I Just Can Score

Chapter 705 That’s a feeling called heartbeat

The match between the Chinese team and the South Korean team is over.

Eight to zero.

The result of the game shocked the entire Asia and even the world. Zhen Shaolong personally scored seven goals. With an unstoppable and crazy attitude, he regarded South Korea's defense as if there was no one in the country. His amazing performance became the topic of media reports.

Scoring seven goals in an international A-level match did not break a record or anything like that, but the national team games in history where individuals scored many goals were all contests between strong teams and weak teams, such as the Chinese team and South Korea. This is the case for the team. Looking at the results and head-to-head records of the two teams in the past ten years, the South Korean team can be said to have an overall advantage. It is very rare for Zhen Shaolong to score seven goals.

The attitude of the European media is very calm.

The European media know Zhen Shaolong better and trust his level and ability more. Most of their comments are without surprise. Just like the Times said, "When playing against teams such as Manchester United and Chelsea, Zhen Shaolong can win every game." Is it weird to score four, five goals, and South Korea scored seven goals?”

"The Korean team may not necessarily be able to catch up with the lower-tier teams in the Premier League."

This is the truth.

Regardless of the tacit cooperation between the club and the team, judging only from the perspective of lineup strength and player value, the strength level of the Korean team is at best equivalent to that of the English Championship clubs, and there is a big gap between it and the Premier League clubs, even if it is the star of the Korean team Park Ji-sung, in the entire Premier League, is just an ordinary mid-to-upper-tier player. He may not be able to become the core of clubs in the lower-tier Premier League. The gap between other Korean players is even greater. It is difficult for ordinary Korean team players to qualify for the English Championship. Team.

European media and fans look down on the level of competition. They are more willing to evaluate Zhen Shaolong's performance and some additional things.

For example, "The Sun" conducted an interesting survey. They interviewed 500 fans aged 20 to 30 on the streets of London, and 17% of them knew about the match between the Chinese team and the Korean team.

This ratio is quite high.

British fans are very arrogant. They rarely pay attention to other leagues. Even Serie A, La Liga and other leagues, they don't care at all, let alone the confrontation between East Asian football countries. Fans know about the match between the Chinese team and the South Korean team. Because Zhen Shaolong participated in the game, the fans focused on Zhen Shaolong instead of the game.

These fans who followed the game had mixed comments about the game.

One of the fans’ interview comments was very ‘convincing’.

"I think FIFA should ban Zhen Shaolong from participating in ordinary games. What I mean is that the level is not high, such as... English League One, or even the Championship, which is lower than the level of the Premier League anyway. Zhen Shaolong participates in those games. , the result will not be suspense, and it will also make the football game lose the fun of suspense."

After the report published by "The Sun" came out, the Internet was immediately filled with comments from fans. A large number of fans said that "Zhen Shaolong should be banned from participating in low-level events" and that the Chinese team "can only allow Zhen Shaolong when playing against the world's strongest teams" Appearance', and some netizens said like supplementary clauses, "FIFA should allow the Chinese team to directly enter the World Cup finals. They don't have to play in the qualifiers at all. The Chinese team's opponents are only those weak teams in Asia. Against weak teams in Asia, For the team, it is unfair to compete against the Chinese team with Zhen Shaolong."

Then the European Internet was flooded with comments saying 'Zhen Shaolong is banned from participating'--

"It's unfair for Zhen Shaolong to participate."

"He is not an ordinary striker, he is a universe-level striker. From now on, Zhen Shaolong will be able to score many goals quickly in every international competition he participates in."

"Perhaps the scoring records in various international competitions will be broken!"

"He should be a European player, not an Asian player, because Asian teams are generally not strong. His participation in Asian games will make the game unfair and the result of the game will be unexpected."


European media reports are so intense, not to mention domestic reports in China, that even hot searches and news on the Internet are flooded with news about the game--

"The Chinese team defeated South Korea with eight goals, and Zhen Shaolong led the national football team to turn around!"

"Announced from today: China is back in the ranks of strong teams!"

"Zhen Shaolong personally destroyed South Korea's defense line, and China became the only country in the world with a 'nuclear-pinball star'."

"China VS South Korea: Zhen Shaolong scored seven goals individually, showing the power of a nuclear bomb star!"


