Seeing Old Yun like this.

Jiang Yun had actually expected it a long time ago.

"Why are you so sure? Is it because you all believe that ghosts in this world have no consciousness?"


Hearing this, Old Yun gasped on the spot.

He did not answer immediately.

He probably understood what Jiang Yun meant.

"What about me?"

A soul-shaking question.

Finally, Old Yun's final psychological defense line collapsed, and he suddenly thought of a truth.

When a cockroach is found in the room, it often means that there is already a nest of cockroaches in the room.

Yes, Jiang Yun is now in front of him.

Before Jiang Yun appeared.

From the perspective of Yan Country, he had already thought that they had completely controlled this spiritual revival.

But now one thing after another.

It was Jiang Yun again, and the ghost king mentioned by the old man, who were always reminding him that the ghost-binding envoy still knew too little about the spirit.

"If that's the case, I understand..."

At this moment, Yun Lao completely reacted.

No wonder when he just came in.

Jiang Yun specifically said that he could be trusted.

The other party probably knew it a long time ago.

But there is a new problem at this time.

Jiang Yun is so cautious because there are other ghosts in their internal team. Doesn't this mean that Jiang Yun and those ghosts are not in the same camp.

"You said to alert the snake, is there a ghost infiltrating our internal high-level? Do you know who it is?"

If that's the case.

He doesn't have time to be suspicious here.

This matter must be resolved as soon as possible.

Thinking about it carefully, it's really a bit scary.

Working with a ghost every day, anyone who knows the truth will not be able to accept it.

"I don't know, let me give you a reminder, at least there is no one who comes here to trouble me."

"Although I don't know, but you suppress so many ghosts and are so negligent in this regard, I can only say that it is difficult not to have."

Yun Lao nodded.

No one really cares about this in recent years.

If there really is a ghost who wants to sneak in.

It is a very easy thing.

However, Jiang Yun's words once again made his scalp numb. Why did he mention that they suppressed so many ghosts?

"You mean, the purpose of the ghost sneaking into us is to save the suppressed ghosts?"

As he said that, Yun Lao remembered another thing.

That is the only destruction of the Holy Land Temple since the revival of the supernatural.

Although it did not happen in Yan Country, it caused a great sensation at the time, and the reason is still an unsolved mystery until now.

Now with Jiang Yun's reminder.

The truth seems to have surfaced.

"Who knows, I'm just guessing."

"Then what is your relationship with them?" Yun Lao asked again. He finally got a chance to talk to Jiang Yun, and of course the clearer the question, the better.

But Jiang Yun didn't want to answer anymore.

He just waved his hand.

"Time is running out. If you are willing to cooperate, you can try first."


Seeing Jiang Yun lose patience.

Elder Yun hastily agreed.

Anyway, he has already brought ten A-level ghosts, so it doesn't matter if he gives a few more, and it doesn't matter even if they are fake.

Now it's the most classic.

It's better to believe it than not.

Otherwise, what awaits them will be a disaster.

"By the way, I have already had a meeting with the senior management of the Ghost Arresting Department about our transaction this time. Is it okay?"

Speaking of this, Elder Yun felt a little regretful.

They may have alerted the enemy.

At present, the worst result is that the ghost hidden in their ranks may have participated in that video conference.

"It doesn't matter, but it's better not to have a next time."

Now it's just a few ghosts.

Jiang Yun is not worried about being exposed.

As for the Ghost Arresting Department, he is not sure.

"Okay, but I don't want to alert the enemy. I will try my best to screen out suspicious people. How will you judge then?"

Hearing this, Jiang Yun was a little dissatisfied.

If that's the case.

He felt that there was no need to discuss this transaction.

"How do you eliminate suspicion? Just based on your feelings? I pointed out a clear path for you and asked you to recall all the ghost-binding envoys. Are you still hesitating?"

"This is a matter of great importance."

Old Yun took a deep breath.

When he first heard it, he did have doubts.

But now that he has talked with Jiang Yun for so long, the topic has overturned his cognition and even made him feel a little paranoid.

He realized that there are so many threats.

Undercurrents are surging.

It can bring fatal disasters to Yan Country at any time.

Recalling the ghost-binding envoys can indeed make people feel more at ease.

"If you really care about Yan Country, you should announce this today. Now that I have been exposed, you can find a reason for them to come.Here, I can tell who is human and who is ghost. "

"Don't forget, the deal will be one ghost at a time. I can only remind you that you have come here, remember our deal, and don't trust anyone."

Jiang Yun waved his hand.

The silent space suddenly began to shrink.

Before Old Yun could react.

He had already returned to the living room.

"What will happen in the future? If you want to recall the ghost envoy, you must at least have a reason to convince them! "

After sitting on the sofa in silence for several seconds, Old Yun could not help but ask the portrait again.

[I am just showing you the way]

Jiang Yun answered again in blood.

This is just the content of the last transaction.

But Old Yun still did not intend to give up.

What he is most worried about now is that even if all the ghosts are recalled, it will only be a drop in the bucket.

Jiang Yun is hinting that something big will happen in the future, and the old man also said that a ghost king will be born in fifty years.

It is difficult not to associate the two things.

So what Old Yun wants to know is not what the specific thing is, but how to solve it?

"I have this plan. If all can be recalled, you can get a lot of A-level ghosts by then, right?"

Old Yun is a smart man.

At this time, we should talk about common interests.

Sure enough, Jiang Yun did not respond immediately this time.

But Old Yun suddenly discovered.

The expression of Jiang Yun in the portrait changed!

It was a helpless look...

[Do you know what rules are?]

"What do you mean? "

Of course, Yun Lao understood this term, but he knew that Jiang Yun definitely didn't mean it.

[Everything follows a rule, and ghosts are no exception. This is a rule that belongs exclusively to ghosts. Watch carefully]

Seeing this line of blood words.

Yun Lao instantly perked up.

The previous blood words were swept away, condensed into a drop of blood, and then began to transform again.

[She, returns]


These three simple words only appeared in a flashing way, and they disappeared completely after almost no second.

At the same time, in the living room.

There was a crisp sound.

As a master-level ghost-binding envoy, Yun Lao's hearing was naturally very sharp, and he immediately looked at the source of the sound.

It's the portrait!

The next second, Yun Lao's pupils shrank, and he immediately entered a state of vigilance.

The outer glass of Jiang Yun's portrait.

A crack appeared!



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