Colonel Zor, Ambassador of Hell, you look at me, I look at you, secretly I don’t know what plans are going on.

Menyashi looked serious on the surface, and his consciousness had already run to the chat group to pass the time.

Fortunately, the time flow rate can also be controlled, and after reviewing about 100 episodes of Pirates, the bill can be preliminarily formulated.

Daigu can’t boil soup: “@大修卡家的首领.” First student, after watching the second episode of Digga, I have a question that confuses me and wants to ask your opinion. ”

The leader (group leader) of the overhaul card: “Confused question? Haven’t you figured out your mission yet? ”

Daigu couldn’t boil the soup: “No, I have already thought of the mission, since I have been chosen by the light, I have the obligation to take on the responsibility of protecting the earth and mankind, what makes me confused is… Is my mission to protect the planet or… Protecting humanity? ”

Daigu can’t boil the soup: “Gakuma is a monster that has long lived on the earth, because the territory was invaded by humans, it was forced to appear from the underground. ”

Daigu couldn’t boil the soup: “If Diga’s mission is to protect humanity, I can safely destroy it, but if it is to protect the earth… Do I have the right to use Digga’s power to harm Gakuma, who is also a creature of Earth? ”


Also an Earth creature, is Gakuma damned?

This is a thought-provoking question.

In the original, Daigu did not know the details of the two Gakuma, so he could destroy them without hesitation.

Now looking at it from God’s point of view, Daigu is confused.

Human fault, but monsters paid the price.

Is the power of giants aiding and causing abuse?

Ultra Supernova Race Bunny: “Hmph! If it were me, I would definitely ignore those human cries for help! Solve the troubles they cause themselves, and the earth is not theirs! ”

Daigu couldn’t boil the soup: “If you think like this, as a human being, I will use my own strength to fight, even if I pay for my life, I will never use Diga’s power!” ”

The leader (group leader) of the Daishuka family: “@奥特超新星赛兔子. Oh? Then I can tell you that your father made the exact opposite decision to you, and even, his actions were somehow worse than destroying the Earth monsters. ”

Ultra Supernova Race Bunny: “??? ”

Ultra Supernova Race Rabbit: “Then you can tell me who my father is!” Bastard pack master! ”

The leader (group leader) of the Daishuka family: “The problems must be solved one by one, first of all, Dagu I ask you, what is the giant in your eyes?” ”

Daigu can’t boil soup: “The giant in my eyes… Messengers of justice representing the Light? ”

The leader (group leader) of the Daishuka family: “No, the so-called giants are just amplified humans, they are also selfish, just like Diga, 30 million years ago, Digga was a dark giant, bewitched by pity, abandoned the darkness and turned to the light, absorbed the power of the three companions, turned into a light Ultraman, and then sealed the three dark companions with his backhand. ”

The leader (group leader) of the Daishu Ka family: “The selfish side of giants, let alone humans? Digga chooses to give your power to you, and you can use it as you like, do what you want, and don’t be bound by those rules. ”

Daigu can’t boil soup: “…”

Ultra Supernova Race Bunny: “…”

The bold man – red: “You group of righteous messengers are really troublesome, protect the earth?” Protecting humanity? It’s boring, we pirates will never waste time on this kind of thing. ”

Amnesiac World Destroyer: “Is it? But didn’t you still choose to protect humanity? IMHO, you pirate tsundere looks really cute. ”

Fastmailer – Red: “What do you say?” How can a pirate be a tsundere! What we say is the truth! Protecting humanity or something… Less kidding! ”

Amnesiac World Destroyer: “Spread your hands.jpg. ”

The leader (group leader) of the overhaul card: “A certain group leader does not want to expose your mask at all. @大古不能熬汤. So, Dagu, if you are still hesitating, I have a way to save you from this century problem. ”

Daigu couldn’t boil the soup: “Chief, please speak!” ”

The leader (group leader) of the Overhaul Card family: “The skill of the two jakumars is to turn matter into stone ore, and if you develop it a little, you will have unlimited stone ore resources, and the solution is… I want two gakumars, and I’ll bring them into my world so you don’t have to be embarrassed. ”

Daigu can’t boil soup: “!!! ”


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