I Just Can Score

Chapter 696 Zhen Shaolong makes the Chinese team different

The players of the Chinese national team all have a certain degree of arrogance.

No matter how bad the Chinese team's performance is, how bad it is, whether it can't win even a single game, and is under pressure from the media, fans and the Football Association, being selected for the national team is definitely top-notch.

This kind of arrogance disappeared in front of Zhen Shaolong.

The reason is simple - there is no comparison.

When they heard that Zhen Shaolong was going to join the national team and participate in the warm-up match against South Korea with the team, the players in the team would also discuss with each other, and their topics would all revolve around the most popular international football news recently -

"Zhen Shaolong went to Real Madrid, and the total transfer fee is said to be more than 260 million euros!"

"No! Two hundred and twenty million, that's still euros, plus Real Madrid's three stars. Converted to RMB, it's three billion?"

"It won't reach 3 billion, but it will definitely exceed 2.5 billion!"

"Didn't you see the new contract that was announced? The annual salary is 23 million euros, after tax! He earns 70,000 to 80,000 euros a day, which is almost as much as my annual salary."

"Whenever I can have half...no, one-tenth of his income, or even one-twentieth, I will be satisfied."

"One-twentieth is more than a million euros, are you dreaming!"

"Unless you also go to Europe to play football in the Chinese Super League, it's impossible..."

The players of the national team can only talk about Zhen Shaolong's worth and income. They don't even feel jealous in their hearts. Some people will be jealous of people whose income is twice as high or twice as high, but who would be jealous of Bill - Gates?

The two are not on the same level at all.

This is how Zhen Shaolong feels to the national team players now. His worth is too high. His transfer to Real Madrid also created the highest transfer record in world football. The transfer record of domestic players, except for Zhen Shaolong himself, is the highest. The only difference between Sun Jihai's transfer to Manchester City was 2.45 million pounds, and the transfer record set by Zhen Shaolong's transfer to Real Madrid. The gap was almost a hundred times.

The same goes for salaries.

The domestic league is currently very popular and seems to be developing continuously, but the salaries of Chinese Super League players are not high.

In the entire Chinese Super League, there are no more than 30 players who can truly receive an annual income of more than 2 million yuan. Only a handful of first-line international players have such treatment.

Generally, the annual income of the main players is between 600,000 yuan and 1.5 million yuan. They are the main income group of the league, and more than 60% of the players in the Chinese Super League have incomes of less than 200,000 yuan.

The international players of the Chinese national team are definitely the top stars in the Chinese Super League. Most of them have an annual salary of more than one million yuan. There are also new players among them, such as Mao Biao who plays for Tianjin Taida. He is not yet 22 years old and is older than Zhen Shaolong. To be smaller, his annual salary is even less than 500,000 yuan.

Even if the annual salary of all international players is calculated as an average of 3 million yuan, it is nothing at all.

Zhen Shaolong's annual after-tax salary is 23 million euros. His annual contract salary easily exceeds that of a hundred international players. The combined salary of everyone on the training field is only a fraction of Zhen Shaolong's annual contract salary.

So, how to compare?

When they saw Zhen Shaolong walking into the stadium, the players on the field couldn't even raise their jealousy. Most of them just watched from a distance. Those who didn't know him didn't want to show their 'closeness', which gave the impression that they were getting close to each other. However, the acquaintance was very warm. Li Weifeng and Zheng Zhi both took the initiative to greet him and had a good chat with Zhen Shaolong.

They also care about specific issues.

For example, transfer.

"Zhen, that's more than 200 million euros! I couldn't believe it when I read the reports, that I would know such a star!" Zheng Zhi said jokingly with a sigh.

Li Weifeng also followed, "Yes, the annual salary after tax is more than 200 million, and I will have to play for a hundred years to earn enough."

The sour taste in the words between the two could be smelled from a distance.

They were just kidding.

Zhen Shaolong also smiled, "Not high, not high! Nothing, nothing." These were not modest words, and he couldn't say hypocritical words. They were real personal thoughts. He felt that the salary was still a little less. For example, if he could have a An annual salary of 100 million euros would be fine.

Of course, 200 million is also fine.

It's best to get 300 or 400 million, but one billion is acceptable. One billion is not too much. After all, there is still a gap between you and the top rich.

Zhen Shaolong's words were in line with the 'modest' speaking habit, but Zheng Zhi and Li Weifeng realized something was wrong when they thought about it carefully.

Why is this so modest?

There is no other football player in the world whose salary is higher than yours. How can you make other football players live by saying "not high" or "not high"?

Everyone who knew Zhen Shaolong in the venue came over to say a few words.

There are quite a few.

