I Just Can Score

Chapter 594 Onlookers: Rooney

"5 to 3! 5 to 3!"

"Zhen Shaolong scored at the beginning of the game. This goal is also very meaningful. It is his 60th goal this season!"

"So far, Zhen Shaolong has scored 34 goals in the Premier League, 13 goals in the Champions League, and 13 goals in the League Cup. The total number of goals is exactly 60. Last season Zhen Shaolong scored 60 goals in the league, FA Cup and League Cup together, scored 14 goals, and the total number of goals reached 74 goals."

"Judging from the scoring momentum this season, it is certain that his total number of goals surpassed last season."

"This season, Zhen Shaolong's league efficiency is still very high, and there is an additional UEFA Champions League with many games. Newcastle United was eliminated in the FA Cup, but the League Cup has reached the semi-finals, which also allows Zhen Shaolong to make more progress. ball chance."

"Now it's the sixtieth goal. Presumably there will be many goals in the future. We can look forward to the final number of goals scored by Zhen Shaolong..."

After Zhen Shaolong scored a goal, the commentator kept talking about his goal, but in fact, the game had just started.

Scored a goal in half a minute.

too fast!

Manchester United felt that they could not react in time. They entered the game with confidence and thought about working hard in the game to try to eliminate Newcastle United. As a result, the opponent scored a goal just after the start?

The rhythm is wrong!

The United players were a bit dazed, uncertain about the game, as the goal seemed to be in danger at any moment.

Ferdinand, Carrick, and Gary Neville also felt a little helpless. Just now, the three of them flanked back and forth, thinking that they would definitely be able to snatch the ball. Who knew that the opponent kicked the ball towards Neville, and then rushed over. The ball is at your feet?

Neville is still a little confused now!

"What happened just now?" he asked Ferdinand.

Ferdinand took a deep breath and explained, "Just now he deliberately kicked you, caught your body and bounced the ball over... Then, we were all shaken away..."

Ferdinand smiled helplessly when he explained.

After hearing this, Neville immediately took a deep breath. What the other party did was pure humiliation.

Use his body to bounce back to achieve the purpose of breaking through the defense of the three, and completely treat them, no, as a stake for borrowing.

The key...the opponent succeeded!

Neville always had the urge to vomit blood. He was extremely depressed. He felt as if he had been slapped hard by the other party. He also smiled and asked what happened. Now that he knew the result, he immediately said affirmatively, "Wait a while, as long as he is here, I will defend!"

"it is good!"

Ferdinand immediately agreed.

He felt a headache defending Zhen Shaolong, and Neville would naturally not object if he took the initiative to do so.

the other side.

Newcastle United were very excited. The fans in the stands cheered unceasingly. They were really pleasantly surprised. To play against the mighty Manchester United, one goal was the second best. Zhen Shaolong scored a goal at the beginning, which really boosted morale.


Keegan let out a long breath.

He is relieved.

Before the start of the game, he didn't have any confidence. It was different when he saw the goal. He was sure that Zhen Shaolong was in good condition. As long as Zhen Shaolong can perform well and score two or three goals personally, Manchester United's strength and fighting spirit will be stronger. What's the point of being stronger?

They can't get in that much!

Zhen Shaolong was very indifferent, he just hugged Button and made a very simple celebration, and then he was ready to restart the game.

Button was still talking, "This is the training result! Boss' training is really effective!" I don't know if he is praising himself or Zhen Shaolong.

Next to Owen and Nzobia are very jealous.


Damn Button got the assist data so easily!


After hearing what Barton said about the 'training results', they became even more jealous, and they all had their own thoughts, for example, Gremi thought, "In the future, we should train with Zhen Shaolong more often, yes! Especially for individual training, even if Keegan says he wants to train in a group, he still has to take the initiative to apply to join Zhen Shaolong, regardless of whether he is in a group or not..."

"Look at Barton! This guy just took the initiative to apply for training with Zhen Shaolong, and then easily got an assist on the court..."

Assist data is too important for midfielders.

For example, the same midfielder who played 30 times without scoring a goal has 10 assists in a season, and the other has only 1 or 2 assists. As long as you look at the statistics, you will feel that a midfielder who assisted 10 times must be very good, and assisted 1 or 2 times. The ones are like soy sauce players.

That's the case with Graeme and Barton right now.

Button's assists in the league, Champions League, and cup matches add up to nearly 20 times, while Gremi only has a pitiful five. The assist data of the two is not at the same level, but in fact, Gremi is better than Button in the team. Gremi, who is better, with stronger skills and experience, can provoke the important task of attacking the frontcourt. He is the core midfielder of Newcastle United.

Then, the data is not up to standard?

With this data gap, if the two apply for a transfer together, the new contract Barton will get will definitely be much bigger than him!

