I Just Can Score

Chapter 585 Successfully 'showing off' the technology

Newcastle United's first wave of offensive did not come out.

After Zhen Shaolong passed the ball to his teammate, Nzobia dribbled the ball to the left and was intercepted by Brown. During the rush, Brown kicked the ball out of bounds. After throwing the ball out of bounds, Ferdinand stopped the offense and kicked the ball to Carrick.

The ball went to Manchester United.

During the first wave of attack, Zhen Shaolong broke through Rooney in the opening game, but he didn't get much attention. Even Rooney felt that the opponent only wanted to show off his skills. Success or failure had no effect on the whole, and the other Manchester United players didn't care much.

After Manchester United took control of the ball, they started the offensive.

Manchester United's offensive continued. They played on the right for two consecutive rounds, because there was C-Ronaldo on the right, Rooney and Berbatov on the front line, the two generals attracted a lot of attention, and C-Ronaldo on the outside must also pay attention Yes, other Manchester United midfielders will also plug in, which makes Newcastle United's defense feel like a headache.

Pay attention to every position, and limit every position.

It's hard to do.

This is where Manchester United is strong. There are no loopholes in their midfield, including the left and right, including the striker and midfielder. Players in every position can score goals. Rooney and Berbatov alone are enough to cause headaches. Their leading shooter turned out to be C-Ronaldo behind, which means that everything inside and outside the penalty area is dangerous.

Manchester United's offense is also very determined.

After a wave of offense, the left and right midfielders all put in assists, two strikers, plus a midfielder, and the full-backs would occasionally get in. From the perspective of the audience, it seemed that the entire Manchester United had been pressed into the Newcastle United half. .

This is the style of play that Ferguson emphasized-offensive!

If it was a match against Chelsea or Liverpool, Ferguson would definitely not play so extreme, because Chelsea and Liverpool are equally strong, and the defense is also very tough. If the opponent seizes the opportunity to score, Manchester United will become very passive. Offensive, also may not be able to score goals.

Newcastle United is different.

The outside media said that 'Newcastle is a team owned by Zhen Shaolong alone'. There must be some truth to it. Leaving Zhen Shaolong aside, the strength of Newcastle United's lineup is not up to the top standard. Their good results rely on The troublesome thing about Zhen Shaolong's performance was that Zhen Shaolong couldn't guard against it.

Up to now, no one has come up with a very effective restriction method.

Ferguson couldn't think of it either.

Ferguson is still a bit dissatisfied with his old age, but in terms of formulating game tactics and defending against players, he has to admit that young coaches such as Mourinho and Benitez are not inferior to him in ability level, and they also have excellent assistants The coaching team, but none of them have effective methods, can he and his coaching staff think of it?


Ferguson's answer is no.

So before the start of the game, Ferguson simply didn't think about how to limit Zhen Shaolong, but formulated a strategy of "fighting for goals". Zhen Shaolong's strength is indeed very strong, and his performance is indeed amazing, but he is just a player.

What if a player scores two or even three goals?

Manchester United can score more!

Newcastle United's defense is their weakness. There are no big players in the backcourt. The overall defensive ability is the most in the middle of the Premier League. Manchester United has shown a strong offensive ability. As long as they play normally and score two or three goals, there must be no problem.

The Manchester United players are also working hard according to the tactics on the field. They are constantly attacking and attacking, and they seem to want to score at the beginning of the game.

first wave.

second wave.

In the fifth minute of the game, Manchester United quickly launched the third wave of offensive. Scholes made a cross pass from the outside to transfer. Berbatov, who retreated and turned to get the ball, turned around and volleyed vigorously.


The soccer ball races toward the goal.

"Huh... what a pity!"

"The ball was kicked quite powerfully, and he turned around and volleyed directly! Berbatov, it was only a little bit! The ball still flew out of the baseline! If you can press a little more force when shooting, you will definitely be able to score."

The game commentator analyzed the shot and said, "But it can't be so demanding. Players perform like this on the field. Every shot is a gamble. Not only must they perform well, but also be lucky. Just now Berbatov He turned around and shot, very decisive! Being able to play at this level has proved his ability and threat."

"From the beginning to the present, we can also see that Manchester United is attacking very fiercely. They just want to score goals! No matter what, let's talk about it first. This is the way to play against Newcastle, otherwise delay a little time, maybe the next minute , Zhen Shaolong broke out and scored."


While the game commentator was talking, Newcastle United's offense hit the right side of the front field, and Milner was controlling the ball.

Zhen Shaolong jogged over in the middle of the road.

Manchester United's mark on him was dead, with Carrick and Vidic chasing him. Not giving him a chance to touch the ball at all, Zhen Shaolong suddenly stopped while jogging, accelerated and rushed back, and ran out of the two people's defenses all at once.

It's now!

In daily training, Zhen Shaolong and his teammates have practiced countless times, in various situations, just to allow him to receive the pass and face the opponent's tight defense. To receive the pass not only requires personal performance, but also requires teammates. tacit cooperation.

