I Just Can Score

Chapter 703: You have to hurry up to show off your skills!

The wind rustles and the water becomes cold,

The strong man is gone and never comes back.

The Korean players on the court felt very desolate. They were like grass with perseverance in the cold winter. They did not reflect the tenacious spirit and perseverance, but the possibility of freezing to death at any time.

Many players envy their teammates on the bench. It's great to be a substitute without pressure.

No need to show up!

No need to face Zhen Shaolong!

It's not a good experience to participate in a game where you are 'definitely losing'. If there is a huge gap between the two sides and there is no hope of winning, the game is better. For example, if you are playing against the world's top teams such as Brazil and Germany, losing will be a bad experience. Domestic fans can understand if they lose.

The Chinese team is different.

Korean fans had great hopes before the game, and they also participated in the game with hope. Even Li Yunjae, the oldest member of the team, has no memory of losing to the Chinese team.

The game on the court now is really a bit painful.

Many Korean players on the field hope that the coach will replace them quickly when they see that they are not performing well. The time when they sit on the bench will definitely pass quickly, so they don't have to continue to feel uncomfortable on the field.


The voices of Korean players were ignored.

The outside world is talking about Zhen Shaolong, his playing style, his skills, his shooting, his goals, etc. Among them, the most talked about is Zhen Shaolong's playing style -


Not much to talk about the performance in club games, what the Olympic team and the national team showed was independence.

It is often said that a player is more "independent", which is not a positive evaluation, but when it comes to Zhen Shaolong, it is different. The teammates' experience is that "Zhen Shaolong is enough alone", and the fans' experience is that "Zhen Shaolong can always score goals." , Duisevic is the former coach of the Olympic team and the current national team. He has a deep understanding of this and knows that Zhen Shaolong's "independence" is due to his sufficient self-confidence.

"He believes he has a better chance of doing it himself than passing it to his teammates!"

"His skills are so good!"

"The threat he alone poses,

This is something that the entire Chinese team cannot do, no matter how they cooperate! "

This is Duisevich's experience.

There is nothing unusual about Duisevic's feelings. As long as clubs and media have done some research on Zhen Shaolong's performance, they can come to similar conclusions. Especially for each club, they all want to cultivate their own unique talents. 'Zhen Shaolong'.

Then the butterfly effect happened.

Some European clubs sent personnel to the youth training of St. Pauli Club to study training methods. They also hope to train a player like Zhen Shaolong like St. Pauli.


None of these clubs have learned the training method. I just feel that the fans of St. Pauli are very enthusiastic and the environment is very suitable for the growth of young players. It is easy to have a few C-Ronaldo, Alan Smith types and gossip stars who often change their girlfriends.

Some clubs analyze Zhen Shaolong's growth process and feel that they should provide players with better quality and cultural education. Zhen Shaolong's high school grades are very good. He was admitted to Zhengyang University, which is ranked among the top 20 in China, and he can barely be regarded as a 'primary school bully'.

Xueba has a strong ability to learn cultural knowledge. Maybe it will also be helpful for playing football?


While the game on the field was still going on, everything about Zhen Shaolong became a topic of discussion by the media and commentators. The Korean team's offense that was being staged was no longer important. The Korean team's offense was not the best in the world, even if there were wonderful things, and Zhen Shaolong's single-handed attack on South Korea's defense was not at the same level.

Secondly, what if the South Korean team scores a goal?

They will definitely lose!

Even the Korean players on the field thought so. They only attacked symbolically, ran, fought, and looked for opportunities mechanically. They didn't think they had a chance to win at all.


The South Korean team had just launched two good offensives. When it was the Chinese team's turn to attack, Zhen Shaolong succeeded in grabbing the ball in front of the goal. Being guarded by Li Zhengxiu and Zhao Yonghyung, he sent the ball into the goal with his back.

"The fifth goal!"

"Zhen Shaolong is really omnipotent! Looking at the process of the ball, he was almost knocked down. He didn't even look back. He touched the ball with his back, but the football still bounced into the goal accurately."

"This is definitely not luck. Every part of Zhen Shaolong's body can become a fatal weapon for scoring goals!"

If Zhen Shaolong was playing for St. Pauli, similar goals would definitely be considered luck.

It's different now.

Zhen Shaolong has scored too many goals, and fans have also discovered that he can score goals in various ways. They attribute these goals to luck. There will be more than ten or twenty lucky goals in a season.

That’s definitely not right!

No one is that lucky!

Therefore, the reason for the goal can only be that Zhen Shaolong did it deliberately. Sometimes he deliberately made strange goals, and sometimes he had a flash of inspiration and found no other way to successfully send the ball into the goal.