Zhen Shaolong glanced at the stadium and felt that there were few people he knew. In fact, seven of the players on the field were his teammates in the Olympic team. After Duisevic coached the national football team, he would naturally promote the young people of the Olympic champion team. This approach has also been recognized by the outside world. After all, young people are the future. Even if their abilities and experience are slightly lower, they will definitely be fine after two or three years of experience.

In addition, young players have relatively few bad habits, and their performance in the national team will not necessarily be poor.

These young players have all won multiple championships in the Capital Olympics and have the experience of winning championships with the team. It can be said that they have experienced extremely challenging training and their future prospects are generally optimistic.

After Zhen Shaolong entered the training ground, he exchanged greetings with people he knew well. Duisevich also organized everyone to gather together to conduct an introduction ceremony for Zhen Shaolong.

Zhen Shaolong stood in front of everyone and spoke.

He was very relaxed and said with a smile, "I am Zhen Shaolong, I believe everyone knows me. Don't listen to the messy news outside. I hope that friends around me will treat me as an ordinary person and an ordinary player."

"I'm a new member in this team. Some of you know me, some are familiar with me, and there are also many who don't, but it doesn't matter. We will definitely get to know each other as we spend more time together in the future."

"That's all I have to say, thank you!"

After Zhen Shaolong finished speaking, everyone immediately applauded.

The next step is normal training. Due to the time limit of domestic competitions, the national team only has two days to train together. Others have just entered the state. The coaching staff only added some simple tactical training, and most of the others still resume training to keep the players in shape. In good condition, just waiting for the game.

Zhen Shaolong is not in a hurry to train.

In fact, his original plan was to arrive at the training base two days later and two days in advance. The purpose was to use training as a cover and have a quiet rest for two days. The environment of the national team's training base was not bad, and he and the coaching staff I said I would rest for two days to recover mentally and physically before training together.

Although it was said that he had two days of rest, because he was at the training base, Zhen Shaolong still followed the morning training. He did not do anything special. He would basically participate in the morning training and only take a normal rest in the afternoon, wandering around the base. visit.

Although Zhen Shaolong's training was very laid-back, he was still taken very seriously.

Whenever Zhen Shaolong trains, he is accompanied by assistant coaches and staff. The staff assists in training and is responsible for setting up the ball and other tasks. The assistant coach is basically the second-in-command Gao Hongbo. When Gao Hongbo was a professional player, he was an excellent forward. As a player, he was very interested in how outstanding Zhen Shaolong was. While observing and recording specific training situations, he hoped to analyze something during the training.

Zhen Shaolong felt that Gao Hongbo was doing something unnecessary. What was there to record in training?

Not only Gao Hongbo in the team will observe Zhen Shaolong's training, but some players will also pay close attention to it.

Most of the players who paid attention only watched from a distance and knew what kind of training Zhen Shaolong did. Some players simply came over to train together, cooperated with Zhen Shaolong in passing and receiving, and would also temporarily act as goalkeepers, or simply serve as human walls or wooden posts. , to help Zhen Shaolong train for free kicks.

The most enthusiastic one is Jiang Ning.

Jiang Ning is Zhen Shaolong's teammate in the Olympic team and is also a forward player. He currently plays for the Chinese Super League Shangneng team. He performed very well last season and scored nine goals in the league. He is not too old, only one year older than Zhen Shaolong. age.

Jiang Ning hopes to improve himself. Whenever he has time, he will hang out with Zhen Shaolong to see what kind of training he does, and will also take the initiative to ask questions about his experience and skills.

"I can definitely learn something from Zhen Shaolong." Jiang Ning thought so, but after two days, he learned nothing.

Zhen Shaolong's training was very ordinary.

During his personal training time, he would practice more shooting and passing. Most of the time he would just get a feel for it. Sometimes he would also do some simple fitness at noon or afternoon. The only difference from others was that he slept Will do yoga exercise before.

It is very rare for professional football players to do yoga training.

Jiang Ning discovered this.

"This may be the difference between Zhen Shaolong and others. Yoga may be helpful for improvement." Jiang Ning also started doing yoga exercises.

When something is discovered, it spreads quickly.

When Zhen Shaolong officially trained with the team, the whole team knew that Zhen Shaolong would do yoga training. Many people also learned yoga in private and did some exercise before going to bed, but few could persist.

Yoga is a good relaxing exercise, but the process is a bit boring. Many professional players are not flexible. The stronger and wider the body, the less flexible they are. Many movements are simply impossible for them. of.

Zhen Shaolong is different.

Because he has been doing yoga exercises and the improvement of his agility index, his body is very flexible. Except for some difficult movements, ordinary movements are not a problem and he can persist for a long time.