Milner and Zhen Shaolong had a tacit understanding, he noticed Zhen Shaolong's eyes, and he was deliberately delaying time.

Seeing that Zhen Shaolong stopped suddenly, he immediately sent the ball forward.

After Zhen Shaolong turned around, he happened to receive the pass, but when the ball stopped and slowed down, he was still caught up by Carrick. Vidic appeared behind Carrick, and the two blocked Zhen Shaolong and the goal together.

Carrick is on the left front of Zhen Shaolong, and Vidic is also on the left front. There are other players facing the penalty area directly in front, including other Manchester United players, including Owen who rushed into the penalty area. Zhen Shaolong took a step, as if to The ball was passed, and Carrick and Vidic had a tacit understanding. Carrick continued to run forward, and Vidic rushed out behind him, and immediately stopped him with his feet. For a moment, he felt that he had succeeded--

The football hit him right in the foot.

The next moment the football jumped up and bounced to the right, Zhen Shaolong accelerated and ran towards the right, and the football happened to follow after two steps.


Vidic was a little angry, he felt he was being played.

Carrick was running towards the penalty area, it was too late to chase Zhen Shaolong, and there was no time to do anything else.

The other Manchester United players never expected that Zhen Shaolong would throw the two away with a single movement, and immediately reacted to rush over. Ferdinand even gave up marking Owen and just wanted to block the route with his body.

It's too late!

Zhen Shaolong didn't hesitate at all, after adjusting his movements in two steps, he glanced at the goal from the corner of his eye and immediately swung his right foot.

Outer instep!


The football spun and rushed around Ferdinand, turned an arc and headed towards the upper left corner of the goal.

The goalkeeper Van der Sar didn't react in a hurry at all. When he ran over in two steps, the football rushed into the goal before he had time to jump up enough.




"Go in!"

The game commentator's voice faltered for a moment. Just now he was still saying 'Zhen Shaolong can score at any time'. Immediately after seeing Zhen Shaolong complete the goal, he still couldn't believe it. He quickly adjusted his mentality and said excitedly, "Zhen Shaolong! Let's see...the outer instep, a very wonderful arc, straight to the dead corner of the goal!"

"Newcastle United took the lead... I was just saying that Zhen Shaolong could score at any time, and it is true!"

"For a player like Zhen Shaolong, you can never predict his performance. If it was someone else, (just now) it would not be a chance at all, but Zhen Shaolong suddenly activated, and the moment he received the ball, he threw away Vidic and Carrick and forcibly threw him away. Play defense and find loopholes."

"His ability to seize opportunities is also number one. For such a shot from the penalty area line, Zhen Shaolong's chance of scoring a goal can exceed 50%."

In the analysis of the game commentator, the fans in front of the TV also saw the scoring process. Zhen Shaolong did not break through Vidic and Carliss, but with the help of Vidic's feet, he bounced the football and quickly got rid of it.

"This getaway is fantastic!"

"Vidic is like a wooden stake standing still, obediently kicking the ball to Zhen Shaolong's feet, the two seem to have made a quick pass..."

Many people are also talking about getting rid of just now.

Mainly because it is too beautiful!

In La Liga, wonderful breakthroughs can be seen frequently. For example, Messi, the core of Barcelona, ​​is very good at similar breakthrough methods, but he relies on excellent ball control ability. Can react immediately and control the ball at his feet again.

But the Premier League is rarely seen.

It's not that the skills of the Premier League players are rough, there are many players with excellent skills in the Premier League, but the defense of the Premier League is too tough, and some players showing off similar skills may directly face tackles.

Many defenders in the Premier League are defensive and rough. When they have the opportunity, they will directly kick the ball without considering whether the steal is passed to a teammate. The offensive players want to "show off" a gorgeous breakthrough, and the chances become very few.

This time Zhen Shaolong 'dazzled' very successfully, during the whole process of dribbling, the opponent didn't even have a chance to tackle.

The Manchester United players could only look at Zhen Shaolong helplessly, the opponent's performance was too 'glamorous', they didn't know how to say what they wanted to say.

Vidic was a little annoyed, "I should have reacted faster and kicked more accurately just now, I can't give him a chance!"

He didn't want to tackle the ball.

Everyone knows that Zhen Shaolong has a terrible free kick technique. The danger of a tackle at the front of the penalty area is too high, and the opponent may seize the opportunity and score directly.


Ferguson pursed the corner of his mouth lightly, feeling helpless, but when he thought of the other party'may join Manchester United', his mood improved a little.


The future is the future.

Now the opponent is still Manchester United's opponent, and it is a very strong opponent. He is also a little worried about the game.

The other side.

Kevin Keegan was standing calmly, his mood was not superficially calm, he felt that Zhen Shaolong always brought surprises, and whenever he got a chance to find out Zhen Shaolong's strength, Zhen Shaolong would have new performances to refresh his cognition.

Later he found out that he couldn't see through at all.

Such a player is really amazing. The outcome can already be determined by relying on his personal performance, but with his professional level, he can only look at his back.

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