I Just Can Score

Chapter 709 It’s natural for you to be a substitute

Raul is a good man.

If we distinguish good guys from bad guys based on their professionalism, the negative aspects of fame, the health of their private lives, and the impression they bring to fans, there is no doubt that Real Madrid's 'Prince Bernabeu' has almost no gossip. It is recognized that Raul loves his family - -Gonzalez is definitely a good person in the professional player circle, and can even be said to be a model of professional players.

In the Real Madrid locker room, Raul is also a very enthusiastic person. He is willing to help the newcomers and actively builds a good relationship with every teammate. He is also a true captain-level player and will pay attention to the performance of everyone in the team.

When a teammate performs poorly due to his mentality, Raul will also comfort and encourage him in appropriate ways.


The same goes for Raul now. He took the initiative to build a good relationship with Zhen Shaolong.

Raul really wants to get to know Zhen Shaolong.

Even as the prince of the Bernabeu, Raul feels that he has not reached the heights of Zhen Shaolong.

In recent seasons, Zhen Shaolong has been a man of the hour in European football. He has continuously set various scoring records. He has won various awards representing the highest professional achievements, and even blatantly refused the Ballon d'Or awarded by "France Football". And also get support from a lot of fans.

Raul did not reach this level when he was at his most glorious.

Zhen Shaolong officially transferred to Real Madrid, which is something Raul is looking forward to. Raul is over 32 years old, and his competitive status has gone downhill. He knows that he cannot occupy the main position for a long time. Regarding position, appearances, etc., He no longer attaches much importance to it. He hopes to stand on top of Europe again with Real Madrid.

at the same time.

Raul was also very curious about Zhen Shaolong's football skills. His friend Zidane was full of praise for Zhen Shaolong's skills. He also watched the video of the two comparing their skills. He really thought it was a bit exaggerated, as if it was from 'science fiction football'. The plot had absolutely nothing to do with reality. Because of this, he wanted to see it even more.

When Zhen Shaolong returned to the court, Raul couldn't wait to train with him.

Both of them trained freely, and there were no prescribed events.

Raul had just arrived on the court, and they did a simple warm-up together. When the whole team trains together, they will do some collective exercises in the warm-up, such as running a few laps around the court. Two people don't need to do this.

They competed for 100 meters together.


Zhen Shaolong's speed is not slow. After his strength and agility have improved, his explosive power has also improved a lot. It cannot be said that he has reached the top level. In the professional football circle, he can also compare with the faster stars.

Raul is also very fast.

Raul won the 100-meter race in the first competition, but in the second time it was Zhen Shaolong who won.

Zhen Shaolong couldn't help but give Raul a thumbs up.

Raul is already over thirty!

No matter how good your condition is at this age, your body will definitely decline. It is absolutely amazing that the 100 meters is almost the same as him.

Raul didn't take it seriously. He was already fast, and he also knew that Zhen Shaolong was not a striker who relied on speed, so it wouldn't matter if he won once.

Next is the normal warm-up.

They all performed full-body exercises based on their personal habits. Raoul's choice was to constantly stretch his arms and press his legs to relax some muscles and joints throughout his body, while Zhen Shaolong did a very difficult set of yoga.

"This is the first time I've seen someone using yoga as a warm-up." Raoul couldn't help but be surprised. He followed Zhen Shaolong and did a few moves, and found that he couldn't do many of the moves, and he couldn't hold on to the ones he could do for a long time.

Zhen Shaolong is not a yoga master, but he is quite good at it.

Raul is a complete rookie.

At this time, the gap in physical flexibility became apparent. Raul felt that the yoga warm-up method was really strange. He observed and followed it, thinking, "This may be the reason why he has few injuries."

Raoul is not sure whether yoga can help reduce injuries, but Zhen Shaolong's injuries are indeed very few. I haven't seen them in the news anyway. Zhen Shaolong will be severely targeted during competitions. With fewer injuries, he can improve his body flexibility. So connected.

Next, the two did passing and catching training together.

In terms of passing and receiving training, Zhen Shaolong's level is actually average. His ball-stopping movements, experience, and ball control can only be described as average, because the ball control level is actually linked to the 'ball sense' ability, which is basic. The 'Ball Sense' attribute has an average rating, and his ability to control the ball and pass and receive the ball is not very high.


Zhen Shaolong has skill support.

If you have reaction time, "Calibration" can help you kick the ball more accurately, and "Skill" is a magical skill for stopping the ball.

