I Just Can Score

Chapter 700 Chinese Commentator: This is the strength gap!

"It's in! It's in! It's in..."

"1-0! 1-0! Zhen Shaolong's goal, a very sudden goal. Korean team central defender Lee Jung-soo! He seemed to want to make a breakthrough, but the breakthrough failed. Zhen Shaolong accurately grabbed the ball and rushed into the penalty area. Completed the single sword!"

"Zhen Shaolong came to the goal and faced Li Yunzai. He was very decisive and made a wonderful shot!"

"The ball is scored! The Chinese team takes the lead!"

"This opportunity came very suddenly. Li Zhengxiu was negligent. He probably didn't realize that it was dangerous to break through Zhen Shaolong. This was playing with fire! And he didn't play it well and the ball was snatched away. For Zhen Shaolong, this kind of opportunity Don’t think too much, you can definitely score the ball!”

"Now Zhen Shaolong is probably thinking that it would be great if the Korean team only had players like Li Zhengxiu, and the goals would automatically come to the goal..."

Amidst the ridicule of the game commentator, the TV camera pointed at Zhen Shaolong.

After Zhen Shaolong scored, he did not celebrate excitedly. He just waved his arms interactively with the audience and fans. Then he smiled and said something to his teammates who came over. He also hugged Hao Lin and then waved to his teammates. He started and slowly walked towards his own half. His expression looked very calm, but you could still see the unexpected look after scoring.

Many people were surprised by the goal.

It is normal to score a goal. Unexpectedly, the process of scoring the goal was actually a mistake by the opponent's defender, as if the ball was given to Zhen Shaolong to score.

Zhen Shaolong was surprised.

The Chinese team was surprised.

Fans were surprised.

The Korean team was also surprised.

After the goal actually happened, Li Zhengxiu became another focus of attention off the court. He successfully attracted the attention of the audience, but he himself was very embarrassed and kept looking at his teammates apologetically.

Park Ji-sung is a very low-key player in the Korean team.

He is the star of the Korean team.

In the entire South Korean team, Park Ji-sung doesn't speak much on weekdays, and he doesn't give instructions on the court. His position as a winger is not very conspicuous. There are teammates who perform well and poor performances. Generally speaking, it has nothing to do with Park Ji-sung. He usually Just do your job well,

Ignore everything else at all.

This time it's different.

While Park Ji-sung was running back, he couldn't help but shout when he saw Li Zhengxiu, "Be careful! Zhengxiu! Don't try to break through Zhen Shaolong."

"That's dangerous!"

Park Ji-sung's tone was a bit scolding.

He was really angry.

In the entire Korean team, he knows Zhen Shaolong best, and he has met Zhen Shaolong several times in games. The other Korean team players have no experience. Before the game, the head coach Xu Dingmao even asked him for his opinion. Park Ji-sung’s opinion That is, "We must defend well and not give him (Zhen Shaolong) any chance!"

Good now!

Li Zhengxiu blatantly 'gave' the ball to the opponent, allowing the opponent to easily take a one-shot shot.

What's the difference between this and an own goal?

Li Zhengxiu felt better after hearing Park Ji-sung's scolding, otherwise no one would pay attention to him and look at him with strange eyes, which made him feel a little embarrassed.

Li Zhengxiu nodded quickly, "Sorry, Park Ji-sung senior! Sorry! I'm very sorry! I originally thought..."

"Don't make excuses, be careful!" Park Ji-sung shook his head and interrupted.

"I see!"

Other Korean team players were also very dissatisfied with Lee Jung-soo. They had a good start, gaining more possession of the ball and more offensive opportunities. It was exactly the same as the plan before the game. They just wanted to use more Opportunities and scoring more goals can defeat the Chinese team and win.

it's good now.

The Chinese team scored a goal.

In a football match, a goal is too precious. Maybe this goal is enough to decide the outcome. The Korean commentator couldn't help but said, "Lee Jung-soo probably wanted to show off his skills, but he is just a defender, and he chose the wrong target." . Zhen Shaolong is not good at defense, but as the world's top star, as long as he finds an opportunity, he will be fatal. Our players still have to be more cautious on the court..."


