I Just Can Score

Chapter 654 It’s better to score first!

The Champions League semi-finals are approaching.

There are two games to be played in the first leg of the Champions League semi-finals, one is Newcastle United playing Arsenal at home, and the other is Manchester United challenging Barcelona away.

Of the two games, the media is more concerned about the latter one, because Manchester United and Barcelona can be said to be the representative teams of the Premier League and La Liga. The confrontation between each other is also a confrontation between the Premier League and La Liga, so the significance of the game is greater. .

Newcastle United and Arsenal are a civil war between Premier League clubs, so the significance is quite small. At the same time, most people also believe that the game is not suspenseful. Newcastle United will be the final winner. The main reason is Newcastle United's domestic league performance in the past two seasons. It was too strong. Arsenal only defeated Newcastle United once, and that was when Zhen Shaolong did not participate in the early stages of the league.

Zhen Shaolong is in very good condition now.

The last match between Newcastle United and Arsenal seems to still be vivid in my mind. That game was exciting before and after the game. Zhen Shaolong's performance was equally exciting. Arsenal lost the game by a huge score without any suspense.

Now that the two sides meet in the Champions League semi-finals, what chance does Arsenal have of beating Newcastle United?

"This depends on Zhen Shaolong's on-the-spot performance."

"On the other hand, Arsenal's response strategy is also very important. If we rely on the previous method and use a single player to restrict Zhen Shaolong, it will be too difficult to achieve results. It is difficult for top strikers to be restricted, just like when I was young When facing tough defense, I still have the confidence to score the ball..."

Alan Shearer appeared as a guest in the live broadcast room of the British BBC TV station and made relevant comments before the game.

Both teams were relatively low-key before the game.

This may be because Arsenal is relatively low-key, while Newcastle United is very active. After the semi-final draw, many people came forward to express their confidence, but as the saying goes, 'a slap can't make a difference', and the opponent didn't even say a word. It seemed awkward.

Arsenal can't help but keep a low profile.

For one thing, they really have no confidence. They lost a big score to Newcastle United in the last game, which had a huge impact on the morale of the whole team. Denilson Jr., Alexander Song, and Toure couldn't limit Zhen Shaolong.

Secondly, even if they are confident, they don’t have the confidence to speak out.

In the past two seasons, Arsenal has been at a disadvantage, and it is an absolute disadvantage. The victory at the beginning of the season has been ignored, because everyone knows that the performance of Newcastle United without Zhen Shaolong is much worse.

Now they face Newcastle United with Zhen Shaolong, and the experience of winning is meaningless.

In fact.

Arsenal coach Wenger also reminded everyone not to talk about the game in front of the media. The last defeat was still fresh in his mind. Wenger thought back carefully and attributed the reason to "appreciation aroused Zhen Shaolong's fighting spirit". With enough fighting spirit, Zhen Shaolong's performance was unreasonable and his goals were simply impossible to guard against.


"We can't arouse his fighting spirit!" Wenger thought, "It's best not to say anything. No matter what, we will prepare for the game seriously."


The game is coming.

James Park was full of fans, showing the atmosphere of a home battle, but judging from the overall atmosphere, it did not look like a Champions League semi-final battle. Instead, it looked like an ordinary Premier League match, except that the game became more focused. There were more reporters coming.

Many reporters walked around among the fans, conducting pre-match interviews seriously, and some fans also actively expressed their opinions---

"I thought Newcastle were going to win, we just beat them!"

"I predict the score will be 3 to 1. Zhen Shaolong scores two goals and Arsenal can also score one!"

"Of course Newcastle can reach the final!"

"There are twenty-two players on the field. I only care about Zhen Shaolong's performance. I am also looking forward to it. He never disappoints the fans..."

Newcastle fans are full of confidence.

The Arsenal fans who came were relatively inferior. They also had expectations for Arsenal to win, but you could tell from their answers that their confidence was not very high.


The course is open.

Fans actively lined up at the ticket gate and poured into the stadium one by one. After finding their seats, they shouted cheering slogans in anticipation of the official start of the game.

Nothing else happened before the game.

Both Newcastle United and Arsenal seemed to be participating in ordinary leagues, just normal training and warm-up. Then they returned to the field at about the same time, stood in position and followed the referee's whistle, then ran to announce the start of the game.

The game had just begun and Arsenal launched an offensive.

The insertion of the two full midfielders made the entire formation look very forward, and the offense also reached the bottom line. They failed to complete the final cross, but compared with the first wave of offense, they already created a considerable threat.

Newcastle United then launched an offensive.

Arsenal's retracement speed was very fast. Except for Adebayor who was in front, everyone else retreated to their own half, letting everyone see their determination to defend.

Facing Arsenal's tough defense, Newcastle United failed to find a chance. The attack only hit the center line before being intercepted. Arsenal then launched a quick counterattack. Cesc Fabregas' pass was blocked and Denilson Jr. counterattacked. , passing the ball back to his teammates, which made the tense situation relatively stable. Arsenal's continuous passing in the backcourt also made the rhythm slightly slower.

This is an important point in time.

