I Just Can Score

Chapter 685 Zhen Shaolong: Will the trophy base be replaced by my name?

Before the Champions League awards ceremony even started, the Internet started to hype Zhen Shaolong's transfer.

The media is the best at grabbing the spotlight.

According to the live TV footage, many media said with certainty, "Zhen Shaolong is about to join Barcelona!"

They even found evidence.

For example, Laporta and Ashley shook hands with a smiley face on the podium, but in fact it was just a polite handshake.

For example, in the exchange between Zhen Shaolong and Messi, Messi actually smiled awkwardly, but Zhen Shaolong smiled more kindly.

For another example, Barcelona said a week ago that "there will be big moves", but in fact, they have negotiated the transfer of Ibramovich, and at the same time, they also kicked out the 'unruly' Eto'o. Inter Milan.


These things that are difficult to associate with Zhen Shaolong's transfer have turned into conclusive evidence in the media's mouth. Looking at the media's analysis and reports, it seems that Zhen Shaolong will definitely join Barcelona.

For the time being, no one has had time to clarify.

Newcastle United don't know the news from the outside world. They are immersed in the joy of winning the championship.

The players had a scene in the locker room.

When Zhen Shaolong walked into the locker room, he saw Barton and Graeme all wet. Barton was a little better and still had his shorts on, but he felt very embarrassed. The miserable Graeme was stripped down to only his pants. Trousers, he looked pitiful, making the teammates next to him laugh.

"Isn't this bullying..."

Zhen Shaolong sighed for Barton and Gremi, walked over and picked up the mineral water bottle on the ground, unscrewed the cap and poured it on Barton's head.

Barton was made to doubt his life. He glanced at Zhen Shaolong and ignored him. He shouted angrily at the people around him, "Oh no, I will remember you!"

A group of people laughed.

The origin of this matter is Patton.

Barton was very wary of Gremi and had already booked titles such as 'Best Team in the Premier League', 'Best Midfielder in the Champions League', 'Best Assists in the Premier League', 'Best Assists in the Champions League', etc., but in the end, a Gremi was chosen.

The number of assists is almost catching up with him.

This is intolerable!

Button felt a huge pressure. The season was over and he had no chance to compete. So he took advantage of the opportunity, together with Irving and Smith, to perform the magic trick on Gremi, and the effect was very good.

Barton forgot that he was also the one who was envied by everyone.

Then after Smith, Owen, Milner and others bullied Gremi, they also bullied him. Although he had a loud voice, powerful fists, and kept shouting that he should choose to be a boxer, his two fists were against him. But with a large fist, he was unlucky along with it.

Zhen Shaolong didn't care how unlucky Barton and Gremy were, he quickly took out his mobile phone and took a few photos of the two of them, and kept saying, "I'll keep it as a souvenir, keep it as a souvenir, hahaha... "

Barton looked over with a sad look on his face, "Boss~~"

"Don't worry!" Zhen Shaolong said sincerely, "I just keep it as a souvenir and will not send it out."


The door was pushed open.

Kevin Keegan pushed the door open and walked in. Seeing the chaotic scene inside, he closed the door immediately. Inside, he could see several figures outside. Keegan turned to look at Button and Gremmy, holding back. He smiled and said, "What are you doing? You are making too much noise! ​​Hurry up and pay attention to your image. Today is our moment to win the championship."

Then he whispered, "There are reporters outside, hurry up, pack your clothes!"

Barton and Gremy were no longer in the mood to complain, and immediately rushed into the bathroom to clean themselves, and then quickly tidied up their appearance.

Others also quickly sorted it out.

After everyone was almost done, the door was opened, and the players also pretended to celebrate. The reporters outside hurriedly took pictures, and then everyone filed out and rushed to the court, standing there quietly waiting for the award ceremony. .

By the time everyone arrived at the stadium, the runner-up award ceremony had already begun.

With depressed expressions on their faces, Barcelona walked up to the rostrum to receive their medals. They only gave reporters a moment to take photos and left quickly without any celebration.

runner up?

Barcelona can’t stand it!

Although the runner-up result in the Champions League is quite good, reaching the final will definitely be the runner-up. Failure to win the championship is equivalent to failure. Many players even cried and had no intention of celebrating at all.

They are not willing to give in!

Barcelona was unwilling to give in from top to bottom. They were only one step away from the 'Triple Crown', but they still fell at the feet of Newcastle United. When many players left, they looked at Zhen Shaolong standing in the audience. They thought it was Lost to Zhen Shaolong.

Zhen Shaolong scored four goals!

Four goals scored in a Champions League final...any other team would lose!

no way!

Many players also feel the huge gap, and some players may also feel sad, such as Eto'o.

Eto'o is leaving.

Barcelona and Inter Milan quickly reached an agreement. Ibramovich transferred to Barcelona, ​​and Eto'o joined Inter Milan for a low price of 20 million euros. Originally, Eto'o's worth was very high, but because he only had one year with Barcelona It is difficult to sell a contract at a high price, so it can only be used as a free transfer.

Eto'o doesn't want to leave like this, but what can he do?

Last year, Guardiola coached Barcelona and asked several players to leave by name, including him. Eto'o also knew the reason: his status in the locker room was too high and he was somewhat disobedient, which meant Guardiola couldn't control him.

no way……

He was able to stay in Barcelona for one more season because Messi said he 'wanted to cooperate with Eto'o'.

