I Just Can Score

Chapter 188 Even if you can't get in, don't be discouraged!

The production of video is not an easy task, the shooting process is only one of them, and the later stage needs to be cut, modified, and suitable music is added by the way, and so on.

These jobs are Alice's.

During the video production process, Alice also proposed to put a video attribution label, "We should have a name for the studio, even if we don't have one yet, it's always good to have a name first, and I will put it before and after the video for publicity .”

Naming is a complicated matter.

Alice and Claudio kept discussing, and finally took a name that felt reasonable--Ainio Studio, which is to connect the names of Alice and Claudio, the front and back letters together to form a new name .

Zhen Shaolong's comment on "Ai Ni Ao" is, "What the hell! It's better to call it Ouch!"

"Hey what is it?"

"A Chinese interjection."

Alice was extremely dissatisfied with Zhen Shaolong's comments, she stared angrily and said, "Since you think it's not good, you want a good one!"

"Sorry, I'm going to practice yoga."

"Don't make excuses." Claudio closed the door, as if he was not allowed to leave until he finished speaking.

Zhen Shaolong looked at the appearance of the two women working together to deal with him. He felt a little oppressed by the landlord. He could only mumble and said, "Aren't you making food videos? Or take a 'really delicious', 'really fragrant' , 'Excellent' or something like that?"

"You said 'delicious'?"

Alice suddenly said, "The meaning of the words in front of this sentence... I remember your surname. There is the same Chinese character in Chinese, which also emphasizes the meaning of 'special'?"

"It's... delicious? Yeah?"

"Then it's called 'Zhen delicious'!" Alice smiled.

"'Zhen delicious', 'Zhen delicious'..." Claudio repeated it several times in a row, pouted and said, "This name sounds weird."

"The pronunciation in front is Zhen's surname." Alice explained, "Don't you think it's very interesting? Zhen, it's delicious, which means he's delicious..."

While Alice made an ambiguous speech, she licked the corner of her mouth temptingly, making Claudio laugh along with her, and she immediately said, "Zhen... delicious, that's the name, Zhen, from now on you will be Let's have dinner!"

Zhen Shaolong's expression was dull.

In the end, the three of them, no, it was two women, decided to use the name "Zhen Haojia Studio". Zhen Shaolong's slight objection was completely ignored. They were very motivated. In the afternoon, they were busy for several hours. Finally finished the video.

Although the video has not been uploaded yet, Alice and Claudio have watched it many times and feel very satisfied.

Zhen Shaolong scanned it again and thought it was pretty good, but he only had to look at his own performance, "It really looks good, handsome, handsome, and suave... The appearance of enjoying the food did not show that he was full at the time ...It seems that I am still very talented in acting."

So dinner became a celebration feast.

Alice specially prepared red wine, and the three of them ate and drank a lot. During the process, they looked forward to it. After the video became popular on the Internet, Claudio became the "goddess of the kitchen" in Germany, and by the way, he earned a lot of money. Claudio, who has a fairly good capacity for alcohol, was a little dizzy because of this.

Zhen Shaolong died early.

He felt that his drinking capacity was not bad, but his past experience told him that there would be no good end to drinking with Alice and Claudio.

In the end, only Alice was left awake.

Alice helped Claudio to the bedroom, so she had time to take care of Zhen Shaolong. Zhen Shaolong was completely dizzy from drinking, and his body was lying limply on the chair, not even bothering to move.

"You can't drink, and you drink so much!" Alice complained, completely forgetting who was trying to persuade her to drink.

A man is too heavy.

Alice hesitated for a while, but still helped Zhen Shaolong into the bedroom on the first floor, and after a lot of effort, he successfully moved Zhen Shaolong to the bed.

in the bedroom.

Zhen Shaolong lay flat on the bed and fell asleep, and even snored a few times, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, as if he was having a sweet dream.

Alice stood by the bed and looked at him. It didn't take long for a blush to appear on her face, and then she put her hands on key parts unconsciously.


Keep pinching.

"He must be thinking something bad!" Alice felt the hardness in her hand, spat forcefully in a low voice, then turned off the light with a red face, and took off one piece of clothing under the moonlight.



Finally, at the critical moment, Alice squatted on the bed, broke the crime tools in her hand, aimed at the treasure house she had opened, and sat down suddenly.

In a soul-stirring lament, the two were tightly bound together.

At this time.

Zhen Shaolong, who was lying on the bed pretending to be dead, half sat up abruptly, ignored the exclamation of the beautiful woman on top of him, turned from attack to defense and pressed her back on the bed.




