I Just Can Score

Chapter 613 I didn’t see anything!

The League Cup is over.

The most impressive thing about the game was not how many goals Zhen Shaolong scored, but the clothing of the fans who supported Zhen Shaolong on the spot. It is rare in the history of football that there are tens of thousands of fans. At the same time, in order to support a star, they wear specially endorsed brand clothing. Because the support for players can never keep up with the support for the club and the national team, the influence of a single player is really very limited.

Follow-up interviews and surveys by media reporters revealed a certain situation. The Times interviewed 573 fans and summarized a data based on their answers. "Among the fans wearing 'Zhen Shaolong' brand clothing, 10% Fifty-seven chose the red style, which shows that the bright red style is popular with the public."

"Thirty-one percent of them are Newcastle fans, and these fans are mainly female fans. For example, the cheerleaders of the Newcastle Fans Association account for 61%. So, in fact, most Newcastle fans still choose Support the team during the game, rather than supporting Zhen Shaolong alone, but in any case, this ratio is very amazing. Perhaps in the eyes of most Newcastle fans, Zhen Shaolong can already represent the entire team."

“In addition, 69% of the fans are not from the Newcastle area, including a large number of Chinese students, overseas Chinese, and tourists from other regions. Fans from the London area account for 100% of them. Forty-seven."

"There is an interesting number. Eighty-six percent of the fan base in London are female fans..."

"From the above set of data, we can know how popular Zhen Shaolong is among British female fans..."

The Times' investigative digital report amazed many people, and even more people expressed great jealousy. However, no matter what other people's emotions were, it would not affect Zhen Shaolong's star power.

The "British Financial News" statement is very straightforward, "M\u0026amp;S has made huge profits!"

"Every set of 'Zhen Shaolong' brand clothing sold by M\u0026amp;S Company can earn at least more than 80 euros. They sold more than 200,000 sets in just one week, and this is only the current statistics. .”

"In other words, in just one week, relying on the fame gained by Zhen Shaolong's endorsement, they collected more than 16 million euros in one go. This is much higher than the endorsement fee paid to Zhen Shaolong."

"This is the star effect and commercial effect of Zhen Shaolong."

"Maybe M\u0026amp;S will feel very sorry. They don't have many chain stores in China, and they don't have much influence around the world. Their business network has not been fully expanded at all. Otherwise, they would definitely make money in China and even around the world. Get bigger profits!”

This is what other companies are seeing as well.

Adidas is much larger than M\u0026amp;S. They are also a company specializing in sports brands. After realizing Zhen Shaolong’s unexpected influence, Adidas (UK) and Adidas (China) announced at the same time that they would Released Zhen Shaolong model sneakers and specially customized No. 13 jersey.

This speed is quite astonishing.

In fact, since the official signing of Zhen Shaolong, Adidas has been doing this work, but the normal process is half a year after the signing, before specially customized clothes will be released based on commercial influence, and only those with huge global influence will be released. Only powerful stars are eligible for Adidas to launch specially customized clothing and sneakers.

Adidas and Zhen Shaolong signed a huge endorsement contract, but they signed too many stars. Football stars have relatively low endorsement fees. For example, American NBA stars' endorsement fees can reach tens of millions of dollars in many years.

Therefore, Adidas's attitude towards Zhen Shaolong is just to treat him as a star who is expanding into the European and Chinese markets.

Now I find that the 'first bite of crab' has been eaten by a 'small company',

Adidas suddenly became a little anxious.

Although M\u0026amp;S in the UK is just a department store, and the clothing it produces is only casual T-shirts, and has little intersection with the sports brand clothing market, if the 'Zhen Shaolong' brand casual clothing is recognized by the public, it will definitely affect Adidas' sports brand sales. .

Their biggest advantage is their sneakers.

The difficulty also lies in the sneakers.

It is not easy to design and launch sneakers that are highly recognized by the public and can be associated with Zhen Shaolong. Just like the 'Jordan' style sneakers, each one will become a classic and even collected by many people who like it.

Adidas' goal is to launch classic models and sell them publicly using its business network covering the world.

One month, classic design, time is too tight.

But there is no way.

This is business competition, and we must race against time.

The outside world's discussions about star power and commercial influence have not had much impact on Zhen Shaolong. Many interested sponsors have also gone to see Alice, and calls cannot be made to his mobile phone. His life is still about training, Contest.

On the third day after the game, Zhen Shaolong did something other than normal life.

