I Just Can Score

Chapter 634 You still have to work hard!

Ferguson didn't try to convince Rooney, he knew it would be useless.

Rooney definitely listened to him.

But it was meaningless to listen on the surface. Rooney used a strange method to score the goal. Even if he pointed out that he relied on luck, there was no way to convince him.

Seeing is believing!

Every player standing on the top court can be said to be a winner in the football field. The essential qualities of a successful player are self-confidence and perseverance.

This is a good character.

When they identify something, they will trust their own judgment more than what others say, and they will be difficult to be affected by other people's words. Unless they find a mistake themselves, they will continue to persevere.

This is true for most successful people.

Rooney is no exception.

Rooney has his own persistence, and he also knows how to work hard to reach where he is now. He is sure that strange methods are effective, and no matter how he denies them, they will only cause resentment and will not bring any help.

"I hope he can realize his mistake soon."

Ferguson thought.

When Rooney finds that his method is useless, he can come out to comfort him and remind him that the only way to perform better is to train hard, and there are no shortcuts.


Ferguson was very angry when he thought of Ferdinand. He felt that Ferdinand should not be the kind of guy who believed in strange methods. He was much more mature than Rooney.

"This guy did it on purpose!"


"Then he was watching the joke and acted innocent!"

The more Ferguson thought about it, the angrier he became.

What happened in the Manchester United dressing room did not directly affect the game.

Soon the second half began.

Newcastle United's defense was good and they also had a lead in the score. Naturally, there was no need to make any adjustments to Manchester United's lagging score, but Ferguson didn't think there was a problem. It was just that the opponent's No. 13 performed well and it was something he couldn't control.

The only thing Ferguson did was to tell Ferdinand to continue to carefully monitor Zhen Shaolong.

His tone was very stern.

Perhaps because he had played for long enough, Ferdinand was not very afraid of Ferguson, but after being yelled at, he felt very depressed. What was even more frustrating was that he had no confidence in defense.

"Restrict Zhen Shaolong?"

"Don't let him score?"

"This is impossible to accomplish. Sir is just unreasonable. Why don't you let others try!"

Ferdinand thought secretly, but did not dare to say it directly.

He really didn't have confidence.

Before, he was not sure about Zhen Shaolong's method of scoring goals. Ferdinand still had a little confidence. After hearing what Rooney said, Ferdinand was 100% sure that Zhen Shaolong must have spiritual training. His goals rely on his spirit to influence reality, no matter what happens around him. If you defend, the football will definitely be able to enter the goal. It makes no sense how serious other people defend.

Ferdinand was helpless. He could only guard carefully. He was not confident whether he could do it, but he still had to do it.

After the start of the second half, the player who received the most attention on the field was Rooney.

As soon as Rooney came out and stood in front, he kept closing his eyes whenever he could find time.

What he did was so obvious!

When Manchester United played the first wave of offensive, Rooney even closed his eyes and failed to receive the pass from his teammates. He almost fell to the ground while jogging.

Zhen Shaolong stood in front and was dumbfounded. He asked Ferdinand in confusion, "What's wrong with Rooney? Is he sick? Isn't it necessary to end up in this situation?"

"Stop pretending!"

Ferdinand chuckled and said mysteriously, "You must know what he is doing, right?"


"You must know, and you feel panicked." Ferdinand said very confidently, "Look at your expression now, it's all fake, it really looks like a fake!"


"Okay. Since you are pretending to be like this, I will explain to you carefully. Wayne is learning from you, practicing spiritual practice, Chinese magic or other things. Anyway, he is learning from you. I already know why you can score a lot of goals. "

"You knew already?"

"Yes! I know." Ferdinand said with a smile, "Don't pretend this time! Haha, I'm proud of my genius. After a few games with you and a few defenses, I fully understand that you just convince yourself To be able to score goals, constant persuasion, constant persuasion, your imagination becomes reality, so you can continue to score goals! Right? Now Wayne is doing the same, and I told him this method."


Zhen Shaolong took a deep breath and digested what Ferdinand said. His face was full of admiration, "You are so smart! You can actually see it."


Ferdinand said proudly, "You don't need to praise me, I also want to thank you, because I decided to teach this method to more people, especially young and promising forwards. After I retire, I will start doing this. "

Zhen Shaolong nodded frequently following Ferdinand's words, turned to look at Rooney with complicated eyes, and there seemed to be a scene of the future in the distance of his vision.

England and China match.

There was no one in front of the Chinese team's goal. Even the goalkeeper stood outside the penalty area. The England forward shot at will.


Every striker in England closed their eyes and shouted, "I will score a goal." Everyone kicked the football. Some balls went out of the baseline, some flew into the sky, and some simply flew behind them.

That is really an exciting scene!

Rooney's situation attracted a lot of attention. Not only the players on the field saw it, but the fans in the stands and the media could see it more clearly.

"What is Rooney doing!"

"Why does he keep his eyes closed for a long time? There must be something wrong with him."