The confusion lasted for a long, long time.

After all the chaos was over, Zhen Shaolong was lying on one side of the bed, with the quilt covering him casually, and on the other side was Alice. .

"You are obviously not drunk, but you actually pretended to be drunk." Alice said angrily, "You did it on purpose, and I was deceived!"

"It's not all your fault!"

Zhen Shaolong really didn't want to argue with women, but he couldn't bear the tone in his heart, "I didn't expect that you would do this! It was you last time! I always thought it was Nata..."

"Who are you talking about?"

"Natalie, Dickert's girlfriend, she was downstairs that day, and Dickert was still asleep."


Alice laughed out loud when she heard that, she pointed at Zhen Shaolong and said, "You really think you are so attractive, but you can think of Natalie, haha...it's so funny!"

Zhen Shaolong looked at her and shrugged his shoulders, the meaning was self-evident, Alice said proudly, "I only rewarded you because I saw that you liked me."

"I like you?"

Zhen Shaolong's expression was a bit exaggerated, "Where did you see that?"

"Last time, you left my name on your hair." Alice said as a matter of course, "You still sent me panties at Christmas, you must be thinking about something weird? My first The first time I saw you, I knew what bad thoughts were in your mind."

Zhen Shaolong didn't know what to say, because the two times were for missions.

He has thoughts about Alice.

The peak is a little smaller.

But powerful long legs are also an advantage!

In addition, now that he knows, Alice's peak is not that small, it's just wrapped tightly by clothes, and it still has a scale after letting go of the restraint.

Zhen Shaolong was thinking in his heart, his eyes couldn't help but look up, and immediately the nearest hand, not very honest, stretched out slowly.

After touching a piece of smoothness, Alice immediately jumped out of bed, "Don't even think about it! The reward is over!" She was still holding the quilt in her hand, but later she felt that it was meaningless, so she loosened the quilt and turned on the light. Put on your clothes openly.

"Just this time, forget about it." Alice was 'educating' while putting on her clothes, "I'm your sister, I can't do this kind of thing in the future, I can't even think about it! Remember Christmas, I will send you Read more books, increase personal cultivation, don't think about these things all the time. You are still too young, nineteen years old? I just went to college at your age..."

Alice continued to lecture for a long time, as if nothing had happened, she pushed the door and left the room.

Zhen Shaolong felt a little confused.

Alice is indeed different from Claudio. She doesn't feel ashamed when she does this kind of thing, and she generously turns on the light and puts on her clothes, and educates her as a matter of course?

Is there any reason in this world?

"When you see Rawls again, you must ask her how she raised her daughter... But Alice and Claudio really have two tastes..."

Zhen Shaolong's thinking was a bit off.


On the second day, the video marked with "Zhen Haoyao Studio" and featuring Claudio as the main character was finally successfully released and officially entered the Internet.

The video was not only posted on Facebook, but also on Germany's most popular video site.

The next step is to wait for feedback from netizens.

Zhen Shaolong is very confident, "Don't pay too much attention to clicks, it's normal to have few clicks in the first episode, just do a few episodes normally, and gradually the number of viewers will increase."

"You mean, this episode won't be watched by too many people?" Claudio immediately stared to express his dissatisfaction.

Zhen Shaolong felt that it was not good to pour cold water first, especially Claudio and Alice, who had such high expectations, he could only say helplessly, "Okay, you guys continue to pay attention, I will make an appointment with Dickert to train together."

Zhen Shaolong went to the training ground of the first team and trained with Kruse for more than an hour. It seemed that the training had just started, and the training was forced to stop because they saw Bergman and Flor coming over. There was also a youth team player by his side.

"Is it Saco?"

The youth team player who came was Sacco.

"Dickert, Zhen!" Sacco shouted from a distance, his voice was full of excitement.

Zhen Shaolong knew what was going on as soon as he saw the lineup. He walked over and said immediately, "Congratulations! We will be teammates again from now on."

"what happened?"

Kruse didn't react for a while, but Bergman came over and explained, "You will be teammates in the future." Bergman also said to Flor, "Your team is really good, and you can train a lot. Excellent young man."

Flor smiled smugly, but when he saw Zhen Shaolong immediately put on a straight face, he even let out a cold snort of disdain.

Zhen Shaolong didn't bother to talk to him.

It's good news that Sacco was selected for the first team. There is another little partner. Zhen Shaolong also thought that if Kruse doesn't have time in the future, he can also train with Sacco.

