I Just Can Score

Chapter 648 The depressed feeling of having your name stolen


Zhen Shaolong welcomes guests to his home - Mr. and Mrs. Gene, or Mr. and Mrs. Lanissa.

Although the registered family surname of Jean and Lanessa is Jean (German marriages must register family surnames, the surname of the family after marriage is the surname of their children), considering Lanessa's strong position in their relationship, Zhen Shaolong likes to call them Mr. and Mrs. Lannisa.

He did the same.

Seeing Jean and Lanessa walking together, Zhen Shaolong immediately greeted him enthusiastically. He missed Jean, who was laughing and opening his arms, and rushed in front of Lanessa in three or two steps, gave him a warm hug, and then He looked at Jean and waved to take care of him, "Sorry, I just couldn't see you on purpose."

Gene had the urge to hit someone.

After the joke.

Zhen Shaolong welcomed the two into the living room, and Lanessa gathered with Claudio and Reina. The three women began to chatter and sing, and they kept talking and didn't know when they would stop.

Zhen Shaolong simply took Jean to the gym for some simple exercise.

"Your family is nice!"

Gene walked into the gym and saw the equipment inside. "These equipment are also very good and suitable for me."

"Then give it a try!"

Jean happily sat on the arm strength machine and did a set of explosive exercises for nearly five minutes. Then he walked down and looked at each machine. The gym was just a small room, about twenty square meters, and the space was not too big. Jean But he looked very carefully.

After looking at the last piece of equipment, Gene proposed the idea of ​​​​walking around, "I haven't looked at your house carefully."

"Really? But I remember taking you everywhere, when you first came here."

Zhen Shaolong felt a little strange, but still showed Jean around with the enthusiasm of a master.


swimming pool.




Even two storage rooms and a dusty pile of clutter at the edge of the house.

Except for a few bedrooms that were not suitable for entering, Gene walked around with great interest. He was very interested in the swimming pool and specifically asked how to clean the swimming pool.

“Find a cleaning company!”

"I don't know the details. The cleaning company is responsible for it. Maybe Claudio knows. I haven't paid close attention... But why are you asking so carefully?"

Zhen Shaolong looked at Gene with suspicion.

Gene laughed, felt awkward for a while, and then said, "I was thinking that maybe you would leave next season, right?"

"Not 100 percent sure."

"It's very likely, I just assume you will leave. By then, no one will live in this house. I think this place is very nice and the area is large enough. In comparison, the place I live in looks like a slum. "

"Then what?" Zhen Shaolong already had the answer.

"Rent it to me!"


Zhen Shaolong was not opposed to renting out the house, especially to familiar friends, but before he decided to leave, Gene had made up his mind about the house. It was really...



It's human nature to think about it carefully, but just keep it in your heart. It won't be too late to talk about it when you are sure to leave, but Gene said it bluntly.


Zhen Shaolong gritted his teeth and took a breath, deciding not to argue with Gene. He is a tolerant person, "When I am sure to leave, I will definitely rent it to you first."

Originally the topic had ended here, but Jean continued, "How much is the rent? You know I am a low-income wage earner!"

Zhen Shaolong was interested in talking about money. He thought about it for a moment and tried to quote a price, "How about twenty thousand pounds a month?"

"Go ahead and grab it! Damn it!"


"Eighteen thousand?"

"Five thousand, no more!" Gene shouted clearly.

"Five thousand?" Zhen Shaolong shook his head like a rattle, "The market was not good last year, but the market value of this house must be more than two and a half million pounds. So, fifteen thousand pounds is a friendly price!"

"Six thousand!"

"Forget it, I won't rent it anymore, not for..."

"Ten thousand!"

"……Okay, it's a deal!"

The two settled the rental issue in advance.

According to the rent price, Gene has made a lot of money. The monthly rent for a similar property in the same location fluctuates around 15,000 pounds. For such a high-value property, what is the 'rent-to-sale ratio'? It makes no sense, because there are very few luxury properties in good locations, and those who can afford to rent them are either rich or expensive. Even if you don't consider other people, there will definitely be players from Newcastle United who are willing to rent.

Newcastle United is too close to the downtown business district, and there are very few luxury villa properties nearby. Most players will not play for the same club for too long, so there is too much pressure to buy high-priced properties directly. Renting is a good option.

After the rent was negotiated, Gene suddenly became happy. He glanced around as if he were looking at his own things. The emotion in his eyes made Zhen Shaolong feel like he was shaking his fist.


"The house is mine!"

Next, Gene said something useful, "Actually, I didn't plan to live in a very good place. It's a bit luxurious here, but Lanisha... ahem... I'm going to have a baby soon!"


Zhen Shaolong was stunned for a moment, then immediately responded, "Congratulations! How long? Let me guess... seven months? Yes, August, September, you just came here at that time, and you haven't returned to Hamburg..."


Gene's face turned dark and he said, "I just checked it out!"

"All right."

Zhen Shaolong felt a little regretful that the ideal gossip suddenly disappeared.