This goal still has a lot of meaning.

The media outside the field gave the goal a lot of meaning. For example, it was Zhen Shaolong's first goal after joining the national team.

Because it was Zhen Shaolong’s goal, some media even said, “It is the beginning of the Chinese team’s re-emergence.”

The fans in the surrounding stands were also very excited.

Zhen Shaolong entered the national team's first game and scored a goal not long after the start. No matter how the goal happened, it was a very good sign. The Chinese team's lead over South Korea was also worthy of celebration. They shouted wantonly in the stands.

But no matter how significant the goal is, it is actually just a goal.

Zhen Shaolong didn't care at all.

While many people outside the court were still talking enthusiastically about the goal, the game inside the court quickly restarted. The South Korean team took advantage of the kick-off opportunity and launched a continuous attack on the Chinese team for nearly two minutes in the half. During their attack His luck was also good. Both clearance balls happened to fall to his feet, so he continued to control the ball and restarted the offensive.

However, the Korean team failed to get a chance.

After Duisevic officially took over the Chinese team, his most focused work was on the transformation of the defense, because he knew that the Chinese team had Zhen Shaolong at the front, and there would be no problem scoring goals in competitions. As long as he could defend well and score goals, With the ball and defense, you can achieve good results.

Duisevic’s basic requirement for every midfielder and backfield player is to “pay attention to defense and retreat at all times,” which means, “Whether you are a midfielder or a defender, you don’t have to run forward, but you must Go back to the back."

Duisevich's words are still useful.

Because you have the power.

In fact, most of the coaching rights of the Chinese national team are restricted, but Duisevic is an exception. After leading the team to win the Olympic championship, Duisevic gained huge prestige. He has the media and fans behind him. Support, because of the success of the Olympic team in winning the championship, some top officials even paid attention to football.

Perhaps Zhen Shaolong's support is also important.

Zhen Shaolong did not openly support Duisevic, but Zhen Shaolong was a member of the Olympic team and had always had a good relationship with Duisevic. The outside world naturally felt that Zhen Shaolong supported Duisevic, and Duisevic was handsome. The position will be more stable.

Under such circumstances, Duisevich can be said to have kept his promise.

No one in the team dared to refute what he said. Everyone must do what he said, otherwise they would have to pack up and leave. No one wants to leave the current national team, because after the Chinese Olympic team won the Olympic championship, the outside world The reputation of the national football team has improved a lot, even if it occasionally produces poor results, the media and fans still have expectations for the future of the national football team, because they can look forward to Zhen Shaolong's return.

When outside public opinion improves, it is an honor to enter the national team.

If you are excluded from the 'promising' national team, it is completely equivalent to destroying your future. Therefore, the national team is still very positive. Every player hopes to perform well when he goes on the court, not to mention giving a thousand percent. It's hard work, but doing what the head coach said is still uncompromising.

So the Chinese team's defense on the field was pretty good.

The Korean team's offensive was very fierce, but it was very difficult to find opportunities in the frontcourt. The Chinese team's midfield ability was still a little worse, but the counterattack was also impressive. Zhen Shaolong stood at the front, making every Korean team player feel like they were there. Enemy.

The South Korean team was very cautious in defending Zhen Shaolong and did not let Zhen Shaolong get the ball for a while.

The situation on the field reminded the Korean commentator of Lee Jung-soo again, "If it weren't for Lee Jung-soo's mistake, the score would still be 0-0, and the Korean team would have the advantage. Judging from the game just now, South Korea The team's defense against Zhen Shaolong was also very successful..."

The next meaning is almost, "If it hadn't been for the goal just now, the South Korean team would now have a huge advantage and it is very likely to defeat the Chinese team and win."

This also made Korean fans complain about Lee Jung Soo.

If Zhen Shaolong knew the reaction of Korean commentators and Korean fans, he would definitely complain about Li Zhengxiu.

Just a goal.

What kind of?