He also approached Sakho before, but Sakho is a player of the youth team, and the time of the first team does not match. When the first team is on vacation, the youth team may be training.

The reverse is also true.

Now that Sakho has entered the first team, it feels good to have one more teammate to do basic training with.

When the team regrouped the next day, Bergman introduced Sacco to everyone, but the reaction of others was not very enthusiastic. After all, he was just a player who was promoted from the youth team, and he was still a center forward.

The only one affected may be Luz Felix.

How well Zhen Shaolong performs does not have much impact on Luz, but if the newcomer Sacco performs well, he will always be squeezed out of the main position.

So Luz's training has become very active.

Bergman is happy to see healthy competition in the team, which is one of the reasons why he let Sakho join the team. For the striker, there are still great hidden worries. In the past four games, the team's good results mainly depended on Zhen Shaolong's performance.

This is not a long-term solution.

No team can rely on only one player, otherwise there may be big problems, and the opponent is easy to target defense. It is also very important to play other positions.

Bergman hopes that Luz, as a center, can perform slightly better.

If Luz can't do it, Sakho can do well.

Bergmann was looking forward to it.

Zhen Shaolong also came from St. Pauli's youth training. When he was in the youth team, sometimes he couldn't even make a match. Sacco was also a striker, but he was the main player of the youth team. His performance has always been very stable.

As long as Sakho can perform half as well as Zhen Shaolong, St. Pauli's frontcourt efficiency will be guaranteed.

A week passed quickly.

After the international match day, St. Pauli ushered in the German Cup.

The first five rounds of the German Cup are drawn by lottery. In the first round, the numbers of the 18 Bundesliga teams and 14 Bundesliga teams are placed in the first lottery box, and 24 amateur teams are placed in the second lottery box. Numbers of teams, 4 promoted teams and 4 relegated teams.

The drawer draws two teams from two boxes to face each other, and the 32 teams in the second box will have home court advantage.

St. Pauli's opponent was the amateur team Westphalia.

St. Pauli is not considered a strong team in the Bundesliga, but it is not a big problem to play an amateur team. The game will definitely become a training ground for the team.

Everyone understands this truth.

Those team substitutes and fringe players are looking forward to the game, because they are likely to enter the big list, or even enter the main list.

When the whole team assembled, Freberg, as an 'old senior', kept 'educating' Sacco, "Don't worry, you will definitely enter the substitute list. When the game comes, you will be on the bench. See how the first team plays."

"This is the first game you experience, it's very important! Even if you don't have the chance to play, you still have to look at the way you move on the field. When you enter the first team, the first thing you need to learn is to move. Only by following the rhythm can you have success." good performance."

Freberg kept talking, pointing at himself, "Don't care too much about playing or not playing, look at me, I don't care at all, I just occasionally get a substitute opportunity, but I'm not in a hurry, because we are still young, the future There is still a long time to go, and now the most important thing is to accumulate experience..."

Saco kept listening, nodding.

What Freberg said is indeed very reasonable. It is really unrealistic to want to play well after entering the first team.

Sacco could not help but glance at Zhen Shaolong.

Zhen Shaolong is an extremely rare player who is reused as soon as he enters the first team, and he can still perform quite well.

Freberg noticed Sacco's eyes, and immediately said, "There are some special guys who cannot be compared. Don't think too much. It is already very good to be included in the big list. Even if you can't make it, don't be discouraged... ..."

Sacco continued to nod.

At this moment, Bergman came over, holding a notebook in his hand, and said to everyone, "Let me tell you about the roster for tomorrow's game."

All quiet.

"Hinkle, Schulz, Brückner, Sakko..." Bergmann read out the names one by one, and the ones in the front are the main players according to the usual practice.

When I was about to finish reading, I heard the name of 'Freberg'.

Sacco didn't understand the practice of 'the main force is at the front', so he excitedly said to Freberg, "As you said, I really entered the big list. You also entered, you must be Let's start?"

Freberg's face darkened.

Zhen Shaolong and Kruse burst out laughing beside him, and Sacco was still a little confused, so he said, "What's wrong? Am I wrong?"

Kruse couldn't help but patted Freberg on the shoulder and said, "Don't be discouraged even if you can't get in!"

"Yes, Frey!"

Zhen Shaolong nodded immediately, and immediately reminded Sacco, "You are the main force, and he is the substitute."

Sacco was a little confused.

Freberg looked at Sacco with a look of envy and hatred, and at the same time, he had the urge to vomit blood.

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