I Just Can Score

Chapter 660 I seem to have become a victim?

Laporta's remarks in the media emphasized the meaning of 'as soon as possible', as if he was giving orders, urging the 'subordinate' UEFA to do things. It may sound incredible, but in the eyes of most people But no problem.

In terms of European football, wealthy clubs have huge influence. This does not mean that they can really "give orders", but they are enough to have equal dialogue with UEFA and are fully capable of intervening in some affairs.

There are also reasons for this due to institutional characteristics.

UEFA is the Union of European Football Associations. Simply put, it is responsible for managing football throughout Europe. No matter how powerful it is, it is just a private organization. It does not involve any political factors. Influential clubs in Europe can naturally control the football. UEFA's decision-making has an impact, and together they are qualified to 'threaten' UEFA.

The famous European wealthy organization G-14 is an example.

In 1998, Italian media tycoon Berlusconi, taking the lead with his media partner company, proposed the idea of ​​​​organizing the European giants like the American professional league and building a European Super League. At that time, in addition to Berlusconi, there were also Murdoch and media tycoons such as Kirsch.

Later, this "dangerous" idea was quickly killed by UEFA.

However, when the interests of the rules are damaged, UEFA cannot monopolize the power. Just after extinguishing the flames of 'resistance' on one end, there was a fire in the backyard on the other end. Fourteen European giants clubs (Ajax, Ajax, Borussia Dortmund, Barcelona, ​​Bayern Munich, Inter Milan, Juventus, Liverpool, Manchester United, AC Milan, Marseille, Paris Saint-Germain, Porto, PSV, Real Madrid) want to have a unified voice in negotiations with UEFA. To gain a higher voice, a secret meeting was held in Brussels, Belgium.

From this a new organization called "G-14" was born.

The primary goal of establishing this organization at that time was to "squeeze" more profits from participating in the Champions League.

Although G-14 has repeatedly declared to the outside world that it has "never considered establishing a new league", the outside world has more than once associated G-14 with the establishment of the "European Super League", and there are even a lot of expectant voices in the media. Believing that the influence of the leagues composed of European giants has become more extensive, UEFA also changed the Champions League format in 1999 in order to meet the requirements of the G-14 (the group stage before the quarter-finals was changed from one round to two rounds, and Expanding the participating teams to 32 teams).

Afterwards, G-14 took some actions one after another, such as expanding the team to 18 teams, registering the trademark of a real international football organization, etc.

These actions have also made UEFA more nervous.

After UEFA President Platini took office, the first priority was to solve the G-14 issue to solve the existential threat to UEFA's funding sources and influence in Europe, because the Champions League is the lifeblood of UEFA. ', after losing the Champions League, UEFA's income will be greatly reduced, and it will also lose its authority over the football associations of various countries.

In early 2008, the G-14, a federation of European giants clubs, signed an unprecedented new agreement with UEFA and FIFA that required players recruited by the national team to pay compensation to the clubs, with a total compensation of US$252 million.

This is a compromise from UEFA.

The condition put forward by UEFA is that the G-14 must be disbanded.

This incident can illustrate how influential a wealthy club is. Barcelona is one of the most influential clubs in the world. Club president Joan Laporta proposed to 'modify the rules' and 'restrict similar unfair practices', which is not just Talking verbally will also directly put pressure on UEFA.

Barcelona's appeal was strong, and flag wavers soon appeared, the most influential of which was Manchester United.

Manchester United should not be included in the "flag-waving" ranks. They are Barcelona's opponents in the Champions League semi-finals. They have the same idea as Barcelona. They all think that if they can reach the Champions League final and encounter Zhen Shaolong who scored an "unreasonable" goal, There is simply no way to make restrictions.

Manchester United chairman Glazer stood up and said something similar to Laporta.

However, regarding the issue of Zhen Shaolong's "overhead charge", the wealthy clubs are not as united as the G-14 in the past. Barcelona's mortal enemy Real Madrid also stood up. They believe that UEFA should not modify the rules for a player.

"That's not normal."

"If others can do it, there can be so many. Obviously, Zhen Shaolong is the only one who can do it so far. Is it a problem that his skills are too good? This is a joke!"

"Everyone knows what Barcelona is thinking. They are afraid of losing in the final, but they may not be able to enter the final yet..."

Manchester United's arch-enemy Manchester City also stood up and expressed foul play, while also expressing their absolute support for Zhen Shaolong.