"Is Rooney in bad condition?"

"Asleep on the field?"

The game commentator also talked with interest, "It seems that Rooney is not in good condition, or is it intentional? We don't know the specific situation, but he almost fell down just now."

"This state should be replaced."

The camera turned to the Manchester United bench and saw Ferguson touching his head with his hands, showing a helpless look. He even covered his eyes with his hands, as if he couldn't bear to watch the game anymore.

"Sir Alex Ferguson seems dissatisfied too."

Of course Ferguson was dissatisfied.

He was considering whether to replace Rooney. He felt very embarrassed watching the game. He knew that Rooney did it on purpose. It seemed that he was using this method to pray for a goal?



If it were someone else who behaved like this on the field, such as Tevez or even Berbatov, he would have made substitutions without hesitation, but Rooney

Take care of your emotions!

Any head coach who has coached a team for a long time will treat the players as direct lineage and non-lineage lineage.

The same goes for Ferguson.

Players such as Rooney and Ronaldo are his direct players. They were all introduced by him. As they grow up, they naturally need special care.

Now that Rooney is doing this on the field, he has already been told that he can only tolerate it a little bit. I hope Rooney can find out as soon as possible that his approach is useless.

On the field.

Ronaldo is still the one who attracts the most attention in Manchester United. His constant breakthroughs and cooperation have made Manchester United's offense more flexible. In the process, he also noticed Rooney and made a disdainful comment in his heart, "Idiot!"

"I used to be friends with this idiot!"

"It's a good thing we're not friends anymore!"

Ronaldo felt a little worried. He was actually a little uncomfortable with breaking up with Rooney. After all, they were good friends before. During the 2006 European Cup, he had a conflict with Rooney in a controversial way. After that, the two The relationship is getting worse and worse.

European Cup, everyone has his own master.

Ronaldo does not think he has done anything wrong. He is a Portuguese player and naturally has to work hard to help the team win. Rooney is an England player and his opponent on the field. Therefore, when there is a conflict, it can only be said that Rooney is too small-minded.

After that, their conflicts became more and more serious, and they still have frequent quarrels and conflicts. They don't even pass the ball to each other during the game, and their relationship is already on the same level.

Now seeing Rooney's situation, Ronaldo didn't say anything, but he was still a little worried. After all, they were good friends before, but he quickly adjusted his mentality and kept thinking, "That's it for him!"


"I don't know what's going on in my head!"

"It seems that I still have to lead the team to win!" Ronaldo strengthened his confidence and continued to work hard in the game.

Finally he got something.

In the 64th minute of the game, Ronaldo received a pass from his teammate, cut in to the middle and kicked the goal. The football drew an arc and quickly rushed into the left corner of the goal.

"The ball is in!"

"Luo! Luo! Shooting after cutting inside, this is Luo's signature way of scoring goals!"

"2 to 2!"

"Ronaldo helped Manchester United tie the score!"

Ronaldo's goal made Zhen Shaolong feel very depressed, because the points had been accumulated to more than 90 before. As a result, Ronaldo directly completed the goal, and the points only reached 100, and there was no way to continue to add more.

This amounts to a lot of wasted penalties.

"such a pity!"

Zhen Shaolong felt a little depressed, but there was nothing he could do in this situation.

He could only accept it.

Manchester United tied the score, which was very unfavorable to Newcastle United. The whole team was a little depressed, and the fans in the stands began to worry.

Zhen Shaolong is the only one who is not worried.

After the game restarted, Zhen Shaolong did not rush to the front immediately. Instead, he pulled back to receive the pass from his teammates. Button immediately passed the ball over.

At this time Ferdinand just ran over.

Zhen Shaolong didn't stop the ball at all. He immediately started a strong attack and rushed forward. He ran more than ten meters to the penalty area line and immediately waved his right foot.


The football rushed into the goal.

Goalkeeper Edwin van der Sar responded with a save, but still failed to save the ball.

"3 to 2!"

"Quick! It's too fast!"

"Luo has just scored and Manchester United has just tied. They haven't even had time to experience the feeling of tying. Zhen Shaolong scored another goal to help Newcastle regain the lead!"

Fans in the stands were excited.

Other Newcastle United teammates are also very excited. Quickly regaining the lead is a great morale booster.

Zhen Shaolong was not in the mood to celebrate. Instead, he frowned and began to make mathematical calculations.

"Rooney's points are almost full. As long as he finds a chance in the penalty area, he will definitely be able to score."

"It's only a matter of time before Rooney scores another goal."

"And my points are cleared, which means that Manchester United can easily tie the score next!"

"It will take some time to accumulate more points. I don't know if it will be possible before the end. It seems that I still can't rely too much on temporary skills!"

Zhen Shaolong sighed and discovered the difficulty of the task. Because the opponent had a Rooney, and there was an accident in the points accumulation, he scored three goals and was still on the verge of being tied by the opponent.


Still have to work hard!

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