After training together for more than ten minutes, Raul spoke highly of Zhen Shaolong, "The pass is very accurate! The strength and control are average, but the kick is really accurate."

"Strength...maybe it's a matter of experience?"

“The stoppage is great!”

During the yoga warm-up and passing and receiving training, Raul's evaluation of Zhen Shaolong's skills was only above average. When it came to the next step of personal training, Zhen Shaolong's level refreshed Raul's understanding.

Zhen Shaolong's personal training is shooting training.

All forward players will have this program, and of course Raul is the same. Continuously shooting to find the accurate feeling is very important for the state of the game. One accurate shot may determine the outcome of the game. It is important for forward players to do shooting training. necessary.

Raul's shooting training was very ordinary. He just asked the staff to help kick the ball over and then kicked it into the goal again and again.

Zhen Shaolong is different.

Now Zhen Shaolong's shooting training has "progressed" a long time ago. He will not simply shoot. With the assistance of the "Calibration" skill, ordinary shooting training will hardly help him at all.

He has three projects - shooting at fixed points from behind the pile, shooting at fixed corners, and kicking crossbar and post training.

Shooting from different points, that is, standing outside the penalty area, and placing a partition appropriately between the goal and the goal to act as a human wall. The partition blocks almost all angles. The staff helps to kick the ball over. Regardless of whether the kick is good or not, Zhen Shaolong It's a kick when running.

To a certain extent, this shooting training can also be regarded as direct free kick training, but it is more difficult and becomes shooting during exercise.

To shoot from a fixed blind spot, use colored strips to draw out two small areas in the upper left corner and upper right corner of the goal, covering an area of ​​about a quarter of a square meter. The fastest updated mobile version::

Zhen Shaolong will use various dribbling methods to rush to the middle of the penalty spot and the outside of the penalty area, kicking the ball into two small areas again and again.

The last training of kicking the crossbar and uprights requires no explanation.


Zhen Shaolong will stand more than ten meters away and kick the ball. The way to increase the difficulty is to kick the ball several times in a row to find a point that can bounce the football back to his feet. This not only reduces the labor of the staff, but also makes shooting training easier.

Zhen Shaolong was just doing his own training and didn't care about Raul next to him, but how could Raul not care?

The two are training together!

At the beginning, Raul even went over to try Zhen Shaolong's project, a similar difficult shooting method. He also had some training, but the training process was basically not ideal, and he didn't think it was of any use.


After seeing Zhen Shaolong kick the ball to the right position time and time again, and even hit the crossbar accurately several times in a row, and the ball bounced back to his feet accurately, Raul did not continue to kick, and even said that he had no intention of continuing to train.

How to start with this?

How to kick?

There were several staff watching nearby. Zhen Shaolong achieved his goal accurately with one kick. He had missed the target several times with his kicks in the past. Doesn't that mean he was embarrassed in front of everyone? It's not a big deal if there are other teammates who are also embarrassed, but he is the only one on the court.

"I just want to do normal training!"

"Can you play well!"

Raul was depressed.

They trained for two hours that day. Zhen Shaolong planned to go home after exercising. Raul would not train for too long. After all, the preparations for the new season have not started yet. No matter how diligent he is, there is no need to train for a long time.

Raoul asked for Zhen Shaolong's contact information and address, made an appointment with him to visit him at some time, turned around and left with a look of loneliness on his face.

Raul has a good friend named Guti.

The friendship between Guti and Raul started when they were young. They both came from the Real Madrid youth training system. Guti is half a year older than Raul. They also joined the Real Madrid first team together and established themselves in the first team.

Compared with the famous Raul, Guti seems a bit inconspicuous, mainly because his performance is not outstanding, and perhaps also because Real Madrid has introduced too many superstars, making it difficult for Guti to occupy the main position. Most of the time he is in Between the main force and the substitute.

One by one, superstars come to Real Madrid, and one by one, superstars leave Real Madrid.

Guti and Raul have stayed in the team because they came from Real Madrid's youth training camp and are also Real Madrid's representative stars. It is worth mentioning that Guti became Real Madrid's vice-captain in 2003 and is still the vice-captain today.

Guti called Raul that day and asked Raul and his family to have dinner together. The two families had a dinner together.

Wife is chatting.

Children are playing nearby.

Guti and Raul also chatted. They talked about the newly joined Zhen Shaolong, Ronaldo and Kaká.