It definitely won’t work now.

Even if he performs well during the season, one is that he is a bit old, and the other is that Guardiola does not want him, so he has no choice but to leave. Being Ibramovich's backup is very depressing, but Inter Milan is indeed a good choice.

Now the Champions League final is over.

Barcelona did not win the championship, and Eto'o was about to leave. His last game with the club ended in failure. He left in an atmosphere of failure for the whole team, and Eto'o also felt a sense of sadness.

the other side.

The atmosphere at Newcastle United is different.

After Barcelona left, it was the championship award ceremony. The Newcastle United team lined up in a neat row and walked to the podium to receive medals and trophies.

Saint-Bride's Cup.

Because it has two huge handles, this trophy is also called the 'Big Ears Cup'. It is the highest honor of the Champions League club. Every team that can win the trophy will have its name engraved on the base of the trophy.


The trophy will not belong solely to Newcastle United.

According to the champions of the Champions League, only clubs that have won five Champions League trophies, or three consecutive trophies, are eligible to take away a Saint-Bride Cup.

Newcastle United did not perform at all. They had just won the championship for the first time, but it is a great honor to have their name engraved on the base of the trophy and to return to the club to celebrate with this trophy.

For individual players, medals are more important honors.

Newcastle United lined up to receive the medal representing the championship. Zhen Shaolong was pushed to the first place, even further ahead than captain Smith. UEFA President Platini stood at the end of the podium, which happened to be to present the award to Zhen Shaolong. .

Platini personally brought the medal to Zhen Shaolong. He smiled and said, "Young man, you dominated the game. I think all the trophies should be awarded to you."

This is a joke.

Zhen Shaolong shrugged and said, "I think so too, how about Mr. Platini, let's discuss it?"


"I heard that the winning club can have its name engraved on the base of the trophy? Can you change it to my name?"


Platini's mind was a little confused for a moment. He found that he didn't know what to say. He took a long time to react before replying with a smile, "Then you have to discuss it with your club."

"What if the club agrees?"


Platini found that his brain couldn't keep up with the routine. He smiled awkwardly and simply responded, "You are so funny! Young man."


Then there is nothing left to say.

Zhen Shaolong found that he didn't like Platini at all. Not only was this guy extremely ugly, but he also didn't understand humor at all. The main reason was that he didn't consider engraving his name on the trophy at all.


This is boring!

Platini felt pretty good. He thought about it carefully and found that the other party was just joking with him, but his mind turned a little slower. He couldn't help but sigh and thought suspiciously, "Am I getting old?" Don’t you think like young people anymore?”

"But...I'm only fifty-four years old!"

After all the members received their medals, it was time to receive the championship trophy. The audience gradually became excited, waiting for the exciting moment.

"This is the most important moment!"

"Newcastle United's first championship trophy in the club's history, they are the latest champion team to join the Champions League."

"Now is their most successful moment!"

"In the past two seasons, Newcastle United has been the most successful team in the Premier League. They have won consecutive Premier League championships, including the current championship this season. They have become another 'triple crown' in English football after Manchester United in 1999. '!"

"This is a great moment!"

With the exciting shouts of the commentator, the atmosphere in the auditorium also boiled. Every Newcastle fan was very excited, and some even shed tears of excitement. They did not expect to see Newcastle United win the Champions League in their lifetime.

That is an honor that the club has not received in a hundred years!

On the rostrum.

Zhen Shaolong was pushed out to receive the trophy on behalf of the club. He stepped in front of the trophy with a very dull expression, but when he grabbed the 'ears' on both sides of the trophy with both hands, he still felt the excitement welling up in his heart.

very excited.

very excited.

Even if Zhen Shaolong was mentally prepared to receive the award, he still had the highest honor in the club competition before him.

Champions League champion!

"Now I also have a Champions League championship!" Zhen Shaolong shouted excitedly, lifting the trophy into the air with a push of his hands.


The whole place was excited!

Everyone is shouting desperately, "Champion! Champions League champion! We are the champion! Newcastle United is the champion!"

There was a chorus of shouts.

Players and fans were in a carnival together!

Infected by the extremely exciting atmosphere, the players also made a fuss on the podium. First, Patton wanted to take off Irving's pants in retaliation. Then Irving took countermeasures, and others quickly joined in.

Zhen Shaolong handed the trophy to Keegan. Seeing his teammates in a mess, he felt that he should add fuel to the fire. He went over to help Barton pull off Irving's jersey, threw it into the stands behind him, and shouted, "Send it here." For you guys!"

The fans immediately scrambled excitedly.

Next, Zhen Shaolong helped Gremi take off Milner's jersey and threw it into the stands, "Here it is for you!"

Then there's Smith's jersey.

Irving's shorts.

Button's jersey.

Duff’s jersey…

When the chaos ended under Keegan's mediation, no one knew how many clothes had been thrown to the stands. Every Newcastle United player was naked, and almost no one was intact.

Except Zhen Shaolong...

The worst one was Owen. After he realized something was wrong, he grabbed his pants that were halfway pulled and rushed into the passage...


PS: Double the event, please vote for the next month.

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