"By the way, Zhen, I took advantage of renting your house for ten thousand pounds, but we have already thought of a way to repay you. You must be very happy to hear it. Lanisha and I have decided that if we give birth to a baby Boy, name him after you.”

"Called...Shaolong?" Zhen Shaolong thought about the name of 'Shaolong-Jin', and it sounded weird. It could be 'Little Dragon-Jin', Xiaolong, Xiaolong...

This is not good!

"Zhen!" said Gene.


Zhen Shaolong opened his mouth for a long time, "But, my name is Shaolong."

"It doesn't matter, everyone calls you Zhen."


"Zhen is the most ideal name. If I give birth to a boy, of course I will hope that he will become a big star in the future."


"Nothing to worry about, we have already decided, let's call her Zhen."

"Zhen Ji'en?"

"Yes, Zhen-Jin..."


Zhen Shaolong's eyes looked at Jean again, filled with a green light, but he had really never done anything.


Zhen Shaolong was very resistant to Gene's behavior of 'stealing' his surname.

Because there is ambiguity.

Although the 'ambiguity' was very obvious, neither Jean nor Lanisha realized it, and he didn't know how to clarify it. In addition, it felt a bit awkward to say it, as if he had some special thoughts about Lanisha. Same.

It's better to keep this kind of thing to yourself.


What if domestic netizens know the name of Gene’s child?

Then there will be chaos.

"Zhen Shaolong's good friend Jean, the child's name is Zhen. It is said that Lannisha and Zhen have known each other for a long time..."

"Maybe between them..."

"It is said that Gene's private life is very chaotic, and he may not care at all..."

Zhen Shaolong was horrified just thinking about it. He was well aware of the extraordinary imagination of domestic netizens. Fortunately, Gene's appearance was not very good. A rough man was a rough man. No matter how much his child's genes mutated, he would not be as good as himself.


Genes are the best proof.

Zhen Shaolong figured it out and no longer worried about the inexplicable things. He continued to enjoy Reina's massage that night and once again discovered the benefits of competition at home.


The premise is competition between the sexes.

When working during the day, both Reina and Claudio worked hard, showing a completely healthy competition.


In the evening, vicious competition emerged. Claudio was obviously thicker-skinned and didn't care about Reina's weird eyes at all.

Zhen Shaolong couldn't say anything.

He is very passive.

At twelve o'clock in the evening, I simply returned to my bedroom, but I don't know what happened, but I forgot to lock the door. Life abroad is still very dangerous. The consequences of not locking the door are... A thief wearing tight clothes came to the door, stole precious things and left.

Zhen Shaolong was still worried about the lost things in the morning. He dragged his tired body and found that "Strong" was not omnipotent. Fighting against the thief still required physical strength.


He sighed, feeling sad for his life.

There will be no rest that day.

Newcastle United's matches are not intensive, but every game they face later in the season is very crucial. Because they defeated Villarreal with a big score in the first round, the club can calmly prepare for the league. The next game is against Stowe City game.

Stoke City is a newly promoted team this season, and they were promoted as second in the English Championship. The goal of the season must be to avoid relegation, but Stoke City's results are very good. They are currently ranked 11th, worse than last Third-placed West Bromwich Albion have 11 more league points and almost no risk of relegation.

This is thanks to Pulis's stable coaching style.

In European football, Pulis is almost not famous because he has coached a second-tier league team, but his background is not bad: he retired as a professional player and served as Redknapp's assistant. Two important experiences can serve as the cornerstone of success.

Pulis learned from Redknapp's calm style. He led Stoke City to play very steadily. During the season, there were almost no upsets, but he also won many opponents and stabilized the ranking in the standings. .

Pulis has a record of coaching. During his career as a head coach, his team has never been relegated. The media's comment before the season was, "If Pulis can successfully lead the team to stay in the Premier League, it will be a great success." A myth."


It is not easy for Stoke City to avoid relegation. Pre-season media predictions generally place the ranking at '19-20'.

Now Stoke City's performance is beyond imagination, and many people also have hope that Stoke City can create a miracle and defeat Newcastle United, which is first in the league.


Pulis' coaching is very stable, but he also lacks the fire to create miracles.

Stoke City played very steadily at home, with good offense and defense, but there was indeed a gap in strength between the two sides. Newcastle United took the lead at halftime without Zhen Shaolong playing.

When the time came for the second half, Zhen Shaolong was briefly put on the field to quickly help the team complete a goal.

2 to 0.

The game can be said to be over here.

It's hard to talk about Stoke City's morale. Perhaps their players feel that they have accomplished their task by avoiding relegation and there is no need to compete head-on with the top of the league.

In the end, Newcastle United defeated Stoke City by two goals in an away game and won a very important victory.

Although rival Liverpool also defeated their opponents, considering the points they lost to Chelsea in the last round, winning the league is still very important. They must keep not losing points in order not to give their opponents any chance.

After beating Stoke City, Newcastle United returned to Champions League mode and prepared for the second leg with Villarreal.

Although there was a big score in the first round and there was no suspense about the result, the second round was an away game and the whole team still had to rush to Spain, which was very energy-consuming.

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