Guti said expectantly, "It is estimated that this season, our results will get better again. The three top stars have been really dazzling in the past two years." He also sighed, "Times have changed. In just a few years, they have been the same. In an era, we will probably retire in two years, but if the team can win another Champions League, I will be very satisfied."

"By the way, Raul, do you know them?"

Raul said, "Yesterday I went to the training ground and met Zhen Shaolong."

"Oh? How about that guy?"

Raul let out a long sigh, shook his head with a complex expression and said, "I really don't want to talk about him, even hearing his name makes me sad."

"Why?" Guti didn't understand.

"You will know when you see him when the training officially starts." Raul shook his head and said. He felt that letting Guti see it with his own eyes would be clearer than any explanation. On the contrary, the language expression was pale, and Guti might not know how to speak it. letter.

Guti didn't understand the meaning at all. He saw the loneliness in Raul's eyes, and even the helpless expression, and suddenly felt very confused. He frowned and asked, "Tell me again, what's going on? What happened?" .”

Raul continued to sigh. He started to say something, but immediately stopped and sighed again, and then said, "Ever since I met him, I feel that my becoming a star is entirely due to luck. Really, that's how I feel."

"And you..."

Raul glanced at Guti and made a straightforward comment, "You always fail to play, so it's natural that you always play as a substitute."


Guti felt that Raul was mocking him, but he still didn't understand. He thought carefully, "Is Raul being bullied? That's right! Raul is such a good person. Last year, there was a newcomer who clamored for Raul to be a substitute. , Raul always smiled and didn’t care.”

"Zhen Shaolong, the world's number one star, must be even more arrogant, right?"


The more Guti thought about it, the more tense he became. He knew that Raul was a good person and didn't care about this at all, and he wouldn't take it too seriously, but he would not let his friend be bullied. "When the preparations for the season start, we must teach him a lesson. Let him know this is Real Madrid!"

Two days later.

Real Madrid held a signing ceremony for C-Ronaldo and invited a large number of football celebrities and media reporters.

Zhen Shaolong attended as a teammate and guest. He sat on the side of the rostrum, which was equivalent to giving C-Ronaldo a platform. The fastest updated computer version::/

The protagonist of the joining ceremony is C-Ronaldo.

C-Ronaldo calmly responded to questions from reporters from all sides in a very relaxed and smooth manner. He expressed his expectations for joining Real Madrid, his expectations for the new season, and his confidence in achieving good results with the team.

During the free interview stage, reporters were free to choose whom to ask questions, and Zhen Shaolong became the focus of the interview.


The question is still related to the joining of Ronaldo.

The reporters mainly asked two questions, "Do you look forward to becoming a partner with Ronaldo?" and "What do you want to say about Ronaldo joining?"

Zhen Shaolong was very depressed.

There were a lot of people at the scene, but most of them were men. The number of women was too small, probably no more than thirty.

It was not good to be interviewed when "Privilege" was not activated, so he could only give symbolic answers.

"Are you looking forward to becoming a partner with Ronaldo?"

"I...should I say looking forward to it or not looking forward to it?"

"What do you want to say about Ronaldo joining?"

"...C-Ronaldo is my good friend."

Zhen Shaolong's first answer was regarded as a 'joke', and his second answer was regarded as 'looking forward to Ronaldo joining'. After all, he and Ronaldo are good friends, so being in the same team should be considered something to look forward to.

The next day was Kaka’s joining ceremony.

Kaka personally called and invited Zhen Shaolong to attend his joining ceremony. Zhen Shaolong had no choice but to go and attend.

"Are you looking forward to becoming a partner with Kaka?"

"I...should I say looking forward to it, or not looking forward to it? I don't think the answer needs to be said."

"What do you want to say about Kaka's joining?"

"...Kaká is one of the best athletes in the world."

When Ronaldo joined the team the day before, it was okay for Zhen Shaolong to use this as an answer. Reporters only thought he was joking. But when Kaká joined, he continued to answer like this, which immediately attracted attention after being reported.

The Spanish Internet is occupied by discussions among fans——

"Zhen Shaolong probably won't answer well!"

"Did you hear the content? It's basically the same. What Zhen Shaolong means is probably: I don't look forward to Ronaldo and Kaká, but I can't say it directly!"

"Didn't he say he was friends with Ronaldo?"

"He affirmed Kaka."

"So is Zhen Shaolong looking forward to it or not?"

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