Needless to say Newcastle United.

Regarding Zhen Shaolong's personal skills of "heading the ball", a large number of clubs came forward, and a large number of celebrities and officials came forward, each expressing their own opinions, which made the media even more heated for a while.

After the first leg of the Champions League semi-finals, relevant news could easily be found on the news for three consecutive days, as if the focus of football all over the world was on Zhen Shaolong.

Zhen Shaolong...

He even felt a little strange.

"Heading the ball, isn't it fair?" Zhen Shaolong just felt that the guys who participated in the discussion in the media seemed to be a little abnormal. He never thought this was a good technique, mainly because it was too impractical.

The medium effect of "Skills" is to trigger the 'sticky' state, allowing the football to stop in its original position, but the effect will be forcibly interrupted by external force, and the duration is not long. It only takes a pitiful two seconds after the effect is triggered.

In ordinary competitions, the active effect of "Skills" is almost never used. At most, it can only make a small breakthrough, and it cannot be seen through by the opponent immediately, otherwise the interference of 'external forces' will interrupt the 'sticking'. force' effect.

Of course, there are special circumstances.

For example, in the last game against Arsenal, due to the temporary mission status, the duration of "Skills"'s 'stickiness' was greatly increased. He was able to push the ball into the goal, but it could also be restricted. Damn, even if the skill is used, as long as the opponent touches the ball, or runs so that he cannot maintain balance, etc., as long as there are external factors, the effect cannot be sustained. Of course, the premise is that the opponent finds how to defend. , obviously Arsenal didn’t know what to do.

In any case, the premise is still a temporary mission status, which greatly increases the duration of "Skills" so that he can send the ball all the way to the goal. Otherwise, two seconds is really not enough.

This is a tasteless effect.


The media actually got into a quarrel because of this?

If UEFA really issued relevant rules to prohibit him from using similar abilities, he would feel a little unhappy, but in reality there would be almost no impact and it would not affect his performance at all.

"Anyway... I seem to have become a victim?"

Zhen Shaolong felt this way.

This matter didn't take him too seriously, but others didn't seem to think so. His teammates in the club took good care of him. During lunch, Irving even took the initiative to help him carry the plate, while comforting him, "It's okay. Zhen, don’t be sad, I believe you will not be restricted.”

Other teammates also ran over to comfort him.

The most sincere among them was Owen, who promised to give Zhen Shaolong a valuable paparazzi as a pet.

Zhen Shaolong is also taken care of at home.

Although he is the master and boss of the family, he does not enjoy some care, such as special yoga movements, special sleeping positions, etc. In the past two days, he has enjoyed these cares.

In addition, fans are indispensable.

A large group of fans gathered just to support him. Some female fans were still outside the club, neatly shouting slogans to cheer him on. Many female fans also shouted, "willing to help him out of the predicament in any way."

at the same time.

Various remarks of sympathy and support also appeared in the media, and they also continued to praise Zhen Shaolong.

Many reports illustrate some basketball examples.

Many basketball stars will force the American NBA to modify and add game rules because of their "unreasonable" skills, such as Barkley, George McCann, Chamberlain, Bird, O'Neal, etc.

The most famous among them are George McCann and O'Neal. It's not that they are more famous, but that the rules they forced to change are familiar to most fans.

George McCann is an old man from a long time ago. He can be regarded as one of the first NBA centers. He has excellent body movement speed. For him, the league expanded the three-second zone from 6 feet to 12 feet, which was directly doubled.

O'Neal's physical and weight advantage is really great. The opponent's defense basically has little effect. He can be said to be invincible in the paint. In order to balance the strength, the league established the famous three-second violation.


Football and basketball are different.

The difference is not only in the rules and gameplay of the game, but also in the number of players participating. As a result, a single player has little impact on the balance of the game. Even the top star, it is difficult for one person to lead a team to win. The most I can say is that It affects the outcome.

There has never been a single player in history who forced the Football Association to modify the rules of the game with his personal technical strength.

It may appear now.

"From this perspective, as long as UEFA determines to impose restrictions, Zhen Shaolong's name will be recorded in the history of football, and he will become a different player. Forcing the Football Association to change the rules personally is greater than winning a personal award. There are so many!”


Zhen Shaolong looked at the contents of the report and hoped that UEFA would 'restrict' him. It was not a real restriction anyway. It seemed good to be the first person to 'force the rules to be changed' in the century-old history of football?

By the time……

He will become a different player!

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