The CCTV commentator sighed, "Zhen Shaolong is omnipotent! Five goals in half, it's simply terrifying!"

"Zhen Shaolong can continuously set scoring records in the Premier League and the Champions League, but he is regarded as a struggle between adults and children."

"He played so easily!"

"Five goals were scored in just half time. Zhen Shaolong's personal performance made the game lose suspense. I believe that the majority of Chinese fans will not be disappointed in the game. The national football team with Zhen Shaolong has become completely different!"

The Chinese team definitely won.

This was the consensus of everyone at halftime. With a five-goal lead, it was simply impossible for the South Korean team to tie.

In addition, the Korean team also needs to consider Zhen Shaolong.

How do they defend?

South Korean team coach Xu Dingmao also knew that he would definitely lose. He felt helpless about the game. Failure to coach the Chinese team by a big score would become a stain on the coaching process, but there was nothing he could do at this point. He knew that losing would still be criticized by the fans. I understand, after all, Zhen Shaolong's performance was too good.

But it’s not okay to lose too ugly!

Xu Dingmao had already thought of a strategy and immediately made substitutions in the second half. He replaced two substitute defenders and replaced Kim Jung-woo and Lee Tong-guo who were not good at defense. After strengthening the defense in the backcourt, the opponent would not be able to score again. easy.

During the halftime break, Xu Dingmao cheered everyone up, talked about the game and asked everyone to pay attention to defense.

"At least you can't lose too much, you can't lose more than seven..."

Seven, that’s a lot!

It would be too embarrassing to lose too many goals in a game, and among the several goals scored in the first half, two or three were obviously opportunities given to the opponent. On the one hand, the opponent played well, and the team's defense was also careless. The essential.

There is no way to explain it to the fans at that time.

As long as the team can defend well, even if it gives up goals to save face, it can be accepted without conceding too many goals.

No one cares what happens to the Korean team.

The locker room of the Chinese team was relaxed. The players had never played such a relaxed game before. Zhen Shaolong scored five goals by himself, making the game completely lose suspense.

Everyone's thinking is, "When we encounter games in the future, we will defend and let Zhen Shaolong score goals."

This is a bad idea.

After Duishevich returned to the locker room, he talked about the problem of players not actively attacking, "Each of you is a part of the game, and football is the luck of eleven people. You must remember this sentence talk."

"Indeed, Zhen's performance is very good, and the opponent can't guard against him at all, but this is not a reason for you not to be serious."

"Each of you is a part of the team, and everyone needs to work hard. It's not just one or two games. Winning or losing is very important, but your performance and growth are also important. No team can rely on If one person succeeds, the victory belongs to everyone and the honor belongs to everyone.”

What Duisevich said has entered the hearts of many people.

During the match against the South Korean team, most people felt like they were useless. The rest of the team was involved in defense, and their contribution was all about defense. Zhen Shaolong attacked the opponent's defense line alone, and the victory seemed to belong to Zhen Shaolong alone. .

Duisevic regards them as part of the team, and a very important part.

Everyone felt valued.

This feeling of importance is precious, and they also know that they should work hard and not just rely on Zhen Shaolong. As Duisevic said, victory is only one aspect, and their personal performance is also important.

The media and fans don’t have to think so much.

During the intermission, the media, commentators and fans talked about Zhen Shaolong when talking about the game. The commentator from CCTV relaxed and joked with the guests, "Director Wang, guess how many goals Zhen Shaolong will score in the second half. ?”

"This is an interesting question."

Coach Wang’s name is Wang Haidong. He is the former main forward of the Chinese national team. He is very influential in domestic football and is also a star of the Chinese national team. When he heard the commentator’s words, he responded with a smile, “I think there should be two. .”

"Not five? Zhen Shaolong scored five in the first half."

Wang Haidong smiled and shook his head.

"Otherwise, let's make a bet. Whoever loses will write a long article praising Zhen Shaolong's goal, which can be regarded as 'praising someone'..."

"Hahaha, that's a good idea!" Wang Haidong said with a smile, "But it seems to be beneficial to you. I am engaged in football, and you are the host, which is what you do."

"Then I will take advantage." The commentator smiled, "I will take advantage again. You are a professional and I am an amateur. Let me start by saying, I bet Zhen Shaolong can score three goals in the second half."


Wang Haidong shook his head and felt helpless, "Three is the most likely number. You are taking advantage of it."

"Then how many do you guess? It can't be three."