The game has just begun, okay? You will know soon that conceding one more goal is nothing at all!

Zhen Shaolong also started to exert his strength.

The previous two waves of the Chinese team's offensive were not able to pass too far forward, but the wave of offensive three minutes later was good. The football was brought to the bottom line by Yu Hanchao. After cooperating with Yang Hao, Yu Hanchao found Zhen Shaolong raising his hand, and he Pass the ball right away.

"Look at this ball!"

"Zhen Shaolong controlled the ball on the wing."

Zhen Shaolong ran to the side to meet the ball and successfully stopped the ball. Behind him were Zhao Yongheng and Park Ji-sung. Park Ji-sung was experienced and blocked to the side to prevent Zhen Shaolong from suddenly turning and accelerating to break through.

After Zhen Shaolong received the ball and paid attention to its position, he glanced at the door and used the temporary effect - "Passive Control".

He immediately turned around and jumped over Zhao Rongheng.

This action almost passed through the middle of Zhao Yonghyung and Park Ji-sung, and immediately threw the two behind them again, but the direction changed from towards the baseline to towards the goal.

Neither Zhao Rongheng nor Park Ji-sung reacted, because a moment ago Zhen Shaolong was still protecting the ball with his back.

What about the ball?

People outside the field could see it very clearly, "Look at this ball! The ball has been passed!" When Zhen Shaolong turned around and rushed up, the football rolled past Zhao Rongheng. Zhao Rongheng didn't seem to see the ball at all, and his turning movements were a bit awkward. Slowly, the look on his face as he looked around showed that he had no idea that he would be passed.

Park Ji-sung's direction was too different and he had no time to defend.

Zhen Shaolong overcame the two defenders with one movement. After running past Zhao Rongheng, the football happened to come back in front of him. His position was already in the penalty area and he continued to rush towards the goal. When he found another opponent's defender approaching, he immediately used it again. 'Passive control' effect.

Then... keep rushing towards the goal!

The Korean team's defender was center back Lee Jung-soo.

Li Zhengxiu saw Zhen Shaolong dribbling the ball past Zhao Yongheng and Park Ji-sung, and immediately rushed over to defend. He wanted to make up for his mistake with his performance, and he also defended very seriously. He stared at the football with his eyes motionless. When he saw Zhen Shaolong exerting his strength from Rushing from one side, he subconsciously aimed at the ball and kicked it.

Then the kick was empty...

Under the effect of 'passive ball control', the football spun around Lee Jung-soo's swung right foot, but in the eyes of others, Lee Jung-soo failed to kick it accurately, and the football had a slight spin. His kick was completely missed, he couldn't control his center of gravity at all, and fell to one side with funny movements.

"Zhen Shaolong!"

"Li Zhengxiu was shaken!"

Zhen Shaolong was not in the mood to pay attention to Li Zhengxiu's situation. After rushing two steps past Li Zhengxiu, he lowered his head and glanced in front of him, and found that the football was indeed at his feet.

He immediately waved his right foot!


The football headed straight towards the bottom corner of the goal.

Goalkeeper Li Yun was struggling to make a save, but the shot was too close, less than ten meters away. He still almost missed it and watched the football roll from below.

“The ball went in—!”

"In! In! In again!"

"With less than six minutes apart, Zhen Shaolong scored twice, breaking through the Korean team's gate for the second time and helping the Chinese team take the lead..."

"This ball is quite exciting!"

"Zhen Shaolong showed his superb skills in the penalty area. He broke through Zhao Yongheng, Park Ji-sung and Li Yunjae successively, and completed the goal with a powerful shot. It can be seen that the Korean team's defense is very weak. They rushed up one by one and could not affect Zhen Shaolong at all. .”

"This is a huge gap in strength..."

When the CCTV game commentator said the last sentence, he suddenly had the urge to hold his head high. When will the "strength gap" be said in the Chinese team's game? Generally speaking, there is a strength gap between the Chinese team and its opponents, but now it has become a strength gap between the opponents and Chinese players.

It’s such a joy to say this!

:. :

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