"It's not fair! Damn Barton!"

Amid Gremi's jealousy, the game quickly resumes.

Manchester United scored one goal in the first round, and fell behind by two goals in two rounds. If they want to win, they must score at least three. The pressure of the point difference is on the hearts of every player, and they can't wait to start attacking.



The attack launched by Manchester United lasted for nearly three minutes. The continuous siege of Newcastle United's penalty area also made Newcastle United's goal precarious. Fortunately, Coloccini jumped up suddenly and pushed the ball to the sideline with his head. Smith made a forward pass to Nzobi Ya, Nzobia successfully controlled the ball, and Newcastle United took a long breath.

The next step is to counterattack!

Nzobia dribbled the ball across the center line. When Park Ji-sung rushed over to defend, he immediately passed a cross to Michael Owen, who then transferred it to Zhen Shaolong.

Newcastle United launched a counterattack suddenly. Most of the players on the field did not run, and Zhen Shaolong was only a dozen meters past the center line. He glanced in the direction of the goal when he received the pass, and started "Strike" without hesitation.


Go ahead!


Zhen Shaolong didn't care about the football, so he just speeded up and rushed forward, and immediately left the defending Vidic behind him. After running for more than ten meters, he met Ferdinand who was killing him from one side. He didn't run around, but fought with Ferdinand Huddling together, the ball was lightly moved to the side. The football hit Ferdinand's right heel. Ferdinand had no time to react, and even felt that he had touched the ball. Zhen Shaolong had already rushed forward and controlled the ball again. Yes, he was in control of the ball, Ferdinand touched the ball, but the football was immediately regained control, and he shook Ferdinand away.


The front was empty.

Goalkeeper Van der Sar ushered in another jump. When he found that Zhen Shaolong and Ferdinand were crowded together, Van der Sar rushed forward quickly, but he paid great attention to the distance he rushed out to prevent Zhen Shaolong from kicking the goal. Unfortunately, he was working hard It didn't work either.

Zhen Shaolong's shot was corrected by "Calibration"!

He ignored Van der Sar at all, and just hung the ball to the upper left corner with his kick. Regardless of whether Van der Sar rushed out or not, as long as he hung the ball to the upper left corner, it would be difficult for the opponent to pounce.

The next moment the football was hoisted into the upper left corner.

Van der Sar could only slow down and turn his head, watching the football fly into the goal, the expression on his face was full of helplessness, he realized that he was the most useless player in the Manchester United team, he kept standing in front of the goal, but the opponent shot Sometimes, no matter what you do, the opponent can score.

Goalkeeper...what's the use?

At that moment, Van der Sar even began to regret that he chose the goalkeeper position when he was young. If he chose to be a striker, he would not have to look at the goal so helplessly. No matter how many goals the opponent scored, it had nothing to do with him.

Van der Sar's idea came from Rooney.

While the fans were cheering for the goal, Rooney jogged over from the frontcourt and looked at Van der Sar with an 'excited smile' on his face?

Van der Sar understood it this way.

The opponent's goal has nothing to do with Rooney, but as a Manchester United player, you can't laugh when you see the opponent's goal, right?

Do you act as a crowd of onlookers?

Van der Sar was furious and gritted his teeth, but he could only stand there and be angry with himself. He couldn't go over and say anything. What if Rooney was just tired from running and didn't hold his expression?

In fact, Rooney was laughing.

He certainly wouldn't explain it to Van der Sar, but Ferdinand understood him. He stood with Ferdinand and discussed the goal just now, "How did you get swayed away?"

Ferdinand said, "His speed is too fast. I wanted to stick to it, but he suddenly slowed down and then accelerated again. I didn't find a chance to make a move. By the way, the ball seemed to hit my foot halfway, but it was immediately countered by him. Take it back."

"Why is his ball control so good?" Rooney wanted to confirm.

"Of course, you know, it's the horse stance, the foot is stable, and it will definitely increase the ability to control the ball." Ferdinand explained.

Rooney nodded.

After watching Zhen Shaolong score two consecutive goals, Rooney became more confident in what he said to Ferdinand and Owen.

He decided to start standing up.

Spiritual training is a bit too magical. What Ferdinand said may not be reliable, so I can only try it in my spare time. The horse stance is definitely effective, just like Michael Owen. As long as you work hard and persevere, you will definitely be able to make progress .

"Set a small goal first." Rooney thought, "Raise the league goals to more than 20... and then try to reach 30..."

He thought again, "It would be great if Michael (Owen) could be on my team. I can train with him on weekdays and participate in games together. If there is a comparison, you can know the role of the horse step. Unfortunately, he is a Newcastle player. .”

Rooney sighed regretfully.

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