The reason why he was able to come back here was naturally because of some means. He didn't think that Qi Fu would be trapped forever, but he never expected it to happen so soon.

Hearing Long Jiao's question.

Qi Fu chuckled.

"I know your ability very well. If there is something wrong, I can guess it at the first time."

"If I am not mistaken, when you opened the nine colors, it was the moment when you reopened the ghost domain. No wonder I didn't notice it."


It is also the color ability that Long Jiao has not used.

Color is the same as black and white.

They are all one-time abilities, unlike regular attributes such as red, blue and green, which will extend for a period of time.

However, compared with black and white, color has another biggest feature, that is, it can use multiple at the same time.

The more the number, the stronger the ability is.

And his ability of color is to create illusions or illusions, which is why he can deceive Qi Fu to come here.

"Alas, what a pity."

Qi Fu sighed.

Then the whole body began to change.

It was the familiar gray gas again, covering his entire body.

This is to transform into a ghost form!

Because at this moment, the color displayed by Long Jiao and the Ghost Warrior Cube is exactly nine blue, the ultimate speed!

"It turns out that the nine blacks are illusions. I thought it would be fun, but unfortunately you don't have the chance to use it now, right Long Jiao?"

In a blink of an eye.

Qi Fu has completed the transformation.

He floated in the air in ghost form.

"Humph, what do you want to do? It's okay to attack me. What did you do to Liu Pingxiang? What means did you use to confuse him?"

So far.

Long Jiao didn't believe that Liu Pingxiang would betray.

Moreover, he didn't think this was a coincidence. Qi Fu's appearance was definitely directly related to their internal strife.


Qi Fu glanced at it.

He didn't mean to answer this question.

This made Long Jiao feel more suspicious.

"Instead of worrying about others, you should worry about yourself, Guan Heng. These nine blue lights are the last side of your Rubik's Cube, right?"

As soon as these words came out, Long Jiao's face darkened.

This is indeed a fact.

Qi Fu just nodded. He didn't intend to respond directly, just to make himself look like he still had a trump card.

But now Qi Fu has made it very clear.

The nine blue lights are his last fighting power.

However, Qi Fu is already in ghost form, and the ending is obvious. As early as the previous duel between the two, it ended with his complete defeat.

"You used three sides of the Rubik's Cube long before you reopened the ghost domain. After being defeated by me, you used nine green lights to forcibly restore to the peak."

"At the same time, you reopened the ghost domain. Before I tore your ghost domain space, you used nine colors to create an illusion, making me mistakenly think that you wanted to fight me head-on."

"And your nine blue lights now are a brand new side, because I know your ability. Even if you are in the state of supremacy, once you give up one side of the Rubik's Cube, that side will be completely ineffective, right?"

Qi Fu simply told all the facts.

In this regard, Long Jiao did not deny it.

He knew that he had to face it no matter what.

The opponent perfectly restrained his blue ability, Qi Fu in ghost form, even if he had no chance of winning.

Could he really not go back?

Long Jiao turned his head and glanced at the special plane.

At least he had to lead Qi Fu away!

"Qi Fu, I don't believe that your form can always maintain its peak state. My advantage over you is that every side of the Rubik's Cube is a brand new posture!"

After saying that, Long Jiao burst out at the fastest speed.

Left here in the blink of an eye.


Qi Fu said coldly.

He was indeed a little disappointed. He didn't expect that the last fight between him and Long Jiao would end with Long Jiao running away.

The next second, Qi Fu disappeared from the spot.

The two of them instantly came to another sky.

Even Long Jiao, who had opened nine blue lights, was still very slow in the eyes of Qi Fu in ghost form.

"Guan Heng, die!"

This time, Qi Fu did not hold back and almost burst out his full strength.

Long Jiao, who was moving at high speed, immediately lost his center of gravity after being attacked.

But he didn't wait for him to adjust.

Qi Fu's subsequent attacks hit him like raindrops.

The most terrifying thing was that Long Jiao had no idea which direction Qi Fu was in. These attacks seemed to come from all directions.

This also fits Qi Fu's words.

He was everywhere in ghost form!

The speed difference was too great, Long Jiao was completely beaten, and he didn't even have a chance to fight back.

But even so.

Long Jiao still didn't give up, he now has only one goal, that is to go as far as possible.

Even in just a few tens of seconds, he has suffered hundreds of attacks.

In this situation.

No matter how weak Qi Fu's strength is, Long Jiao can't withstand such a high-density attack.

Blood has already flowed from the corner of his mouth.

After an unknown amount of time, and without knowing where they came to, Long Jiao finally stopped.

At this moment, he seemed to have no serious injuries, but in fact he was in pain all over.

"Why don't you run?"

Qi Fu's figure appeared out of thin air.

I saw Long Jiao wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth and suddenly smiled.

"It's time to end."

"Time goes back!"

Long Jiao didn't give Qi Fu time to react, and instantly activated the ability of the third level of the ghost domain.

Go back!

At the same time, Long Jiao opened his hands and fiercely clawed at the air on both sides.

As if he had grabbed something.

"Hahaha Guan Heng, I thought you were going to do something, but it turns out you're still struggling!"

Seeing this scene.

Qi Fu immediately understood what it meant.

"I know that the third level of the ghost realm seems to have only three abilities, backtracking and upgrading to virtualization, but in fact the operating space inside is very flexible."

"You are going to backtrack yourself, but the space doesn't backtrack. Unfortunately, I know exactly what abilities you will have next!"

Here, Long Jiao hasn't finished backtracking yet.

Qi Fu was very confident and took the initiative to change his form.

The ghost state slowly disappeared.

Instead, it was the state of the blindfolded boy before, and a bamboo flute appeared out of thin air in his hand.

"How is it? Guan Heng?"

"Oh, by the way, I haven't had time to explain to you, my ability in this form is a mental power that is so strong that it cannot be affected, so your illusion is useless to me!"

Qi Fu suddenly laughed wildly.

He liked this very much and was often proud of himself.

And this time, he perfectly predicted what Long Jiao would do next, how could he not be intoxicated by himself.

As soon as these words came out, Long Jiao's face really turned ugly.

This scene made Qi Fu enjoy it even more.

"Humph, I know how good you are at holding ghosts. Although the third level of ghost domain is very powerful, its biggest limitation is that it is based on the ghost domain."

"You can't go back to before you opened the ghost domain, and the last time you opened the ghost domain was when you used nine green lights, otherwise you couldn't fool my eyes."

"In other words, you only have two choices, either nine green lights or nine colored lights, and green is just a recovery ability, so the answer is very simple."



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