When different points were noticed, a piece of news spread unknowingly, "Zhen Shaolongzi's good technique and performance have a lot to do with her insistence on yoga exercises."

The basis for this statement can be analyzed.

Yoga obviously exercises the flexibility of the body and is very helpful for stretching the muscles and bones. Football skills also require flexibility. A flexible body can definitely display better skills. It can also be connected with other aspects, such as accurate shooting and a flexible body. In the future, maybe the control ability will become stronger and the shooting will become more accurate.

Many people discussed it privately, including the coaching staff. Gao Hongbo talked about this issue with Duisevich, "Mr. Duy, do you know what happened recently? Is yoga really so useful?"

Duisevic was not sure either. He nodded hesitantly, "A player like Zhen is already at the pinnacle of professional football. Every training he does will be related to football. He can insist on doing yoga exercises." , maybe it means that yoga is helpful. But I have not done any research on yoga, and I am not sure what the specific effect is."

Gao Hongbo listened and wrote it down in his notebook, and also made specific suggestions, "I think we can organize everyone to do yoga exercises before going to bed. I heard from Jiang Ning that Zhen will do at least half an hour of exercise. We can let everyone do it for half an hour." For an hour, try the effect.”

"Start now?"

"It's OK tomorrow night. There are still two days before the game against the Korean team. We will do it for two nights in a row so that everyone can really experience it."

"All right."

Duisevich thought about it hesitantly and decided that there was no harm in doing yoga. If he could stretch his muscles before going to bed, he might be able to rest better.

The next two days were really miserable for the players.

Many of them imitate Zhen Shaolong's yoga exercises, but imitation is imitation, just like learning to do something. Without anyone's supervision, just trying it on your own is like playing and relaxing.

It’s different when the whole team gathers and does it together.

It felt like military training. They had to gather before going to bed at night and exercise together for more than half an hour. Some movements were still impossible to do, and the process would make their whole bodies uncomfortable. They couldn't help but treat Zhen Shaolong even more. admire--

"How do you persist in doing this kind of exercise!"

"Yoga...it's better to train for half an hour more. These movements are too difficult and it's not easy to persevere!"

"No wonder Zhen Shaolong became a big star!"

"But... as long as you persevere, will your skills and performance improve? Maybe... that's not bad!"

Zhen Shaolong looked at the sad new teammates and couldn't help but recall his experience when he first learned yoga.

That's a serious female coach.

He would supervise his exercises every time, correct every move he made with his own hands, and even go into battle himself to physically torture him.


"That was a really painful experience..."

Zhen Shaolong looked at a group of new teammates whose movements were corrected by the assistant coach, and felt that his memories were really good, but...does yoga exercise really help in playing football? He doesn't even know.

He does yoga just to increase his sensitivity index.

That's all.

Time passed quickly.

Zhen Shaolong stayed at the training base for four full days. After lunch on the fifth day, the whole team took a bus to the city and checked into a nearby hotel. Then they went to the Workers' Stadium for training.

They will train at the Workers' Stadium for one day, and the next afternoon, they will have a match against the South Korean team.

This game attracted a lot of attention.

One is that China's matches against South Korea are always full of excitement. The only thing is that the Chinese team always loses. Chinese fans don't have much confidence, but Chinese fans are the cutest group of people. Even if the Chinese team often loses, it often makes them feel disappointed. I will still support you when I support you, and the ratings for national team games have always been very high.

Second, and most importantly, Zhen Shaolong will appear.

This will be the first game that Zhen Shaolong will officially enter the national team and participate in. Because Zhen Shaolong will participate in the competition, many fans have confidence in the game. Many fans even feel that "the Chinese team has a higher winning rate than South Korea because China We have Zhen Shaolong on the team!"

There is a saying that is often said in football matches, "Football is a sport for eleven people." But in fact, when a player's ability level reaches a certain level, it can directly affect the result of the game. A top star can improve an ordinary team. is terrible.

Not just strength, but also fighting spirit.

The most typical one is the Ukrainian national team. With Shevchenko, Ukraine can be said to be a strong team. They even reached the top 16 of the World Cup.

Zhen Shaolong is more famous than Shevchenko and is recognized as the number one star in the world.

Many domestic media have said, "Zhen Shaolong will bring the national football team to a higher level!"

"The national team with Zhen Shaolong is fully capable of competing in the World Cup!"

"The Chinese team's performance in the past was very poor, but from now on, the Chinese team has the world's number one star. No team can underestimate the Chinese team!"

"Zhen Shaolong will make the national football team different!"

"In this game against the South Korean team, we can see that Zhen Shaolong's dominance on the court makes it impossible for the South Korean team to guard against him. Now it is the South Korean team that has a headache."

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