Chinese domestic media reports and fans' comments are basically based on excitement, excitement and praise for Zhen Shaolong. Simply put, there is a sound of celebration and expectation.

The reports from South Korea are also interesting.

After the Korean team experienced a disastrous match, South Korea naturally lamented, and they also carefully analyzed the match. In addition to Zhen Shaolong's horrible performance, "there is no way", the Korean players also did not perform well on the field. The lack of attention to Zhen Shaolong in the early stage was a problem. The performance in the second half was even more criticized.

An analysis article on the official website of South Korea's Seoul TV said, "The Korean team has witnessed Zhen Shaolong's lethality with personal experience, but its own performance is a huge problem that cannot be ignored."

"The Korean team was too careless and didn't take the game seriously."

"Experiencing this nightmare defeat may also remind the Korean team that the Chinese team is not easy to deal with. It is even said that the Chinese team with Zhen Shaolong has the strength to defeat the Korean team by a big score. The result of the game is proof. "

Other media in South Korea also expressed their opinions and criticized the performance of the Korean team and some players on the field. Center defender Lee Soo-jung and goalkeeper Lee Yun-jae were the focus of criticism by the Korean media. Their performances were criticized to the point that they had no merit at all. Some media even called for giving other goalkeepers a chance. Li Yunzai is too old after all.

at the same time.

South Korea's reports are not lacking in public opinion. Even after a gloomy defeat, pessimistic and critical reports are still interspersed with various strange news.

"Korea Daily" reported, "According to detailed interview statistics, after this game, Zhen Shaolong has higher support in South Korea, especially many female fans who like Zhen Shaolong very much. Some female fans said in interviews, I won’t miss any of Zhen Shaolong’s games in the future.”

Korean actresses also came to watch the show.

Members of a well-known Korean girl group have expressed their support for Zhen Shaolong, "If there is another game, I will go to watch it and let Zhen Shaolong know that I am his fan. I support him!"

"He is very charming, his skills and personality are impressive."

"He is my ideal partner!"

"If I could confess to him in person, I would faint with excitement whether he agreed or not."


In addition to the famous Korean girl groups, there are also many famous Korean actresses who have entered the topic one after another and expressed their opinions on Zhen Shaolong. A large number of reports give people the feeling that Zhen Shaolong has become the dream of all Korean actresses. They didn't mind what happened, and some even said that in order to attract Zhen Shaolong's attention, they would not stay in Korea but hope to come to China for development.


It is probably not just Zhen Shaolong that they want to come to China. China's huge market is obviously much more attractive than South Korea.

In addition, Korean reports will not lack "Korean characteristics". Some strange media used so-called "scientific" methods to analyze Zhen Shaolong's face. After analyzing a whole set of theories, they finally concluded that "Zhen Shaolong has Korean characteristics" Genetically, his ancestor of the last N generations may have been Korean."


Zhen Shaolong was not in the mood to pay attention to outside reports for the time being. After the game, he celebrated with his teammates.

That night was celebration time.

Although most of the participating players were a little tired, they still cheered up and had a carnival celebration. It was indispensable to go to the hotel to eat and drink. There was also a large group of officials and the like to congratulate the victory. Among them were mayor-level dignitaries. It can be seen that the game How big is the impact?

The reason why the senior official appeared was that the Chinese team's victory was inspiring, and the meaning was basically "the Chinese team has brought glory to the country."

Win glory for the country!

When I say this word, I feel a bit lofty.

Zhen Shaolong felt that he had invisibly improved a lot, a bit like he had become a so-called 'national hero'. A similar feeling was quite good.

During the celebration that night, officials from the Football Association also promised to distribute bonuses. The bonus amount was only a part of the ticket revenue-two million yuan. Everyone was very happy to hear about the bonus.

Zhen Shaolong also feels good.

Take it if you have money!

Although it is true that what you get is not much, and it can be said to be very small after deducting taxes, having money is always better than having no money. An increase in the number in the bank always brings a sense of joy.

He suddenly remembered something.

Many people say that 'rich people's money has lost its meaning, because no matter how much they earn, it is just a cold number.' According to his own feelings, he is purely lying!

Cold numbers?

