or something, it’s too short, short and weak, even if it’s 4,000 words, it’s still short, and it’s cloudy)

In addition, there are too many comments in the circle of book friends, and they all pop up in the past few days. I plan to purify the circle of book friends.

After all, everyone is giving me suggestions, and they are not written specifically for other readers.

And I have read them one by one and kept them in my heart.

If other readers can’t figure out the situation after reading it, they will think that the comment section of this book is full of smog and is very bad.

After all, there have already been scolding in the comments.

So I will delete some comments (whether good or bad) from the book circle, and make it a little cleaner.

The author, let me say here first: I’m sorry!


Finally, I would like to recommend a few songs to everyone. I have been listening to them recently – “Song of Destiny of Reincarnation”, “Pull the Sky”, “Friendship の Bond “, “Love Words”, “Reminiscence of Reincarnation”, “For For You” Song” “Drifting (Kuhara Sayuri)” “AnzenNaKusuri”

I like it, readers.

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