Flora is back.

Flora used her vacation time to return to Newcastle, and in the afternoon she went to the club to find Zhen Shaolong. The two of them had a rather sneaky feeling. They ate together in a separate small office, and they also had a sweet time.

Look at the time.

Eight o'clock in the evening.

Zhen Shaolong also plans to go back. He still needs to recover and adjust. He must sleep normally at night. There is no way to waste time with students on vacation.

Flora was quite reluctant to give up.


Flora suddenly received a text message from her father, Michael Ashley, saying, "Lola, I have a party tonight and won't go back.

Be careful not to sleep too late.

--your dear dad. "

Flora flashed her phone to Zhen Shaolong, grinned and muttered disdainfully, "Not coming back? I don't know which jerk's belly I'll be lying on."

"So it's not good for your father, right?"

"What's wrong?" Flora said nonchalantly, "My mother passed away a long time ago, so it doesn't matter."

Zhen Shaolong nodded in understanding.

Flora suddenly became very happy. She dragged Zhen Shaolong straight to the chairman's office, "Let's go! I won't go back today. I will sleep in the office. I know the environment inside is very good."


Zhen Shaolong was taken to the office in a daze. After entering, he found that the inside was indeed very nice. The outside of the office was luxuriously decorated, but the inside could be described as 'very luxurious', with all kinds of appliances available.


Chair, computer, large screen TV.

Red wine, coffee machine, various drinks, and even a few Brazilian cigars.

What a great place!

Zhen Shaolong found that he was still a little poor. The decoration and living standards in the chairman's office were much more luxurious than the bedroom where he lived, and the supplies were also much richer. He couldn't help but sigh, "Mr. Ashley is really a person who knows how to enjoy things."

Flora jumped onto the bed with all her strength, got into a comfortable position, and hooked her hand towards Zhen Shaolong, "But today, this place belongs to us."

"Isn't this... bad?"

"What's wrong, today I will play the role of the princess captured by the evil dragon, and you will play the role of the knight who saves the princess..."



Tell the truth, speak from the heart!

Zhen Shaolong feels that he is a restrained person and a gentleman with good conduct in life, but he has been forced by the system for a long time and has no choice. For example, the system has a "Strength" skill, which even improves the functions of the internal organs.

What the hell kind of skill is this!

Don’t you know? There is a saying that goes, 'Men are lower-body animals.' He was originally very rational, but due to the system, his rationality was infinitely weakened, causing him to fail to maintain his integrity.

"Damn the system!"

Zhen Shaolong stood up panting and put on his clothes very quickly. Flora was also very fast, but her frowning eyebrows showed that she was in pain. Zhen Shaolong quickly helped her and turned off the lights.

The two walked to the door on catwalks one after the other, with Flora walking behind and holding a sheet in her hands.


There were chaotic sounds outside, and a loud voice was shouting, "That bastard, Powell, actually drank with me. He didn't know that when I was young..."

"Slow down...this is a sofa, not a bed. You have to go inside."

"I know I know!"

"Don't fall asleep! I can't lift you!"

The door was pushed open.

Zhen Shaolong, who was standing in front, was pushed away. He took the opportunity to quickly run out of the door. He was already standing at the door, preparing to run away if the situation was not good.

Two minutes later, Flora also walked out. Behind her was Lee Charnley, the club's manager and Ashley's right-hand man.


Zhen Shaolong returned and looked at Charnley with warning eyes together with Flora.

"He's drunk! Don't tell anyone. If you dare to do that, I will...I will let Barton, Smith and others go...go on a date with your wife!"


Charnley rolled his eyes, "It's more like you!"

"Then I'll go!"

Flora twisted Zhen Shaolong's soft flesh hard, and then said to Charnley, "Li, you haven't seen us! Even if you have, it's not in the room. Otherwise, I will ask Michael to fire you! You know, He will agree to whatever I say.”


Charnley felt that this threat was a bit serious, and nodded with a dull expression, "Don't worry, Laura, I didn't see anything. By the way, you should be more polite and call me uncle."

"Well, Uncle Charnley, I'll suggest he give you a raise!"

"make a deal!"

After Zhen Shaolong and Flora walked away, Charnley could no longer maintain his tense expression and couldn't help laughing, "Laura and Zhen...hahaha..."

"Michael just said that he wanted to make a lot of money from Zhen and use it as a dowry for his daughter... Hahaha..." 8)

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