Even if the money changes in the bank, adding more numbers can make people happy. If 10 million is only enough to buy two villas, 20 million can buy four villas.

Can it be the same?

If there is too much money in the bank to spend, he can spend it at will and even buy luxury yachts and private jets. The happiness of the Arab tycoon is beyond the imagination of ordinary people!

After the celebration in the evening, the national team announced its disbandment. The players could return to the scheduled hotel to rest, or they could leave directly under the cover of night.

Zhen Shaolong's choice was to change to a hotel.

Many reporters and fans are staying at the original hotel. If they go back, they will attract a lot of attention, which is not a good experience.

The next morning Zhen Shaolong got up hazy and found that Alice, who was supposed to be lying next to her, had already dressed up and returned to her capable appearance. The only thing was that she only dressed up her hair and cheeks, and before she had enough clothes to wrap her up, he decided to go to bed. After resting until noon, Alice could only moan in pain and dissatisfaction.


Zhen Shaolong finally cheered up and got up. The flight was booked in the evening, but he decided to stay until night because he would encounter a lot of trouble if he went out.

He plans to pass the time online.

The news from the media is still very interesting, especially the content is related to me, but there is one piece of news that is very depressing, that is, the domestic media quoted the reports of the Korean media and made a series of criticisms.

At the bottom of the report, domestic netizens scolded, "This is so shameless, they actually said that Zhen Shaolong has Korean ancestry!"

"They want to claim everything as theirs!"

"Zhen Shaolong's family may really have Korean ancestry. Haven't you seen so many Korean actresses expressing love for Zhen Shaolong? Maybe he should choose some to form a huge family team..."


Zhen Shaolong glanced at this comment and found that the netizen still had many ideas!

Korean girl groups, actresses... people.

Zhen Shaolong thought about it carefully, turned his head and glanced at Alice who was packing her things, and suddenly realized that he had no special feeling. He was indeed a gentleman, and he was not moved by this at all.

He then tweeted, “I saw Korean media saying today that I have Korean genes.

very angry.

very funny.

That's absolutely impossible because I haven't had plastic surgery.

I swear. "

This tweet quickly entered the domestic online hot search rankings, and the ranking is still rising. It was soon pushed to the first position by netizens.

The focus of domestic netizens is, "Zhen Shaolong teases Korean genes for plastic surgery."

Many Korean media forwarded Zhen Shaolong's tweets, but Korean netizens paid attention to the latter - Zhen Shaolong has not had plastic surgery, that is... his handsomeness is the same as before.

Even Koreans will feel that truth is always better than fake.


Many Korean female fans are even more excited about Zhen Shaolong, and more and more actresses have come forward to publicly express their love for Zhen Shaolong. The Korean Internet is almost occupied by actresses’ confessions, and it has even affected domestic public opinion. You can easily find it on the Internet. I saw the news that a certain Korean actress confessed her love to Zhen Shaolong.


Zhen Shaolong paid attention to the public opinion again, browsed the photos of the actresses who had confessed to him, and then turned to look at Alice. He was puzzled to find that his mentality had changed.

It was a heart-pounding feeling.


Zhen Shaolong left the capital and returned to Zheng Yang's hometown.

The villa that Zhen Jiuye helped to buy was quite good before, but it is not enough now. A large number of reporters and fans gathered outside the community, and some even sneaked inside and directly affected life.

Zhen Shaolong only stayed at home for two hours before he found that it was impossible to stay there.

His plan was to stay for a week.

In the end, Zhen Shaolong had no choice but to leave early and asked Zhao Xueling to help buy a large manor. He didn't want to ask Master Zhen Jiu for similar things because Master Zhen was disgusted with what to do with his money.

"It's good to have a 'cheap stepmother', but Master Jiu is really unreliable!"

Zhen Shaolong thought depressedly.

Since he couldn't stay at Zheng Yang's house for longer, Zhen Shaolong simply started his business trip in advance. He traveled to three cities in a week and participated in various business, charity and other activities. After more than a week of busy life, he started his business trip in advance. Returned to Spain and planned to stay at the resort beach until the start of the new season.

On his first day back in Spain, Zhen Shaolong heard surprising news - Manchester United star C-Ronaldo had transferred to Real Madrid for 78 million euros! 8)

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