Most fans and media felt that Arsenal needed a buffer. After stabilizing the rhythm, they would continue to launch the fast break that they are good at. However, Arsenal's offensive speed was not fast, and the transfer and cooperation between players were slower and horizontal. There are several times more passes than forward passes, and there are not many times when midfielders and wingers attack the frontcourt.

When Newcastle United went on the offensive again, they had to face Arsenal's tough defense.

One attack and defense.

Two attacks and defenses.

After more than ten minutes of game time, several offenses and defenses of the two teams and the overall situation became somewhat clear.

Many people were surprised to find, "Arsenal's tactics have changed."


It should be said that the focus of offense and defense has been adjusted.

Arsenal is considered the representative of England's offensive football. When many people think of Arsenal's style, they can think of words such as fast pace and attack. The game on the field is completely different. Arsenal plays a 433 formation, which they seem to have imitated. Mourinho's three-back midfielder tactic, Cesc Fabregas, Denilson Jr. and others have all become "back-midfielders". The two wingers among the three forwards also stay near the center line for a long time, and they will immediately jump in when there is danger. The only one who can retreat and really participate in the offense from the front is center Adebayor.

"Is this a defensive counterattack?"

The fans in the stands only saw Arsenal's formation lying deep. The Newcastle United players on the field felt clearly that every attack they made, no matter where it started, had to face Arsenal's entire defense.

Arsenal's offense was very average. The opening one was the most intense. After that, the rhythm became slower and slower. The offense seemed to be delaying time, constantly making cross passes and not rushing to attack or score goals.

This is a bit out of character.

The current performance of Arsenal on the field gives the impression that they are constantly defending, with most players staying back, and the only player working hard to attack is Adebayor.



Defend again.

The game commentators all pointed out, "Arsenal is a bit abnormal today. Their main focus is on defense. If you just look at the performance on the field, it is hard to believe that it is Arsenal..."

Alan Shearer sarcastically said, "If I didn't know it was Arsenal, I would have thought it would be Fulham or West Ham United?"

The BBC commentator will invite two people, who are supporters of the two teams. In addition to Alan Shearer, the other person is Arsenal star Kurt Robson. Kurt Robson played for Arsenal for six years. During the season, he occasionally speaks out on Arsenal matters.

As a supporting guest for Arsenal, Kurt Robson must speak for Arsenal, "This is the right approach. If the game is played in a normal way, Zhen Shaolong will give Arsenal a headache. For him alone, Defending could bring down Arsenal's defense. Arsenal adopted a surprising approach, and that's how football is. It's important to stick to your style, but it's also important to occasionally deal with opponents in surprising ways."

"Wenger chose the right way to stabilize the backcourt defense and seek to use Adebayor's points to counterattack, which can minimize Zhen Shaolong's role."

Stewart-Robson's analysis is Wenger's idea.

The last game left a deep impression on Wenger. He found that there was nothing he could do against Zhen Shaolong. It was impossible to keep track of such a top player who was unreasonable in scoring goals. Instead of spending a lot of energy, When it comes to one of the opponent's players, simply change the overall strategy and stabilize the defense to counterattack.

Although it may not necessarily keep the goal, it is enough to reduce the opponent's goals.

There is no need to win in the first round, just to reduce the score difference. Even a small loss is beneficial to Arsenal, and the players on the field may take the lead if they perform well.

The outside world also holds a positive attitude towards Arsenal's approach.

Although focusing on defense will make the game ugly, Zhen Shaolong is indeed a huge threat. It is difficult for Arsenal to win using normal strategies, and unexpected effects can often work.


It still depends on the performance of the players on the field.

Zhen Shaolong is still the focus of attention. Cameras are constantly pointing at him. He is the center of attention even when he is not holding the ball.

In the past game time, Zhen Shaolong touched the ball three times. Both times he took the ball in crisis. He was intercepted by the opponent without taking two steps. Once he passed the ball back to his teammates.

Facing the intensive defense near Arsenal's penalty area, it is too difficult to rely on one's own technical strength to find opportunities.

Zhen Shaolong realized this.

When the game went on for fifteen minutes, even if there were no outside personnel to help analyze, the players on the field were aware of the changes in Arsenal's tactics, but the good thing is that Newcastle United will not be suppressed and there will be more offensive opportunities.

Zhen Shaolong dropped back twice in a row to get the ball, and one side found an opportunity on the outside.

Hanging door!

With the extremely powerful "Calibration" auxiliary bonus, Zhen Shaolong's drop goal hit a blind spot, posing a direct threat to the goal. Unfortunately, the shot was still too far away, and the football did not hit the goal. No matter how strong or tricky the angle is, Almunia will save him.

"That does not work!"

After Zhen Shaolong tried it for the second time, he couldn't help but shake his head. He did have a chance to score with his continuous lobs, but the chance was too small. The front of the opponent's penalty area was also blocked very tightly. If the distance was closer, it would be impossible. Find shooting opportunities.

It might be in Arsenal's favour that the game continues.

"never mind!"

"It's better to score first!"

Zhen Shaolong sighed and made a decision, then he called Gremi and said, "Pay attention to my position and pass the high ball!"

"Okay, got it!"

Gremi nodded continuously after hearing this.

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