"No, if you guess three, I'll guess two." Wang Haidong said with a smile.

"Two? A little less, right? Zhen Shaolong scored five in the first half..."

"It's quite a lot. You haven't thought about a problem." Wang Haidong pointed with his finger and said, "He may be replaced. I estimate that he will definitely be replaced, and it will take up to thirty minutes."


The commentator smiled bitterly and said, "I will definitely lose this time."

It can be heard from the conversation between the CCTV commentator and Wang Haidong that most people think Zhen Shaolong can still score goals, but they are not optimistic about him scoring five more goals at halftime, which means they cannot imagine it.

Zhen Shaolong didn’t expect to gain that much either.

Zhen Shaolong has always believed in "forgive others when you have to give them mercy". Regardless of whether others believe it or not, he feels that he is kind and will not score a goal in a game.

in addition……

No bonus!

There are also bonuses for scoring goals for the national team, but the amount of bonuses is really pitiful. Compared to his income, it is basically the same as nothing.


It's much better than nothing.

Zhen Shaolong was still very involved in the competition. He tried his best to show off his strength, show off the effects of temporary skills, and show everyone his superb skills that he could not usually show.

The second half is time to show off your skills.

When there is no pressure to win or lose, Zhen Shaolong will show off his skills when he has the opportunity. Mainly after the game is over, if he can't show off anymore if he wants to, he will show off more when he can.

The competition became a stage for Zhen Shaolong's personal performance.

"Zhen Shaolong! Turn around 360 degrees and continue to control the breakthrough opponent! Zhao Rongheng was probably stunned by this action..."

"It's Zhen Shaolong again!"

"Look at this ball! Zhen Shaolong completed the pass and passed two people in one go!"

"Zhen Shaolong broke out of the encirclement of three people, but he continues to control it!"

"Shoot—! The ball went in!"

"Zhen Shaolong scored the sixth goal, 6-0. This game is a battle to rectify the reputation of the national football team, and it is also a bloody tragedy for the Korean team!"

After Zhen Shaolong scored his sixth goal, his performance still did not stop. Even if the South Korean team became more aggressive and the court became more explosive, he still had a strong desire to perform.

Sixty-three minutes--

"Zhen Shaolong gets the ball from the bottom line! Breakthrough! It's still a breakthrough!"


"Li Zhengxiu didn't guard against it! This breakthrough was very crisp, the action was very exciting, and the bottom line was unexpectedly..."

"Look at this ball!"

"Zhen Shaolong! Zhen Shaolong! He passed the goalkeeper again! Passed the goalkeeper! In front of the goal, he was playing tricks on Li Yunzai. Li Yunzai didn't pounce on the ball, but he simply left Li Yunzai on the spot! "

"He put the ball in the goal!"

"The seventh goal!"

"In front of Zhen Shaolong, the Korean team's defense seems to have lost its meaning. Whether it is a defender or a goalkeeper, he can easily break through! Dribbling the ball into the goal, this kind of goal is really a slap in the face!"

Although the scoring process was very embarrassing, the Chinese fans were very happy to see it. They wanted to see this kind of goal and the scenes of Chinese players performing unscrupulously on the court.

It exploded!

The Korean team is very sad.

Starting from the 60th minute, the atmosphere on the court changed. The Korean players were very angry. They were unable to play normally. Their fighting and defensive actions became significantly larger, especially against Zhen Shaolong’s defense. If they could not defend themselves normally, they would just simply Increase your action.


Pull people.

Even a direct foul.

The South Korean team was so angry that they ignored it, but they still couldn't stop Zhen Shaolong from scoring. You can imagine the helplessness and despair in their hearts.

There is one person who can stop Zhen Shaolong - Duisevich.

After Zhen Shaolong completed his seventh "slap-in-the-face" goal, considering the smell of gunpowder on the field, Duisevic simply replaced Zhen Shaolong, allowing him to enjoy the cheers of the fans in the stands and walk off in a heroic manner. court.

The Korean team breathed a sigh of relief.

The Chinese players on the field also breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhen Shaolong not only brings huge pressure and despair to his opponents, but also brings huge pressure to his teammates, because when he is on the court, he will become the center of attention, and everyone else seems to have become a foil, whether his performance is good or bad. It doesn't matter at all.

Now that Zhen Shaolong is out, they have a chance to perform.

This is so sad.

But no matter what, the outcome of the game has been determined, and Zhen Shaolong has already left the game. They can really enjoy the remaining time of the game and strive to perform better and more brilliantly. Under the guidance of head coach Duisevic, they can The Chinese media and fans feel extra points.

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